The indescribable evil of the left

I’m sure many Liberals would condem this idea if it was mainstream, I surly would.
Well Slade3200, you're one of the few, rare true liberals. In other words, you don't hate America and you're reasonable. But you're not the norm for that side of the aisle. You're the exception.
The paper was written in 2012 and this is the first I’m hearing of it. Also note that we are hearing about it now from a Right winger looking to dog on Liberals and not by Liberals trying to advance the idea...
That's because the left has an infamous strategy called "nudge". It's akin to the old "how to you eat an elephant? One bite at a time" proverb.

You can't wake up in the morning and tell the world "pedophilia is ok". You have to start small, get acceptance, and build. You have to "nudge" people towards the cliff. It started with homosexuality. Building on it year after year after year. Telling people they were "born that way" that it is "normal" and that they are just people who want the same things we do. After homosexuality became mainstream, they moved on to the cross-dressing transgender stuff. They worked hard to make people believe that it's perfectly ok for a 48 year old man to walk into the women's locker room at the public pool wearing a dress and stare at women undressing and showering.

And now they are working on normalizing pedophilia. This is not the first. (radical left-wing website) had a pedophile write a large article about his life and portrayed him as the victim. What did the left do? Did they denounce it? NOPE! They cheered.
Okay, buddy, slow your roll there. I'll agree that aborting a newborn is absolutely unethical, but calm down would you?

We're not spiraling into a pit of mass murder and eugenics with Gorsuch being our only hope because some guy published his unpopular opinion.

And please, don't let this guy speak for all liberals. I'm sure that the good majority of us wouldn't support this.
Dude...this is not breaking news. The left in Europe has been pushing since around 2010 or so that it should be ok to "abort" a child up to 5 years of age if a parent later realizes they do not wish to be a parent.

And history has shown us that American liberals universally support whatever their European counterparts supports - albeit about 10 years behind the curve.
We all know this is total bullshit.
It is total bullshit. Unfortunately, that's what your side of the aisle support (total bullshit) and you blindly accept. Only an asshole would believe the things the left believes.
Okay, buddy, slow your roll there. I'll agree that aborting a newborn is absolutely unethical, but calm down would you?

We're not spiraling into a pit of mass murder and eugenics with Gorsuch being our only hope because some guy published his unpopular opinion.

And please, don't let this guy speak for all liberals. I'm sure that the good majority of us wouldn't support this.
Dude...this is not breaking news. The left in Europe has been pushing since around 2010 or so that it should be ok to "abort" a child up to 5 years of age if a parent later realizes they do not wish to be a parent.

And history has shown us that American liberals universally support whatever their European counterparts supports - albeit about 10 years behind the curve.
We all know this is total bullshit.
It is total bullshit. Unfortunately, that's what your side of the aisle support (total bullshit) and you blindly accept. Only an asshole would believe the things the left believes.
Um no you’re just making shit up.
Okay, buddy, slow your roll there. I'll agree that aborting a newborn is absolutely unethical, but calm down would you?

We're not spiraling into a pit of mass murder and eugenics with Gorsuch being our only hope because some guy published his unpopular opinion.

And please, don't let this guy speak for all liberals. I'm sure that the good majority of us wouldn't support this.
Dude...this is not breaking news. The left in Europe has been pushing since around 2010 or so that it should be ok to "abort" a child up to 5 years of age if a parent later realizes they do not wish to be a parent.

And history has shown us that American liberals universally support whatever their European counterparts supports - albeit about 10 years behind the curve.
We all know this is total bullshit.
It is total bullshit. Unfortunately, that's what your side of the aisle support (total bullshit) and you blindly accept. Only an asshole would believe the things the left believes.
Um no you’re just making shit up.
The links are all there, Princess Snowflake. You can deny reality, but it doesn't change reality.
Okay, buddy, slow your roll there. I'll agree that aborting a newborn is absolutely unethical, but calm down would you?

We're not spiraling into a pit of mass murder and eugenics with Gorsuch being our only hope because some guy published his unpopular opinion.

And please, don't let this guy speak for all liberals. I'm sure that the good majority of us wouldn't support this.
Agreed. It is too bad the few sane liberals won't come out and condemn this idiocy.
Actually I think you will find that pretty much all liberals will condemn this idiocy. I certainly do.
Actually I think you will find that pretty much all liberals will condemn this idiocy. I certainly do.
The nail in the coffin. This idiot asshole Crepitus has been screaming for weeks on USBM that he is "far right-wing" (just like rightwinger used to do). But of course, he failed to take into account that conservatives aren't dumb, deaf, and blind minions like the left. We don't care about your name or the symbol near it - we examine your policies. It was painfully obvious that Crepitus was a hard-core fascist-statist.

