The Interesting Scoop on George Washington, Our First President!

I didn't get past the first paragraph of that tripe in the link, but does this Victoria A. Brownworth think that traditional historical perceptions of Washington positioned him as gay-friendly? From all the revolutionary era history I know, I've never run across that view in the historical record.

That's not to say that Washington wasn't a bit of an eye-brow raiser, anyway. I think he had an attraction to married women, sending love letters to one, and then marrying a widow. Martha was noted for her match-making, but I think George was "into" that as well. Don't quote me on this, but I think the two of them might have had something to do with the union between Dolly Payne and James Madison.

In some weird way, he might have seen himself as some sort of father figure. To say that he was gay-friendly, though, is to throw one out in left field.
Of course our founders were liberals in their day, and to preserve what they began to build, you now have to be a conservative.

I disagree because they produced a Liberal d(The Constitution) that made provisions for change (Amendment process) instead of stagnation (conservatism).
I didn't get past the first paragraph of that tripe in the link, but does this Victoria A. Brownworth think that traditional historical perceptions of Washington positioned him as gay-friendly? From all the revolutionary era history I know, I've never run across that view in the historical record.

That's not to say that Washington wasn't a bit of an eye-brow raiser, anyway. I think he had an attraction to married women, sending love letters to one, and then marrying a widow. Martha was noted for her match-making, but I think George was "into" that as well. Don't quote me on this, but I think the two of them might have had something to do with the union between Dolly Payne and James Madison.

In some weird way, he might have seen himself as some sort of father figure. To say that he was gay-friendly, though, is to throw one out in left field.
Well as a "Registered Republican" you would think that way now wouldn't you. What else could we expect?
Of course our founders were liberals in their day, and to preserve what they began to build, you now have to be a conservative.

I disagree because they produced a Liberal d(The Constitution) that made provisions for change (Amendment process) instead of stagnation (conservatism).
The Constitution is a centrist document. As the Articles of Confederation provided for a union that teetered on licentiousness, the Constitution provided for cohesion among the states (as well as more authority for the central government (the power to pay its debts, collect taxes, regulate commerce among the states, etc.)). But it did not allow the Federalists to expand the central authority as some of them had hoped to.

The Whigs believed in constitutionally restrained government, and resisted the intrusion of the mother country after the Seven Years' War. The Tories believed in the Crown's prerogative and defended her intrusions into the lives of the people.

Now compare the Whigs and the Tories to the conservatives and the liberals.
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Washington was a flawed man, like any other. He owned slaves. Whether or not he was "gay friendly" means nothing to me. He is still the greatest President to ever live.
Yes, he was gay, pro abortion, a drug user, and anti-gun....leave it to the pond scum, to alter history and denigrate a great man.... Wonder how they can spin this?

Yes, he was gay, pro abortion, a drug user, and anti-gun....leave it to the pond scum, to alter history and denigrate a great man.... Wonder how they can spin this?


Then he used his executive power to squash the Whiskey Rebellion. To hell with those uppity free people. :D
Yes, he was gay, pro abortion, a drug user, and anti-gun....leave it to the pond scum, to alter history and denigrate a great man.... Wonder how they can spin this?


Then he used his executive power to squash the Whiskey Rebellion. To hell with those uppity free people. :D

Perhaps you should read your history ...

The Whiskey Rebellion, or Whiskey Insurrection, was a tax protest in the United States beginning in 1791, during the presidency of George Washington. Farmers who used their leftover grain and corn in the form of whiskey as a medium of exchange were forced to pay a new tax. The tax was a part of treasury secretary Alexander Hamilton's program to fund war debt incurred during the Revolutionary War, a power granted to the federal government in the constitution. The farmers who resisted, many war veterans, contended that they were fighting for the principles of the American Revolution, in particular against taxation without local representation, while the Federal government maintained the taxes were the legal expression of the taxation powers of Congress.

Throughout counties in Western Pennsylvania, protesters used violence and intimidation to prevent federal officials from collecting the tax. Resistance came to a climax in July 1794, when a U.S. marshal arrived in western Pennsylvania to serve writs to distillers who had not paid the excise. The alarm was raised, and more than 500 armed men attacked the fortified home of tax inspector General John Neville. Washington responded by sending peace commissioners to western Pennsylvania to negotiate with the rebels, while at the same time calling on governors to send a militia force to enforce the tax. With 13,000 militia provided by the governors of Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, Washington rode at the head of an army to suppress the insurgency. The rebels all went home before the arrival of the army, and there was no confrontation. About 20 men were arrested, but all were later acquitted or pardoned.
Yes, he was gay, pro abortion, a drug user, and anti-gun....leave it to the pond scum, to alter history and denigrate a great man.... Wonder how they can spin this?


