Two Theories Explaining The Democrat Agenda

Here’s the differences.

Democrats believe you should make your own decisions about things and the government exists to remove barriers to your success.

Republicans believe you should remove your own barriers to success in society and that the government exists to make decisions for you.

It’s that simple.
"Democrats believe you should make your own decisions about things and the government exists to remove barriers to your success."

The simplest way to find truth in anything you post is to believe the the very dunce.

How did your Democrat governance do in helping black folks to success??????????????


  1. It was the misfortune of black Americans that they were just on the verge of passing through the immigrant experience when damaging ideas about welfare and the lenient attitude about crime took hold. It could have happened to the Italians, Germans, Jews or Irish, but luckily for them, there were no Liberals around to “help” when they arrived. Coulter

When I say 'how stupid can you be,' you take it as a challenge.
1. I am partial to my theory. It goes like this: if Western Civilization can personify good as "God," I see no problem in accepting the personification of evil as Satan. And the main doctrines of the Democrats, infanticide, racism, censorship, crime, socialism, and injury to America as well as Americans, serve the interests of the Devil.
What could be simpler and more easily defended???
And this:

2. Today, I found this explanation....not all too different.

"Jack Posobiec Explains the Real Agenda Behind Abortion, Gender Wars, and Pretty Much Everything Else the Left Is Pushing

If we examine their arguments for many of their key issues, it all comes down to the notion that we are not miraculously created individuals living in a miraculously created world. Whether they’re arguing in favor of killing babies, mutilating the sexual organs of children, or advancing their climate change narrative, they invariably come back to the notion that “science” says we’re not beings who have had the breath of life breathed into us by a supreme supernatural God. They say we’re here as the result of chemical reactions, that our intellect and life functions are just electrical impulses, and therefore we are insignificant in the collectivist worldview."


I like the cut of this guy's jib.

BTW, Biden just flushed nearly $400 Billion down the toilet committing The United States to fighting Don Quixote Windmills of Mythological Climate Change.

His policies so far have cost Americans to lose $3 Trillion in their retirement accounts.

Is that what he meant when he promised to fix inflation? is a third theory.....

And...ya' know what?

It resonates.
The way I look at it is this....

After the USSR shit the bed the world's globalists and bed wetters didn't just accept the fact that authoritarian collectivism was a shitty road to hell and not worth pursuing. Especially here in the US and western world. These insane dumbfucks do what insane dumbfucks do...

They double down and keep pushing self assured they can make marxism work. People have been trying collectivism long before that miserable parasite marx was even born for that matter and tyrannical assholes have always been part of human history.

So even though the USSR was no longer the capitol of insanity, the agents of global collectivism simply continued to follow orders and policies administered by KGB agents without any specific leadership although sociopaths like George Soros was happy to continue funding operatives and programs that undermine the foundation of the country. Pseudo-intellectual bed wetters remained in universities and continued to warp young minds. Corrupt criminal sociopath lawyers continued to enrich themselves in court rooms and in the legislative branches of state and the federal government. Just because Moscow wasn't there, they still had UN HQ in NYC after all.

Ordinary bed wetters in the street who are too stupid and ignorant to understand that they're merely ants in the big picture continue to believe they're doing something "good" or "progressive" grooming children, mailing in dozens of ballots, burning down cities, demanding free shit and wearing masks. They're the same sorts of imbeciles who flooded Berlin and shouted "ZEIG HEIL"!!! as a drug addled potato rode standing up in a rolls royce, told them he was going to punish the 1% who were the cause of their suffering, and that they should take to the streets and commit criminal acts against their "enemies".

History repeats itself but in this case it's going to be quite different.

The only real answer is that the Democrat party is a cult. They get crazier and nastier, but they only care what other leftists think.

My favorite is how Democrats, who have the same position on every issue, attack Republicans for being monolithic when there are many Republican segments with different views. The most basic being between social conservatives and fiscal conservatives. When Democrats "disagree" it's between two groups with the same positions only disagreeing about priority

Seems so.

They called their previous head priest "God, Jesus, and the messiah.
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BTW, Biden just flushed nearly $400 Billion down the toilet committing The United States to fighting Don Quixote Windmills of Mythological Climate Change.

His policies so far have cost Americans to lose $3 Trillion in their retirement accounts.

Is that what he meant when he promised to fix inflation?

Democrats say global warming exists and the Devil doesn't.

