The indescribable evil of the left

Okay, buddy, slow your roll there. I'll agree that aborting a newborn is absolutely unethical, but calm down would you?

We're not spiraling into a pit of mass murder and eugenics with Gorsuch being our only hope because some guy published his unpopular opinion.

And please, don't let this guy speak for all liberals. I'm sure that the good majority of us wouldn't support this.
Dude...this is not breaking news. The left in Europe has been pushing since around 2010 or so that it should be ok to "abort" a child up to 5 years of age if a parent later realizes they do not wish to be a parent.

And history has shown us that American liberals universally support whatever their European counterparts supports - albeit about 10 years behind the curve.

See, but you keep generalizing it to be the entire left wing that's following these idiots. But I can guarantee you, that this "left" is probably the far left communist nutcases, who is but a fraction of the actual group. You just hear about the nutcases more than the majority because the nutcases scream louder and get more coverage.

There's a few that are pushing their horrid agenda, yeah, but that is a small, small group. You claim that the left wants this, the entire left wants to kill newborns, but your sources say that it's a small group of unethical doctors.

Not everyone on the left is an evil scumbag.
Well it sure seems like it. Outside of a candidate for the DNC chair and your post right here, I can't remember the last time I've heard someone on the left say something rational or true. Have you read the posts from your side of the aisle here on USMB? Did you see the policies Obama and his cronies pushed?

I have seen them. And most of them are pretty ridiculous. I think I've called a few of them out for preaching about the apocalypse and how trump is going to end the world and destroy this and that.

Thing is though, they're still a small group. Everyone is judging the other side based on that small group on the other side that happens to be the loudest. If I were to judge the right based on the small far right group, I'd guess that the ENTIRE RIGHT SIDE are KKK/Nazi Sympathizers demanding totalitarian rule based on pure whites religious nuts at the top and ethical people/colored people/aetheists at the bottom.

But I don't. Because it's just a small band of trolls. And that works vice versa
You are missing the point that the goal posts keep moving. At some point, a line needs to be drawn. I draw it at 6 months as a fetus.
With each passing day, the left becomes more mentally unstable, more unethical, and more evil....
View attachment 112077

Oxford University’s so-called “ethicists” say that newborn babies are not “actual person”, but “potential persons”.

And Planned Parenthood’s President, Cecile Richards, is urging women to embrace their abortions and boast proudly of them as the next step to liberation.

This is the slippery slope of eugenics, euthanasia and mass murder by government.

It’s also why Neil Gorsuch’s appointment to the Supreme Court is so desperately needed.

Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say

Killing Newborn Babies No Different To Abortion, Say Medical Ethicists | The Huffington Post

This is the USA not the UK. Infanticide is still murder. Please list the Democrats who have stated that they think we should change the law to allow the killing of living children.

" Infanticide is still murder."


Why, then, isn't Barack Obama opposed to it?

You're obviously confused by the Alt-Right poopaganda. But have no fear all your question are answered here.

Obama and ‘Infanticide’

What sort of savage would say this:

Obama: 'I Don't Want Them [My Daughters] Punished With A Baby'

Because it would say that my daughters have to take personal responsibility and accountability for their actions. We can't have that. That is fucked up.
With each passing day, the left becomes more mentally unstable, more unethical, and more evil....
View attachment 112077

Oxford University’s so-called “ethicists” say that newborn babies are not “actual person”, but “potential persons”.

And Planned Parenthood’s President, Cecile Richards, is urging women to embrace their abortions and boast proudly of them as the next step to liberation.

This is the slippery slope of eugenics, euthanasia and mass murder by government.

It’s also why Neil Gorsuch’s appointment to the Supreme Court is so desperately needed.

Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say

Killing Newborn Babies No Different To Abortion, Say Medical Ethicists | The Huffington Post

This is the USA not the UK. Infanticide is still murder. Please list the Democrats who have stated that they think we should change the law to allow the killing of living children.

Barack Obama did when he voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act on several occasions.


Complete text of Illinois Born-Alive Infants Protection bill killed by Barack Obama


Whether opposing "born alive" legislation is the same as supporting "infanticide," however, is entirely a matter of interpretation. That could be true only for those, such as Obama’s 2004 Republican opponent, Alan Keyes, who believes a fetus that doctors give no chance of surviving is an "infant." It is worth noting that Illinois law already provided that physicians must protect the life of a fetus when there is "a reasonable likelihood of sustained survival of the fetus outside the womb, with or without artificial support."

