The idiot female that died on the highway PROTESTING

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And, let's be honest for a second, that driver did a pretty bang up job of keeping control of the car when it started to swerve...
And you can bet the driver will regret his action once the lawsuits start.

How are they going to sue him in prison, take away his apple sauce at dinner?

He's in prison? That's even worse than lawsuits!

Liked I said earlier, I'm sure he's proud of his actions now.

As we are seeing, the MSM is really downplaying this because of his race. It was a black murderer of a white victim. That's a no-no in commie land.

We may never know his motives or reasons why he did what he did unless perhaps Fox or some real news follows up on it.
There are signs along I-5, all 1,381 miles of it, from San Ysidro, California to the Canadian border which state that pedestrians are prohibited.

There's not a single viable argument for her being there...

Doesn't matter, you still can't run over pedestrians.

Part of the reason why you have to carry liability insurance if you drive but not for walking.
She should have been home with a husband and kids

Yeah, barefoot in Winter and pregnant in the Summer.
There are signs along I-5, all 1,381 miles of it, from San Ysidro, California to the Canadian border which state that pedestrians are prohibited.

There's not a single viable argument for her being there...

Doesn't matter, you still can't run over pedestrians.

Part of the reason why you have to carry liability insurance if you drive but not for walking.

Well, if you watch the video, the car's in the right lane/shoulder and that vantage point doesn't allow a sightline to the women who were hit.

They shouldn't have been there. Period.
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She should have been home with a husband and kids

Perhaps she wanted more out of life than to be a mother and a housewife.
What’s a greater reward than giving life and building a strong American family.. playing in traffic? Lol

As I said, the playing in traffic was stupid, especially on the interstate.

But what each individual wants from their life is up to them. And a woman can give life without giving up what she wants out of life.

As far as building a strong American family, if she is married then both should build it. I am always amused by people who would tell me it is great that I helped my wife around the house, with cooking & cleaning. We both worked and we both took care of the household. I am not "helping". I am carrying my share of the load.
Did the other treasonous bitch die yet?
Or will she be destined to block traffic in the future from a wheelchair?
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