The intelligence peoples are concerned about Trump.

The CIA IS the State Department IS the Pentagon IS the NSA IS the FBI, and Congress is their public persona and the media is their mouthpiece. There are no divisions, just some petty internal squabbles periodically that we are never made aware of, and they serve private financial interests.
Nope. It was the CIA and the defense corporations that make billions off war.

All intelligence was filtered through Cheney. The CIA knew Iraq was crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions. They were not a threat to their neighbors or the United States.

The Bush administration made a deal with the devil .... For Clean Break Strategy, the PNAC and Operation Mass Appeal. Wake up, Hawk. Israel demanded that Saddam Hussein be ousted.
Israel demanded that Saddam Hussein be ousted.

All intelligence was filtered through Cheney. The CIA knew Iraq was crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions. They were not a threat to their neighbors or the United States.

The Bush administration made a deal with the devil .... For Clean Break Strategy, the PNAC and Operation Mass Appeal. Wake up, Hawk. Israel demanded that Saddam Hussein be ousted.
Both Bush and Cheney were part of the CIA and war profiteers apparatus, no doubt. But you can’t just put all the blame on one guy. Cheney did not dictate anything to the CIA. It’s the opposite. The CIA dictates to whoever is in the Oval Office. Why do you think Obama, who ran on the promise of getting us out of the Middle East, not only continued the Bush/Cheney wars, but got us involved in more? Because the CIA/military told him to.

President Trump was the only President to ever not be under their control, which is exactly why they hated him so much and helped install Biden, who never said no to the CIA his entire career.
Both Bush and Cheney were part of the CIA and war profiteers apparatus, no doubt. But you can’t just put all the blame on one guy. Cheney did not dictate anything to the CIA. It’s the opposite. The CIA dictates to whoever is in the Oval Office. Why do you think Obama, who ran on the promise of getting us out of the Middle East, not only continued the Bush/Cheney wars, but got us involved in more? Because the CIA/military told him to.

President Trump was the only President to ever not be under their control, which is exactly why they hated him so much and helped install Biden, who never said no to the CIA his entire career.
It's funny when a guy who calls himself a "Hawk" acts like he's in a hippy drum circle because one of the few things he can say good about Trump is "no new wars broke out."
I would like to see some independent film producer make a factual historical account of the cia from 1947 to say 1965, and not run it by Langley. A real life accounting, not some home spun after school special shit. This of course would never happen, even Oliver Stone wouldn't touch it. They should make it soon so Jeremy Irons could play Angleton, maybe Christian Bale could do Alan Dulles. The facts of what they did and more are public record, could explain to some how we got here, some people need this. Bill Harvey, Wild Bill Donovan, Cord Meyer, Ed Landsdale, these are men that shaped who we are, and it needs to be told without spin to begin some healing here. Other countries know this, we are the only ones left that are in a fugue about it, and that's why we have no credibility left.
Trump has a notoriously strained and confrontational relationship with the intelligence community, describing its members as part of a “deep state” that is out to destroy him.

can't blame him there.....~S~
Yeah, when he can just rely on Russian intelligence.
Both Bush and Cheney were part of the CIA and war profiteers apparatus, no doubt. But you can’t just put all the blame on one guy. Cheney did not dictate anything to the CIA. It’s the opposite. The CIA dictates to whoever is in the Oval Office. Why do you think Obama, who ran on the promise of getting us out of the Middle East, not only continued the Bush/Cheney wars, but got us involved in more? Because the CIA/military told him to.

President Trump was the only President to ever not be under their control, which is exactly why they hated him so much and helped install Biden, who never said no to the CIA his entire career.

I grew up around CIA guys. They used to come for dinner. How many do you know?
I would like to see some independent film producer make a factual historical account of the cia from 1947 to say 1965, and not run it by Langley. A real life accounting, not some home spun after school special shit. This of course would never happen, even Oliver Stone wouldn't touch it. They should make it soon so Jeremy Irons could play Angleton, maybe Christian Bale could do Alan Dulles. The facts of what they did and more are public record, could explain to some how we got here, some people need this. Bill Harvey, Wild Bill Donovan, Cord Meyer, Ed Landsdale, these are men that shaped who we are, and it needs to be told without spin to begin some healing here. Other countries know this, we are the only ones left that are in a fugue about it, and that's why we have no credibility left.
All that information is out there.
I grew up around CIA guys. They used to come for dinner. How many do you know?
A couple that I knew of. You didn't know them you knew what they showed you. They're not all good nor all bad, they are humans, and believe in their role no matter how compartmentalized it is. They have to believe, you don't. Blind faith serves no one.
A couple that I knew of. You didn't know them you knew what they showed you. They're not all good nor all bad, they are humans, and believe in their role no matter how compartmentalized it is. They have to believe, you don't. Blind faith serves no one.
Believe what?
It's funny when a guy who calls himself a "Hawk" acts like he's in a hippy drum circle because one of the few things he can say good about Trump is "no new wars broke out."
I can say many good things about President Trump. His foreign policy was undoubtedly the best of any President since Reagan.

You just can’t stand the fact that I am right, so all you can do is attack my name, which has nothing to do with being a “war hawk”.
They have to believe that what they are doing is part of something good. Most of them anyway. Plausible deniability works both ways it protects higher ups and can make operatives feel good about what they do also. Compartmentalization.
I can say many good things about President Trump. His foreign policy was undoubtedly the best of any President since Reagan.

You just can’t stand the fact that I am right, so all you can do is attack my name, which has nothing to do with being a “war hawk”.
Hilarious wanker

The former fuckups foreign polices weakened America. He fought against NATO. He backed out of a Pacific trade agreement and that vacuum helped China move in. He backed away from our long term allies like a wussy.

He coddled dictators and still blows the pootins balls. His dance with Kim Jung Un was embarrassing for our country.

You got a stupid ass why of making that fuckup use lipstick.
Hilarious wanker

The former fuckups foreign polices weakened America. He fought against NATO. He backed out of a Pacific trade agreement and that vacuum helped China move in. He backed away from our long term allies like a wussy.

He coddled dictators and still blows the pootins balls. His dance with Kim Jung Un was embarrassing for our country.

You got a stupid ass why of making that fuckup use lipstick.

He “fought” against NATO?


I worked for NATO during his Presidency, he did not ever “fight it”. He called out some lazy countries that weren’t paying for our protective services.

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