Obama and ‘Infanticide’
So infants don't get free health care but everyone else MUST have it.


Someone with a potential life threatening disease should not be helped if doctors see it as terminal cuz Infants.
Okay, buddy, slow your roll there. I'll agree that aborting a newborn is absolutely unethical, but calm down would you?

We're not spiraling into a pit of mass murder and eugenics with Gorsuch being our only hope because some guy published his unpopular opinion.

And please, don't let this guy speak for all liberals. I'm sure that the good majority of us wouldn't support this.
Agreed. It is too bad the few sane liberals won't come out and condemn this idiocy.
Actually I think you will find that pretty much all liberals will condemn this idiocy. I certainly do.
The liberal elite ethicists at the world renowned Oxford University disagree with you. But no liberals listen to them, do they? So fuck it, the OP is just complaining.
Okay, buddy, slow your roll there. I'll agree that aborting a newborn is absolutely unethical, but calm down would you?

We're not spiraling into a pit of mass murder and eugenics with Gorsuch being our only hope because some guy published his unpopular opinion.

And please, don't let this guy speak for all liberals. I'm sure that the good majority of us wouldn't support this.

As I am sure none of you would stand against this infanticide either.
Okay, buddy, slow your roll there. I'll agree that aborting a newborn is absolutely unethical, but calm down would you?

We're not spiraling into a pit of mass murder and eugenics with Gorsuch being our only hope because some guy published his unpopular opinion.

And please, don't let this guy speak for all liberals. I'm sure that the good majority of us wouldn't support this.
Agreed. It is too bad the few sane liberals won't come out and condemn this idiocy.
Actually I think you will find that pretty much all liberals will condemn this idiocy. I certainly do.
The liberal elite ethicists at the world renowned Oxford University disagree with you. But no liberals listen to them, do they? So fuck it, the OP is just complaining.
No, they don't.
Okay, buddy, slow your roll there. I'll agree that aborting a newborn is absolutely unethical, but calm down would you?

We're not spiraling into a pit of mass murder and eugenics with Gorsuch being our only hope because some guy published his unpopular opinion.

And please, don't let this guy speak for all liberals. I'm sure that the good majority of us wouldn't support this.
Agreed. It is too bad the few sane liberals won't come out and condemn this idiocy.
Actually I think you will find that pretty much all liberals will condemn this idiocy. I certainly do.
The liberal elite ethicists at the world renowned Oxford University disagree with you. But no liberals listen to them, do they? So fuck it, the OP is just complaining.
No, they don't.
Prove me wrong. You just state "No they don't" with no rebuttal. Give me some evidence. Cuz the OP has evidence. Refute it or fuck off with you one line statement that provides no value except to show you are arrogant and people will believe you cuz you're Crapitus.

Shit, did I misspells something? No. It looks right. All good to go
With each passing day, the left becomes more mentally unstable, more unethical, and more evil....
View attachment 112077

Oxford University’s so-called “ethicists” say that newborn babies are not “actual person”, but “potential persons”.

And Planned Parenthood’s President, Cecile Richards, is urging women to embrace their abortions and boast proudly of them as the next step to liberation.

This is the slippery slope of eugenics, euthanasia and mass murder by government.

It’s also why Neil Gorsuch’s appointment to the Supreme Court is so desperately needed.

Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say

Killing Newborn Babies No Different To Abortion, Say Medical Ethicists | The Huffington Post

This is the USA not the UK. Infanticide is still murder. Please list the Democrats who have stated that they think we should change the law to allow the killing of living children.

Barack Obama did when he voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act on several occasions.


Complete text of Illinois Born-Alive Infants Protection bill killed by Barack Obama


Whether opposing "born alive" legislation is the same as supporting "infanticide," however, is entirely a matter of interpretation. That could be true only for those, such as Obama’s 2004 Republican opponent, Alan Keyes, who believes a fetus that doctors give no chance of surviving is an "infant." It is worth noting that Illinois law already provided that physicians must protect the life of a fetus when there is "a reasonable likelihood of sustained survival of the fetus outside the womb, with or without artificial support."

Obama and ‘Infanticide’
So infants don't get free health care but everyone else MUST have it.


Someone with a potential life threatening disease should not be helped if doctors see it as terminal cuz Infants.

Infants born alive, including ones who survive an attempted abortion, has been federal law since 2002. So hospitals are required to give them care regardless of the parents ability to pay.
With each passing day, the left becomes more mentally unstable, more unethical, and more evil....
View attachment 112077

Oxford University’s so-called “ethicists” say that newborn babies are not “actual person”, but “potential persons”.