Wrong on both counts.
1. I am partial to my theory. It goes like this: if Western Civilization can personify good as "God," I see no problem in accepting the personification of evil as Satan. And the main doctrines of the Democrats, infanticide, racism, censorship, crime, socialism, and injury to America as well as Americans, serve the interests of the Devil.
What could be simpler and more easily defended???
And this:

2. Today, I found this explanation....not all too different.

"Jack Posobiec Explains the Real Agenda Behind Abortion, Gender Wars, and Pretty Much Everything Else the Left Is Pushing

If we examine their arguments for many of their key issues, it all comes down to the notion that we are not miraculously created individuals living in a miraculously created world. Whether they’re arguing in favor of killing babies, mutilating the sexual organs of children, or advancing their climate change narrative, they invariably come back to the notion that “science” says we’re not beings who have had the breath of life breathed into us by a supreme supernatural God. They say we’re here as the result of chemical reactions, that our intellect and life functions are just electrical impulses, and therefore we are insignificant in the collectivist worldview."


I like the cut of this guy's jib.

There has been a push to depopulate the earth for a very long time that coincides with voices within science for a need to depopulate.

This can be seen as long ago as this interview with Mike Wallace in 1958 with Huxley

Huxley spells it out.

1. The world needs to find a way to depopulate or "bad" things will start to happen
2. One of those bad things is a scourge of propaganda that will have voters voting for what he deemed below the level of choice and reason. Essentially what we have now.
3. And the communist party is the one party that stands best at gaining power to achieve this depopulation.

Also see the Guide Stones in Georgia

In 1980 a man who did not want to be identified, but was later discovered to be a wealthy scientist paid a small fortune to place some Stone Hinge type stones with writings on them that said we must protect the planet. The first concern was population control, to try and keep a population level around 500 million.

And this was all well before the climate scare we see all day, every day in the news now.

But now we have the climate cult championing the same thing. This is the group called the Voluntary Extinction Movement.

One woman in the movement wanted to have an abortion to diminish the babies future carbon footprint on the earth.

Now tying this in to satan, it is said satan has come to kill, steal, and destroy. So yea, he is probably driving it. People more than likely have no idea what is driving them though.

And as we see the agendas of the Left and democrat party, all of them depopulate

1. Abortion
2. Promoting gender confusion
3. Promoting crime
4. Promoting a dangerous open border the murders and untold number of people
5. Allowing drugs across the border that kill about 200 people a day
6. Promoting wars across the globe, or funding them
7. Reducing crops around the world in the name of reducing carbon emissions. Meanwhile, the UN says about a billion people will die from starvation next year.

And there you have it. In the mind of one of these sociopaths, they are doing humanity a favor, much like Hitler thought ridding us of the Jews would save humanity.
1. I am partial to my theory. It goes like this: if Western Civilization can personify good as "God," I see no problem in accepting the personification of evil as Satan. And the main doctrines of the Democrats, infanticide, racism, censorship, crime, socialism, and injury to America as well as Americans, serve the interests of the Devil.
What could be simpler and more easily defended???
And this:

2. Today, I found this explanation....not all too different.

"Jack Posobiec Explains the Real Agenda Behind Abortion, Gender Wars, and Pretty Much Everything Else the Left Is Pushing

If we examine their arguments for many of their key issues, it all comes down to the notion that we are not miraculously created individuals living in a miraculously created world. Whether they’re arguing in favor of killing babies, mutilating the sexual organs of children, or advancing their climate change narrative, they invariably come back to the notion that “science” says we’re not beings who have had the breath of life breathed into us by a supreme supernatural God. They say we’re here as the result of chemical reactions, that our intellect and life functions are just electrical impulses, and therefore we are insignificant in the collectivist worldview."


I like the cut of this guy's jib.

This narrows it down even better.
This narrows it down even better.
America’s progressives, led by Bernie Sanders, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, Elizabeth Warren, and Joe Biden, have established an agenda and have sanctioned a strategy that harkens back to a much earlier day: the Inquisition that started in the 12th century.

The Inquisition was part of the Catholic church’s effort to identify and punish heresy. Heresy was any opinion contrary to the canons of the Church. Heretics were harshly punished, and their lives were often “cancelled” (terminated). The earliest prosecutions seem to have been against Catholic splinter groups and later spread to Jews, Muslims, and Protestants, although Catholics who dared to deviate from the Church’s dictates were also subject to persecution.

America’s progressives have their own “religion” and impose punishment on heretics as well. The progressives excommunicate, “cancel,” heretics, banning them from jobs and access to the media. The primary targets for the progressive inquisition are citizens who desire limiting government control over their lives; support the Constitution (to include freedom of religion); support law and order, want schools to focus on reading, writing, and arithmetic; or, gasp! voted for Donald Trump. Dissenters from the progressive religion are not labeled heretics since the similarity to the Inquisition would become too obvious. Instead, they are labelled “deplorables,” “destroyers of democracy,” and “semi-fascists.”

