The Iron Fist In Russia Has Returned


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Gold Supporting Member
Jan 15, 2009
I guess Russia is going going back to their good ol' days.

I'm glad that once Obama wins the election that he can be more flexible with Putin.

Russia Fine for Protesters May Surpass Nuke Crimes

If, as expected, the bill becomes law, protesters whose rallies aren't officially sanctioned will face fines of up to 300,000 rubles ($9,000), up from the current 2,000 ($60).
Prostitution: A fine of 2,500 rubles ($75).

— Illegal use of an automobile: 120,000 rubles ($3,600).

— Nuclear materials storage violations: 5,000 rubles ($150) for regular citizens, 40,000 ($1,200) for public officials.

— Performing an abortion without medical qualification: 80,000 rubles ($2,400).

— Violating safety precautions in designing, building and using nuclear energy facilities that could cause danger or radioactive contagion: 200,000 rubles ($6,000).

— Organizing prostitution: 500,000 rubles ($15,000) or three years in prison.
Russia Fine for Protesters May Surpass Nuke Crimes - ABC News
Right wingers trying to cover Romney's ass?

[ame=]Romney's Latest Gaffe: Mitt Calls Russia 'Our Number 1 Geo-Political Foe' - YouTube[/ame]
I guess Russia is going going back to their good ol' days.

Only the fines are unusual high.
In Germany you also have to register a demonstration first, and you aren't allowed to wear ski-masks (new Russian Law tackles that).
So you have no problem with the meat of the article? Interesting :eusa_whistle:

Russia doesn't want Opposition, and as long as Russia doesn't bombard the Opposition with Artillery (like in Syria) it falls under Russian sovereignity how Russia deals with its internal issues. Police bludgeons in a lot of countries, and there are societies who feel happy with their nation going an autocratic way.

Flexible or not, the Mormon can't change this.
I've read the posted laws in Russia several times trying to find something draconian. It's just not there, in fact these laws are a bit on the mild side.

A $6,000 fine for the negligent design of a nuclear facility... The Japanese would do worse than a little fine.
Granny says dem Russkies is sneaky - dey tryin' to win the Vietnam War behind our backs...
Russia Seeks Naval Bases in Cold War Allies Cuba, Vietnam
July 27, 2012 - Russia is in talks to set up naval bases in former Cold War allies Cuba and Vietnam as President Vladimir Putin undertakes the country’s biggest military overhaul since the Soviet era.
“We are working on establishing navy bases outside Russia,” Vice-Admiral Viktor Chirkov, the navy’s commander-in- chief since May, said in an interview with the state-run RIA Novosti news service and confirmed by the navy. “We aim to set up resupply bases in Cuba, the Seychelles and Vietnam.” Russia’s intentions for overseas military expansion threaten to further strain relations with the U.S. when the former superpower rivals are at loggerheads over American missile-shield plans and how to respond to the fighting in Syria. Putin’s government plans to spend 23 trillion rubles ($712 billion) this decade on defense spending, including 4.4 trillion rubles next year, an increase of 19 percent.

“There’s a lot of tension between Washington and Moscow right now as Syria is creating a lot of bad feeling between them,” said Pavel Felgenhauer, an independent defense analyst in Moscow. “This will be seen by some in the U.S. as the Russian bear growling in its lair.” Pentagon spokesman George Little said Russia has “a right to enter into military agreements and relationships” with other nations, just as the U.S. does. He didn’t raise concern about Russia seeking military access to Cuba, which lies near the mouth of the Gulf of Mexico and is 145 kilometers (90 miles) south of the Florida Keys. “I’m aware of the reports, but I don’t know that an agreement has been reached between the Russians and Cubans on a base,” Little told reporters at the Pentagon today.

‘Red Line’

U.S. Air Force General Norton Schwartz in 2008 warned Russia not to cross a “red line” by stationing bombers in Cuba, where the deployment of Soviet missiles brought Moscow and Washington close to nuclear conflict in 1962. Schwartz commented after the newspaper Izvestia said Russia planned to build a refueling base for strategic aircraft in the Communist island state in response to U.S. plans to deploy elements of a missile- defense system in Europe. The Russian Defense Ministry later denied the report. Under the deal that ended the 1962 Cuban crisis, the Soviet Union withdrew its missiles and pledged not to station offensive weapons on the island. Russian military cooperation with Cuba ended in 2002 after Russia closed its radar base at Lourdes, Russia’s only intelligence-gathering center in the Western hemisphere, which had been operating since the 1960s.

