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The Intrinsically Biased Liberal Mass Media Shows Itself for What It Is

It depends on your level of "conservatism" I guess. Personally, I'd like an all-conservative-all-the-time station to balance Lib radio and the other mainstream media moguls.
Originally posted by acludem
Fox is the only truly biased news source on television.

And on that note... :stupid:

Between CBS, NBS, ABS, the New York Good ole' Republican Bashing Times, and CNN, there's enough BS going around to bury the whole country under a heaping pile of propoganda. As for Fox News being the only truly biased news source, that's like saying the Mets are the only good baseball team. It's all


I'm not sure, but I think I need to stop reading acludem's posts about how the everybody except Fox News is fair and impartial before I rip my hair out. It reminds me of when I had to try to convince my *honors* physical science teacher than a light year was a measure of distance. I mean, even the Democrats admit the media has a liberal bias, even if they won't admit how bad it is.
Huh? Fox is kind of conservative? That's like saying Donald Trump is kind of rich, or Ann Coulter is kind of stupid.

You are so deluding yourself. Have you ever even listened to AM radio? And I don't mean Rush or Savage. I mean regular news reports. Limiting yourself to the 3 networks is like reading ever other page of a book. I used to be brainwashed too, until I started listing to other sources. Then I got PISSED because I was being misled. And you should be pissed too at the lack of neutrality of the major media.
Until the new liberal talk radio network was launched, Talk radio, especially of the nationally syndicated variety, has been the bastion of conservatives.

I can't wait until the liberal talk shows are on in my area, for now I'll have to listen online when I have time.

Right,Fox is the only biased news on t.v. You have to be kidding. Have you ever seen CNN? If you were to read Bernald Goldber's book,Bias,you would see prove of the ridiculous bias that goes on. Dan Rather is the biggest idiot of them all. Listen closely next time you watch CNN,ABC,CBS etc. They do everything they can to report any bad side of a story or put on the opposition to Bush,but not the supporters. If you read this book,BIAS,you will see how they like to blow problem domestic issues out of proportion. They did it to Reagan.Bush Sr. and they are trying to do it to Bush. Fox news may be a little slanted,but who cares? ALL the other news organizations slanted left and aren't afraid to show it.
Originally posted by acludem
Until the new liberal talk radio network was launched, Talk radio, especially of the nationally syndicated variety, has been the bastion of conservatives.

I can't wait until the liberal talk shows are on in my area, for now I'll have to listen online when I have time.

You don't have NPR?
I can't wait until the liberal talk shows are on in my area, for now I'll have to listen online when I have time.

Please let me know how Stuart Smalley is doing. Maybe if he keeps telling himself that he's "good enough, smart enough, and liberal enough" people will like him.
Originally posted by clumzgirl
You are so deluding yourself. Have you ever even listened to AM radio? And I don't mean Rush or Savage. I mean regular news reports. Limiting yourself to the 3 networks is like reading ever other page of a book. I used to be brainwashed too, until I started listing to other sources. Then I got PISSED because I was being misled. And you should be pissed too at the lack of neutrality of the major media.

clumzgirl, you kick ass, are you married?
Originally posted by clumzgirl
Please let me know how Stuart Smalley is doing. Maybe if he keeps telling himself that he's "good enough, smart enough, and liberal enough" people will like him.
I actually heard about 10 minutes of his show on XM radio a few days ago. It was dreadful. Not soley because of the content but Franken is just painfull to listen to.
Our NPR station here in my home area plays classical music most of the day. I listen to NPR on the weekends, three shows in particular, one is called "This American Life" which is sort of a story show often times presenting various stories on a certain theme, Ira Glass is the host, and yes he's liberal, but rarely are the shows political. The next is "Car Talk" which is hilarious, hosted by Tom and Ray Magliozzi of Cambridge (our fair city) Mass. The third is "A Prarie Home Companion" with Garrison Keillor. Keillor is liberal but really not that political except for his long running feud with Jesse Ventura. I listen to talk radio primarily while driving for work in the afternoon. I listen to a bit of Rush (depending on how long I can stand it) some Hannity (not that he'll ever Hannitize me) and then a local show that's more informative than political.