And Planned Parenthood’s President, Cecile Richards, is urging women to embrace their abortions and boast proudly of them as the next step to liberation.

This is the slippery slope of eugenics, euthanasia and mass murder by government.

It’s also why Neil Gorsuch’s appointment to the Supreme Court is so desperately needed.

Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say

Killing Newborn Babies No Different To Abortion, Say Medical Ethicists | The Huffington Post

This is the USA not the UK. Infanticide is still murder. Please list the Democrats who have stated that they think we should change the law to allow the killing of living children.

Barack Obama did when he voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act on several occasions.


Complete text of Illinois Born-Alive Infants Protection bill killed by Barack Obama


Whether opposing "born alive" legislation is the same as supporting "infanticide," however, is entirely a matter of interpretation. That could be true only for those, such as Obama’s 2004 Republican opponent, Alan Keyes, who believes a fetus that doctors give no chance of surviving is an "infant." It is worth noting that Illinois law already provided that physicians must protect the life of a fetus when there is "a reasonable likelihood of sustained survival of the fetus outside the womb, with or without artificial support."

Obama and ‘Infanticide’
So infants don't get free health care but everyone else MUST have it.


Someone with a potential life threatening disease should not be helped if doctors see it as terminal cuz Infants.

Infants born alive, including ones who survive an attempted abortion, has been federal law since 2002. So hospitals are required to give them care regardless of the parents ability to pay.

So who is lying, you or Democrat Virginia Governor Northam?

1.The collateral damage related to banning religion from the public arena is that large segments of the population see no problem with murder. There is a certain necessity there, as the neo-Marxism that has insinuated its way into our culture and rules our major political party, requires a copacetic view of genocide and mass slaughter, else the Democrat infatuation with Soviet Communism would have been dead on arrival.

2. It appears that, once having accepted death due to murder, at least in its historical setting, the concept easily bled over into an acceptance of murder in all sorts of issues. As in the slaughter of the innocent and defenseless unborn. And once accepted that far, heck…..what’s another few hours….or months… the slaughter of the already-born: infanticide.

And it is now a Democrat principle, one you support with your vote.

3. Democrat Virginia Governor, and medical doctor, Northam, adhered to and explained that Democrat principle, here: "If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother," Northam said, alluding to the physician and mother discussing whether the born infant should live or die.” Fake News: Liberal Rag Says Trump Lied About VA Governor's Support For After Birth Abortion. Uh, There's Tape.

Do you need the definition of 'infanticide'?

4. Washington Post Lies About The Democratic Party’s Support For Infanticide The Washington Post “fact checks” … blatantly misleads readers about the Democratic Party’s platform on abortion. The Post article says: “The policies Democrats support generally limit abortions to the first 20 to 24 weeks of gestation. Most abortions are performed at eight weeks or earlier. Experts have told The Washington Post that abortions up to the moment of birth, what could be described as infanticide, are not happening in the United States.”

5. Seriously? Have the so-called fact-checkers at The Washington Post not read the Democratic Party platform? Were they on vacation when exactly zero Democratic senators voted to protect pain-capable children? Have they not been paying attention to the laws in states like Illinois, New Mexico, New York, Vermont, and Virginia? The Democratic governor of Virginia — a man considered a moderate in his party — proved on live radio that the Post’s description is inaccurate.

6. A born, living human being—with no human rights. That is the position of the Democratic Party. The Democratic platform calls for worldwide, unlimited, taxpayer-funded elective abortion on demand. Not only that, but the Democratic establishment also promises a litmus test for federal judges who will rule without fail for elective abortion on demand, no matter what the law or facts provide. The Democratic establishment is a hotbed of abortion extremism the likes of which we have never before seen on a national scale.” Washington Post Lies About Democratic Party’s Support For Infanticide

And they want your vote to validate that.
So who is lying

You and the Far Right, of course

" Northam said, alluding to the physician and mother discussing whether the born infant should live or die.”

That part is made up and liars have parroted it for years. Some conditions are terminal and the discussion would naturally be about how long the child has and what can be done to ease the suffering until the end. But not all conditions are terminal and the discussion would be about the prognosis and treatment options.
So who is lying

You and the Far Right, of course

" Northam said, alluding to the physician and mother discussing whether the born infant should live or die.”

