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This video is priceless. We see the left rioting, assaulting, and acting like thugs all over America. When asked for a single instance of conservatives acting like that - nobody can come up with one.
How about the right wing crazy who rushed the stage during the performance of Julius Caesar, interfering with the actors' freedom of speech? They didn't seem to have a problem with the show when it had an Obama look-alike or a pant-suited Hillary clone.
I agree that such behavior was intolerant and stooped to the liberals' level, yet I can't help but smile at liberal outrage aimed at anyone doing to them what they do to others.
I do no such thing to others. So much for your fake news and fake outrage. I'm not get into one of your silly pissing matches over who did what to whom first.
I'm not get into one of your silly pissing matches over who did what to whom first.
...because you would lose.

Tell me, when is the last time a radicalized Conservative with a 'hit list' tried to kill Democrat politicians?

Here is the Orange Piece of shit Donald Trump calling for the murder of Hillary Clinton
Trump on Clinton and the Second Amendment

WILMINGTON, N.C. — Donald J. Trump on Tuesday appeared to raise the possibility that gun rights supporters could take matters into their own hands if Hillary Clinton is elected president and appoints judges who favor stricter gun control measures.

Repeating his contention that Mrs. Clinton wanted to abolish the right to bear arms, Mr. Trump warned at a rally here that it would be “a horrible day” if Mrs. Clinton were elected and got to appoint a tiebreaking Supreme Court justice.

“If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”

Who was the last Presidential candidate whose campaign actually funded violent extremists who beat and bloodied opposition supporters, Americans who she claimed she wanted to represent as their President?

Ummm...that would be Hillary.

Rioting, looting, arson, assault, destruction of property, silencing freedom of speech, crimes, 'espionage', calls for coups and assassinations, attempting to change the outcome of an election through violence (threatening Electoral College Voters)...now attempted assassination of opposition politicians by a radicalized snowflake...

This discussion is over...Democrats finally won something, though 'most seditious, most subversive, most violent party' is not exactly 'the one' they wanted to necessarily win.

Here is the Orange Piece of shit Donald Trump calling for the murder of Hillary Clinton
Trump on Clinton and the Second Amendment

WILMINGTON, N.C. — Donald J. Trump on Tuesday appeared to raise the possibility that gun rights supporters could take matters into their own hands if Hillary Clinton is elected president and appoints judges who favor stricter gun control measures.

Repeating his contention that Mrs. Clinton wanted to abolish the right to bear arms, Mr. Trump warned at a rally here that it would be “a horrible day” if Mrs. Clinton were elected and got to appoint a tiebreaking Supreme Court justice.

“If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”
I love the smell of 'triggered' in the morning...

It smells like...victory. :p
There is nothing like having formerly Alpha second amendment stalwarts whimpering and crying about liberals ..its Liberation to see them wail LOL
Odd how the Right wing tough guys went from proclaiming the Second Amendment as a way of having guns to shoot Government officials to whining about liberals LOL
Odd how the Right wing tough guys went from proclaiming the Second Amendment as a way of having guns to shoot Government officials to whining about liberals LOL
not odd at all how you twist things up to achieve your preconceived notions at almost every post.

lot of hate in you. you should get that looked at.
Odd how the Right wing tough guys went from proclaiming the Second Amendment as a way of having guns to shoot Government officials to whining about liberals LOL
It seems like TS is trying to do his best Gov Cuomo impersonation by attempting to justify the recent radicalized snowflake terrorist would-be assassin's attack on GOP politicians by trying to blame Conservatives / Republicans.

It is hard to believe that these sad, pathetic, criminal, seditious, intolerant, violent self-identified racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites are what the Party of JFK has become.

And it is sad how he posts personal attack after personal attack and honestly believes 1) doing so is what he considers 'debating issues' and 2) doing so actually has any effect on those he attempts to insult.

I have to admit I can't help but read his posts in amusement as I pass by...kind of like 'rubber necking' (looking at) a bad highway accident as you slowly drive by.
I'm not get into one of your silly pissing matches over who did what to whom first.
...because you would lose.

Tell me, when is the last time a radicalized Conservative with a 'hit list' tried to kill Democrat politicians?:p
weeziet is guilty of a fallacy of hasty generalization. The shooter know more represents the Dems than the abortion clinic shooter "save the babies" represents the GOP.
"Rioting, looting, arson, assault, destruction of property, silencing freedom of speech, crimes, 'espionage', calls for coups and assassinations, attempting to change the outcome of an election through violence (threatening Electoral College Voters)" weeziet, you cons were told to keep your hands to yourself. You did not. You were warned. Then your creeps got beat into the ground. You are only crying that alt right creeps are such a bunch of weakling snowflakes.

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