The indescribable evil of the left

Geezus, Slade3200. Are you the world’s biggest idiot? I was just about to give you mad prop’s until I click your link is see the astounding stupidity in the first fucking sentence.

What the fuck did you think would happen when you started a poll with “P@triot says”. The asshole progressives are never going to be honest if they think they have a chance to prove me wrong.

A fuck’n 4th Grader knows that when you do a poll or a study, step one is to ensure you eliminate all bias. You don’t tell the subjects “Donald Trump has paid for this poll”. Fuck’n moron.
I didn’t know you had so many enemy’s on here. I’ve always had good debates with you. I was honestly just looking for liberals who agreed with the concept of after birth abortions so I could debate them. Thought putting your name in there would inspire a debate if anything.
They don't want to find common ground
Bingo, snowflake! I'm not the least bit interested in "common ground". I am interested in facts and only facts. You're looking for "common ground" so you can avoid facts.

"The indescribable evil of the left"

"Facts" my fucking ass ...
It was backed up by a link with indisputable facts, you partisan hack.

The part that has nothing to do with "Fact" is where you associate a few people with all of "the left". Though I feel like most of you right-wingers don't even know what the left is anymore. Y'all think I'm "the left", which is laughable.
With each passing day, the left becomes more mentally unstable, more unethical, and more evil....
View attachment 112077

Oxford University’s so-called “ethicists” say that newborn babies are not “actual person”, but “potential persons”.

And Planned Parenthood’s President, Cecile Richards, is urging women to embrace their abortions and boast proudly of them as the next step to liberation.

This is the slippery slope of eugenics, euthanasia and mass murder by government.

It’s also why Neil Gorsuch’s appointment to the Supreme Court is so desperately needed.

Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say

Killing Newborn Babies No Different To Abortion, Say Medical Ethicists | The Huffington Post
Just send the babies to immigration court; problem solved.
Do you EVER shut the fuck up, P@triot? Do you have any semblance of a life whatsoever? I thought I posted too much, but Jesus Christ are you on another level ... you're like the IM2 of the politics board. Need to get the Steve McGarrett treatment.

Your shitposting is awful as well.

LOL! Do you ever STFU, John? Who the fuck do you think you are telling someone that they "post too much"? P@triot runs circles around you as it pertains to content. P@triot would be missed if he left this Not at bring nothing of worth here. Your debating skills are piss poor at best.
Do you EVER shut the fuck up, P@triot? Do you have any semblance of a life whatsoever? I thought I posted too much, but Jesus Christ are you on another level ... you're like the IM2 of the politics board. Need to get the Steve McGarrett treatment.

Your shitposting is awful as well.

LOL! Do you ever STFU, John? Who the fuck do you think you are telling someone that they "post too much"? P@triot runs circles around you as it pertains to content. P@triot would be missed if he left this Not at bring nothing of worth here. Your debating skills are piss poor at best.

And who the hell are you? I've never even had a debate with you. I'm not having one now. Titling your thread "the indescribable evil of the left" is pure hyperbole, no matter how much you'd love to wrap your hillbilly lips around Patriot's johnson.

This whole board is a donkey's ass. One step above Stormfront these days. When I first came here a while back, there were actual discussions. Now it's all garbage threads like this. Sad.
The left continues their “baby steps” towards normalizing pedophilia.
One of California's top universities, UC Santa Barbara, is now encouraging parents to let their children watch porn because it is "generally harmless" for four-year-olds to touch each other's genitals.
It takes a special kind of sick, twisted individual to advocate that children should be allowed to watch pornography.

California University Encourages Parents To Let Kids Watch Porn
The article below, which the op cited, provides a link to the alleged article wherein killing children is deemed morally acceptable. However, when I click on the link, the link is dead. Is it possible that the Telegraph got burned? I went to the author's Twitter page and he didn't share his story to his Twitter feed, fwiw.

Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say
The article below, which the op cited, provides a link to the alleged article wherein killing children is deemed morally acceptable. However, when I click on the link, the link is dead. Is it possible that the Telegraph got burned? I went to the author's Twitter page and he didn't share his story to his Twitter feed, fwiw.

Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say

Never mind. The article in The Telegraph is from 2012.
I didn’t know you had so many enemy’s on here. I’ve always had good debates with you.
Well yeah, that’s because you’re a Kennedy-era liberal. You don’t hate America. You’re not a radical. You don’t support extreme sexual deviance.

We disagree on most policy (not all) but we fundamentally agree on decency, the greatness of the U.S., etc. That’s not the case with most lefties these days. They have become extremely radicalized.
The supreme idiocy of the left, perfectly illustrated...
In an article titled "Talking To Your Child About Sex," parents are also advised not to "lecture" their children about sex and should let them "make their own decisions regarding sex."
The left advocates that parents should never parent and that society should permit children (who have not been parented) to dictate how all of society should function. From firearm laws to sex to the economy.

California University Encourages Parents To Let Kids Watch Porn
Do you EVER shut the fuck up, P@triot? Do you have any semblance of a life whatsoever? I thought I posted too much, but Jesus Christ are you on another level ... you're like the IM2 of the politics board. Need to get the Steve McGarrett treatment.

Your shitposting is awful as well.

LOL! Do you ever STFU, John? Who the fuck do you think you are telling someone that they "post too much"? P@triot runs circles around you as it pertains to content. P@triot would be missed if he left this Not at bring nothing of worth here. Your debating skills are piss poor at best.

And who the hell are you? I've never even had a debate with you. I'm not having one now. Titling your thread "the indescribable evil of the left" is pure hyperbole, no matter how much you'd love to wrap your hillbilly lips around Patriot's johnson.

This whole board is a donkey's ass. One step above Stormfront these days. When I first came here a while back, there were actual discussions. Now it's all garbage threads like this. Sad.

Save the queer talk for the gay bathhouses you no doubt "frequent", m'kay?

Yeah, we have had exchanges here...use the search feature and peruse them. Don't pontificate to me or anyone else on the lack of quality of threads here, douchebag. It's YOUR side of the aisle that has divided us and any pretense of an honest debate was lost when the Hildebeast lost.

So, allow me to sum it all up.....I despise neocons and I REALLY despise the fabian socialist leftists. They disgust me in ways that I could never adequately express. The antifa queers, cross-dressers and commie enablers seem to be itching for a fight...BIG mistake because there are too many that are awake and see the commie agenda.

Do you EVER shut the fuck up, P@triot? Do you have any semblance of a life whatsoever? I thought I posted too much, but Jesus Christ are you on another level ...
Uh-oh...looks like our fragile ‘lil snowflake has been “triggered” because I shared too much fact that didn’t align with what she was conditioned to believe.

The left has been completely, totally, thoroughly, and soundly defeated on the battlefield of ideas. Their ideology has failed and they know it. Places like Venezuela, Cuba, and Detroit have proven it.

With absolutely no leg left to stand on, but still completely unwilling to abandoned the ideology they foolishly bought into, the left is now lashing out with violence. Like a small child unable to use his words throwing a tantrum, the left is just assaulting, rioting, threatening, and looting now. Disgusting.

Massachusetts man arrested over what he said in this one tweet about ICE agents
As you can see from post #67, I’ve been warning people for years that the left was on a mission to normalize pedophilia like they did with homosexuality, transvestism, and gender “confusion”.
"t would be very, very inhuman to judge such a person," said Berlin's "Project Dunkelfeld" creator Dr. Klaus Beier.

The left is absolutely obsessed with child sex because deviance gets them all frothy and that is the ultimate disturbing deviance.

VICE pushes to 'destigmatize' pedophilia: 'It would be very, very inhuman to judge such a person'

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