The Impossibility of the Democrat Fantasy Electric World

Germany can do whatever it wants to do.
Kind of….but, Geesus I hope not for everything, Letting countries do what ever they want gave us Hitler, Putin and Trumpism.
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Neither sun nor hydro are even close to becoming efficient enough to power the green fantasy.
Of course they are. It’s slow because of “replacement theory.”
We do this all the time. We replacement items that break down with more efficient items, just buying a new car to repkace a less efficient one may have to wait till it breaks down. It’s generational change.
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Idiot, fissionable reactors are not "nukes." Not only are they not off the list, they were #1 on it! France gets most of their power from nuclear generation! We should be building lots more of these plants, instead, we've made them a political boondoggle for decades because of a few early mistakes.
You need to read more. Nukes is slang for anything that uses nuclear reaction, from bombs to energy generating nuclear reactors. Heck, we even use the term for microwave ovens.
For your own sake, read a dictionary !
Of course they are. It’s slow because of “replacement theory.”
We do this all the time. We replacement items that break down with more efficient items, just buying a new car to repkace a less efficient one may have to wait till it breaks down. It’s generational change.
But we allow the best path to take its course. We are nowhere near an all-electric best path. This is being forced by bad people and parroted close-minded sheep.
But we allow the best path to take its course. We are nowhere near an all-electric best path. This is being forced by bad people and parroted close-minded sheep.
Really ?

Electrical energy is the single most dominant energy in the world. Tell me any activity that does not directly or indirectly depend upon electricity….you are FOS.
Really ?

Electrical energy is the single most dominant energy in the world. Tell me any activity that does not directly or indirectly depend upon electricity….you are FOS.
And then consider its means of generation.
Hilarious, the sun is sbsolulty FREE.
Really? The Sun sends us light for free but how do we tap into it, capture it, convert it to DC and store or transmit the electricity we make from it for free, doofus? The Sun sends us light, but we need electricity, and so must use the light in a process to convert it using an electrical generating process! Then there is the problem that the Sun is best at sending us light between mid-morning and late afternoon. That free sunlight fades and weakens in the morning and evening, with clouds, fog, or rain, then totally disappears at night for 12 hours, so it isn't even realiable as a source around the clock. You're talking to an electrical engineer, mind you, so I'm really curious to know how you've solved all of this!

The sun is absolutely reliable. When was the last time the sun went out ?
Every day, fool as just stated at least HALF of the time on a good day, then even more if so much as a puff of cloud moves in front of it. But it is still shining SOMEWHERE, right, Bumbino? Maybe it is shining in India right now! All we need to figure out is how to convert that light to electricity for FREE there, then send it on wires all the way around the world back to the USA for FREE! :laughing0301: Then never mind that it must then be converted back from DC to AC to power our all-AC appliances! For FREE! I swear, you idiots are so incredibly STUPID, you don't even have a clue how dumb you are! I've met 10 year olds with more brains than you!

This is a gag, right? You're just pulling my leg. You can't really be this ignorant, right?

Now you’re saying we can’t store electricity ?
Of course we can store it. Ever hear of a battery? I never said that. Show me where I said we can't store electricity! Are you a complete dope? The problem is that there aren't enough batteries in the world for everyone to live off batteries, and we would have to strip mine half the planet spending trillions trying to make them. Again, not for FREE. Again, the reason why we only get a percent of our total energy from the Sun is because all of that unlimited FREE energy is actually many times more costly to produce electricity from than our current methods of hydro, NG, coal and nuclear!
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Hilarious, the sun is sbsolulty FREE.

