The "Is there a compromise on abortion?" poll

Are you willing to compromise on abortion?

  • 1. No abortions from the moment of conception

  • 2. Morning after pill only

  • 3. Abortion allowed in the first trimester only

  • 4. Abortion allow through the second trimester only

  • 5. Abortion allowed through the third trimester, but not after actual birth

  • 6. Abortion allowed after birth for a very short period

  • 7. Abortion allowed up to the age of 18

  • 8. Abortion only allowed if the mother's life is in extreme danger from continuing the pregnancy

  • 9. Only if the mother was a victim of rape or incest (with police report)

Results are only viewable after voting.
Here a possible compromise:

The innocent preborn human beings get to live and, in exchange, the filthy rabid liberal would-be baby snuffers can all kill themselves instead.
Given the caterwauling in some of these threads, it’s surprising more posters have not voted in this one.
The compromise is states decide if they want abortion or not and people can live in those states if they want. Some states will say yes, some will say no.

We already have the compromise.
I compromise on the abortion issue like I compromise on the slavery issue. Absolute no. I side with civil rights, absolutely.
I am interested in the reasoning behind choosing #4 (six months). Is that only because of the outmoded medical opinion in Roe v. Wade that fetal viability out side the womb begins at that point? (It is now considered closer to three months.) Otherwise, why pick that time period?
The compromise is states decide if they want abortion or not and people can live in those states if they want. Some states will say yes, some will say no.

We already have the compromise.
That's not a compromise. That's a global embarrassment.
Is that only because of the outmoded medical opinion in Roe v. Wade that fetal viability out side the womb begins at that point? (It is now considered closer to three months.)
Not even close, dude. World record is 21 weeks. And that's one in a million.
Mother's life in danger and if there is no brain activity.

There have been times where the mother chooses to give her life in order to allow the baby to have that too....
There are a lot of hard-line all-or-nothing opinions regarding abortion.
Where do you stand?
Are you willing to compromise?
Yes. But your poll doesn't represent any realeaningful compromise. The choices are still, to kill, or not to kill.
I b order to come up with a compromise we need to look at why women de ide to kill their children. I don't know of anyone who is against life threatening pregnancies being terminated, so there's no point going on about that rarity. Overwhelmingly women choose abortion for quality of life reasons, as they pertain to themselves.They want immunity from the consequence of an "unwanted" pregnancy. Be it for financial, or social reasons, or both.

So that being the case, any compromise, in the pursuit of all this equality we all claim to be clamoring for needs to address these same concerns on behalf of men. Therefore men albeit via a different legal mechanism need the opportunity to absolve themselves of these very same concerns, and consequences. So upon being informed that he is the sire of the pregnant woman, or within a time frame of being notified of birth; he gets the legal right to absolve himself of financial, and custodial responsibility of said child/children. The exact same thing that So many legal mechanisms offer women.

That's the compromise. And we know women will never compromise their ability to control a man's future income generation. Just ask. Even in this "fair trade" scenario.
Real men support their children.
Why is everything about money with you Republicans?
And real women just kill their children if it impedes the aspirations for making money? Well... yeah. Actually they do. Just read the bulk of the reasons women support abortion.
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