From post #22 in another thread:
Also, I'm right and you know it.
I love catching asshole liberal liars in their lies. What a bunch of immature tools.
Okay, buddy, slow your roll there. I'll agree that aborting a newborn is absolutely unethical, but calm down would you?

We're not spiraling into a pit of mass murder and eugenics with Gorsuch being our only hope because some guy published his unpopular opinion.

And please, don't let this guy speak for all liberals. I'm sure that the good majority of us wouldn't support this.
Agreed. It is too bad the few sane liberals won't come out and condemn this idiocy.
Actually I think you will find that pretty much all liberals will condemn this idiocy. I certainly do.

You should know by now that guys like P@triot are not here to have a serious conversation. They are here to attack you. I guess they get off on it. ANY whiff of appeasement just encourages them. They don't want to find common ground; they are rabid zealots who want to feel dominant over someone else for once in their life. Best not to feed them, yeah?
They don't want to find common ground
Bingo, snowflake! I'm not the least bit interested in "common ground". I am interested in facts and only facts. You're looking for "common ground" so you can avoid facts.

"The indescribable evil of the left"

"Facts" my fucking ass ...

You are a hyperbolic, egotistical jackass who only cares about attacking people on a forum board. About as serious a person as Steve McGarrett, who was, I believe, banned for being a racist, lying moron.
Actually I think you will find that pretty much all liberals will condemn this idiocy. I certainly do.
The nail in the coffin. This idiot asshole Crepitus has been screaming for weeks on USBM that he is "far right-wing" (just like rightwinger used to do). But of course, he failed to take into account that conservatives aren't dumb, deaf, and blind minions like the left. We don't care about your name or the symbol near it - we examine your policies. It was painfully obvious that Crepitus was a hard-core fascist-statist.

From post #22 in another thread:
Also, I'm right and you know it.
I love catching asshole liberal liars in their lies. What a bunch of immature tools.
Do you practice being this stupid or does it come naturally? 'cause that post takes the cake kiddo. I nominate you for moron of the month. Can I get a second?
Okay, buddy, slow your roll there. I'll agree that aborting a newborn is absolutely unethical, but calm down would you?

We're not spiraling into a pit of mass murder and eugenics with Gorsuch being our only hope because some guy published his unpopular opinion.

And please, don't let this guy speak for all liberals. I'm sure that the good majority of us wouldn't support this.
Dude...this is not breaking news. The left in Europe has been pushing since around 2010 or so that it should be ok to "abort" a child up to 5 years of age if a parent later realizes they do not wish to be a parent.

And history has shown us that American liberals universally support whatever their European counterparts supports - albeit about 10 years behind the curve.
We all know this is total bullshit.
It is total bullshit. Unfortunately, that's what your side of the aisle support (total bullshit) and you blindly accept. Only an asshole would believe the things the left believes.
Um no you’re just making shit up.
The links are all there, Princess Snowflake. You can deny reality, but it doesn't change reality.
So where is the link about the proposal in Europe to kill 5 year olds?
I’m sure many Liberals would condem this idea if it was mainstream, I surly would.
Well Slade3200, you're one of the few, rare true liberals. In other words, you don't hate America and you're reasonable. But you're not the norm for that side of the aisle. You're the exception.
The paper was written in 2012 and this is the first I’m hearing of it. Also note that we are hearing about it now from a Right winger looking to dog on Liberals and not by Liberals trying to advance the idea...
That's because the left has an infamous strategy called "nudge". It's akin to the old "how to you eat an elephant? One bite at a time" proverb.

You can't wake up in the morning and tell the world "pedophilia is ok". You have to start small, get acceptance, and build. You have to "nudge" people towards the cliff. It started with homosexuality. Building on it year after year after year. Telling people they were "born that way" that it is "normal" and that they are just people who want the same things we do. After homosexuality became mainstream, they moved on to the cross-dressing transgender stuff. They worked hard to make people believe that it's perfectly ok for a 48 year old man to walk into the women's locker room at the public pool wearing a dress and stare at women undressing and showering.

