The Impeachment Thread

I hope 3/4 of the Senate will see the arguments made and see the evidence of Trump inviting folks to a rally and then inciting a riot. Hopefully with impeachment he will never be able to run for office again. But I'm very doubtful they will see reason and do this.

Trump boasted he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and get away with it.

He is showing how true that is
Gee, when did he shoot somebody? I think I'd have heard about that.

Seven people died because of Trumps lies

Even Trumps lawyer admitted he lost the election
Now all you have to do is prove it, and that requires more than just hate and Orange Man Bad.
I hope 3/4 of the Senate will see the arguments made and see the evidence of Trump inviting folks to a rally and then inciting a riot. Hopefully with impeachment he will never be able to run for office again. But I'm very doubtful they will see reason and do this.

Trump boasted he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and get away with it.

He is showing how true that is
Gee, when did he shoot somebody? I think I'd have heard about that.

Seven people died because of Trumps lies

Even Trumps lawyer admitted he lost the election
Now all you have to do is prove it, and that requires more than just hate and Orange Man Bad.

We never realized how bad the Orange Man really is until Jan 6
I hope 3/4 of the Senate will see the arguments made and see the evidence of Trump inviting folks to a rally and then inciting a riot. Hopefully with impeachment he will never be able to run for office again. But I'm very doubtful they will see reason and do this.

Trump boasted he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and get away with it.

He is showing how true that is
Gee, when did he shoot somebody? I think I'd have heard about that.

Seven people died because of Trumps lies

Even Trumps lawyer admitted he lost the election
Now all you have to do is prove it, and that requires more than just hate and Orange Man Bad.

We never realized how bad the Orange Man really is until Jan 6

Amen! Trump was trying to follow in the footsteps of his German hero.

Well I think they have just destroyed trumps "cant touch this" defence.

Old Lady - this one is for you.
/——/ Next time the GOP controls the House and Senate, they should impeach Clinton, Obozo and Biden. Then watch the democRATs scream.

We are talking about today’s Republicans
Of course they will impeach

Over whatever wild conspiracy theory their base believes in
And why not? impeachment has been cheapened to that point.
Republicans impeached over a Blow Job
Todays Republicans would impeach over whatever the latest conspiracy theory infatuates their base
They impeached over perjury. Tell the truth just once. :ahole-1:
Lying about a Blow Job is still all about a Blow Job
/——-/ Lie about what you had for breakfast to a federal judge while under oath. What could possibly go wrong?
Well I think they have just destroyed trumps "cant touch this" defence.

Old Lady - this one is for you.
/——/ Next time the GOP controls the House and Senate, they should impeach Clinton, Obozo and Biden. Then watch the democRATs scream.

We are talking about today’s Republicans
Of course they will impeach

Over whatever wild conspiracy theory their base believes in
And why not? impeachment has been cheapened to that point.
Republicans impeached over a Blow Job
Todays Republicans would impeach over whatever the latest conspiracy theory infatuates their base
They impeached over perjury. Tell the truth just once. :ahole-1:
Lying about a Blow Job is still all about a Blow Job
/——-/ Lie about what you had for breakfast to a federal judge while under oath. What could possibly go wrong?
was the breakfast material to the outcome of the proceedings, matlock?
it's deja coup all over again!

get it? deja coup?

it's late and i've had too many tequilas. let's call it a night!
how about we forget about Trump and get on with our lives?

i don't want to hear about Trump ever again. I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF TRUMP!

The key takeaways from this mess are -

- Trump has no coherent defence.
- One more honest Republican has stepped forward.
- The thuggish nature of the traitors was laid bare for all to see,
- trump has accepted that the result of the election was fair.

It looks like there arent enough votes for a guilty verdict but the spectacle of naked trumpism is killing his movement.

Intelligent and educated people cannot watch this and not be appalled. The QOP is hemorrhaging members every day and pretty soon only trump/q trash will be left. That isnt representative of the country and not enough to form a government.