More to the point, you staggering moron, if you think the advantage of sunlight is that it is free, then:
  1. Coal is free. It's laying right in the ground ready to use.
  2. Natural gas is free. We don't make it, it comes right out of the ground ready to be used!
  3. Hydro is free. Water flows over a fall and we just stick something it its path to spin a motor!
  4. Geothermal is free! The Earth is hot and that heat just oozes to the surface!
So, stupid, your free sunlight fails even on your first criteria! :laugh2: :poke: :spinner:
More to the point, you staggering moron, if you think the advantage of sunlight is that it is free, then:
  1. Coal is free. It's laying right in the ground ready to use.
  2. Natural gas is free. We don't make it, it comes right out of the ground ready to be used!
  3. Hydro is free. Water flows over a fall and we just stick something it its path to spin a motor!
  4. Geothermal is free! The Earth is hot and that heat just oozes to the surface!
So, stupid, your free sunlight fails even on your first criteria! :laugh2: :poke: :spinner:
That’s kind of stupid. Everyone of your fossil fuels needs to be mined, transported and / or refined. Sunlight does not. It’s free once the collector is in place…. It’s free dumbo. Hydro is free and geothermal heat is free. But dufus. Try using a fossil fuel without processing it. Dah.
You need to read more. Nukes is slang for anything that uses nuclear reaction, from bombs to energy generating nuclear reactors. Heck, we even use the term for microwave ovens.
For your own sake, read a dictionary !

Sorry, asshole. A NUKE is a bomb, not a fissile magneto-hydrodynamic generating station (nuclear reactor). If someone says we might nuke Russia, no one is implying we might microwave them! :smoke: I didn't realize I was talking to a person who got their understanding of basic elementary physics from reading grade-school readers. And no matter what you CALL them, you still are 100% wrong about everything you believe. Dude, you need help.
Sorry, asshole. A NUKE is a bomb, not a fissile magneto-hydrodynamic generating station (nuclear reactor). I didn't realize I was talking to a person who got their understanding of basic elementary physics from reading gradeschool readers. And no matter what you CALL them, you still are 100% wrong about everything you believe. Dude, you need help.
I guess you are too stupid to refer to a dictionary aren’t you.I’m smarter, I actually looked it up….long ago before your brain turned to mush.

I guess you think calling me an “ asshole” makes you right. Nope, just look it up. I’ll wait till you teach yourself the alphabet first.
Sorry, asshole. A NUKE is a bomb, not a fissile magneto-hydrodynamic generating station (nuclear reactor). If someone says we might nuke Russia, no one is implying we might microwave them! :smoke: I didn't realize I was talking to a person who got their understanding of basic elementary physics from reading grade-school readers. And no matter what you CALL them, you still are 100% wrong about everything you believe. Dude, you need help.
I didn’t realize I was talking to someone who could not read. I posted a dictionary reference.
Everyone of your fossil fuels needs to be mined, transported and / or refined. Sunlight does not.
Hey idiot: Sunlight needs to be collected, converted and transported too. Show me one appliance that runs off of sunlight.

It’s free once the collector is in place…. It’s free dumbo.
But the collector isn't free! And the power inverter changing it to AC isn't free! And the storage isn't free! And the transmission isn't free! That all ends up costing way more than electricity from coal, NG, or hydro! Then there is the matter of the sun not even being available all the time anywhere due to rotation of the earth and weather! THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS FREE ENERGY.

Try using a fossil fuel without processing it.
You drive on it every day. You don't need to process coal, you don't need to process NG, and you don't need to process hydro.
I didn’t realize I was talking to someone who could not read. I posted a dictionary reference.

Dude, I don't need a dictionary to know that when someone talks of nuking Japan, they aren't referring to a microwave or a power station. You are obviously a disabled person with a child's understanding of the world. Typical leftwinger.
They aren't just trying.......they are doing......more efficient all the time.
I graduated with a degree in architecture in 1976. When I graduated we were told that solar and wind power were "right around the corner".


We have solar and wind power.
Yep. But if the technology really worked, every home in America would have solar panels. People are crazy to save a dime. And most will not choose renewables WITHOUT huge government subsidies.

We had solar and wind power when I graduated in 1976. We are still trying to make it economical enough to use.

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