The indescribable evil of the left

The Evil believe Good is Evil. That explains the OP's perspective.
How would you know what the evil believes - unless you're one of them? There is no other way you could possibly know. Thank you for confirming to the rest of USMB what I already knew was true - you are the epitome of evil. You're belief that children should be brutally murdered is a special kind of evil. You're belief that you have the right to take from others what belongs to them is evil. Your belief that you have the right to control other people's lives is evil.
"That could be true only for those, such as Obama’s 2004 Republican opponent, Alan Keyes, who believes a fetus that doctors give no chance of surviving is an "infant."
It is an infant. What else could it be - a Ford F150?!? A pen? An iPhone? Just because doctors think it won't survive doesn't change the fact that it is in fact an infant. Not only that, but do you have any idea how many times doctors are dead wrong? Literally as much as they are right.
If you fall for it, you're stupid.
If you ignore it, you're a "useful idiot" of the Dumbocrat Party.

Ignore what? That cock-n-bull story about her supposedly advocating infanticide? I'm not ignoring it, I'm calling it bull shit.
Oh are actually ignoring it. Calling it "bull-shit" is pretending it isn't real. And pretending it isn't real is ignoring it. I'm sorry, did you think the term "bull-shit" mean "affirmative, sir!"? :laugh:

I'm calling out the lie that she was advocating for infanticide. You know these show are recorded for all to see right? We know the show was about the 20 wk ban on abortion in Texas.
The left continues to attempt to “normalize” the most disturbing, most disgusting, most deviant, and most vile behaviors of their side of the aisle.

Step 1: they to attempt to convince people it’s not criminal - that instead it is a “disorder” that deserves compassion and support.

Step 2: if they are able to achieve that, the next step is to convince people “it’s no big deal”.

Step 3: then they go to “it’s natural”.

Step 4: finally they end with “any child who refuses to be sexually abused is ‘pedophilephobic’ and should be shunned by society for not sacrificing themselves for the ‘needs’ of the pedophile” (just as they’ve done with women who don’t want strange men in their restrooms and showers with them).

Opinion | Pedophilia: A Disorder, Not a Crime
The left continues to attempt to “normalize” the most disturbing, most disgusting, most deviant, and most vile behaviors of their side of the aisle.

Step 1: they to attempt to convince people it’s not criminal - that instead it is a “disorder” that deserves compassion and support.

Step 2: if they are able to achieve that, the next step is to convince people “it’s no big deal”.

Step 3: then they go to “it’s natural”.

Step 4: finally they end with “any child who refuses to be sexually abused is ‘pedophilephobic’ and should be shunned by society for not sacrificing themselves for the ‘needs’ of the pedophile” (just as they’ve done with women who don’t want strange men in their restrooms and showers with them).

Opinion | Pedophilia: A Disorder, Not a Crime
With the outpouring of support for moore, I would say that the right-wing supports pedophiles, as long as these perverts only prey on female children. If he had trolled the mall to pick up boys of the same age, the right-wingers would want him hanged.
With the outpouring of support for moore, I would say that the right-wing supports pedophiles, as long as these perverts only prey on female children. If he had trolled the mall to pick up boys of the same age, the right-wingers would want him hanged.
Except that the Roy Moore situation is allegations. He has not even been indicted, much less convicted, of anything like that.

Meanwhile, the left continues a massive campaign to promote all things sexually deviant and defame anyone who opposes their disturbing efforts.
I’ve been warning people for 5 years now that the left is desperately trying to normalize pedophilia. They were successful in normalizing homosexuality. They were successful in normalizing “transgender” nonsense. And now they will not stop until they can convince the masses that there is nothing wrong with being a pedophile.

TEDx Speaker: Pedophilia Is An Unchangeable Orientation
I’ve been warning people for 5 years now that the left is desperately trying to normalize pedophilia. They were successful in normalizing homosexuality. They were successful in normalizing “transgender” nonsense. And now they will not stop until they can convince the masses that there is nothing wrong with being a pedophile.

TEDx Speaker: Pedophilia Is An Unchangeable Orientation
Are you out of your mind? We have people here in the U.S. encouraging pedos, like roy moore and the duck people.
I’ve been warning people for 5 years now that the left is desperately trying to normalize pedophilia. They were successful in normalizing homosexuality. They were successful in normalizing “transgender” nonsense. And now they will not stop until they can convince the masses that there is nothing wrong with being a pedophile.

TEDx Speaker: Pedophilia Is An Unchangeable Orientation
Are you out of your mind? We have people here in the U.S. encouraging pedos, like roy moore and the duck people.

Spare me the bullshit, m'kay? I don't know what Moore did or did not do...but what I do know is that he had been in the national spotlight since at least 2005 concerning the Ten Commandments monument in front of the courthouse....but yet? None of his accusers ever came forward to call him out for hypocrisy...until he ran for a seat in Congress.

I mean, it's not like he ever got a free trip on the Lolita Express to Pedophile Island with "Jeffy" Epstein like Bill "drop trou" and the Hildebeast shove your sanctimonious bullshit up your ass sideways.....I am sure it would fit and with room to spare.
I’ve been warning people for 5 years now that the left is desperately trying to normalize pedophilia. They were successful in normalizing homosexuality. They were successful in normalizing “transgender” nonsense. And now they will not stop until they can convince the masses that there is nothing wrong with being a pedophile.

TEDx Speaker: Pedophilia Is An Unchangeable Orientation
Are you out of your mind? We have people here in the U.S. encouraging pedos, like roy moore and the duck people.