Vietnam Agreeable

Vietnam’s President Truong Tan Sang said in an interview broadcast by Voice of Russia radio that his country is ready to let Russia set up a servicing facility in Cam Ranh Bay, a former Soviet naval base, though Vietnam will not lease its territory to any country. In June, U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta visited the one-time hub of American military activity seeking greater naval access to the port as the U.S. rebalances its forces toward the Asia-Pacific region. Sang held talks with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in Moscow yesterday and met Putin in the Black Sea resort of Sochi today. Cuban leader Raul Castro held talks with Putin in Moscow earlier this month. Calls to the Cuban Embassy in Moscow weren’t answered. Vietnam backs Russia’s criticism of U.S. plans to expand missile-defense sites, which improves security in some nations at the expense of others, the countries said in a joint communique today after the talks.

‘Good News’
Russia recovering its standing in the world will bring a much needed counter-balance to US rampage of the past 20 years.

But to achieve that Russia will have to change its SYSTEM of internal structure of governance: it has to get rid of oligarchic clans created under the rule of US advisers during Yeltsun's regime.

With Russia's elite dependent on US financial system and banking, and US "economic advisers", as Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski put it in a conversation with a Russian journo: "Is it your elite or ours?"

Putin already made few steps in the right direction ordering all working in law enforcement and national security to move their money from foreign banks into Russia and to get rid of all their assets abroad; the same move is now discussed for all members of Russian Parliament...
Yet, Putin and clans standing behind him are still part of the oligarchic system constructed by the US. Will Putin have what it takes to do what Stalin did in 1937: purge the governing structures off comprador elements, -- is a VERY big question.

Without it all Russian military bases will come under the same remark: "are they Russian, or American?"
I guess Russia is going going back to their good ol' days.

I'm glad that once Obama wins the election that he can be more flexible with Putin.

Russia Fine for Protesters May Surpass Nuke Crimes

If, as expected, the bill becomes law, protesters whose rallies aren't officially sanctioned will face fines of up to 300,000 rubles ($9,000), up from the current 2,000 ($60).
Prostitution: A fine of 2,500 rubles ($75).

— Illegal use of an automobile: 120,000 rubles ($3,600).

— Nuclear materials storage violations: 5,000 rubles ($150) for regular citizens, 40,000 ($1,200) for public officials.

— Performing an abortion without medical qualification: 80,000 rubles ($2,400).

— Violating safety precautions in designing, building and using nuclear energy facilities that could cause danger or radioactive contagion: 200,000 rubles ($6,000).

— Organizing prostitution: 500,000 rubles ($15,000) or three years in prison.
Russia Fine for Protesters May Surpass Nuke Crimes - ABC News

Because, god forbid, since the wall came down, Russia has been a poster child for freedom and liberty for all...:rolleyes::rolleyes:
since the wall came down, Russia has been a poster child for freedom and liberty for all.

That is very true: not a single "civilised democracy", especially US would put up with what "peaceful protesters" and their leaders are up to in Russia!

And frankly, if central government will not shorten their leash, people will do it for them. Only US financed marginal minority wants another "coloured revolution" and the return of the 90-s.
obama's abdication of the role of US as world leader has left a void. Russia and China are moving in to fill that void.
He has done nothing to lead. Not this country, certainly not the world. Since he's done nothing, he has abdicated.

His favorite book is "The Post American World" so this isn't surprising.
Underground Mooslamic sect discovered in Russia...
Into the light: Kids from Russian subterranean sect surface after 10 years
9 Aug.`12 - Led by a self-proclaimed prophet, more than 70 members of a reclusive Muslim sect, including 20 children, have spent a decade in an eight-level catacomb in Russia's Tatarstan without access to education, healthcare or even daylight.[/i]
The sect has been discovered by authorities, who were investigating the assassination of Tatarstan’s top Muslim cleric, a staunch critic of radical forms of Islam. Its founder, 83-year-old Faizrakhman Satarov, who claims he is the last Muslim prophet, ordered his followers to live in catacombs they had dug under his estate in the suburbs of the city of Kazan. There they lived, completely isolated from the outside world, in insanitary cells without light, heat or ventilation. The investigators have reportedly found extremist books in the compound.

The authorities had to remove 19 under-age children and temporarily place them in care as conditions in the bunker were unsuitable for living in. The children, aged between one and 17, had never left Satarov’s estate, and some had never even seen daylight. Doctors are now examining their condition. Russia’s Children’s Ombudsman, Pavel Astakhov, said that their parents will have to undergo special treatment before they can be reunited with their children. “Unfortunately the rehabilitation of sect victims takes a long time and requires the participation of professionals. Parents who are members of the sect first have to undergo proper treatment and only after that may be allowed back to their children,” he told RIA Novosti.

