The Imaginary Greatness of FDR

So you are going to pretend the decreases in unemployment before the war mean nothing huh?

It didn't decrease before the war you twat. The war started a good three years before we entered it.

Gee, weren't you just accusing others of rewriting history and hating education?

Dear fucking idiot, where do you get your facts from
FDR US Unemployment 1932: 24.1%, 1933: 24.9, 1934: 21.7%, 1935: 20.1%, 1936: 16.9%, 1937: 14.3%, 1938: 19.0%, 1939: 17.2%. 8 year Average = 19.8%

Which of the 8 above years marked the end of the Great Depression

He's the #1 President yet no one has been able to show how he got us out of the Depression.

I'm still waiting.

rewriting history again?

FDR was not president in 1932 asshole

How do you feel this helps you point out FDR's greatness?
In fairness, some of the gargantuan projects served us well. I'm big on Hydro-Electric. ;)
FDR US Unemployment 1932: 24.1%, 1933: 24.9, 1934: 21.7%, 1935: 20.1%, 1936: 16.9%, 1937: 14.3%, 1938: 19.0%, 1939: 17.2%. 8 year Average = 19.8%

Which of the 8 above years marked the end of the Great Depression

He's the #1 President yet no one has been able to show how he got us out of the Depression.

I'm still waiting.

rewriting history again?

FDR was not president in 1932 asshole

How do you feel this helps you point out FDR's greatness?

because you start it off with 1932 so you can show the unemployment going up under FDR.

It did not go up under him until 1938 because in 1937 they backed off the new deal to balence the budget and unemployment returned. Then they cranked it up again and boom he unemployment whent down.

The facts show that his programs worked to reduce unemployment and GDP raised.

You go ahead and try to claim what the facts clearly show ar not true , only brick brained yellow eyed cons will buy the shit sandwich
rewriting history again?

FDR was not president in 1932 asshole

How do you feel this helps you point out FDR's greatness?

because you start it off with 1932 so you can show the unemployment going up under FDR.

It did not go up under him until 1938 because in 1937 they backed off the new deal to balence the budget and unemployment returned. Then they cranked it up again and boom he unemployment whent down.

The facts show that his programs worked to reduce unemployment and GDP raised.

You go ahead and try to claim what the facts clearly show ar not true , only brick brained yellow eyed cons will buy the shit sandwich

Roosevelt also had to back step because of Constitutional issues TM.
So you are going to pretend the decreases in unemployment before the war mean nothing huh?

It didn't decrease before the war you twat. The war started a good three years before we entered it.

Gee, weren't you just accusing others of rewriting history and hating education?

Dear fucking idiot, where do you get your facts from

:lol: So you're telling me the Germans did not invade Czechoslovakia in 1938?

Liesmatter said:
It did not go up under him until 1938 because in 1937 they backed off the new deal to balence the budget and unemployment returned. Then they cranked it up again and boom he unemployment when down.

The facts show that his programs worked to reduce unemployment and GDP raised.

I already pointed that out you. I told you it was a false economy. He hiked up taxes over 90% to implement a wealth redistribution scheme where he could put people to work with government jobs. That's not a recovery. As you said, when he backed off his spending, unemployment went right back up, which proves exactly what we've all been telling you. There was no recovery. If there had been an economic recovery unemployment would not have risen back up again because the private sector would have been producing. It wasn't producing. Get it??? It's not that hard to understand.

Is this why you turned off your rep? Were you getting tired of being negative repped for being such an insufferable douche bag? You're free to believe what ever you want, but when you call other people uneducated who clearly have more education than you and call them idiots when you clearly don't understand what you're talking about, that makes you an insufferable douche bag.
It may have been a false economy, but the Government was the only one spending during those years. If left to the free market unemployment would have reached 50% and additional millions of Americans would have been starving in the street.
Drastic measures are called for in drastic times.....and FDR was the right man to deliver
Liesmatter said:
It did not go up under him until 1938 because in 1937 they backed off the new deal to balence the budget and unemployment returned. Then they cranked it up again and boom he unemployment when down.

The facts show that his programs worked to reduce unemployment and GDP raised.

I already pointed that out you. I told you it was a false economy. He hiked up taxes over 90% to implement a wealth redistribution scheme where he could put people to work with government jobs. That's not a recovery. As you said, when he backed off his spending, unemployment went right back up, which proves exactly what we've all been telling you. There was no recovery. If there had been an economic recovery unemployment would not have risen back up again because the private sector would have been producing. It wasn't producing. Get it??? It's not that hard to understand.

Is this why you turned off your rep? Were you getting tired of being negative repped for being such an insufferable douche bag? You're free to believe what ever you want, but when you call other people uneducated who clearly have more education than you and call them idiots when you clearly don't understand what you're talking about, that makes you an insufferable douche bag.

Insufferable douch bag??? LMAO

You got that right Bro.

Of course if FDR had been a Rep we wouldn't be having this discussion. TM would have been damning him all over the place. LOL
These history rewriters will ignore what millions of Americans who LIVED through the GD know, that FDR saved their asses.

Now some yellow eyed losers are trying to gain political points on the graves of those who are no longer alive to tell you.

How sad these idiots actually think its going to work.

BTW you fools when you pretend history is different than it really is you end up with bad ideas.

Bad info in = bad decisions out
Liesmatter said:
It did not go up under him until 1938 because in 1937 they backed off the new deal to balence the budget and unemployment returned. Then they cranked it up again and boom he unemployment when down.

The facts show that his programs worked to reduce unemployment and GDP raised.

