The Impossibility of the Democrat Fantasy Electric World

You want to change things over night that the gop has avoided for years. The infrastructure bill begins to address those issues……notice it was a left bill not a from the right.

Thats typical. Every recession you have which all promotes higher trade imbalance with China has to be dealt with BEFORE anyone can do infrastructure. It’s typical. The gop burns the house down then complains because the carpenter can’t rebuild it fast enough for them.
I havent read the bill but I guarantee you it was not bipartisan

You have to give something to get something
There is pollution in manufacturing a gasoline powered car. How much better is it ? You aren’t that bright are you. The gas powered can then spends the next 15-20 years polluting the environment, while the EV does not. The electric motor is so much more efficient, that even if you powered it using a petroleum base FUEL CELL, it would still produce far fewer pollutants, while being faster, more usable and practically maintenance free for wear items.
sorry but you don't know what you're talking about. you don't consider the environmental impact of mining for the 'ingredients'. The impact on children and other workers, the cost, the longevity the cost of replacement parts the lifetime of the vehicle and parts, the disposal.
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Stop subsidizing electric cars and alternative energy

Then we can make a fair comparison

Libs have been duped by the man made global warming doomsday hoax and arent making rational decisions
Maybe you forget. WE HAVE SUBSIDIZED the auto industry in general for decades. We had electric cars BEFORE gasoline powered cars in any number. The govt needs the EV industry HERE. The hypocrites would complain if all the EVs were made in China….

HOW do you think we won WW2 ? It wasn’t with tanks and planes made in China. You talk lIke govt subsidizing is a bad think. Hilarious. EVs need a jump start. Geesus, we drive every nuclear powered carrier and submarine with ELECTRIC MOTORS, not gasoline. Geesus, the right lives in the dark ages.
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I havent read the bill but I guarantee you it was not bipartisan

You have to give something to get something
Bi partisan ? Hilarious. ONLY your RINOS voted for it.
Infrastructure and investment in American industry in the recovery act that was passed, NEVER GETS off THE GROUND without the left. They’re too busy with trickle down BS. Only 13 gop out of the entire house voted for it. It never even gets on the floor if it were in the gop hands.
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sorry but you don't know what you're talking about. you don't consider the environmental impact of mining for the 'ingredients'. The impact on children and other workers, the cost, the longevity the cost of replacement parts the lifetime of the vehicle and parts, the disposal.
So gas powered cars are pollution free ? You’re funny.
of course, science is on my side and all the major research facilities on environment in govt . and PRIVATE INDUSTRY are with me. You have no one in any major related corporation on your side… nada, nothing, no one.
Geesus, even Exxon is promoting renewables for energy in refining oil….you’re hilarious.
What is that keyboard you are typing on made from? Crude oil.

If you and your dumbass commie bitch ilk do not immediately stop typing messages on the internet then you are nothing but hypocritical scum.

Fuck off!
The right likes fighting wars over oil .
So gas powered cars are pollution free ? You’re funny.
of course, science is on my side and all the major research facilities on environment in govt . and PRIVATE INDUSTRY are with me. You have no one in any major related corporation on your side… nada, nothing, no one.
Geesus, even Exxon is promoting renewables for energy in refining oil….you’re hilarious.
no. i wojldn't say that but they're not the problem the left wants you to think they are. Nature made pollution like volcanoes are the bigger polluters. do ya think God would create a world that did not have the capacity to 'clean' itself. You do know that oil leaks in the ocean all the time, doncha? Nature has the capacity to clean up oil spills. Look at the major oil spills over the last 40 to 50 years but then, left media doesn't really want you knowing all that.

you do realize how poisonoud evs are to the environment? like the big windmills that produce 'oh so much energy' are bird killers...but then who cares about that when big business and big gov't are the culprits.

The Green Energy Push is pure bullshit. It's a scam. Just like everything else the left pushes.
no. i wojldn't say that but they're not the problem the left wants you to think they are. Nature made pollution like volcanoes are the bigger polluters. do ya think God would create a world that did not have the capacity to 'clean' itself. You do know that oil leaks in the ocean all the time, doncha? Nature has the capacity to clean up oil spills. Look at the major oil spills over the last 40 to 50 years but then, left media doesn't really want you knowing all that.

you do realize how poisonoud evs are to the environment? like the big windmills that produce 'oh so much energy' are bird killers...but then who cares about that when big business and big gov't are the culprits.

