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The Infamous Ipod

First the only thing O man has done regarding the digital transition is delay it. That's coating me money.

2nd I'm sorry but HD with my eye sight is as useless as tits on a boar I suspect by the time The digital conversion does happen most of us won't be able to tell much difference between regular and HD TV.

3rd What planet do you live on Munin? The deficit here is going through the roof and Obama himself already promised us years of trillion dollar deficits and at the rate they're printing money it'll likely be worse than that by the time inflation gets done.
First the only thing O man has done regarding the digital transition is delay it. That's coating me money.

2nd I'm sorry but HD with my eye sight is as useless as tits on a boar I suspect by the time The digital conversion does happen most of us won't be able to tell much difference between regular and HD TV.

3rd What planet do you live on Munin? The deficit here is going through the roof and Obama himself already promised us years of trillion dollar deficits and at the rate they're printing money it'll likely be worse than that by the time inflation gets done.
and that you can bank on
First the only thing O man has done regarding the digital transition is delay it. That's coating me money.

2nd I'm sorry but HD with my eye sight is as useless as tits on a boar I suspect by the time The digital conversion does happen most of us won't be able to tell much difference between regular and HD TV.

3rd What planet do you live on Munin? The deficit here is going through the roof and Obama himself already promised us years of trillion dollar deficits and at the rate they're printing money it'll likely be worse than that by the time inflation gets done.
and that you can bank on

Oh yeah ... that's the smartest thing I have ever heard ... our money is so worthless that it costs $5 for a loaf of bread so what do we do ... print more. Shit, why are our politicians so stupid lately?
First the only thing O man has done regarding the digital transition is delay it. That's coating me money.

2nd I'm sorry but HD with my eye sight is as useless as tits on a boar I suspect by the time The digital conversion does happen most of us won't be able to tell much difference between regular and HD TV.

3rd What planet do you live on Munin? The deficit here is going through the roof and Obama himself already promised us years of trillion dollar deficits and at the rate they're printing money it'll likely be worse than that by the time inflation gets done.
and that you can bank on

Oh yeah ... that's the smartest thing I have ever heard ... our money is so worthless that it costs $5 for a loaf of bread so what do we do ... print more. Shit, why are our politicians so stupid lately?
it cost you $5 for a loaf of bread?
Glad I don't live where you do kit. Printing more money worked really well for Zimbabwe didn't it.
and that you can bank on

Oh yeah ... that's the smartest thing I have ever heard ... our money is so worthless that it costs $5 for a loaf of bread so what do we do ... print more. Shit, why are our politicians so stupid lately?
it cost you $5 for a loaf of bread?

Scary huh? I found a cheap place around the corner it's only $3, but yeah, anything that's even close to healthy (not the trendy stuff, that's almost $10 around here).
Glad I don't live where you do kit. Printing more money worked really well for Zimbabwe didn't it.

I'm still wondering how it is our own country hasn't noticed this enough ... it's always the answer to everything, raise minimum wage and print more money! Oh yeah, that's making the dollar stronger ... even ignoring all the examples out there ... has it ever worked in our country?
Nope. Consider for a moment the fact that every human being in this country other than the trust fund babies will at some point in there lives be cashing a government check. And usually at several point in their lives.
Oh yeah ... that's the smartest thing I have ever heard ... our money is so worthless that it costs $5 for a loaf of bread so what do we do ... print more. Shit, why are our politicians so stupid lately?
it cost you $5 for a loaf of bread?

Scary huh? I found a cheap place around the corner it's only $3, but yeah, anything that's even close to healthy (not the trendy stuff, that's almost $10 around here).
you can still get pepperridge farms bread for $3.59 here
Glad I don't live where you do kit. Printing more money worked really well for Zimbabwe didn't it.

This isn't the first time that the US prints new money, we didn't change into the economic state of zimbabwe the previous time but I agree that it is not so good on the long run.

Btw, it s not only the US that is printing money: the central bank of london is doing the same and the European central bank will probably do the same soon.
Glad I don't live where you do kit. Printing more money worked really well for Zimbabwe didn't it.