And now they are working on normalizing pedophilia. This is not the first. (radical left-wing website) had a pedophile write a large article about his life and portrayed him as the victim. What did the left do? Did they denounce it? NOPE! They cheered.
Well lets test it out... this board isn’t the best breeding ground for the moderate minded however given the wingnuts that do hang here id like to see how many “Liberals” would actually support and defend the ideas in this paper. I’ll start a poll thread and we shall see
I’m sure many Liberals would condem this idea if it was mainstream, I surly would.
Well Slade3200, you're one of the few, rare true liberals. In other words, you don't hate America and you're reasonable. But you're not the norm for that side of the aisle. You're the exception.
The paper was written in 2012 and this is the first I’m hearing of it. Also note that we are hearing about it now from a Right winger looking to dog on Liberals and not by Liberals trying to advance the idea...
That's because the left has an infamous strategy called "nudge". It's akin to the old "how to you eat an elephant? One bite at a time" proverb.

You can't wake up in the morning and tell the world "pedophilia is ok". You have to start small, get acceptance, and build. You have to "nudge" people towards the cliff. It started with homosexuality. Building on it year after year after year. Telling people they were "born that way" that it is "normal" and that they are just people who want the same things we do. After homosexuality became mainstream, they moved on to the cross-dressing transgender stuff. They worked hard to make people believe that it's perfectly ok for a 48 year old man to walk into the women's locker room at the public pool wearing a dress and stare at women undressing and showering.

And now they are working on normalizing pedophilia. This is not the first. (radical left-wing website) had a pedophile write a large article about his life and portrayed him as the victim. What did the left do? Did they denounce it? NOPE! They cheered.
Liberals... who supports post birth abortions as promoted in the linked paper?
I’m sure many Liberals would condem this idea if it was mainstream, I surly would.
Well Slade3200, you're one of the few, rare true liberals. In other words, you don't hate America and you're reasonable. But you're not the norm for that side of the aisle. You're the exception.
The paper was written in 2012 and this is the first I’m hearing of it. Also note that we are hearing about it now from a Right winger looking to dog on Liberals and not by Liberals trying to advance the idea...
That's because the left has an infamous strategy called "nudge". It's akin to the old "how to you eat an elephant? One bite at a time" proverb.

You can't wake up in the morning and tell the world "pedophilia is ok". You have to start small, get acceptance, and build. You have to "nudge" people towards the cliff. It started with homosexuality. Building on it year after year after year. Telling people they were "born that way" that it is "normal" and that they are just people who want the same things we do. After homosexuality became mainstream, they moved on to the cross-dressing transgender stuff. They worked hard to make people believe that it's perfectly ok for a 48 year old man to walk into the women's locker room at the public pool wearing a dress and stare at women undressing and showering.

And now they are working on normalizing pedophilia. This is not the first. (radical left-wing website) had a pedophile write a large article about his life and portrayed him as the victim. What did the left do? Did they denounce it? NOPE! They cheered.
Liberals... who supports post birth abortions as promoted in the linked paper?
He’ll just be a moron and say “well of course they wouldn’t admit it on here!”
So where is the link about the proposal in Europe to kill 5 year olds?
They have been posted dozens and dozens of times all over USMB. This schtick is getting really old because you’re ignorant and lazy. Either keep up with current events, do your own Google searches, or stop coming to USMB. We’re not here to do your homework - especially when you deny reality anyway. This is the last time. Don’t bother asking again. I’ll just refer you back to this post.

Some College Students Approve of ‘After-Birth Abortion’… Up to Age 5

What’s Wrong With “After-Birth Abortion”?
So where is the link about the proposal in Europe to kill 5 year olds?
Google is your friend. Stop being so lazy (and ignorant).
Parents should be allowed to have their newborn babies killed because they are “morally irrelevant” and ending their lives is no different to abortion, a group of medical ethicists linked to Oxford University has argued.
The left considers human life to be “morally irrelevant”. Rational people consider the left’s views to be “morally repulsive”, “morally repugnant”, and “morally irrelevant”.

Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say
Geezus, Slade3200. Are you the world’s biggest idiot? I was just about to give you mad prop’s until I click your link is see the astounding stupidity in the first fucking sentence.

What the fuck did you think would happen when you started a poll with “P@triot says”. The asshole progressives are never going to be honest if they think they have a chance to prove me wrong.

A fuck’n 4th Grader knows that when you do a poll or a study, step one is to ensure you eliminate all bias. You don’t tell the subjects “Donald Trump has paid for this poll”. Fuck’n moron.

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