The Impeachment Thread

Schoen's presentation is pure amateur hour. He is rushing through it and stuttering. I've hear better freshman high schoolers give better legal presentations.
It wasn't written with any regard for his audience. It's a garble of lawyerese and snippets of archaic language. Following the whys and wherefores of his arguments is almost as hard as following one of Mr. Beale's conspiracy theories.
Schoen's presentation is pure amateur hour. He is rushing through it and stuttering. I've hear better freshman high schoolers give better legal presentations.
It wasn't written with any regard for his audience. It's a garble of lawyerese and snippets of archaic language. Following the whys and wherefores of his arguments is almost as hard as following one of Mr. Beale's conspiracy theories.

It gives Senators an out

Ummm...What HE said
I don’t care for Trump, but this impeachment is another farce. However I like the precedent. Maybe we’ll be able to hold all politicans accountable when they say inflammatory statements that have violent implications
Especially when they are predicated on a lie
I keep waiting for this to appear out of nowhere:

Hey..dumbshit Schoen..the person that feared democracy was Trump who incited the riot to over turn the election. The person that feared democracy was Trump who kept and keeps lying about election fraud.
This is good precedent for impeaching Obama when the Republicans regain congress in 2022.
How so? Did the House vote to impeach Former President Obama while he was still in they did to trump?

That's not relevant, obviously. The precedent is set that a president can be impeached after he leaves office. Obama fits the bill, and I expect the Republicans to act accordingly when they have control of Congress.
Who says it's not relevant. trump was impeached while he was still in office. Fact.

Yes, he was impeached by the House and the Senate did not convict. It's not relevant because the precedent the DemoKKKrats are setting now is not contingent on attempts to previously impeach a president, even if it failed in the case of Trump. The precedent the DemoKKKrats are setting is that a former president can be impeached after he leaves office. Period. Which raises the possibility of impeaching Obama for the war crimes he committed while he was in office.
Schoen's presentation is pure amateur hour. He is rushing through it and stuttering. I've heard better legal presentations from freshman high schoolers.
He's on speed? Actually he reminds me of a HS student giving an oral presentation, eyes down on their notes and reading outloud at the speed of sound.
I don’t care for Trump, but this impeachment is another farce. However I like the precedent. Maybe we’ll be able to hold all politicans accountable when they say inflammatory statements that have violent implications
Especially when they are predicated on a lie

Any objective person knows Trump was lying. He was crying about the election being stolen well before the election’s outcome. However many politicians have lied before Trump and many will lie after him.
Schoen's presentation is pure amateur hour. He is rushing through it and stuttering. I've heard better legal presentations from freshman high schoolers.
I'm sure your personal biases don't have any influence here. Or matter at all.

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