This isn't the first time that the US prints new money, we didn't change into the economic state of zimbabwe the previous time but I agree that it is not so good on the long run.

Btw, it s not only the US that is printing money: the central bank of london is doing the same and the European central bank will probably do the same soon.

Wow .. um .. wow ... look up Zimbabwe because you REALLY missed the point. They printed more of their own money, it's called an example of what happens when a ountry prints more money to cover their asses instead of strengthening the value of what is already printed.
So ... fads are not profitable ... odd you would not see that your statement says this.

In reality, the most profitable products are always fads, and almost always fade even after becoming standard. HDTV is a fad, once all TVs become HD by standard people will forget the difference completely and there just won't be any other types of TVs out there, the cost will fall drastically when the fad passes ... as did the iPod, CD player, DVD player ... etc.. Almost all technology is a fad at first, all common tech that is, before it becomes standard. The only difference between a fad and an advancement is need vs. want. A fad is something that you don't need but you may or may not want (I don't care about HD at all myself). The most recent transition from fad to standard is the iPhone ... now you will notice almost all phones use the same OS and technology, it's now a standard and the iPhone itself has almost faded into memory because it's common, but when it was first introduced it was just a fad, many people wanted one and they could charge whatever they wanted for it, but now they are lucky to get 200 for one.

Now, back to internet speed, what do you think our standard speed should be? Then how do you propose to get all the money to all the servers world wide so they can upload fast enough even at peak times to make use of it? How about all the privately owned servers in households (some people have then running in their closet now)? It's not an investment if the price is more than the return, so how would we see the return from all this? Most websites make no money, they are free, and sometimes sell advertising space, which then the costs go right back into the operating costs ... how is making them faster going to improve the economy?

Then there is the simple fact that people don't need the internet, they could switch it off at any moment for any reason, are you proposing that to make any profit we completely overload our sites with advertising the same way TV and cable have? Ever notice that people don't use those mediums nearly as much ... ever stop to wonder why? Ignoring the interaction component of the internet, if they did fill too much space with advertising people would likely follow the same trend, switch it off and find something less advertisement filled to do, like DVDs.

Lastly, if you think our internet access is slow in the US, prove it, seriously. I'm going to give you a chance to show we even need an upgrade ... so far I see 2 gig from one company, 70 meg in another (which is working toward 2 gig soon), and the lowest end companies averaging about 50 meg ... so how fast do you really think it needs to be? Also, look up what the speeds mean to, before you try to answer this, and how optimizers work. Also check a bit on connection types and the effects the OS's have on speeds (Windows slows the internet connection you have by almost 50% now with all services running). What you are proposing would never pay off ... ever. It's a waste.

Infrastructure ... ahh ... there is another waste of money now, and not because we don't need it but because no matter how much money you put in it, cities will waste that money not use it well. For example, here in Seattle, the I-5 viaduct. It was a waste of money when they first built it, doesn't really help our traffic problems but does create more. Now, after the earthquake we had, they have to take it down. Guess what? Instead of using the federal money on a wise alternative they are wasting it on drilling a fucking tunnel. How is that a good investment? Of course you need to know a little more about our city to realize how bad this idea is since it would work fine in other cities. So let's go back a bit further ... look into the failed monorail project a decade ago, then look into the SLUT project which replaced it after it failed ... you will see the trends of waste. I know Seattle isn't the only city making such stupid choices with the money based solely on idiotic ideas from politicians, but I live here so I know those ones best.

Internet speed standard: as high as we can afford it too be (without putting ourselves in too much debt)

Do you think the US would ever be so successful if the infrastructure of the US wasn't that good? The biggest lessons from history is that governments that provide opportunities and invest in infrastructure will always become very successful on the long run: the ancient romans used infrastructure (roads increased trade levels exponentially) to make the roman empire the richest empire of the known world. The nazi germans used infrastructural works to get them out of the great depression and to increase industry efficiency, which is still one of the reasons why germany is the biggest economy of the whole of europe.