Then he used his executive power to squash the Whiskey Rebellion. To hell with those uppity free people. :D

Perhaps you should read your history ...

The Whiskey Rebellion, or Whiskey Insurrection, was a tax protest in the United States beginning in 1791, during the presidency of George Washington. Farmers who used their leftover grain and corn in the form of whiskey as a medium of exchange were forced to pay a new tax. The tax was a part of treasury secretary Alexander Hamilton's program to fund war debt incurred during the Revolutionary War, a power granted to the federal government in the constitution. The farmers who resisted, many war veterans, contended that they were fighting for the principles of the American Revolution, in particular against taxation without local representation, while the Federal government maintained the taxes were the legal expression of the taxation powers of Congress.

Throughout counties in Western Pennsylvania, protesters used violence and intimidation to prevent federal officials from collecting the tax. Resistance came to a climax in July 1794, when a U.S. marshal arrived in western Pennsylvania to serve writs to distillers who had not paid the excise. The alarm was raised, and more than 500 armed men attacked the fortified home of tax inspector General John Neville. Washington responded by sending peace commissioners to western Pennsylvania to negotiate with the rebels, while at the same time calling on governors to send a militia force to enforce the tax. With 13,000 militia provided by the governors of Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, Washington rode at the head of an army to suppress the insurgency. The rebels all went home before the arrival of the army, and there was no confrontation. About 20 men were arrested, but all were later acquitted or pardoned.

Ah, ...Vig, I do believe that Aaron was saying just that....
As the article states t

There's no proof that Washington had homosexual relations. With anybody.
From the article:
Surprise! Friendships are also "normative" today. But that doesn't mean guys are suckin' each others cawks.
How about Lincoln?
So some Union dude was suckin' Lincolns' Log? Got any proof other than "Lincoln's marriage was sometimes rocky. The couple fought incessantly! Therefore he MUST have been Gay! Why just look, he preferred the company of men!"

In straight male society that's called "normal". F*ckin' women are crazy sometimes.

You know who prefers the company of Women? Gays.

Sylvia Rhue, Ph.D.: A Family History Provides More Evidence That Lincoln Was Gay

oh. I'm glad to see you think it's ok for straight guys to get sucked off by homos. How many times have you done this? Which bath house?
Then he used his executive power to squash the Whiskey Rebellion. To hell with those uppity free people. :D

Perhaps you should read your history ...

The Whiskey Rebellion, or Whiskey Insurrection, was a tax protest in the United States beginning in 1791, during the presidency of George Washington. Farmers who used their leftover grain and corn in the form of whiskey as a medium of exchange were forced to pay a new tax. The tax was a part of treasury secretary Alexander Hamilton's program to fund war debt incurred during the Revolutionary War, a power granted to the federal government in the constitution. The farmers who resisted, many war veterans, contended that they were fighting for the principles of the American Revolution, in particular against taxation without local representation, while the Federal government maintained the taxes were the legal expression of the taxation powers of Congress.

Throughout counties in Western Pennsylvania, protesters used violence and intimidation to prevent federal officials from collecting the tax. Resistance came to a climax in July 1794, when a U.S. marshal arrived in western Pennsylvania to serve writs to distillers who had not paid the excise. The alarm was raised, and more than 500 armed men attacked the fortified home of tax inspector General John Neville. Washington responded by sending peace commissioners to western Pennsylvania to negotiate with the rebels, while at the same time calling on governors to send a militia force to enforce the tax. With 13,000 militia provided by the governors of Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, Washington rode at the head of an army to suppress the insurgency. The rebels all went home before the arrival of the army, and there was no confrontation. About 20 men were arrested, but all were later acquitted or pardoned.

Ah, ...Vig, I do believe that Aaron was saying just that....

Ah....No, he used the law granted to the Federal government by the states, which included the state of PA.! If citizens didn't fire on the house of the tax inspector, Washington was prepared to NEGOTIATE with them.
This is most interesting reading written by an award-winning journalist and learned person in history and what many may not know about our first president, especially as is exemplified in the 13th paragraph and throughout her article.

