Sorry, turd, but the two things are not synonymous, especially in the 19th Century.

We still have "boom and bust." We had 8 years of bust under Obama.
7 1/2 years straight of growth, despite nonstop GOP obstruction and fear mongering, dupe. But low taxes on the rich means infrastructure keeps getting worse- ditto the nonrich.

you could describe the Great Depression the same way, moron.
Reaganism rolls on, ruining the middle class and the country. The Fed stops the roller coaster ride, except when the corrupt GOP has time to feg things up- 1929, 89, and 2008. Great job!

What does Reaganism have to do with either Depression/Recession?
Not much. That's GOP corruption/capitalist mania.

Government is corrupt, not capitalism.
Sorry, turd, but the two things are not synonymous, especially in the 19th Century.

We still have "boom and bust." We had 8 years of bust under Obama.
7 1/2 years straight of growth, despite nonstop GOP obstruction and fear mongering, dupe. But low taxes on the rich means infrastructure keeps getting worse- ditto the nonrich.

you could describe the Great Depression the same way, moron.
Reaganism rolls on, ruining the middle class and the country. The Fed stops the roller coaster ride, except when the corrupt GOP has time to feg things up- 1929, 89, and 2008. Great job!
A bunch of the middle class moved up. Why do you refuse to acknowledge facts?
Not many- but the richest's wealth has skyrocketed while the middle class is mainly ruined.
You can blame the open-borders douche bags for flooding the market with cheap foreign labor.
Odd how the Right wing tough guys went from proclaiming the Second Amendment as a way of having guns to shoot Government officials to whining about liberals LOL
not odd at all how you twist things up to achieve your preconceived notions at almost every post.

lot of hate in you. you should get that looked at.
you are weak and sad in your piteous whines LOL pathetic

Advocating theft to fund your pet projects is not smart, it's immoral. Fact.
a Right winger talking about Morals ? LOL that has to beat all I ever saw LOL
It was all about more and more on UE and welfare- he didn't change cuts followed by screwing the nonrich cause the gd mess we have now- we're turning into an oligarchy/banana republic- the GOP dream, dupe.
Still the fact remains, a tax cut can never be debt causing, it was never the federal government to begin with to spend. And Bush bailed out the car companies and banks… Fact
All career politicians spend more than what they have of the taxpayers money… Fact
If you cut taxes but not spending- big debt- see Reagan and Booosh. Then a GOP WORLD DEPRESSION. Great job!!
Clinton and Obama cuts the deficits big time, dupe. Ditto LBj and Kennedy...
A deficit means nothing one way or another as long as there is an outstanding debt… fact
When Obama started, the yearly deficit was over a trilion, now it's down to a few hundred billion...
You're attributing Obama's debt to Bush. Obama gets credit for the 2009 budget. He rewrote it when he got his "stimulus" boondoggle passed.
7 1/2 years straight of growth, despite nonstop GOP obstruction and fear mongering, dupe. But low taxes on the rich means infrastructure keeps getting worse- ditto the nonrich.

you could describe the Great Depression the same way, moron.
Reaganism rolls on, ruining the middle class and the country. The Fed stops the roller coaster ride, except when the corrupt GOP has time to feg things up- 1929, 89, and 2008. Great job!
A bunch of the middle class moved up. Why do you refuse to acknowledge facts?
Not many- but the richest's wealth has skyrocketed while the middle class is mainly ruined.
redistribution via federal government- does not work, and is immoral.... fact
It works if you're trying to get the votes of the people receiving the money.
Leftists are irony impaired.

True story.
Lefists are smarter. It's just an objective fact.

Advocating theft to fund your pet projects is not smart, it's immoral. Fact.
advocating theft to go and kill foreigners that is OK eh Chump idiot Rube moron LOL

Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan

Logical fallacy of ad hominem attack noted.

Anywho, this libertarian does not and has never advocated military interventionism nor killing of any foreigners that have not infringed on the rights of Americans in America.

Fail...massive, massive fail.

Try again? Or shall you stick with advocating theft cuz you know what's best for everyone else???
I'm not get into one of your silly pissing matches over who did what to whom first.
...because you would lose. Tell me, when is the last time a radicalized Conservative with a 'hit list' tried to kill Democrat politicians?
Who are you trying to fool? You talk trash about all liberals, but I have to tell you about "radicalized" conservatives in a limited instance? I'm not playing your little games, son. I can recall when anti-abortion activists were shooting doctors and planting bombs. Deal with it. It's the same thing and I'm sure they had a list.
One, not a "right winger". Two, you've failed to provide even a modicum of evidence to support your statement.

Fail again.
this is theft you approve of...Trump trying to Wag the Dog become a "War Time " President lol
Russia vows to treat US jets in Syria as 'targets' after America guns down first regime warplane
Source: The Independent

Russia has said it will treat US warplanes operating in parts of Syria where its air forces are present as "targets" amid a diplomatic row caused by the downing of a Syrian jet.

The country's defence ministry said the change in position would apply to all aircraft operating as part of the US-backed coalition west of the Euphrates River.

It will also suspend a hotline between Russia and the US set up to prevent mid-air collisions.
The US did not use its communication channel with Russia ahead of the downing of the Syrian government warplane, the ministry was quoted as saying, accusing the US of a "deliberate failure to make good on its commitments" under the de-confliction deal.

Read more: Russia to treat US planes flying over Syria as 'targets'

Raqqa is on the Euphrates, so this would affect how the battle for that city develops.


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