The Impossibility of the Democrat Fantasy Electric World

Yep. But if the technology really worked, every home in America would have solar panels. People are crazy to save a dime. And most will not choose renewables WITHOUT huge government subsidies.

We had solar and wind power when I graduated in 1976. We are still trying to make it economical enough to use.

The technology does work and getting better every year.
I graduated with a degree in architecture in 1976. When I graduated we were told that solar and wind power were "right around the corner".

And that was technically right. The theoretical technology for wind and solar were right around the corner at that time. Wind is really no different from hydro in that gas instead of a fluid spins a generator, and we knew and understood the photoelectric effect. Just as the Fleming Valve was invented right around 1900 (basic vacuum tube). Yet the first true electronic, programmable computer wasn't made for another 40 years, and it was only a working demonstration of the principle, hardly practical for commercial use. It was another ten years before actual sellable mainframes were sold.

And wind and solar are here. They are practical to supplement our energy needs now and much more, just not on a scale sufficient to REPLACE conventional means.
Yep. But if the technology really worked, every home in America would have solar panels.

B-But, when Joe ran for president, didn't he promise that once in office, he'd make available solar power panels for every home in America? I'm still waiting for the subsidies!

Where I live, it is clear weather here generally about 20-22% of the time, dammit, about 1 in every 5 days annually, and I want to be able to use solar when it is! :smoke:

Then I'll only need coal and NG the other 80% of the time!

Progress, buddy, progress. :smoke:
Ignoramuses. Solar and wind are not the holy grail of renewables. What a dufus.
The holy grail is whatever works best in the given area. How long have you lived under a rock ?
Hydro power is the most widely used for 54% of all renewables.
What idiot have you been listening to, Hannity or Tucker ?
So, the sun isn’t a fusion reactor and doesn’t produce energy here on earth ? Amazingly stupid comment.

And yet lefties are trying to remove dams in many areas, which are the source of hydro power.

It is a fusion reactor, it's not a terrestrial one.
And yet lefties are trying to remove dams in many areas, which are the source of hydro power.

It is a fusion reactor, it's not a terrestrial one.

Leftists do not like human beings and do not want to help human beings multiply....and they see limiting energy, food and healthcare as a way to limit human population growth.
Dude, I don't need a dictionary to know that when someone talks of nuking Japan, they aren't referring to a microwave or a power station. You are obviously a disabled person with a child's understanding of the world. Typical leftwinger.
Of course you don’t need to speak English. You’re a fling illiterate who just makes up shit. Of course you don’t even know what a “nucleus“ is do you ?
It is a fusion reactor, it's not a terrestrial one.
Huh ? You think the sun isn’t a fusion reaction ? You think no energy comes from the sun….Geesus, you have any reading* ability ?
Do you personally use solar or wind power?

I use some solar. It's not about me. Nothing about me changes anything.

Well, that might not even be true. Not far from here is a long row of wind turbines. I'm not 100% sure if any of my power comes from them or not.
If the whole vehicle 'fleet' went hybrid it would easily double gas mileage.
Probably not double, but speaking from my experience. My hybrid averages roughly 2/3rds better mileage than the gas counterpart of the same model under day to day conditions. It is possible to effectively 'double' mileage only under certain conditions (flat or downhill, running on the electric motor only over long distances).
Probably not double, but speaking from my experience. My hybrid averages roughly 2/3rds better mileage than the gas counterpart of the same model under day to day conditions. It is possible to effectively 'double' mileage only under certain conditions (flat or downhill, running on the electric motor only over long distances).
That's good enough for me. :)
Of course you don’t need to speak English. You’re a fling illiterate who just makes up shit. Of course you don’t even know what a “nucleus“ is do you ?

Huh ? You think the sun isn’t a fusion reaction ? You think no energy comes from the sun….Geesus, you have any reading* ability ?

It's energy isn't turned to steam like a terrestrial plant would do. Solar energy may COME from fusion, but it is not fusion energy as we would produce it.
It sounds like they have been doing a balancing act for quite some time. Balancing the pros and cons. But with the cheapness of Solar Power, they finally get to bring in that power and can afford to shut the dam down without any losses.

Except at night, or when it's cloudy, or in the winter when the solar angle in northern latitudes lowers efficiency.

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