The "Is there a compromise on abortion?" poll

Are you willing to compromise on abortion?

  • 1. No abortions from the moment of conception

  • 2. Morning after pill only

  • 3. Abortion allowed in the first trimester only

  • 4. Abortion allow through the second trimester only

  • 5. Abortion allowed through the third trimester, but not after actual birth

  • 6. Abortion allowed after birth for a very short period

  • 7. Abortion allowed up to the age of 18

  • 8. Abortion only allowed if the mother's life is in extreme danger from continuing the pregnancy

  • 9. Only if the mother was a victim of rape or incest (with police report)

Results are only viewable after voting.
There are a lot of hard-line all-or-nothing opinions regarding abortion.
Where do you stand?
Are you willing to compromise?
I don't have hard and fast times or trimesters but approximately this is what I'd like to see:
  • very early in the pregnancy - abortion OK for any reason
  • middle pregnancy - abortion OK for serious medical reasons (baby or mother)
  • late pregnancy - abortion OK for extreme medical complications (life of the mother)
I couldn't agree more. It takes a man and a woman to create a pregnancy, and if one has a right to terminate future responsibilities, so should the other. I don't know if that's a compromise so much as it is a leveling of the playing field, assuming abortion remains legal, though.
A glaring problem with option 9 as written; is that once a woman became pregnant, she could, and in many cases would; accuse her partner of rape in order to get the chance to kill her baby. A very dangerous scenario for men.
A glaring problem with option 9 as written; is that once a woman became pregnant, she could, and in many cases would; accuse her partner of rape in order to get the chance to kill her baby. A very dangerous scenario for men.
Also for women, if they make a false report. I'm just saying that a claim of rape without a corresponding police report would be ignored.
I couldn't agree more. It takes a man and a woman to create a pregnancy, and if one has a right to terminate future responsibilities, so should the other. I don't know if that's a compromise so much as it is a leveling of the playing field, assuming abortion remains legal, though.

Abortion is going to be legal......that isn't going to change
You left off:

- Leave the decision up to the doctor and patient because you can’t legislate every medical situation and Roe v Wade is entirely appropriate leaving abortion legal until viability with discretion to doctors.

Doctors are not aborting healthy viable babies near birth you fucking trolls.

Yeah...some are, you moron....
A glaring problem with option 9 as written; is that once a woman became pregnant, she could, and in many cases would; accuse her partner of rape in order to get the chance to kill her baby. A very dangerous scenario for men.
Only for the ones guilty of rape.
No. With you being of low moral and ethical character, that's what it means to you. Not to me.
You’re full of shit. That is exactly what it means. And thanks for confirming, verbatim, from your own mouth my previous statement saying just that.
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Currently in America the leading cause of death for pregnant women is murder.

Not anything else.

Meaning that pregnancy causes women to get murdered. (Using FFIndiana's logic)
You’re full of shit. That is exactly what it means. And thanks for confirming, verbatim, from your own mouth my previous statement saying just that.
That's what it means to a person of low moral and ethical character, like you.

Normal, non-failed adult humans know there is more to quality of life than money. Like, health.
Currently in America the leading cause of death for pregnant women is murder.

Not anything else.

Meaning that pregnancy causes women to get murdered. (Using FFIndiana's logic)
That wasn't my logic. I think you confused yourself again.
That's what it means to a person of low moral and ethical character, like you.

Normal, non-failed adult humans know there is more to quality of life than money. Like, health.
Says the one advocating for the privilege to murder children for their own quality of life… Oh!!! What a scathing indictment!
Yeah...some are, you moron....
No they aren’t.


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