That part is made up and liars have parroted it for years. Some conditions are terminal and the discussion would naturally be about how long the child has and what can be done to ease the suffering until the end. But not all conditions are terminal and the discussion would be about the prognosis and treatment options.

There is no Far Right in this country, only a Far Left and their supporters who created the term of art to mitigate what the Far Left does and is.

Everyone can read the actual words of Democrat Northam, and everyone knows you are a low-life lying Liberal.
Everyone can read the actual words of Democrat Northam, and everyone knows you are a low-life lying Liberal.

Exactly, and never once does he infer that the discussion between the mother and attending physician would be about deciding whether or not the infant should live or die. Anyone can read it and or hear it. It is a despicable lie the Rabid Right has continually spread. But that's ya'll S.M.O. isn't it? No lie is to despicable for the Rabid Right if their agenda justifies it.
Everyone can read the actual words of Democrat Northam, and everyone knows you are a low-life lying Liberal.

Exactly, and never once does he infer that the discussion between the mother and attending physician would be about deciding whether or not the infant should live or die. Anyone can read it and or hear it. It is a despicable lie the Rabid Right has continually spread. But that's ya'll S.M.O. isn't it? No lie is to despicable for the Rabid Right if their agenda justifies it.

Let's check:

Democrat Virginia Governor, and medical doctor, Northam, adhered to and explained that Democrat principle, here: "If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother," Northam said, alluding to the physician and mother discussing whether the born infant should live or die.” Fake News: Liberal Rag Says Trump Lied About VA Governor's Support For After Birth Abortion. Uh, There's Tape.

Do you need the definition of 'infanticide'?

4. “Washington Post Lies About The Democratic Party’s Support For Infanticide The Washington Post “fact checks” … blatantly misleads readers about the Democratic Party’s platform on abortion. The Post article says: “The policies Democrats support generally limit abortions to the first 20 to 24 weeks of gestation. Most abortions are performed at eight weeks or earlier. Experts have told The Washington Post that abortions up to the moment of birth, what could be described as infanticide, are not happening in the United States.”

5. Seriously? Have the so-called fact-checkers at The Washington Post not read the Democratic Party platform? Were they on vacation when exactly zero Democratic senators voted to protect pain-capable children? Have they not been paying attention to the laws in states like Illinois, New Mexico, New York, Vermont, and Virginia? The Democratic governor of Virginia — a man considered a moderate in his party — proved on live radio that the Post’s description is inaccurate.

6. A born, living human being—with no human rights. That is the position of the Democratic Party. The Democratic platform calls for worldwide, unlimited, taxpayer-funded elective abortion on demand. Not only that, but the Democratic establishment also promises a litmus test for federal judges who will rule without fail for elective abortion on demand, no matter what the law or facts provide. The Democratic establishment is a hotbed of abortion extremism the likes of which we have never before seen on a national scale.” Washington Post Lies About Democratic Party’s Support For Infanticide

Caught you lying again, huh?
Everyone can read the actual words of Democrat Northam, and everyone knows you are a low-life lying Liberal.

Exactly, and never once does he infer that the discussion between the mother and attending physician would be about deciding whether or not the infant should live or die. Anyone can read it and or hear it. It is a despicable lie the Rabid Right has continually spread. But that's ya'll S.M.O. isn't it? No lie is to despicable for the Rabid Right if their agenda justifies it.

Let's check:

Democrat Virginia Governor, and medical doctor, Northam, adhered to and explained that Democrat principle, here: "If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother," Northam said, alluding to the physician and mother discussing whether the born infant should live or die.” Fake News: Liberal Rag Says Trump Lied About VA Governor's Support For After Birth Abortion. Uh, There's Tape.

Do you need the definition of 'infanticide'?

4. “Washington Post Lies About The Democratic Party’s Support For Infanticide The Washington Post “fact checks” … blatantly misleads readers about the Democratic Party’s platform on abortion. The Post article says: “The policies Democrats support generally limit abortions to the first 20 to 24 weeks of gestation. Most abortions are performed at eight weeks or earlier. Experts have told The Washington Post that abortions up to the moment of birth, what could be described as infanticide, are not happening in the United States.”

5. Seriously? Have the so-called fact-checkers at The Washington Post not read the Democratic Party platform? Were they on vacation when exactly zero Democratic senators voted to protect pain-capable children? Have they not been paying attention to the laws in states like Illinois, New Mexico, New York, Vermont, and Virginia? The Democratic governor of Virginia — a man considered a moderate in his party — proved on live radio that the Post’s description is inaccurate.