Progressives eschew economics: cost-benefit analysis, supply and demand, and opportunity costs are irrelevant to their values and “logic.” Once they determine a policy they like, it matters not how much it costs or how wasteful it is. The Green New Deal and the tuition debt-forgiveness programs are cases in point. Asking if the money might be put to better use will mark the questioner as “selfish.” Progressives raise illogic to a new level.

Progressives are also destroyers of history that they do not like. They accept no “false gods.” Statues of the Founding Fathers and Abraham Lincoln are pulled down and their names excised from schools and other buildings. Joseph Stalin rewrote Russian history for political gain. Progressives are doing the same.


The catechism of the progressives includes Critical Race Theory, the 1619 Project, and the indoctrination of pre-pubescent children into transgender ideas. Progressive teachers, we are told, know best how to educate our children.

Progressives have found their own official inquisitors: The FBI and Department of Justice seem to have become part of the progressives' religion. They have hidden Hunter Biden’s laptop and his crony capitalism, and Joe Biden’s nepotism. They have allowed Hillary Clinton to escape prosecution for mishandling sensitive government documents. Members of the “true faith” walk free while heretics are prosecuted.

Progressives, as true socialists, seize ownership of businesses in practice if not in name. They will regulate business to do their bidding by imposing ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) scores, packing boards of directors with public representatives (i.e., progressive faithful), and banishing industries and oil pipelines not to their liking.

Progressives, in their intolerance of dissenting ideas and abhorrence of sharing political power, plan to make Washington, D.C., a state in order to add two new Democratic senators. They speak of packing the Supreme Court with progressive-friendly justices. For progressives, the end justifies the means. Progressives desire a one-party, one-religion state and will not stop until their mission is accomplished.

The original Inquisition lasted for several hundred years. The Enlightenment greatly helped to end the terror. Progressives now threaten these gains. They seek to banish competition and establish one-party (one-church) rule. Knowledge through reason, liberty, toleration, and constitutional government are all under threat. Progressives are dangerous to individual freedom, and they must be called out for what they are: intolerant religious zealots, fascist-socialists, and power-hungry anti-intellectuals.

The way I look at it is this....

After the USSR shit the bed the world's globalists and bed wetters didn't just accept the fact that authoritarian collectivism was a shitty road to hell and not worth pursuing. Especially here in the US and western world. These insane dumbfucks do what insane dumbfucks do...

They double down and keep pushing self assured they can make marxism work. People have been trying collectivism long before that miserable parasite marx was even born for that matter and tyrannical assholes have always been part of human history.

So even though the USSR was no longer the capitol of insanity, the agents of global collectivism simply continued to follow orders and policies administered by KGB agents without any specific leadership although sociopaths like George Soros was happy to continue funding operatives and programs that undermine the foundation of the country. Pseudo-intellectual bed wetters remained in universities and continued to warp young minds. Corrupt criminal sociopath lawyers continued to enrich themselves in court rooms and in the legislative branches of state and the federal government. Just because Moscow wasn't there, they still had UN HQ in NYC after all.

Ordinary bed wetters in the street who are too stupid and ignorant to understand that they're merely ants in the big picture continue to believe they're doing something "good" or "progressive" grooming children, mailing in dozens of ballots, burning down cities, demanding free shit and wearing masks. They're the same sorts of imbeciles who flooded Berlin and shouted "ZEIG HEIL"!!! as a drug addled potato rode standing up in a rolls royce, told them he was going to punish the 1% who were the cause of their suffering, and that they should take to the streets and commit criminal acts against their "enemies".

History repeats itself but in this case it's going to be quite different.

Completely accurate picture of what these DemNazi Marxist Fascist Globalist pigs stand for.
The cold war never ended, and the Soviet Union never perished, it just moved into The DNC headquarters.
There has been a push to depopulate the earth for a very long time that coincides with voices within science for a need to depopulate.

This can be seen as long ago as this interview with Mike Wallace in 1958 with Huxley

Huxley spells it out.

1. The world needs to find a way to depopulate or "bad" things will start to happen
2. One of those bad things is a scourge of propaganda that will have voters voting for what he deemed below the level of choice and reason. Essentially what we have now.
3. And the communist party is the one party that stands best at gaining power to achieve this depopulation.

Also see the Guide Stones in Georgia

In 1980 a man who did not want to be identified, but was later discovered to be a wealthy scientist paid a small fortune to place some Stone Hinge type stones with writings on them that said we must protect the planet. The first concern was population control, to try and keep a population level around 500 million.

And this was all well before the climate scare we see all day, every day in the news now.

But now we have the climate cult championing the same thing. This is the group called the Voluntary Extinction Movement.

One woman in the movement wanted to have an abortion to diminish the babies future carbon footprint on the earth.

