The indescribable evil of the left

I can't begin to tell you how gratified I am to find you deeply irked by my revealing you to be lying scum.

Haha. Now, not only are you passing the Rabid Rights wordsmiths lies but you're also lying to yourself.

But if you lie enough people will just ignore it, like all that whiny lying crap you just posted.

Clearly, as everything I posted is linked, sourced and quoted, I couldn't be lying.

But you are.....out of panic for the party you bend the neck and knee for.

Did you like how I documented that infanticide is Democrat policy????

Democrat policy in every state that they can get it, is abortion=infanticide.

Exactly what Obama ran on.

Pay special attention to the vid @ :50

"...if a baby is born alive after a late term abortion, we can throw it away...Barack Obama approved that..."





But don't forget their push for the death of the elderly under "ObamaCare"

And this:

"Democratic governor who believes elderly have a ‘duty to die’ calls pro-life initiative ‘a monster’
The former [Democrat] governor of Colorado, who has expressed support for population control and said that the elderly have a “duty to die,” has come out against a state amendment that would recognize the rights of unborn children, calling the pro-life measure “a monster.”
Democratic governor who believes elderly have a ‘duty to die’ calls pro-life initiative ‘a monster’ — The Rights Writer

The Democrats are true to their forebears:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

Write soon, y' I can smash another custard pie in your ugly kisser.

You can't defend your first lie, why should I bother pointing out all the other lies you've pasted.

I never lie.....that's why you can find any.

The hermeneutic key that explains the infatuation of the Democrats for abortion and infanticide, is their disregard for life itself.

They share this with the Islamofascists...Leading Muslim clerics often refer to the love of death. Chief Palestinian Authority cleric Mufti Sheikh Ikrimeh Sabri stated, "We tell them, in as much as you love life, the Muslim loves death and martyrdom.”

Abortion, infancticide, eugenics,......death of human beings is fine with Democrats.
Okay, buddy, slow your roll there. I'll agree that aborting a newborn is absolutely unethical, but calm down would you?

We're not spiraling into a pit of mass murder and eugenics with Gorsuch being our only hope because some guy published his unpopular opinion.

And please, don't let this guy speak for all liberals. I'm sure that the good majority of us wouldn't support this.
Agreed. It is too bad the few sane liberals won't come out and condemn this idiocy.
Actually I think you will find that pretty much all liberals will condemn this idiocy. I certainly do.
The liberal elite ethicists at the world renowned Oxford University disagree with you. But no liberals listen to them, do they? So fuck it, the OP is just complaining.
No, they don't.
Prove me wrong. You just state "No they don't" with no rebuttal. Give me some evidence. Cuz the OP has evidence. Refute it or fuck off with you one line statement that provides no value except to show you are arrogant and people will believe you cuz you're Crapitus.

Shit, did I misspells something? No. It looks right. All good to go
Nobody is saying anything about "aborting" newborn babies.

Stop reading RWNJ infotainment sites.
With each passing day, the left becomes more mentally unstable, more unethical, and more evil....
View attachment 112077

Oxford University’s so-called “ethicists” say that newborn babies are not “actual person”, but “potential persons”.

And Planned Parenthood’s President, Cecile Richards, is urging women to embrace their abortions and boast proudly of them as the next step to liberation.

This is the slippery slope of eugenics, euthanasia and mass murder by government.

It’s also why Neil Gorsuch’s appointment to the Supreme Court is so desperately needed.

Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say

Killing Newborn Babies No Different To Abortion, Say Medical Ethicists | The Huffington Post

This is the USA not the UK. Infanticide is still murder. Please list the Democrats who have stated that they think we should change the law to allow the killing of living children.

Barack Obama did when he voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act on several occasions.


Complete text of Illinois Born-Alive Infants Protection bill killed by Barack Obama


Whether opposing "born alive" legislation is the same as supporting "infanticide," however, is entirely a matter of interpretation. That could be true only for those, such as Obama’s 2004 Republican opponent, Alan Keyes, who believes a fetus that doctors give no chance of surviving is an "infant." It is worth noting that Illinois law already provided that physicians must protect the life of a fetus when there is "a reasonable likelihood of sustained survival of the fetus outside the womb, with or without artificial support."

Obama and ‘Infanticide’
So infants don't get free health care but everyone else MUST have it.


Someone with a potential life threatening disease should not be helped if doctors see it as terminal cuz Infants.

Infants born alive, including ones who survive an attempted abortion, has been federal law since 2002. So hospitals are required to give them care regardless of the parents ability to pay.
Get with the discussion, go read the OP.
"Indescribable evil"


Snowflake, that's the proper adjective for someone who advocates it's ok to murder a child up to the age of 4 or 5 because someone decides they don't want to be a parent any more :eusa_doh:

You are an absolute embarrassment to society. I cannot imagine the environment that produced someone so ignorant and desperate.
Stop reading RWNJ infotainment sites.
Want proof that Crap-it doesn't read before commenting? The second of two links in the initial post is by hard-left HuffPo.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Doesn't matter, it's still a lie. Nobody is talking about "aborting" new born babies.