The internet is the road network of this modern age, when you buy a cd/movie/game/... in the near future (or even now) you will use the internet. The better internet the more "traffic" you will allow. The internet of today is comparable with the roadnetwork of the roman empire: back then they connected far away cities and cultures with each other. Today the internet is making that range even bigger.

What makes you think that people will not take advantage of even greater internet speed? More internet speed is more trafic. The internet of today is a place were a lot of money is made, why do you think google is among the biggest companies of the US and even of the world? The future of business is on the internet: selling, buying, internal communication in a company, external communication from companies to clients (so you can find companies on the internet. For example you want to find a good restaurant or a shop in a certain area, or you want to know what a shop sells before even setting one foot in it, or you want to order it by using the internet, ...), operating machines in a factory from your home (using the internet for controlling the machines from your home), ... The main thing is that internet trafic determines the speed, for that reason you need an improved internet network that allows a lot more traffic (also because the files that are downloaded are getting bigger and bigger).

Of course you are right about the infrastructural works like bridges and roads that are build while they are not needed, but I didn't say we should do that (build roads and bridges that we don't need). But you can't ignore Obamas point on this: the majority of US roads and bridges are from back in the '50s, a lot of those bridges aren't even made to last much longer. And better roads and bridges are good for an economy, bad roads will destroy the tires of your car much sooner and create more repair costs for cars & trucks. Do you want to ride on a bridge untill it collapses?

I m not saying that I support all of the spending, but surely you guys are exagerating. You forget that the US is this successful because of its good infrastructure, do you think we would have been as far if the government didn't build bridges and roads? If the government didn't create the internet network? If the government didn't create an electricity network?

The question about a more sophisticated internet network is the same, you need to keep improving your infrastructure if you want to ensure you have a lot of economic growth in the future: the generations before us did it by building the roads we use now, we must build the roads (the internet) for the future generations.
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Glad I don't live where you do kit. Printing more money worked really well for Zimbabwe didn't it.

This isn't the first time that the US prints new money, we didn't change into the economic state of zimbabwe the previous time but I agree that it is not so good on the long run.

Btw, it s not only the US that is printing money: the central bank of london is doing the same and the European central bank will probably do the same soon.

Wow .. um .. wow ... look up Zimbabwe because you REALLY missed the point. They printed more of their own money, it's called an example of what happens when a ountry prints more money to cover their asses instead of strengthening the value of what is already printed.

Wel the US didn't do that yet, the US is no way near the Zimbabwe situation (in terms of printing money). You need to compare the amount you print with your total amount of money, the US never comes even near printing 5% of the total ammount of $.
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Munin, you are clearly not thinking well or are very naive ... so enough with the long posts. Face it, our internet speeds in the US are just as good if not better than most of the world because of the privately owned ISPs, and we can only get as fast as current technology allows (up to 1 gig I think, Qwest has always been innovators and leaders in telecommunications so they will likely be the first to 2 gig).

Printing more money than you have gold will reduce the value of that currency, period.
Munin, you are clearly not thinking well or are very naive ... so enough with the long posts. Face it, our internet speeds in the US are just as good if not better than most of the world because of the privately owned ISPs, and we can only get as fast as current technology allows (up to 1 gig I think, Qwest has always been innovators and leaders in telecommunications so they will likely be the first to 2 gig).

Printing more money than you have gold will reduce the value of that currency, period.
for 2 gig speeds we will need new network adapters as well, since the fastest available(that i know of) is 1 gig
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Munin, you are clearly not thinking well or are very naive ... so enough with the long posts. Face it, our internet speeds in the US are just as good if not better than most of the world because of the privately owned ISPs, and we can only get as fast as current technology allows (up to 1 gig I think, Qwest has always been innovators and leaders in telecommunications so they will likely be the first to 2 gig).

Printing more money than you have gold will reduce the value of that currency, period.
for 2 gig speeds we will need new network adapters as well, since the fastest availabler(that i know of) is 1 gig

Yep ... most people won't be using it for quite some time, at least until after the financial crisis is over. Still, we have some of the best internet access in the world, which is why I say Munin's contention is bullshit or based on very flawed information. It's a waste of money for the government to "upgrade" anything in the way if ISPs.

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