The Israeli "Settlement" Myth And How Sinister It Is

An ad hominem(Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"[1]), short for argumentum ad hominem, means responding to arguments by attacking a person's character, rather than to the content of their arguments

posting useless crap on forums over and over

Antisemitism (also spelled Anti-Semitism or anti-semitism) is prejudice against, hatred of, or discrimination against Jews as a national, ethnic, religious or racial group.
expecting Israel follow International law and the Geneva Convention is anti-semetism ?
An ad hominem(Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"[1]), short for argumentum ad hominem, means responding to arguments by attacking a person's character, rather than to the content of their arguments

posting useless crap on forums over and over

Antisemitism (also spelled Anti-Semitism or anti-semitism) is prejudice against, hatred of, or discrimination against Jews as a national, ethnic, religious or racial group.
expecting Israel follow International law and the Geneva Convention is anti-semetism ?

Cite the laws.
To me this sounds like ethnic cleansing.

There are muslim arabs in Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, Haifa, and every major city in Israel.

Yet, the anti-Israel people demand that Jews not live in certain areas of Israel simply because they are Jews. It doesn't matter even if arab muslims sell housing to Jews, they are still not supposed to live there.

Even if you assume Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) isn't in the State of Israel, Jews can still live anywhere they wish.

Also, the Jews live in housing not settlements.

To me it sounds very Nazi like to demand that Jews not live anywhere simply because they are Jews.

I disagree (no surprise, right?) - and here's why.

Most of this "ethnic cleansing claim" revolves around Jeruselum's settlement practices and the objections, sometimes violent - towards Jews moving into that area.

Jeruselum has long had it's "Muslim Quarter" and current political settlement strategies have focused on erradicating it through a deliberate policy of purchasing property (often under deceptive alias') and then developing them for Jewish-only occupation. Recently, Netanyahu admitted, during his campaign, that this was a deliberate policy to prevent Bethlehem moving towards Jeruselum.

In addition, many Palestinians claim they are tricked into selling:

But Palestinians often say they were fooled into selling to Jews.

En-Natsheh's brother, Adel El-Khayat, lives in Ramallah now. It's a major Palestinian city nearby, but across a barrier and checkpoint from Jerusalem in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

The brother insists he sold to a Palestinian middleman, who had told him the apartments would be used by Muslims visiting the Al-Aqsa mosque. Jerusalem's holiest Islamic site sits on the same hilltop as the Temple Mount revered by Jews.

"I didn't need the money," he said. "I wanted to offer my houses to the service of Al-Aqsa mosque."

So - is it "ethnic cleansing" or is the housing market in Jeruselum simply one more unspoken front in the conflict designed to prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state?

If it's "ethnic cleansing" then how do you label the actions of those developers who are building Jewish-only developments?

Israel also has policies that allow for segregated communities where "undesirables" can be kept out (undesirables being very open ended) and which allows communities to maintain a Jewish-only identity. How many Palestinians or Arab Israeli's are allowed to live in the constantly expanding settlements?

Is it "anti-semitism"? Ethnic cleansing? Anger at the erosion of a Palestinian state?

Comparisons to "Nazi" are dishonest and cheap. There is nothing even remotely Nazi-like in the actions on either side and using that labeling does nothing more than add fuel to the fire of a conflict where both sides have little liking or trust in the motivations of the other.

It's not surprising that we see cries of "anti-semitism" as opposed to a more rational look at the events playing out because that is a good distractor.
Cite the laws.
Here you go...

International humanitarian law (GC IV, art. 47)

The main rules o f the law applicable in case of occupation state that:

  • The occupant does not acquire sovereignty over the territory.
  • Occupation is only a temporary situation, and the rights of the occupant are limited to the extent of that period.
  • The occupying power must respect the laws in force in the occupied territory, unless they constitute a threat to its security or an obstacle to the application of the international law of occupation.
  • The occupying power must take measures to restore and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety.
  • To the fullest extent of the means available to it, the occupying power must ensure sufficient hygiene and public health standards, as well as the provision of food and medical care to the population under occupation.
  • The population in occupied territory cannot be forced to enlist in the occupier's armed forces.
  • Collective or individual forcible transfers of population from and within the occupied territory are prohibited.
  • Transfers of the civilian population of the occupying power into the occupied territory, regardless whether forcible or voluntary, are prohibited.
  • Collective punishment is prohibited.
  • The taking of hostages is prohibited.
  • Reprisals against protected persons or their property are prohibited.
  • The confiscation of private property by the occupant is prohibited.
  • The destruction or seizure of enemy property is prohibited, unless absolutely required by military necessity during the conduct of hostilities.
  • Cultural property must be respected.
I bolded the ones Israel breaks the most.
To me this sounds like ethnic cleansing.