The Green Energy Push is pure bullshit. It's a scam. Just like everything else the left pushes.
Just like Texas oil was a scam to get off whale oil. The ozone depletion was a scam and cigarettes being bad for you were all scams. Everything is a scam when you can’t or don’t read much. You’re 100 years behind. I know dealing with smart people scares you, but eventually the 8 year old mentality gives way to the adults in the room.
sorry but you don't know what you're talking about. you don't consider the environmental impact of mining for the 'ingredients'. The impact on children and other workers, the cost, the longevity the cost of replacement parts the lifetime of the vehicle and parts, the disposal.
Oh, all of a sudden you care about the environment….thats a change. You do know AGW is about the environment, right ?
no. i wojldn't say that but they're not the problem the left wants you to think they are. Nature made pollution like volcanoes are the bigger polluters. do ya think God would create a world that did not have the capacity to 'clean' itself. You do know that oil leaks in the ocean all the time, doncha? Nature has the capacity to clean up oil spills. Look at the major oil spills over the last 40 to 50 years but then, left media doesn't really want you knowing all that.

you do realize how poisonoud evs are to the environment? like the big windmills that produce 'oh so much energy' are bird killers...but then who cares about that when big business and big gov't are the culprits.

The Green Energy Push is pure bullshit. It's a scam. Just like everything else the left pushes.
And entire species were wiped out because of pollution.
There is NOTHING that you manufacture that doesn’t cause some pollution. The difference is, petro powered cars continue to do so for the next 20-30 years. EVs DON‘T.

I guess you must have a real thing for all the service your pollution generating petro car requires. We’ve long since abandon the ICE for electric motors in areas we can and will continue. Car makers ALL, are anticipating that 1/2 their sales will be EVs by 2030. Guess your POV is FOS.
And entire species were wiped out because of pollution.
There is NOTHING that you manufacture that doesn’t cause some pollution. The difference is, petro powered cars continue to do so for the next 20-30 years. EVs DON‘T.

I guess you must have a real thing for all the service your pollution generating petro car requires. We’ve long since abandon the ICE for electric motors in areas we can and will continue. Car makers ALL, are anticipating that 1/2 their sales will be EVs by 2030. Guess your POV is FOS.
Look buddy. YOu do as you please okay? I"m not buying an EV EVER. And that's my prerogative as long as there are vehicles to purchase ...and with the way things are better look into getting yourself family a horse and buggy if the left keeps rigging elections and pushing this bullshit on the rest of America. You have yourself a good day.
Maybe you forget. WE HAVE SUBSIDIZED the auto industry in general for decades. We had electric cars BEFORE gasoline powered cars in any number. The govt needs the EV industry HERE. The hypocrites would complain if all the EVs were made in China….

HOW do you think we won WW2 ? It wasn’t with tanks and planes made in China. You talk lIke govt subsidizing is a bad think. Hilarious. EVs need a jump start. Geesus, we drive every nuclear powered carrier and submarine with ELECTRIC MOTORS, not gasoline. Geesus, the right lives in the dark ages.
Government never sent me a check to pay for my ICE auto

Nor did government tell me I have to buy an ICE car whether I want one or not
Bi partisan ? Hilarious. ONLY your RINOS voted for it.
Infrastructure and investment in American industry in the recovery act that was passed, NEVER GETS off THE GROUND without the left. They’re too busy with trickle down BS. Only 13 gop out of the entire house voted for it. It never even gets on the floor if it were in the gop hands.
It seems your idea of bipartisan is where repubs vote for any crazy thing that dems propose

Thats called go along to get along

But its not true bipartisanship

The Elites don't want you HAVING a private car.PERIOD...getting you to buy an overpriced unaffordable car not to mention the expense of producing and maintaining said vehicle is merely a distraction from the Real Goal. That be...taking your freedom of movement away from ya.

in the end, you won't be able to purchase either...or any...for that matter.

But go on, keep pitching the leftist bullshit line.
Look buddy. YOu do as you please okay? I"m not buying an EV EVER. And that's my prerogative as long as there are vehicles to purchase ...and with the way things are better look into getting yourself family a horse and buggy if the left keeps rigging elections and pushing this bullshit on the rest of America. You have yourself a good day.
we need gas powered home appliances, for those that hate electricity so much.
So you can pour gasoline into your fridge, laptop & TV so they run.

A true MAGA needs to be off grid.
You did ? You must have fallen asleep when they defined energy. The poster who said electricity was energy, is correct. Anyone calling it power is begging for a correction.

Thanks for the explanation. It just reinforces everyone’s understanding that economics is not a bedrock of science knowledge let alone physics. How you convolute economics with physics is hilarious.

Semantics, the first and last resort of a mouth breathing idiot.
Amazing how fried the right’s brain has to be to think that renewables are only solar or electricity from solar can’t be stored or managed or combined with other renewables. I guess they think electricity is different coming from coal, wind, oil or solar. Amazing how the right‘s mind works, or doesn’t.

Those are the two renewables you idiots are banking on as grid level replacements because you also hate Nuclear.
Semantics, the first and last resort of a mouth breathing idiot.
If you’re going to talk about electricity, get your semantics in order. Energy v power.
Energy is the ability to cause change; power is the rate energy is moved, or used. They aren’t the same thing. Electricity is energy. It can be stored as a different form of energy, like mechanical or chemical.
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