6. A born, living human being—with no human rights. That is the position of the Democratic Party. The Democratic platform calls for worldwide, unlimited, taxpayer-funded elective abortion on demand. Not only that, but the Democratic establishment also promises a litmus test for federal judges who will rule without fail for elective abortion on demand, no matter what the law or facts provide. The Democratic establishment is a hotbed of abortion extremism the likes of which we have never before seen on a national scale.” Washington Post Lies About Democratic Party’s Support For Infanticide

Caught you lying again, huh?

Let check! But instead dishonestly cutting into the middle of his reply, let's review the part you skipped.

“Do you support her measure?” Carey asked. “Explain her answer.”

“This is why decisions such as this should be made by providers, physicians, and the mothers and fathers that are involved,” Northam said. “When we talk about third-trimester abortions,” he added, “it’s done in cases where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that’s non-viable.”

Got that? Severe deformities and or an non viable fetus.

Do you think a doctor in that situation would not have a discussion with the parents about the condition of the infant? Is that what you think should happen in such a circumstance? Why do the Anit-Choice authors lie and say the discussion would be about if the child should live? Because they know their audience will take that bait and run with it. He never said it.

Everyone can read the actual words of Democrat Northam, and everyone knows you are a low-life lying Liberal.

Exactly, and never once does he infer that the discussion between the mother and attending physician would be about deciding whether or not the infant should live or die. Anyone can read it and or hear it. It is a despicable lie the Rabid Right has continually spread. But that's ya'll S.M.O. isn't it? No lie is to despicable for the Rabid Right if their agenda justifies it.

Let's check:

Democrat Virginia Governor, and medical doctor, Northam, adhered to and explained that Democrat principle, here: "If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother," Northam said, alluding to the physician and mother discussing whether the born infant should live or die.” Fake News: Liberal Rag Says Trump Lied About VA Governor's Support For After Birth Abortion. Uh, There's Tape.

Do you need the definition of 'infanticide'?

4. “Washington Post Lies About The Democratic Party’s Support For Infanticide The Washington Post “fact checks” … blatantly misleads readers about the Democratic Party’s platform on abortion. The Post article says: “The policies Democrats support generally limit abortions to the first 20 to 24 weeks of gestation. Most abortions are performed at eight weeks or earlier. Experts have told The Washington Post that abortions up to the moment of birth, what could be described as infanticide, are not happening in the United States.”

5. Seriously? Have the so-called fact-checkers at The Washington Post not read the Democratic Party platform? Were they on vacation when exactly zero Democratic senators voted to protect pain-capable children? Have they not been paying attention to the laws in states like Illinois, New Mexico, New York, Vermont, and Virginia? The Democratic governor of Virginia — a man considered a moderate in his party — proved on live radio that the Post’s description is inaccurate.

6. A born, living human being—with no human rights. That is the position of the Democratic Party. The Democratic platform calls for worldwide, unlimited, taxpayer-funded elective abortion on demand. Not only that, but the Democratic establishment also promises a litmus test for federal judges who will rule without fail for elective abortion on demand, no matter what the law or facts provide. The Democratic establishment is a hotbed of abortion extremism the likes of which we have never before seen on a national scale.” Washington Post Lies About Democratic Party’s Support For Infanticide

Caught you lying again, huh?

Let check! But instead dishonestly cutting into the middle of his reply, let's review the part you skipped.

“Do you support her measure?” Carey asked. “Explain her answer.”

“This is why decisions such as this should be made by providers, physicians, and the mothers and fathers that are involved,” Northam said. “When we talk about third-trimester abortions,” he added, “it’s done in cases where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that’s non-viable.”

Got that? Severe deformities and or an non viable fetus.

Do you think a doctor in that situation would not have a discussion with the parents about the condition of the infant? Is that what you think should happen in such a circumstance? Why do the Anit-Choice authors lie and say the discussion would be about if the child should live? Because they know their audience will take that bait and run with it. He never said it.

I can't begin to tell you how gratified I am to find you deeply irked by my revealing you to be lying scum.

Let's continue:

It is more than interesting that Democrats use the same policy for infanticide that they did for slavery:

a. If the person was in Mississippi, he was a slave; in Connecticut, the very same person would be free

b. baby in the birth canal can be slaughtered in the most brutal manner; a few centimeters later, and, as the Democrat Governor of Virginia states, it could be decided by the mother.