Originally posted by acludem
Our NPR station here in my home area plays classical music most of the day. I listen to NPR on the weekends, three shows in particular, one is called "This American Life" which is sort of a story show often times presenting various stories on a certain theme, Ira Glass is the host, and yes he's liberal, but rarely are the shows political. The next is "Car Talk" which is hilarious, hosted by Tom and Ray Magliozzi of Cambridge (our fair city) Mass. The third is "A Prarie Home Companion" with Garrison Keillor. Keillor is liberal but really not that political except for his long running feud with Jesse Ventura. I listen to talk radio primarily while driving for work in the afternoon. I listen to a bit of Rush (depending on how long I can stand it) some Hannity (not that he'll ever Hannitize me) and then a local show that's more informative than political.


Where do they get the NPR personalites, if you can really call them that, the morgue?
Originally posted by clumzgirl
You are so deluding yourself. Have you ever even listened to AM radio? And I don't mean Rush or Savage. I mean regular news reports. Limiting yourself to the 3 networks is like reading ever other page of a book. I used to be brainwashed too, until I started listing to other sources. Then I got PISSED because I was being misled. And you should be pissed too at the lack of neutrality of the major media.

I am pissed at the lack of neutrality. It's mostly liberal, and for your information, I keep up with several different news sources. I have no tv, so I have to rely on internet and radio, but here's my list of news sources.

Fox News
KFAY, the local AM news radio
Glenn Beck
Bill O'Reilly
Rush Limbaugh
and every once in a while when I have a TV and I'm really bored, I watch C-SPAN.

Of those sources, I'd say about half were highly liberal, about a third are highly to moderately conservative, and Bill O'Reilly and Fox News are fairly moderate with a conservative lean. I think C-SPAN is the only completely unbiased one, since they don't actually report, they just play congress sessions and stuff.
I think O'Reilly is the least biased out there, he leans a little to the right though. Chris Matthews is pretty tough on everyone that comes on Hardball and his left leaning position is backed by fact.

You could always turn to the Daily Show for your news coverage and mute it when Jon Stewart starts talking.
Originally posted by Palestinian Jew
I think O'Reilly is the least biased out there, he leans a little to the right though. Chris Matthews is pretty tough on everyone that comes on Hardball and his left leaning position is backed by fact.

You could always turn to the Daily Show for your news coverage and mute it when Jon Stewart starts talking.

I think the thing I like most about O'Reilly is that he makes it very clear which parts of his statements are opinion and which ones are fact. e.g. Today in Iraq, 5 U.S. soldiers and 4 civilian contractors were killed in an ambush at the town of Fallujah. The soldiers' remains were recovered and treated properly, but the civilians were dragged through the streets, burned and then hung from a bridge along with English signs saying "This is what happens to Americans." Now what I think is that these guys are trying to make us do what we did after Mogadishu and wimp out after a few bodies are seen on CNN. Why else would they have the signs in English. I also think we should surround that town, tell everyone to disarm, and shoot everyone who doesn't, then arrest the guys responsible since we have their pictures.

In that statement, it's very clear where the fact stops and the opinion and conjecture starts.

First off, I love all of the NPR shows about which you spoke, not to mention "Thistle & Shamrock" & "Whad'ya Know?" My local Chapel Hill NPR station[WUNC] ditched the classical music about two years ago and went all news.

Secondly, it is so sad that you liberals can only call names.....STILL! I mean, calling Ann Coulter "dumb" just makes you look insane and discredits- or at least brings into question- nearly everything you say from this point forth, at least in MY eyes. I guess liberals, being used to putting out books of lies and never being challenged, hate her for being as vicious as they, yet including hundreds & hundreds of sources in her books.

