The Irish Are Fighting AGAINST the Muslim INVASION and 4th Caliphate of Europe!!!


Apr 22, 2007
Good for them. Hope they can overcome the liberal "Nevile Chamberlain" mental of Europe, but then again Islam is such a threat maybe even the libtards will start to acknowledge it!

Irish respond to muslim invasion | Fellowship of the Minds
Many Muslims in Ireland are shocked by a letter posted to schools and mosques declaring a war against them. They should be shocked that it has taken as long as it has for people across the world to start standing up against their campaign of intimidation.

Gutless politicians don’t stand with the people anymore. In seemingly every country across the globe, the political positions are occupied by self-serving, pandering wimps. This letter is clearly born out of a frustration with a lack of positive action on the part of government officials and a willingness of the Irish to defend their nation by taking matters into their own hands. After all, the people are the ones who are chiefly affected, not the bureaucrats.

The anonymous letter has made the rounds of Muslim schools and mosques in Dublin.

While the Muslim groups have and will try to negatively label it otherwise, it is a call to arms for the Irish citizens to recognize the impact of the invasion and the deliberate efforts to supplant the Irish people, their culture, and their traditions with Islam and Sharia law.

The language of the letter is described as intimidating and extremely violent. The obvious neglect to mention the Islamic violence is so outlandish that it is barely deserving of a comment.

Hopefully America will acknowledge this threat also and put a ban on immigration from Muslim countries, ban hijabs and burquas, deport all Muslims that aren't US citizens and so extreme moritoring of all mosques!

There. I beat the libs to it! Now maybe they will have to come up with something of substance. Not likely, but maybe.
Good for them. Hope they can overcome the liberal "Nevile Chamberlain" mental of Europe, but then again Islam is such a threat maybe even the libtards will start to acknowledge it!

Irish respond to muslim invasion | Fellowship of the Minds
Many Muslims in Ireland are shocked by a letter posted to schools and mosques declaring a war against them. They should be shocked that it has taken as long as it has for people across the world to start standing up against their campaign of intimidation.

Gutless politicians don’t stand with the people anymore. In seemingly every country across the globe, the political positions are occupied by self-serving, pandering wimps. This letter is clearly born out of a frustration with a lack of positive action on the part of government officials and a willingness of the Irish to defend their nation by taking matters into their own hands. After all, the people are the ones who are chiefly affected, not the bureaucrats.

The anonymous letter has made the rounds of Muslim schools and mosques in Dublin.

While the Muslim groups have and will try to negatively label it otherwise, it is a call to arms for the Irish citizens to recognize the impact of the invasion and the deliberate efforts to supplant the Irish people, their culture, and their traditions with Islam and Sharia law.

The language of the letter is described as intimidating and extremely violent. The obvious neglect to mention the Islamic violence is so outlandish that it is barely deserving of a comment.

Hopefully America will acknowledge this threat also and put a ban on immigration from Muslim countries, ban hijabs and burquas, deport all Muslims that aren't US citizens and so extreme moritoring of all mosques!

It's too late for America [as it is for Britain, Europe and Ireland]?
Lots of IRA arms caches remain undisturbed in the Republic of Ireland and N. Ireland. I should know, as I did four tours of the place. Who knows, perhaps the Micks might begin unearthing them...
Lots of IRA arms caches remain undisturbed in the Republic of Ireland and N. Ireland. I should know, as I did four tours of the place. Who knows, perhaps the Micks might begin unearthing them...

When are you fancy dancey Brits going to do something about it? I know you are fixated on the Jews, but MOOSLIMS are the red coats (dare I say yellow coats) really problem!


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