3. American's most prodigious serial killer, Kermit Gosnell, is in jail for life.....but what he is guilty of is now permitted by the Democrats of New York.

4. "A Vermont bill would allow dangerous back alley abortionists like Kermit Gosnell to operate without consequences, pro-life advocates warned this week.

State House Bill 57, which passed a committee last week, is similar to a law that New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed in January. It would recognize abortion as a “fundamental human right” in Vermont and ensure that the state does not “deny, restrict or infringe” upon a woman’s “right” to abort her unborn baby."
Vermont Abortion Bill Would Allow a Kermit Gosnell to Snip Babies’ Necks: “Nothing We Could Do About It” |

5. Infanticide now mainstream Democrat policy.

"Rhode Island and Vermont Democrats Propose Radical Abortion Bills"
Rhode Island and Vermont Democrats Propose Radical Abortion Bills

Every state that allows abortion up to birth allows infanticide:

a. It would allow the slaughter as the child is partially out of the birth canal

b."The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother."
Virginia governor faces backlash over comments supporting late-term abortion bill - CNNPolitics
...allowed to quietly die: infanticide.

And that was Obama's position, too.

I'll assume that pretending not to understand this allows you to sleep at night.

Democrat Northam
“So in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” he went on. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

Soooo......liar.....what are the possible outcomes of that 'discussion'????????

If the "the mother and the family desired," could the boy or girl be left to die???????

Would it be consistent with the Democrat infanticide law?????

You betcha' it would.
I can't begin to tell you how gratified I am to find you deeply irked by my revealing you to be lying scum.

Haha. Now, not only are you passing the Rabid Rights wordsmiths lies but you're also lying to yourself.

But if you lie enough people will just ignore it, like all that whiny lying crap you just posted.
I can't begin to tell you how gratified I am to find you deeply irked by my revealing you to be lying scum.

Haha. Now, not only are you passing the Rabid Rights wordsmiths lies but you're also lying to yourself.

But if you lie enough people will just ignore it, like all that whiny lying crap you just posted.

Clearly, as everything I posted is linked, sourced and quoted, I couldn't be lying.

But you are.....out of panic for the party you bend the neck and knee for.

Did you like how I documented that infanticide is Democrat policy????

Democrat policy in every state that they can get it, is abortion=infanticide.

Exactly what Obama ran on.

Pay special attention to the vid @ :50

"...if a baby is born alive after a late term abortion, we can throw it away...Barack Obama approved that..."





But don't forget their push for the death of the elderly under "ObamaCare"

And this:

"Democratic governor who believes elderly have a ‘duty to die’ calls pro-life initiative ‘a monster’
The former [Democrat] governor of Colorado, who has expressed support for population control and said that the elderly have a “duty to die,” has come out against a state amendment that would recognize the rights of unborn children, calling the pro-life measure “a monster.”
Democratic governor who believes elderly have a ‘duty to die’ calls pro-life initiative ‘a monster’ — The Rights Writer

The Democrats are true to their forebears:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

Write soon, y' I can smash another custard pie in your ugly kisser.
I can't begin to tell you how gratified I am to find you deeply irked by my revealing you to be lying scum.

Haha. Now, not only are you passing the Rabid Rights wordsmiths lies but you're also lying to yourself.

But if you lie enough people will just ignore it, like all that whiny lying crap you just posted.

Clearly, as everything I posted is linked, sourced and quoted, I couldn't be lying.

But you are.....out of panic for the party you bend the neck and knee for.

Did you like how I documented that infanticide is Democrat policy????

Democrat policy in every state that they can get it, is abortion=infanticide.

Exactly what Obama ran on.

Pay special attention to the vid @ :50

"...if a baby is born alive after a late term abortion, we can throw it away...Barack Obama approved that..."





But don't forget their push for the death of the elderly under "ObamaCare"

And this:

"Democratic governor who believes elderly have a ‘duty to die’ calls pro-life initiative ‘a monster’
The former [Democrat] governor of Colorado, who has expressed support for population control and said that the elderly have a “duty to die,” has come out against a state amendment that would recognize the rights of unborn children, calling the pro-life measure “a monster.”
Democratic governor who believes elderly have a ‘duty to die’ calls pro-life initiative ‘a monster’ — The Rights Writer

The Democrats are true to their forebears:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

Write soon, y' I can smash another custard pie in your ugly kisser.

You can't defend your first lie, why should I bother pointing out all the other lies you've pasted.

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