The incoming congress needs to pass a law making it a crime to give illegals government assistance

I should be illegal to give republicans welfare if they want to destroy it so much why dont they give it up themselves?

Republicans are AMERICANS dumbfuck. Having said that I believe we need to cut ALL welfare back.

But this thread is not about welfare. It is about local & state governments aiding illegal aliens with resources intended for AMERICAN CITIZENS

You might have said that in the OP. LOL
I should be illegal to give republicans welfare if they want to destroy it so much why dont they give it up themselves?

Republicans are AMERICANS dumbfuck. Having said that I believe we need to cut ALL welfare back.

But this thread is not about welfare. It is about local & state governments aiding illegal aliens with resources intended for AMERICAN CITIZENS

You might have said that in the OP. LOL
It does say that in the op. Learn to read nitwit
Well if there are no illegals in the US then no one has to worry about whether they have a driving license or not,

Kick em all out.
If we did not allow people to illegally reside here, there would be no need for illegals to get licenses because there would be no illegals.

it's so odd that snowflakes want illegals to have all the rights of a citizen without being a citizen.
Think about this...

...snowflakes want any illegal immigrants....EVEN CONVICTED FELONS to be universally given all the right of a citizen.

...HOWEVER, snowflakes want you to stay out of their personal "SAFE SPACE"....whatever the fuck that means....I think it means the empty space between their ears.
If Snowflakes want illegals to get financial aid, why don't they donate to charities that benefit illegal aliens?

Hell, start your own non profit called "WE HEART ILLEGALS" and get people to donate money and goods to then distribute to illegal aliens so they can illegally stay in America. Hell, combine it with your abortion charity and call it, "WE HEART ILLEGALS AND FREE ABORTIONS" for this shit with your own money if it's important to you.

Snowflakes....."ILLEGAL ALIEN" is a term still used by the government in an official capacity.

Immigration Terms and Definitions Involving Aliens

Illegal Alien
Also known as an "Undocumented Alien," is an alien who has entered the United States illegally and is deportable if apprehended, or an alien who entered the United States legally but who has fallen "out of status" and is deportable.
How about we stop letting immigration laws be decided by a bunch of inbred hillbilly's and let the immigrants stay.
If it's a crime for business to hire them then stop giving them my tax dollars. No more free ANYTHING if you're an illegal alien
The forum drama queen strikes again with a fallacious rant. Illegals don't qualify for welfare. Duh!
If it's a crime for business to hire them then stop giving them my tax dollars. No more free ANYTHING if you're an illegal alien
The forum drama queen strikes again with a fallacious rant. Illegals don't qualify for welfare. Duh!
The forum dumbass strikes again. There is no mention of welfare in the op. Crawl back under your rock.
I guess you are unaware it is already against the law to give welfare to illegals.
I guess your not aware that there are other types of assistance besides welfare.
And what would that be, chief?
You can start with government documents like id's or dl's. Giving an illegal a driver's license makes as much sense as me cooking dinner for the guy who broke into my house.
Wait a second. You can eat a driver's license?
One more reason to end Illegal Immigration. Not 'slow it' or 'reduce it.' End it period. Secure the Border and repair Obama's dismantled Immigration System. I truly hope Trump aggressively tackles this disaster.
You'd prefer to have illegals driving without a license, like the guy who killed his crew while taking them on the bus to Louisiana a couple months ago (to work, mindja, not to collect welfare).
Cashing in: Illegal immigrants get $1,261 more welfare than American families, $5,692 vs. $4,431

Yea but......RACISM!!

Trump is a NAZI!
The articles below that one are hilarious. Like the one that says Obama is more divisive than Bush.
Democrats give Obama an 88% positive rating, but Republicans give Bush an 81% positive rating. After what Trump said about Bush, do you still think it's at 81%?

Then there's the article about population growth being at an 80 year low. Someone is going to have to take care of all those old and fat Republicans.

Interesting times ahead.
You'd prefer to have illegals driving without a license, like the guy who killed his crew while taking them on the bus to Louisiana a couple months ago (to work, mindja, not to collect welfare).
Cashing in: Illegal immigrants get $1,261 more welfare than American families, $5,692 vs. $4,431

Yea but......RACISM!!

Trump is a NAZI!
The articles below that one are hilarious. Like the one that says Obama is more divisive than Bush.
Democrats give Obama an 88% positive rating, but Republicans give Bush an 81% positive rating. After what Trump said about Bush, do you still think it's at 81%?

Then there's the article about population growth being at an 80 year low. Someone is going to have to take care of all those old and fat Republicans.

Interesting times ahead.

I'll add to your amazing data...good quality humans are far more cautious these days when it comes to reproduction while ignorant bottom feeders such as immigrants and other low grade humans continue to reproduce like the human cockroaches they are. The scale is tipping favoring The Democratic Party as they will have a steady flow of filth casting their vote.
I guess you are unaware it is already against the law to give welfare to illegals.
I guess your not aware that there are other types of assistance besides welfare.
Agreed. It's nearly impossible to not only deport 11 million illegals, but to keep them out. By eliminating what draws them to and sustains them in the US, many will self-deport and many will not even bother coming over.
How about we stop letting immigration laws be decided by a bunch of inbred hillbilly's and let the immigrants stay.

You have had years upon years to change the law, and can't fo it, therefore, to most people who actually have a clue....MOST AMERICANS WANT THE LAW!

The President did NOT uphold the constitution as he promised, by executing the laws of the land faithfully. He is a phony, and liar, just like everyone who tries to make this about racism. This is NOT racism, this is law. We allow 1 million people legally, into this country every year. How about the people over a million, get in line and wait their turn, or is that to much to ask from a bunch of barrio gangbangers!

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