The irony of the abortion issue.

Child sacrifice is wrong.

WEF/Democrats want no limits on abortions so they can pay women to be blood/organ harvesting mills.
That's just it. The women don't get a dime. They might even have to pay for the abortion. Pay poor women to "harvest" their babies and abortion for parts would be a cottage industry. We would be hearing about abortion "lifting women out of poverty".
Women trumpet their right to exercise control of their own bodies regarding reproduction. However, abortion is needed when a woman loses control of her reproductive cycle and gets pregnant unintentionally. A woman who is in control of her reproductive life knows when she is likely to get pregnant and has little need for abortion.

Again, one has to wonder if you have ever lived with a woman.
abortion is needed when a woman loses control of her reproductive cycle

i. The irony of the abortion issue. 240905 {post•1}. Woodznutz Sep’24 Stiota: Women trumpet their right to exercise control of their own bodies regarding reproduction. However, abortion is needed when a woman loses control of her reproductive cycle and gets pregnant unintentionally. A woman who is in control of her reproductive life knows when she is likely to get pregnant and has little need for abortion. wdzntz 240905 Stiota00001

i. The irony of the abortion issue. 240905 {post•24}

NotfooledbyW Sep’24 Vtiota: Why is it your business.what women do with their bodies when it has absolutely no impact on your life, liberty, property, or pursuit of happiness?

nfbw 240905 Vtiota00024
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that's good... 20% of the States have total restriction on abortion. That's what a Republic is all about.. It's called home rule.
I'm glad you're good with states that have much more liberal abortion laws. Too many pro-lifers feel that their morality should be imposed on others.
i know what a woman is.
and how to treat one.
Even more unlikely.
the irony of the abortion issues include their obsession with killing doctors and exploding clinics, with punishing women, with withholding medical care until she is near death., with obsessive lying about "after birth" abortion, a medical impossibility, and now moving to end access to contraception.
These things are all rare occurrences. More people die from transgender mass shooters than abortionists are murdered.
Democrats are similar Satanists, they love to see the blood of babies in their unholy sacrifices.
You felt a special thrill from a rush of hate when you typed that, didn't you?

You're addicted to the thrill you feel from hating. That's how your masters control you. They're like a drug pusher, and you're the addict.
Nobody keeps track of the statistics about young women being threatened and intimidated into signing the forms. The segment of society that benefits most from abortions isn't the innocent woman but the mostly liberal man who sees his future responsibilities eliminated at the stroke of a scalpel and the woman has to live with PDST for the rest of her life.
Women trumpet their right to exercise control of their own bodies regarding reproduction. However, abortion is needed when a woman loses control of her reproductive cycle and gets pregnant unintentionally. A woman who is in control of her reproductive life knows when she is likely to get pregnant and has little need for abortion.
Self sterilization could an option.
usually women "lose control" when their rapist throws them to the ground.
No one is talking about rape. Most unintended pregnancy in this country is because the woman willingly spread her legs and accepted semen inside her then, regretted it later which is when she is told infanticide (abortion) is the best course of action.
Always the woman's fault ... always the woman's responsibility ... I get it ...
All things is. Ask any mother of a teenaged daughter. She will lay all the responsibility on her daughter.
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Nobody keeps track of the statistics about young women being threatened and intimidated into signing the forms. The segment of society that benefits most from abortions isn't the innocent woman but the mostly liberal man who sees his future responsibilities eliminated at the stroke of a scalpel and the woman has to live with PDST for the rest of her life.
Good point.
Women trumpet their right to exercise control of their own bodies regarding reproduction. However, abortion is needed when a woman loses control of her reproductive cycle and gets pregnant unintentionally. A woman who is in control of her reproductive life knows when she is likely to get pregnant and has little need for abortion.

There are plenty of ironies out there.

The real issues are ignored, instead we have anti-abortion calling itself "pro-life" which is ironic as many of those same people support executions, wars and the police being rather too aggressive, and guns which help turn the US into a murder capital of first world countries.

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