Two Theories Explaining The Democrat Agenda

You just don't get it do you?
It's not the disagreeing with us- it's the fact you all push for infanticide, genital mutilations, gender dysphoria, sexual deviancies, experimental gene therapies, corrupt elections & an "ends justify the means" philosophy that evil in the cause of the greater good is both allowable & moral.
You favor evil things.

Don't kill babies or tell us what to do, leave our kids alone & we won't have conflict
Obviously you don't know me or my politics.

But regardless: You can think that I'm evil and satanic and demonic. While you think that, I'll just think that you're an American who loves his country, but who has been terribly, terribly, terribly manipulated by voices you choose to trust.

So we'll have an asymmetrical little relationship.
there is no reason to be mean…pity is a more understandable emotion…

This is what happens when people refuse to be "mean" to political zealots who want to kill them.

I don't pity people who want to destroy my country, even if they're too stupid to understand that the sociopaths they empower are doing so. That would be like having pity on the idiots who supported lenin, stalin, hitler, mao, pol pot, or kim ill sung. Stupid people do not deserve pity when they remain deliberately ignorant after being exposed to the truth, and I'll not allow myself to be taken prisoner by them nor will I take them prisoner if society collapses due to their actions.

"Democrats believe you should make your own decisions about things and the government exists to remove barriers to your success."

The simplest way to find truth in anything you post is to believe the the very dunce.

How did your Democrat governance do in helping black folks to success??????????????

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  1. It was the misfortune of black Americans that they were just on the verge of passing through the immigrant experience when damaging ideas about welfare and the lenient attitude about crime took hold. It could have happened to the Italians, Germans, Jews or Irish, but luckily for them, there were no Liberals around to “help” when they arrived. Coulter

When I say 'how stupid can you be,' you take it as a challenge.
Democrats have had both houses and the presidency’s twice in the last 40 years. We got Obamacare with Obama and a balanced budget under Clinton. This time under Biden we got tons of amazing legislation. Nothing has been accomplished under Republicans. There really is no choice. There is only one party interested in serious stewardship.
wow then why do you keep voting for people that create the opposite policies?

for example, higher taxes, forcing banning guns, forcing people to buy healthcare insurance vaccine mandates and so forth…
Higher taxes is a talking point. No substance. You can’t scream they are coming for your guns every time a democrat gets in office…cuz they don’t. You were never mandated to get a vaccine you snowflake. obamacare was a solution not a problem.
Higher taxes is a talking point. No substance. You can’t scream they are coming for your guns every time a democrat gets in office…cuz they don’t. You were never mandated to get a vaccine you snowflake. obamacare was a solution not a problem.
so basically you don’t know what your party policies are?
Pussy grabbing, hundreds of counts of adultery, lusting after his daughter, bilking seniors of their nest eggs at his fraudulent "university", making payoffs to porn stars, making his fortune off exploiting human weakness in gambling houses and contests of the flesh...the list is endless.

Clearly, Trump is the morally superior choice!
Here is one of Trump's temples to his god, built with the generous donations of the devoted flock who religiously attend these cathedrals.

Here are the traditional pews kindly provided by Trump at his temple, where the faithful can be found 24 hours a day, cleansing their filthy lucre in highly refined ministrations. Some congregants are known to develop obsessive rituals which they believe, if violated, will bring down the wrath of fate on their heads. In this way, Saint Trump has been credited for creating tens of millions of worshipers of his god:

Here is one of the worshipers in Trump's temple, filling the collection plate with her Social Security money.


But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents. Trump called His disciples to Him and said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more than all the others into the treasury."
For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. Romans 8:6




  • "Well, I'll tell you the funniest is that I’ll go backstage before a show, and everyone's getting dressed, and ready and everything else, and you know, no men are anywhere, and I'm allowed to go in because I'm the owner of the pageant and therefore I'm inspecting it. You know, I'm inspecting because I want to make sure that everything is good.
"You know, the dresses. 'Is everyone okay?' You know, they're standing there with no clothes. 'Is everybody okay?' And you see these incredible looking women, and so, I sort of get away with things like that. But no, I've been very good." - Donald Trump​

  • "I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn’t get there. And she was married!" - Donald Trump

  • "You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.
"Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything." - Donald Trump​
Pussy grabbing, hundreds of counts of adultery, lusting after his daughter, bilking seniors of their nest eggs at his fraudulent "university", making payoffs to porn stars, making his fortune off exploiting human weakness in gambling houses and contests of the flesh...the list is endless.

Clearly, Trump is the morally superior choice!
haha you are pathetic
My money is on the satanic theory.

I didn't really believe in the devil until I saw the way the left lost its mind after 2016.

And once I got to the point of believing in the existence of the devil, it was just a quick jump to confirming my belief in God.



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Here is one of the worshipers in Trump's temple, filling the collection plate with her Social Security money.


But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents. Trump called His disciples to Him and said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more than all the others into the treasury."
I just texted mommy and told her you're playing with her computer again.
For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. Romans 8:6




  • "Well, I'll tell you the funniest is that I’ll go backstage before a show, and everyone's getting dressed, and ready and everything else, and you know, no men are anywhere, and I'm allowed to go in because I'm the owner of the pageant and therefore I'm inspecting it. You know, I'm inspecting because I want to make sure that everything is good.
"You know, the dresses. 'Is everyone okay?' You know, they're standing there with no clothes. 'Is everybody okay?' And you see these incredible looking women, and so, I sort of get away with things like that. But no, I've been very good." - Donald Trump​

  • "I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn’t get there. And she was married!" - Donald Trump

  • "You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.
"Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything." - Donald Trump​
Isn't life in grade school wonderful?

By the way, most kids like cherries. Have a handful of them on me. Gobble them down really fast so the other kids can't get to them first. :itsok:
Obviously you don't know me or my politics.

But regardless: You can think that I'm evil and satanic and demonic. While you think that, I'll just think that you're an American who loves his country, but who has been terribly, terribly, terribly manipulated by voices you choose to trust.

So we'll have an asymmetrical little relationship.
Oh, look, folks. Here's a relic from an age when smug used to be considered fashionable.
Democrats have had both houses and the presidency’s twice in the last 40 years. We got Obamacare with Obama and a balanced budget under Clinton. This time under Biden we got tons of amazing legislation. Nothing has been accomplished under Republicans. There really is no choice. There is only one party interested in serious stewardship.

I suppose there is no law that prevents you from being as stupid and oblivious as you are.

Carry on.

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