"""The Israel Haters Exposed Soon"""


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2015
Yo, I`ve said this already, the whole "Socialist Democrat Party" is included as Haters!!!

GOP to Spotlight Anti-Israel Activists on Democratic Platform Committee


A Leader Who Has No Balls!

Republicans are seeking to drive a wedge into an issue that’s already emerging as a highly sensitive one in the Democratic platform: Israel.

The latest salvo will come from the Republican Jewish Coalition this week, as the group — which is home to some of the biggest donors in GOP politics — launches an online advertising campaign attacking members of the Democratic National Committee’s platform drafting committee.

The RJC plan, first shared with Politico, comes as Democrats are already grappling with the possibility that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will emerge as a major flash point at their national convention next month, given the sharp disagreements some on the platform drafting committee have with one another on the issue.

GOP to Spotlight Anti-Israel Activists on Democratic Platform Committee - Breitbart

A True Leader With Balls!!!

Yo, I`ve said this already, the whole "Socialist Democrat Party" is included as Haters!!!
View attachment 78914

GOP to Spotlight Anti-Israel Activists on Democratic Platform Committee


A Leader Who Has No Balls!
View attachment 78913

Republicans are seeking to drive a wedge into an issue that’s already emerging as a highly sensitive one in the Democratic platform: Israel.

The latest salvo will come from the Republican Jewish Coalition this week, as the group — which is home to some of the biggest donors in GOP politics — launches an online advertising campaign attacking members of the Democratic National Committee’s platform drafting committee.

The RJC plan, first shared with Politico, comes as Democrats are already grappling with the possibility that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will emerge as a major flash point at their national convention next month, given the sharp disagreements some on the platform drafting committee have with one another on the issue.

GOP to Spotlight Anti-Israel Activists on Democratic Platform Committee - Breitbart

A True Leader With Balls!!!
View attachment 78911

Fuck Israel - and the stolen horses it rode in on.
Fuck palestinians! Why does one party seem to hate Jews that much? They have never done anything to us unlike so many other countries in the middle-east. Those other countries that I am referring are regarded as heroes but Israel is like the enemy of all humanity.
Jesus H ......oops.

Except in the RWNJ echo-chamber, US Israeli relations are closer than ever.
what a stupid goy! Bernie is Jewish you lower IQ cross groveling putz

Yo, Dick Head? There are Socialist Jews, ask Bernie, and then ask Hillary, you know, the Money the Socialist Jews give her?

Fuck palestinians! Why does one party seem to hate Jews that much? They have never done anything to us unlike so many other countries in the middle-east. Those other countries that I am referring are regarded as heroes but Israel is like the enemy of all humanity.

Squatting on stolen land is not a good thing.

Book review: "Married to Another Man"

Vanishing the Palestinians

And if they did steal it I would say who cares. The middle-eastern world can still eat camel-shit. They want us to help them but then their own people constantly bitch about America despite the fact we fund most of their shit. How do get people to help you if treat them like shit? Let the middle-east die off and Israel can rule over them forever!
"This is very good for ISrael" - Netanyahu's first public comment on 911


by far the best post on this thread.hands down,no contest,clear cut winner.:thup:

another great video as well is this very informative one.:thup: Your really good video led me to this one.

If anyone has 3 hours to spare,they should check this one out as well below. It cannot and has not ever been refuted the info in it.the video from the very first couple minutes in it says it all.EASILY by far the best video on who was behind 9/11.

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The far left extremists are anti-Israel.

If you go to any protest organized by the Left, you will always find a virulent anti-Israel contingent there, next to the people holding signs with the hammer and sickle on them. Particularly the events organized by International ANSWER.

They love Castro, hate Israel.

At the same time, American Jews vote overwhelmingly Democratic.

It's a weird dichotomy.
Fuck palestinians! Why does one party seem to hate Jews that much? They have never done anything to us unlike so many other countries in the middle-east. Those other countries that I am referring are regarded as heroes but Israel is like the enemy of all humanity.
Only Jews opinions matter on Israel not some goys

Christian Fundamentalists Are Irrelevant: Only Jews Matter On Israel

Shame the Hebes can't afford to back-up that opinion with muscle and boots on the ground, Jew.
Fuck palestinians! Why does one party seem to hate Jews that much? They have never done anything to us unlike so many other countries in the middle-east. Those other countries that I am referring are regarded as heroes but Israel is like the enemy of all humanity.
Only Jews opinions matter on Israel not some goys

Christian Fundamentalists Are Irrelevant: Only Jews Matter On Israel

Shame the Hebes can't afford to back-up that opinion with muscle and boots on the ground, Jew.

Very few Non-Jews in the IDF.
Most of the Jews could probably kick your ass.
Israeli Jews are not nearly the out of shape pussies US Jew are.
Fuck palestinians! Why does one party seem to hate Jews that much? They have never done anything to us unlike so many other countries in the middle-east. Those other countries that I am referring are regarded as heroes but Israel is like the enemy of all humanity.
Only Jews opinions matter on Israel not some goys

Christian Fundamentalists Are Irrelevant: Only Jews Matter On Israel

Shame the Hebes can't afford to back-up that opinion with muscle and boots on the ground, Jew.

Very few Non-Jews in the IDF.
Most of the Jews could probably kick your ass.
Israeli Jews are not nearly the out of shape pussies US Jew are.

Pretty racist policy, no? Israel needs racial diversity.

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