The Impossibility of the Democrat Fantasy Electric World

we need gas powered home appliances, for those that hate electricity so much.
So you can pour gasoline into your fridge, laptop & TV so they run.

A true MAGA needs to be off grid.
You're a SPECIAL kind of stupid.
we need gas powered home appliances, for those that hate electricity so much.
So you can pour gasoline into your fridge, laptop & TV so they run.

A true MAGA needs to be off grid.
Propane and nat gas are livable bridge fuels for cooking, heat and diesel replacement because they burn so clean. That’s doable and we are stuck with some of these fuels for long haul and aircraft for quite a while.
But off the grid ? The only way anyone can survive off the grid IS WITH renewables. They make everyone more, not less independent as within ten years we will have solid state batteries so efficient, you can charge your E car in a few hours overnight on a 110 from the solar cell derived electricity.
Now that’s independence.
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I doubt that. But you harness and distribute it for us, OK?
Doubt it all you want. It just means you’re very poorly informed. It’s distributed by the same grid we have in place now. Maybe you don’t know how easy electricity is stored and managed now. It sounds like you think electricity from solar cells or wind power is different then that from a fission power plant or a propane or fossil fuel powered generator.
Can’t help but laugh.
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That would be:
  1. Nuclear
  2. Hydro
  3. Natural Gas
  4. Coal
  5. Thermal
  6. Wind
  7. Solar.
Fission nuclear power is not and should not be off the table, it’s just rightly placed as a temporary solution to getting off the fossil fuel habit. Electrifying as much of our energy needs as possible, can still use fission reactors, but not in the way you envision.
We do already. We store it for rainy days and people can choose to have their own energy plant. Aamof, one country is 100% renewable and our state is more then 70% among others. That’s enough to start selling it out of state.
Hydro is the single most abundant. You guys think wind and solar is the only way but only because it’s the most visible. You’re ignorance is mind boggling. Our state has literally ground water everywhere where heat extraction and storage is eing done.
Fission reactors are expensive, renewables are cheap dufus.
You need to read the OP.
Doubt it all you want. It just means you’re very poorly informed. It’s distributed by the same grid we have in place now. Maybe you don’t know how easy electricity is stored and managed now. It sounds like you think electricity from solar cells or wind power is different then that from a fission power plant or a propane or fossil fuel powered generator.
Can’t help but laugh.
Read the OP.
They are a step. If sun can more efficiently be harvested it could provide more than enough energy.


How long have they been trying to do that? Meanwhile coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear work right out of the box.........
How long have they been trying to do that? Meanwhile coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear work right out of the box.........

They aren't just trying.......they are doing......more efficient all the time.
They aren't just trying.......they are doing......more efficient all the time.

Except in Germany....right?

BERLIN—Rocketing electricity prices are increasing the cost of driving electric vehicles in Europe, in some cases making them more expensive to run than gas-powered models—a change that could threaten the continent’s electric transition. . .
Coming just as some governments are removing subsidies for EV buyers, this change could slow down EV sales, threaten the region’s greenhouse-gas emission targets, and make it hard for European car makers to recoup the high costs of their electric transition. . .
At the pricing peak, drivers of Tesla’s Model 3 the most efficient all-electric vehicle in the Environment Protection Agency’s fuel guide in the midsize-vehicle category, would pay €18.46 at a Tesla supercharger station in Europe for a charge sufficient to drive 100 miles.
By comparison, drivers in Germany would pay €18.31 for gasoline to drive the same distance in a Honda Civic 4-door, the equivalent combustion-engine model in the EPA’s ranking


There is no relief in sight for EV users. In Germany, power prices have risen by a third from €0.33 per kWh in the first half of this year, according to Germany’s federal statistics office, and some power companies have announced prices will increase to more than €0.50 per kWh in January.

Except in Germany....right?