I would ask the stop the steal fans to consider their feelings now. After two months of fund raising on the back of this lie he has now decided to drop the fantasy. Albeit after causing a constitutional crisis. How do you guys feel ? Maybe a bit foolish ?
The key takeaways from this mess are -

- Trump has no coherent defence.
- One more honest Republican has stepped forward.
- The thuggish nature of the traitors was laid bare for all to see,
- trump has accepted that the result of the election was fair.

It looks like there arent enough votes for a guilty verdict but the spectacle of naked trumpism is killing his movement.

Intelligent and educated people cannot watch this and not be appalled. The QOP is hemorrhaging members every day and pretty soon only trump/q trash will be left. That isnt representative of the country and not enough to form a government.

I would ask the stop the steal fans to consider their feelings now. After two months of fund raising on the back of this lie he has now decided to drop the fantasy. Albeit after causing a constitutional crisis. How do you guys feel ? Maybe a bit foolish ?
The end result of the 2nd "impeachment", in case you were wondering will be
Well I think they have just destroyed trumps "cant touch this" defence.

Old Lady - this one is for you.
/——/ Next time the GOP controls the House and Senate, they should impeach Clinton, Obozo and Biden. Then watch the democRATs scream.

We are talking about today’s Republicans
Of course they will impeach

Over whatever wild conspiracy theory their base believes in
And why not? impeachment has been cheapened to that point.
Republicans impeached over a Blow Job
Todays Republicans would impeach over whatever the latest conspiracy theory infatuates their base
They impeached over perjury. Tell the truth just once. :ahole-1:
Lying about a Blow Job is still all about a Blow Job
/——-/ Lie about what you had for breakfast to a federal judge while under oath. What could possibly go wrong?
was the breakfast material to the outcome of the proceedings, matlock?
/——/ Any lie under oath is perjury, dumbass. And you think lying about sex in a sexual assault case is OK? Nothing But the Truth: What Happens When You Lie Under Oath - FindLaw
Well I think they have just destroyed trumps "cant touch this" defence.

Old Lady - this one is for you.
/——/ Next time the GOP controls the House and Senate, they should impeach Clinton, Obozo and Biden. Then watch the democRATs scream.

We are talking about today’s Republicans
Of course they will impeach

Over whatever wild conspiracy theory their base believes in
And why not? impeachment has been cheapened to that point.
Republicans impeached over a Blow Job
Todays Republicans would impeach over whatever the latest conspiracy theory infatuates their base
They impeached over perjury. Tell the truth just once. :ahole-1:
Lying about a Blow Job is still all about a Blow Job
/——-/ Lie about what you had for breakfast to a federal judge while under oath. What could possibly go wrong?
was the breakfast material to the outcome of the proceedings, matlock?
/——/ Any lie under oath is perjury, dumbass. And you think lying about sex in a sexual assault case is OK? Nothing But the Truth: What Happens When You Lie Under Oath - FindLaw
that's wrong, matlock.

i bet you were one of the twats queefing about a perjury trap in the flynn case. LOL
Well I think they have just destroyed trumps "cant touch this" defence.

Old Lady - this one is for you.
/——/ Next time the GOP controls the House and Senate, they should impeach Clinton, Obozo and Biden. Then watch the democRATs scream.

We are talking about today’s Republicans
Of course they will impeach

Over whatever wild conspiracy theory their base believes in
And why not? impeachment has been cheapened to that point.
Republicans impeached over a Blow Job
Todays Republicans would impeach over whatever the latest conspiracy theory infatuates their base
They impeached over perjury. Tell the truth just once. :ahole-1:
Lying about a Blow Job is still all about a Blow Job
/——-/ Lie about what you had for breakfast to a federal judge while under oath. What could possibly go wrong?
was the breakfast material to the outcome of the proceedings, matlock?
/——/ Any lie under oath is perjury, dumbass. And you think lying about sex in a sexual assault case is OK? Nothing But the Truth: What Happens When You Lie Under Oath - FindLaw
that's wrong, matlock.

i bet you were one of the twats queefing about a perjury trap in the flynn case. LOL
/—-/ So you know more than FindLaw. OK......

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