Self-proclaimed prophet Satarov has been charged with negligence and warned that if he does not end his extremist activities, the sect will be outlawed. He had forbidden his followers, who called themselves “muammin," from the Arabic for "believers," from receiving any medical assistance and children were not allowed to attend schools. Thus, the leader of the sect had denied them their constitutional rights, Irina Petrova, assistant to the state attorney, told RIA Novosti.

Satarov used to be a top cleric in the neighboring region of Bashkiria. However in the 1990s he proclaimed himself a prophet and founded the sect, an act that that goes against the principles of Islam, as it recognizes only the Prophet Muhammad. Sect members do not recognize the state or laws and do not leave the territory of their compound. They are only allowed to read the Koran and Satarov’s preachings. “They have decided to eliminate our community, decided to wage war against Allah. They won’t defeat Allah,” one of the sect’s members told Vesti news channel.

Into the light: Kids from Russian subterranean sect surface after 10 years underground — RT
The Iron Fist In Russia Has Returned
It ever left? I gave them a bit of grace with Russia Today, but after their pieces on Libya and now Syria, and their TV show with Assange (clearly a political stunt); it just shows itself off as another propaganda organ of the Kremlin.

Hypocrisy: Kremlin claims the West is crushing free speech for wanting to prosecute Assange; then puts the head of the Russian opposition in jail for speaking against Putin. :eusa_eh:
Mooslamic underground caliphate now faces cruelty to children charges...
Russian Muslim 'catacomb sect' faces cruelty charges
8 August 2012 - Members of the sect could be seen at the gate of the house
Four members of a breakaway Muslim sect in Russia's Tatarstan region have been charged with cruelty against children for allegedly keeping them underground. Police discovered 27 children and 38 adults living in catacomb-like cells in an eight-level underground bunker. The sect's elderly leader, Faizrakhman Sattarov, had reportedly wanted to build his own Islamic caliphate beneath the ground.

Prosecutors said some of the children had lived there for more than a decade. The sect was uncovered last week in a suburb of the city of Kazan during an investigation into recent attacks on Muslim clerics in Tatarstan, a mainly Muslim region on the River Volga. Mr Sattarov, who had declared himself a Muslim prophet, has been charged with the crime of "arbitrariness", a broad crime that covers "actions contrary to the order presented by a law". No immediate reaction to the charges was reported.

'Divine light'

Nineteen under-age children were removed by the Russian authorities, some of them placed in care, others in hospital, Russian government-owned newspaper Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports. Officials said the children, aged between one and 17 years, had never left the compound, gone to school or been treated by a doctor, and had rarely seen the light of day. According to the Russian website Islam News, Mr Sattarov, 83, declared himself an Islamic prophet in the mid-1960s after interpreting sparks from a trolleybus cable as a divine light from God.

He and his followers began to shun the outside world in the early part of this century. The sect, dubbed Faizrakhmanists after their founder, reportedly do not recognise Russian state laws or the authority of mainstream Muslim leaders in Tatarstan. Only a few sect members were allowed to leave the community to work as traders at a local market, local media report. The cramped cells descend on eight levels under a decrepit, three-storey brick house on a 700 sq m (7,530 sq ft) plot of land, the Associated Press reports. The house was built illegally and will be demolished, local police were quoted as saying.

Teachings rejected

Muslim leaders in Tatarstan said Mr Sattarov's views contradicted their own. "Islam postulates that there are no other prophets after Muhammad," Kazan-based theologian Rais Suleimanov told the BBC. "The teachings of Sattarov, who declared himself a prophet, have been rejected by traditional Muslims." Mr Sattarov is said by Rossiyskaya Gazeta to be bedridden and delirious. The crime of arbitrariness is defined as "unauthorised commission of actions contrary to the order presented by a law or any other normative legal act" and is punishable by up to five years in prison.

On 19 July, Valiulla Yakupov, chief of the educational department of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Tatarstan, was shot and killed at his home. The same day, Mufti Ildus Fayzov, the head of Tatarstan's Muslims, was wounded when his car blew up. At least four arrests were made. There was no suggestion that Mr Sattarov or his followers were connected to the attacks.

BBC News - Russian Muslim 'catacomb sect' faces cruelty charges
I gave them a bit of grace with Russia Today, but after their pieces on Libya and now Syria, and their TV show with Assange (clearly a political stunt); it just shows itself off as another propaganda organ of the Kremlin.

What? They don't tread US party line? :D:D:D How dare they?!

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