BERLIN—Rocketing electricity prices are increasing the cost of driving electric vehicles in Europe, in some cases making them more expensive to run than gas-powered models—a change that could threaten the continent’s electric transition. . .
Coming just as some governments are removing subsidies for EV buyers, this change could slow down EV sales, threaten the region’s greenhouse-gas emission targets, and make it hard for European car makers to recoup the high costs of their electric transition. . .
At the pricing peak, drivers of Tesla’s Model 3 the most efficient all-electric vehicle in the Environment Protection Agency’s fuel guide in the midsize-vehicle category, would pay €18.46 at a Tesla supercharger station in Europe for a charge sufficient to drive 100 miles.
By comparison, drivers in Germany would pay €18.31 for gasoline to drive the same distance in a Honda Civic 4-door, the equivalent combustion-engine model in the EPA’s ranking


Germany can do whatever it wants to do.
why do you want to pay more.
Please don't insult my intelligence by talking stupid. The least expensive energy is fossil fuels.

Fission Nukes way too expensive.
"Fission nukes" are not even a power source.

Fuel is limited, just like fossil fuels
Not for the foreseeable future for a long time ahead. Meantime, we need them.

renewables, energy is FREE. and more reliable.
Now you talk like a jackass. There is no such thing as free energy, and solar and wind are the MOST unreliable, by far, and also the most expensive.
Fission nuclear power is not and should not be off the table, it’s just rightly placed as a temporary solution to getting off the fossil fuel habit. Electrifying as much of our energy needs as possible, can still use fission reactors, but not in the way you envision.

Idiot, fissionable reactors are not "nukes." Not only are they not off the list, they were #1 on it! France gets most of their power from nuclear generation! We should be building lots more of these plants, instead, we've made them a political boondoggle for decades because of a few early mistakes.
Germany can do whatever it wants to do.

I never said differently......simply pointed out the stupidity of trying to rely on solar and wind over the real energy sources of oil, coal, natural gas and nukes........
Idiot, fissionable reactors are not "nukes." Not only are they not off the list, they were #1 on it! France gets most of their power from nuclear generation! We should be building lots more of these plants, instead, we've made them a political boondoggle for decades because of a few early mistakes.
You call me an idiot then say fission reactors are not nuclear reactors ? You just eliminated yourself from being taken serious. You’re insane or illiterate. American Heritage dictionary, the dictionary of conservatives SAYS.


(no͞ok, nyo͞ok) Slang

1. A nuclear device or weapon.
2. A nuclear-powered electric generating plant.
tr.v. nuked, nuk·ing, nukes
To attack with nuclear weapons.
2. To heat in a microwave oven: "I obtained this soup by nuking one cup of water and mixing that with ... bouillon"(Judy Markey).

[Shortening and alteration of nuclear.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Please don't insult my intelligence by talking stupid. The least expensive energy is fossil fuels.

"Fission nukes" are not even a power source.

Not for the foreseeable future for a long time ahead. Meantime, we need them.

Now you talk like a jackass. There is no such thing as free energy, and solar and wind are the MOST unreliable, by far, and also the most expensive.
Hilarious, the sun is sbsolulty FREE. The sun is absolutely reliable. When was the last time the sun went out ?
Now you’re saying we can’t store electricity ? Are you that stupid ? We do it now everytime a fossil fuel plant breaks down or is shut down for repairs. Hydro power gives out more electricity iggy then NUKES do now .

You are foolish. . We store and shift sources of electricity already. We don’t store the sun dufus. .
Please don't insult my intelligence by talking stupid. The least expensive energy is fossil fuels.
You do it to yourself everytime you post.
We and nato are financing a war with Russia over FOSSIL fuels.
Nearly Every war in the Middle East is over fossil fuels.
Nuke plants are more expensive to build, fuel and maintain over their lifetime then ANY Renewable source. ANY
Nat gas IS CHEAPER now as is coal…..nat gas is our most plentiful source and one of cheapest…look it up. But you can’t read.

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