Now, we already now that Bush, using college entrance exam scores & their four-year transcripts, is more intelligent than both Bill Bradley & Al Gore, the man about whom the LMM posited, "Is he too intelligent to be President?" Plus, I remember how the LMM were foaming at the mouth, just WAITING for Gore to crush Bush in the debates. Well, we know how well THAT worked out for you guys. LOL

Bush mangles a word or two and it makes hilarious headlines for days & weeks. Yet, when Al Gore claimed to invent the Internet, the LMM gets a stern look and says, "No, all he said was that he "created" the Internet." LMFAO That said, I can tell what is REALLY behind Bush's all-knowing smirk, and I feel he is JUST FINE with liberals thinking he's dumb.

Yeah, yeah! Bush is dumb. Reagan was OLD & dumb, Bush senior was out of touch & dumb- ok, they might be right, there...plus, he was a loser of a liberal wimp!. Al Franken, proving that name calling is the liberals' best debate tool, called Rush a big, fat idiot, but that just didn't fly. So, they called him racist and misogynistic, but that didn't work too well, either. Finally, the liberal line on Rush is that he is "a great entertainer."

Now, they had a BIG problem with Newt Gingrich, what with Newt being an intellectual, scholar, historian, policy wonk, and a vicious politician. So, the only thing they could do to besmirch Gingrich was to paint him as one thing: The Antichrist.

That's right! Newt is going to starve old people, stick your children in run-down orphanages, and start building camps for liberals.LOL Everyone remembers the covers of Time & Newsweek which portrayed him as Scrooge & The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. Funny how the LMM & the Dems painted him as heartless for welfare reform, yet, now that even liberals know it was an amazing success, they took credit for it, themselves, especially The Slick One. Clinton talks about surpluses & the great economy of the 90's, but the fact is that Newt, due to his forcing budget reforms & demanding fiscal responsibility- remember when Newt forced Clinton's hand by shutting down the government....TWICE?- was the one who balanced out Clinton's huge tax hike and was largely responsible for the economic growth. Still, at the time, they fought him tooth & nail, this while the LMM interviewed temporarily out-of-work government employees.LOL

Still, it looks like the LMM was successful in getting people to believe in the evil of Newt Gingrich, seeing how he, now, is nearly as polarizing a personality as Hillary Clinton.

I'm sorry, but if Ann Coulter is dumb, then Hillary Clinton is a lobotomized vegetable.

So, I beg you liberals to keep "misunderestimating" Bush's intelligence, for I know that our Republican "strategery" will work out just fine.

Gee, I wonder what's worse?: Mangling a word or to keep calling Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson[Gore]. I wonder what's worse?: Mangling a word or raping a woman[Clinton/Juanita Broddrick] or even KILLING a woman[Teddy Kennedy/Mary Jo Kopechne]. At least Bush, unlike Kerry, doesn't have to hire a staffer JUST to remind him every morning of his new position on any given issue.

Actually, you are right about the mass media not being too liberal......compared to Soviet-era Pravda!


Yeah, I feel ya. Back when I was a proud liberal, I thought the three majors just gave the news. However, once I bought a brain and made the transition to non-sheep status, I, too, became very angry over being lied to & manipulated my whole life.

The good thing is that now with FOX & others, we have them on the run. The three major's ratings keep falling, while FOX's are going through the roof. I can tell that panic is setting in, not only over Bush's upcoming re-election, but the long-term war which they now feel they are destined to lose.

I guess they have just become so accustomed to people being too intellectually lazy to break away from the herd that, they forgot that, at times, the truth will win out, even if that takes decades.

Unlike liberals, I will be truthful & generous:

One CAN be intelligent and be a liberal. However, one cannot be intelligent AND well-informed and still be a liberal.
Originally posted by SPIKESMYGOD

One CAN be intelligent and be a liberal. However, one cannot be intelligent AND well-informed and still be a liberal. [/B]

Unless they's also just an evil p.o.s. , in it for their own power, and willing to lie and mislead.
Bill O'Reilly is a loudmouth, hypocritical bully. He has lied repeatedly about his own life and record. He doesn't know how to debate, he simply shouts down people who might actually be beating him, and he calls his show "the no-spin zone" and then spends the entire time spinning every story.


Yeah, I was going to say that as well, but, what with the fact that a lot of liberals are going to commit suicide on the evening of November 2nd, I just wanted to be nice. Thanks a lot for blowing my cover!

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