Spare me the bullshit, m'kay? I don't know what Moore did or did not do...but what I do know is that he had been in the national spotlight since at least 2005 concerning the Ten Commandments monument in front of the courthouse....but yet? None of his accusers ever came forward to call him out for hypocrisy...until he ran for a seat in Congress.

I mean, it's not like he ever got a free trip on the Lolita Express to Pedophile Island with "Jeffy" Epstein like Bill "drop trou" and the Hildebeast shove your sanctimonious bullshit up your ass sideways.....I am sure it would fit and with room to spare.

And trump. And 13-year-olds. I don't know just who you think "the left" is, have never, ever heard of anyone trying to normalize pedophilia. What kind of nonsense are you reading?

How can you defend moore. He's been a trashy little thing all his life and I have no doubt that he did what he was accused of by several people. The same goes for the duck guys, and all "adults" who go hunting for teenagers, including those who abuse religion to do it.
Are you out of your mind? We have people here in the U.S. encouraging pedos
Yeah. I know. That’s the point. They are called progressives.

Really? Just who is trying to give children the opportunity to grow to be adults without getting pregnant, without marrying too young, and with getting a full education that will prepare them to be productive adults in a fast-changing world? It certainly is not the right-wing types. They are for teen pregnancy and parenthood and for early marriage, and they are anti-education.
I don't know just who you think "the left" is, have never, ever heard of anyone trying to normalize pedophilia. What kind of nonsense are you reading?
Uh...I have provided multiple links in this thread alone. Why don’t you try clicking on them and reading them before commenting?
Typical leftist with the most disgusting views and language...
“I like when little boys touch me in my silly place,” he tweeted at one point.
The left has been trying to normalize pedophilia for almost a decade now. But it didn't stop there...
“The Expendables was so manly I fucked the shit out of the little pussy boy next to me! The boys ARE back in town!” he said in another.
This sick progressive is heavily into pedophilia. But he kept going...
“I’m doing a big Hollywood film adaptation of The Giving Tree with a happy ending – the tree grows back and gives the kid a blowjob,” read another.
Typical leftist - obsessed with homosexual sex with children. They are so sick - "straight" sex with children isn't deviant enough for them. It has to be homosexual.

Liberal director fired from major movie by Disney after these offensive tweets surface
Typical leftist with the most disgusting views and language...
“I like when little boys touch me in my silly place,” he tweeted at one point.
The left has been trying to normalize pedophilia for almost a decade now. But it didn't stop there...
“The Expendables was so manly I fucked the shit out of the little pussy boy next to me! The boys ARE back in town!” he said in another.
This sick progressive is heavily into pedophilia. But he kept going...
“I’m doing a big Hollywood film adaptation of The Giving Tree with a happy ending – the tree grows back and gives the kid a blowjob,” read another.
Typical leftist - obsessed with homosexual sex with children. They are so sick - "straight" sex with children isn't deviant enough for them. It has to be homosexual.

Liberal director fired from major movie by Disney after these offensive tweets surface
He needs to locked too!
Okay, buddy, slow your roll there. I'll agree that aborting a newborn is absolutely unethical, but calm down would you?

We're not spiraling into a pit of mass murder and eugenics with Gorsuch being our only hope because some guy published his unpopular opinion.

And please, don't let this guy speak for all liberals. I'm sure that the good majority of us wouldn't support this.
Dude...this is not breaking news. The left in Europe has been pushing since around 2010 or so that it should be ok to "abort" a child up to 5 years of age if a parent later realizes they do not wish to be a parent.

And history has shown us that American liberals universally support whatever their European counterparts supports - albeit about 10 years behind the curve.
We all know this is total bullshit.
Do you EVER shut the fuck up, P@triot? Do you have any semblance of a life whatsoever? I thought I posted too much, but Jesus Christ are you on another level ... you're like the IM2 of the politics board. Need to get the Steve McGarrett treatment.

Your shitposting is awful as well.
Okay, buddy, slow your roll there. I'll agree that aborting a newborn is absolutely unethical, but calm down would you?

We're not spiraling into a pit of mass murder and eugenics with Gorsuch being our only hope because some guy published his unpopular opinion.

And please, don't let this guy speak for all liberals. I'm sure that the good majority of us wouldn't support this.
Agreed. It is too bad the few sane liberals won't come out and condemn this idiocy.
I’m sure many Liberals would condem this idea if it was mainstream, I surly would. The paper was written in 2012 and this is the first I’m hearing of it. Also note that we are hearing about it now from a Right winger looking to dog on Liberals and not by Liberals trying to advance the idea...
Typical leftist with the most disgusting views and language...
“I like when little boys touch me in my silly place,” he tweeted at one point.
The left has been trying to normalize pedophilia for almost a decade now. But it didn't stop there...
“The Expendables was so manly I fucked the shit out of the little pussy boy next to me! The boys ARE back in town!” he said in another.
This sick progressive is heavily into pedophilia. But he kept going...
“I’m doing a big Hollywood film adaptation of The Giving Tree with a happy ending – the tree grows back and gives the kid a blowjob,” read another.
Typical leftist - obsessed with homosexual sex with children. They are so sick - "straight" sex with children isn't deviant enough for them. It has to be homosexual.

Liberal director fired from major movie by Disney after these offensive tweets surface

The republicans usually get the prize for pedophilia including Mark Foley and Dennis Hastert. One link of many below. Nope, the republicans seem to have a lock on the young ones. Democrats seem to have the have the decency and self control to wait till the kids are of age.

List Of Convicted Republican Pedophiles
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