George Washington: The gay-friendly father of our country

Washington was not gay, he placed country over trivial matters like sexual orientation however, refused to toss out gay troops when some shortsighted bigots so demanded. His comments about those not of the "upper class" were directed at British Tories actually. It was his fervant desire to se slavery end, as was Jefferson's, he did not see a method during his life as a Virgina plantation owner. Like Jefferson, he believed slavery would fade after liberty from Britain, and a colonial economy was fully developed; adams never chastised Washington as he did Jefferson about slavery, Washington hated of the "institution" was well known.

I can only say that there is not a man living who wishes more sincerely than I do to see a plan adopted for the abolition of slavery.

George Washington quotes
Of course our founders were liberals in their day, and to preserve what they began to build, you now have to be a conservative.

I disagree because they produced a Liberal d(The Constitution) that made provisions for change (Amendment process) instead of stagnation (conservatism).
The Constitution is a centrist document. As the Articles of Confederation provided for a union that teetered on licentiousness, the Constitution provided for cohesion among the states (as well as more authority for the central government (the power to pay its debts, collect taxes, regulate commerce among the states, etc.)). But it did not allow the Federalists to expand the central authority as some of them had hoped to.

The Whigs believed in constitutionally restrained government, and resisted the intrusion of the mother country after the Seven Years' War. The Tories believed in the Crown's prerogative and defended her intrusions into the lives of the people.

Now compare the Whigs and the Tories to the conservatives and the liberals.

Well no.

The Constitution is not Centrist. It was Liberal and a radical departure from Conservatism.

Monarchies are a very conservative form of government.

It is based on the notion that the right to rule hails from a higher power.

There isn't a more conservative notion out there then that.
Perhaps you should read your history ...

The Whiskey Rebellion, or Whiskey Insurrection, was a tax protest in the United States beginning in 1791, during the presidency of George Washington. Farmers who used their leftover grain and corn in the form of whiskey as a medium of exchange were forced to pay a new tax. The tax was a part of treasury secretary Alexander Hamilton's program to fund war debt incurred during the Revolutionary War, a power granted to the federal government in the constitution. The farmers who resisted, many war veterans, contended that they were fighting for the principles of the American Revolution, in particular against taxation without local representation, while the Federal government maintained the taxes were the legal expression of the taxation powers of Congress.

Throughout counties in Western Pennsylvania, protesters used violence and intimidation to prevent federal officials from collecting the tax. Resistance came to a climax in July 1794, when a U.S. marshal arrived in western Pennsylvania to serve writs to distillers who had not paid the excise. The alarm was raised, and more than 500 armed men attacked the fortified home of tax inspector General John Neville. Washington responded by sending peace commissioners to western Pennsylvania to negotiate with the rebels, while at the same time calling on governors to send a militia force to enforce the tax. With 13,000 militia provided by the governors of Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, Washington rode at the head of an army to suppress the insurgency. The rebels all went home before the arrival of the army, and there was no confrontation. About 20 men were arrested, but all were later acquitted or pardoned.

Ah, ...Vig, I do believe that Aaron was saying just that....

Ah....No, he used the law granted to the Federal government by the states, which included the state of PA.! If citizens didn't fire on the house of the tax inspector, Washington was prepared to NEGOTIATE with them.

Washington didn't bring the army to "NEGOTIATE". He brought the army to squash a rebellion.

And he wasn't a small Federal government guy. Quite the opposite.
Jefferson was the small Federal government guy. You know, the same Jefferson that went on about the blood of tyrants and ran away from Monticello when it was time to fight?

Jefferson, by the way, wasn't on speaking terms with Washington, who actually put some skin in the game and fought in battles.

And Jefferson, by the way, changed his mind about small government when it became his turn in office. When conservatives at the time were begging him to pay tribute to pirates because equipping a navy was too expensive, Jefferson balked and used taxes to purchase ships. He also changed his mind about bloody revolutions after the French has theirs.

Your lack of a critical overview of history is astonishing.
This is most interesting reading written by an award-winning journalist and learned person in history and what many may not know about our first president, especially as is exemplified in the 13th paragraph and throughout her article.

George Washington: The gay-friendly father of our country

It was a well researched article.

But none of it points to being "gay friendly".

Absent was the problem of rampant desertion Washington was facing.

And being a pragmatist, he knew harsh punishments would lead to more desertion.

Personally? I doubt he gave it much thought..considering what was on his plate.
If you agree with me, why do you post an article derogatory to him?

Since when has owning slaves been honorable?

Since the Egyptians owned Hebrew slaves.

I guess when you didn't have heavy equipment, building massive constructions was impossible without them.

Several thousand years ago slavery was supposed to be a way to pay off your debt. Slaves were by law supposed to be treated fairly. That changed. Eventually it became ownership.

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