I already pointed that out you. I told you it was a false economy. He hiked up taxes over 90% to implement a wealth redistribution scheme where he could put people to work with government jobs. That's not a recovery. As you said, when he backed off his spending, unemployment went right back up, which proves exactly what we've all been telling you. There was no recovery. If there had been an economic recovery unemployment would not have risen back up again because the private sector would have been producing. It wasn't producing. Get it??? It's not that hard to understand.

Is this why you turned off your rep? Were you getting tired of being negative repped for being such an insufferable douche bag? You're free to believe what ever you want, but when you call other people uneducated who clearly have more education than you and call them idiots when you clearly don't understand what you're talking about, that makes you an insufferable douche bag.

Insufferable douch bag??? LMAO

You got that right Bro.

Of course if FDR had been a Rep we wouldn't be having this discussion. TM would have been damning him all over the place. LOL

Actually we did have a Republican in charge for the first three years of the depression. Hoover followed Republican doctrine of let the market correct itself, let business take care of business in this case. A damaged economy became a horrific economy
FDR was by far the greatest modern president

He took a country from the midst of a Depression and turned us into an economic and military SuperPower

One can only imagine the horrible state we would be in if he listened to the Republicans

Shallowly repeating the mind-numbingly orthodox liberal contention but ignoring the "metrics" cited by CrusaderFrank in the OP falls woefully short of a valid debating point, dimwit.

He did NOT "take" this country from the depression at all. And if the US got ratcheted up as the premier economic power of the day, the policies of FDR had effectively nothing to do with it.

We would obviously have been much better off without the meddling and socialist machinations put into play by FDR.

He does deserve credit for the conduct of much of American military forces during WWII. But that is his sole valid legacy of achievement. Very good in its own right, but hardly enough to make him the greatest President in modern American history. That he simply and clearly was not. He may not be the epic failure of Jimmy Carter or the imbecile in chief, President Obama. But "the greatest?" Not hardly.
FDR was by far the greatest modern president

He took a country from the midst of a Depression and turned us into an economic and military SuperPower

One can only imagine the horrible state we would be in if he listened to the Republicans

Shallowly repeating the mind-numbingly orthodox liberal contention but ignoring the "metrics" cited by CrusaderFrank in the OP falls woefully short of a valid debating point, dimwit.

He did NOT "take" this country from the depression at all. And if the US got ratcheted up as the premier economic power of the day, the policies of FDR had effectively nothing to do with it.

We would obviously have been much better off without the meddling and socialist machinations put into play by FDR.

He does deserve credit for the conduct of much of American military forces during WWII. But that is his sole valid legacy of achievement. Very good in its own right, but hardly enough to make him the greatest President in modern American history. That he simply and clearly was not. He may not be the epic failure of Jimmy Carter or the imbecile in chief, President Obama. But "the greatest?" Not hardly.

If you talk to the people who lived through the depression, it was not about GNP, not about the stock market, not about the banks

It was about the people

FDR understood that. People had their farms blow away in a cloud of dust, people lost their homes, people stood on bread lines. While the Republicans said let things work themselves out....FDR understood the GOVERNMENT had to step in and help the people

FDR got them jobs, FDR made sure they were fed, FDR cared about their children

Thats why the people elected him four times
In fairness, some of the gargantuan projects served us well. I'm big on Hydro-Electric. ;)

While it may be debatable whether or not the government is properly involved in "public" hydro-electric infrastructure, I can't quite deny that things like the TVA did end up having significantly beneficial results.

I'm not sure, though, that it couldn't have been handled just as well (perhaps even better) via the marketplace. Sure, some government involvement would have been unavoidable but it would pale in comparison to the socialist behavior the government undertook.

FDR was -- like President Obama is -- entirely too comfortable with
socialism. It's a shame, really. America does so much better within the bounds of the Constitution and under a capitalist economic system.
It may have been a false economy, but the Government was the only one spending during those years. If left to the free market unemployment would have reached 50% and additional millions of Americans would have been starving in the street.
Drastic measures are called for in drastic times.....and FDR was the right man to deliver

The government was the only one spending because the income tax rates were over 90%. There was no money left in the private sector to spend. The government was taking all of it.
Hoover followed Republican doctrine of let the market correct itself, let business take care of business in this case. A damaged economy became a horrific economy

No he didn't. Hoover did not follow the free market doctrine by any way, shape, or form. First of all, he implemented tariffs, like the Smoot-Hawley Act that made the situation even worse. Then Hoover raised the top income tax rates to over 60% in an attempt to control the economy exactly the way FDR did, only on a smaller scale. That is why I said earlier that it makes no sense for Democrats to praise FDR, but condemn Hoover, when FDR's policies were merely an extrapolation of what Hoover already started and failed at.
These history rewriters will ignore what millions of Americans who LIVED through the GD know, that FDR saved their asses.

Millions of Americans thought that Obama was the Second Coming two years ago and look how that's turned out.
If you talk to the people who lived through the depression, it was not about GNP, not about the stock market, not about the banks

It was about the people

FDR understood that. People had their farms blow away in a cloud of dust, people lost their homes, people stood on bread lines. While the Republicans said let things work themselves out....FDR understood the GOVERNMENT had to step in and help the people

FDR got them jobs, FDR made sure they were fed, FDR cared about their children

Thats why the people elected him four times

And if things had been allowed to work themselves out naturally the economy likely would have healed much faster than it did. I guarantee you it wouldn't have taken an entire decade.

Roosevelt was elected four times because he was the first president to give people handouts with other people's money.

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