Again, sorry for your luck.
With each passing day, the left becomes more mentally unstable, more unethical, and more evil....
View attachment 112077

Oxford University’s so-called “ethicists” say that newborn babies are not “actual person”, but “potential persons”.

And Planned Parenthood’s President, Cecile Richards, is urging women to embrace their abortions and boast proudly of them as the next step to liberation.

This is the slippery slope of eugenics, euthanasia and mass murder by government.

It’s also why Neil Gorsuch’s appointment to the Supreme Court is so desperately needed.

Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say

Killing Newborn Babies No Different To Abortion, Say Medical Ethicists | The Huffington Post
Stop reading RWNJ infotainment sites.
Want proof that Crap-it doesn't read before commenting? The second of two links in the initial post is by hard-left HuffPo.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Doesn't matter, it's still a lie. Nobody is talking about "aborting" new born babies.

Again, sorry for your luck.
Why did you but the word in quotes?
Stop reading RWNJ infotainment sites.
Want proof that Crap-it doesn't read before commenting? The second of two links in the initial post is by hard-left HuffPo.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Doesn't matter, it's still a lie. Nobody is talking about "aborting" new born babies.

Again, sorry for your luck.
Why did you but the word in quotes?
Because you can't abort something/someone who's already been born.

Stop reading RWNJ infotainment sites.
Want proof that Crap-it doesn't read before commenting? The second of two links in the initial post is by hard-left HuffPo.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Doesn't matter, it's still a lie. Nobody is talking about "aborting" new born babies.

Again, sorry for your luck.
Why did you but the word in quotes?
Because you can't short something/someone who's already been born.

So you support their death or not?
Stop reading RWNJ infotainment sites.
Want proof that Crap-it doesn't read before commenting? The second of two links in the initial post is by hard-left HuffPo.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Doesn't matter, it's still a lie. Nobody is talking about "aborting" new born babies.

Again, sorry for your luck.
Why did you but the word in quotes?
Because you can't short something/someone who's already been born.

So you support their death or not?
You're kidding, right? I don't support anyone's death. Even tRump should be allowed to live out his life in prison.
Stop reading RWNJ infotainment sites.
Want proof that Crap-it doesn't read before commenting? The second of two links in the initial post is by hard-left HuffPo.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Doesn't matter, it's still a lie. Nobody is talking about "aborting" new born babies.

Again, sorry for your luck.
Why did you but the word in quotes?
Because you can't short something/someone who's already been born.

So you support their death or not?
You're kidding, right? I don't support anyone's death. Even tRump should be allowed to live out his life in prison.
No. I do support the death penalty. Like for the man who killed David Dorn.
David Dorn
And the guys who killed George Floyd and Breanna taylor as well?
Floyd yes. One person. Taylor no. They knocked on the door and were shot at first. You should learn facts about the cases prior to opining on them.
Knocked on the wrong door looking for someone who a had already been apprehended.

Tell me, if your side burst in in the middle of the night, what would you do?
David Dorn
And the guys who killed George Floyd and Breanna taylor as well?
Floyd yes. One person. Taylor no. They knocked on the door and were shot at first. You should learn facts about the cases prior to opining on them.
Knocked on the wrong door looking for someone who a had already been apprehended.

Tell me, if your side burst in in the middle of the night, what would you do?
They yelled police. I certainly would not start shooting at them. Unfortunate but not intentional. Dorn and Floyd were intentional. Difference is Dorn was a good man and Floyd was not. You really need to learn about the cases prior to opining on them. Are you not tired of me making you look stupid? Keep em coming. The scumbag who shot the two deputies in LA deserves death too.
David Dorn
And the guys who killed George Floyd and Breanna taylor as well?
Floyd yes. One person. Taylor no. They knocked on the door and were shot at first. You should learn facts about the cases prior to opining on them.
Knocked on the wrong door looking for someone who a had already been apprehended.

Tell me, if your side burst in in the middle of the night, what would you do?
They yelled police. I certainly would not start shooting at them. Unfortunate but not intentional. Dorn and Floyd were intentional. Difference is Dorn was a good man and Floyd was not. You really need to learn about the cases prior to opining on them. Are you not tired of me making you look stupid? Keep em coming. The scumbag who shot the two deputies in LA deserves death too.
Lol, you e never managed to make me look stupid.
David Dorn
And the guys who killed George Floyd and Breanna taylor as well?
Floyd yes. One person. Taylor no. They knocked on the door and were shot at first. You should learn facts about the cases prior to opining on them.
Knocked on the wrong door looking for someone who a had already been apprehended.

Tell me, if your side burst in in the middle of the night, what would you do?
They yelled police. I certainly would not start shooting at them. Unfortunate but not intentional. Dorn and Floyd were intentional. Difference is Dorn was a good man and Floyd was not. You really need to learn about the cases prior to opining on them. Are you not tired of me making you look stupid? Keep em coming. The scumbag who shot the two deputies in LA deserves death too.
Lol, you e never managed to make me look stupid.

True, you do a good enough job on your own.

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