Now tying this in to satan, it is said satan has come to kill, steal, and destroy. So yea, he is probably driving it. People more than likely have no idea what is driving them though.

And as we see the agendas of the Left and democrat party, all of them depopulate

1. Abortion
2. Promoting gender confusion
3. Promoting crime
4. Promoting a dangerous open border the murders and untold number of people
5. Allowing drugs across the border that kill about 200 people a day
6. Promoting wars across the globe, or funding them
7. Reducing crops around the world in the name of reducing carbon emissions. Meanwhile, the UN says about a billion people will die from starvation next year.

And there you have it. In the mind of one of these sociopaths, they are doing humanity a favor, much like Hitler thought ridding us of the Jews would save humanity.

I bet you remember this nonsense that was all the rage on the Left:


Even today, these nuts........

David Hogg vows to never have children: 'I would much rather ...​ › news › sep › david...

3 days ago — “Also BIG reason I will never have kids in the US- I refuse to raise kids in a country that values f—ing guns over children's lives,” he said.

Liberal Activist Says He'd Rather Own a Porsche Than Have ...​ › ...

2 days ago — "I'm never planning on having kids," Hogg wrote in a bizarre Twitter thread. "I would much rather own a Porsche and have a Portuguese water ...

A war against children......gotta' be a sign of the Devil
1. I am partial to my theory. It goes like this: if Western Civilization can personify good as "God," I see no problem in accepting the personification of evil as Satan. And the main doctrines of the Democrats, infanticide, racism, censorship, crime, socialism, and injury to America as well as Americans, serve the interests of the Devil.
What could be simpler and more easily defended???
And this:

2. Today, I found this explanation....not all too different.

"Jack Posobiec Explains the Real Agenda Behind Abortion, Gender Wars, and Pretty Much Everything Else the Left Is Pushing

If we examine their arguments for many of their key issues, it all comes down to the notion that we are not miraculously created individuals living in a miraculously created world. Whether they’re arguing in favor of killing babies, mutilating the sexual organs of children, or advancing their climate change narrative, they invariably come back to the notion that “science” says we’re not beings who have had the breath of life breathed into us by a supreme supernatural God. They say we’re here as the result of chemical reactions, that our intellect and life functions are just electrical impulses, and therefore we are insignificant in the collectivist worldview."


I like the cut of this guy's jib.

There is another Democrat theory.

There has been a push to depopulate the earth for a very long time that coincides with voices within science for a need to depopulate.

This can be seen as long ago as this interview with Mike Wallace in 1958 with Huxley

Huxley spells it out.

1. The world needs to find a way to depopulate or "bad" things will start to happen
2. One of those bad things is a scourge of propaganda that will have voters voting for what he deemed below the level of choice and reason. Essentially what we have now.
3. And the communist party is the one party that stands best at gaining power to achieve this depopulation.

Also see the Guide Stones in Georgia

In 1980 a man who did not want to be identified, but was later discovered to be a wealthy scientist paid a small fortune to place some Stone Hinge type stones with writings on them that said we must protect the planet. The first concern was population control, to try and keep a population level around 500 million.

And this was all well before the climate scare we see all day, every day in the news now.

But now we have the climate cult championing the same thing. This is the group called the Voluntary Extinction Movement.

One woman in the movement wanted to have an abortion to diminish the babies future carbon footprint on the earth.

Now tying this in to satan, it is said satan has come to kill, steal, and destroy. So yea, he is probably driving it. People more than likely have no idea what is driving them though.

And as we see the agendas of the Left and democrat party, all of them depopulate

1. Abortion
2. Promoting gender confusion
3. Promoting crime
4. Promoting a dangerous open border the murders and untold number of people
5. Allowing drugs across the border that kill about 200 people a day
6. Promoting wars across the globe, or funding them
7. Reducing crops around the world in the name of reducing carbon emissions. Meanwhile, the UN says about a billion people will die from starvation next year.

And there you have it. In the mind of one of these sociopaths, they are doing humanity a favor, much like Hitler thought ridding us of the Jews would save humanity.

Satan is the author of confusion and every DemNazi Globalist I know is very confused.
I bet you remember this nonsense that was all the rage on the Left:

View attachment 699909

Even today, these nuts........

David Hogg vows to never have children: 'I would much rather ... › news › sep › david...
3 days ago — “Also BIG reason I will never have kids in the US- I refuse to raise kids in a country that values f—ing guns over children's lives,” he said.

Liberal Activist Says He'd Rather Own a Porsche Than Have ... › ...
2 days ago — "I'm never planning on having kids," Hogg wrote in a bizarre Twitter thread. "I would much rather own a Porsche and have a Portuguese water ...

A war against children......gotta' be a sign of the Devil
Bed wetters not having children is a blessing IMO.

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