There are muslim arabs in Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, Haifa, and every major city in Israel.

Yet, the anti-Israel people demand that Jews not live in certain areas of Israel simply because they are Jews. It doesn't matter even if arab muslims sell housing to Jews, they are still not supposed to live there.

Even if you assume Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) isn't in the State of Israel, Jews can still live anywhere they wish.

Also, the Jews live in housing not settlements.

To me it sounds very Nazi like to demand that Jews not live anywhere simply because they are Jews.
This issue has nothing to do with Judaism.
An ad hominem(Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"[1]), short for argumentum ad hominem, means responding to arguments by attacking a person's character, rather than to the content of their arguments

posting useless crap on forums over and over

Antisemitism (also spelled Anti-Semitism or anti-semitism) is prejudice against, hatred of, or discrimination against Jews as a national, ethnic, religious or racial group.
expecting Israel follow International law and the Geneva Convention is anti-semetism ?

Lying that they don't, and using false laws is anti-Semitism.
expecting Israel follow International law and the Geneva Convention is anti-semetism ?

Not necessarily, but vomiting crap about something being "Jew-like" sure is.
really ? I would say not..when in context
of you saylng those that do not support the occupation are Nazi like ..and considering the majority of Jews support the occupation so saying that is Jew like ..while it is a broad statement is somewhat accurate
An ad hominem(Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"[1]), short for argumentum ad hominem, means responding to arguments by attacking a person's character, rather than to the content of their arguments

posting useless crap on forums over and over

Antisemitism (also spelled Anti-Semitism or anti-semitism) is prejudice against, hatred of, or discrimination against Jews as a national, ethnic, religious or racial group.
expecting Israel follow International law and the Geneva Convention is anti-semetism ?

Lying that they don't, and using false laws is anti-Semitism.
you are claiming Israel has not violated international law and anyone who says otherwise is anti-Semitic ?
Cite the laws.
Here you go...

International humanitarian law (GC IV, art. 47)

The main rules o f the law applicable in case of occupation state that:

  • The occupant does not acquire sovereignty over the territory.
  • Occupation is only a temporary situation, and the rights of the occupant are limited to the extent of that period.
  • The occupying power must respect the laws in force in the occupied territory, unless they constitute a threat to its security or an obstacle to the application of the international law of occupation.
  • The occupying power must take measures to restore and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety.
  • To the fullest extent of the means available to it, the occupying power must ensure sufficient hygiene and public health standards, as well as the provision of food and medical care to the population under occupation.
  • The population in occupied territory cannot be forced to enlist in the occupier's armed forces.
  • Collective or individual forcible transfers of population from and within the occupied territory are prohibited.
  • Transfers of the civilian population of the occupying power into the occupied territory, regardless whether forcible or voluntary, are prohibited.
  • Collective punishment is prohibited.
  • The taking of hostages is prohibited.
  • Reprisals against protected persons or their property are prohibited.
  • The confiscation of private property by the occupant is prohibited.
  • The destruction or seizure of enemy property is prohibited, unless absolutely required by military necessity during the conduct of hostilities.
  • Cultural property must be respected.
I bolded the ones Israel breaks the most.
That's why it's not "occupation". as you stated.

The land was actually lost by Jordan and Egypt.

There never was an independent muslim palestinian state in those areas - ever.

There were however two former Jewish states in that area.

I'll get to the other nonsense you posted later.
That's why it's not "occupation". as you stated.

The land was actually lost by Jordan and Egypt.

There never was an independent muslim palestinian state in those areas - ever.

There were however two former Jewish states in that area.

I'll get to the other nonsense you posted later.
Over 100 UN resolutions and every single country on the planet, disagree with you.
Cite the laws.
Here you go...

International humanitarian law (GC IV, art. 47)

The main rules o f the law applicable in case of occupation state that:

  • The occupant does not acquire sovereignty over the territory.
  • Occupation is only a temporary situation, and the rights of the occupant are limited to the extent of that period.
  • The occupying power must respect the laws in force in the occupied territory, unless they constitute a threat to its security or an obstacle to the application of the international law of occupation.
  • The occupying power must take measures to restore and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety.
  • To the fullest extent of the means available to it, the occupying power must ensure sufficient hygiene and public health standards, as well as the provision of food and medical care to the population under occupation.
  • The population in occupied territory cannot be forced to enlist in the occupier's armed forces.
  • Collective or individual forcible transfers of population from and within the occupied territory are prohibited.
  • Transfers of the civilian population of the occupying power into the occupied territory, regardless whether forcible or voluntary, are prohibited.
  • Collective punishment is prohibited.
  • The taking of hostages is prohibited.
  • Reprisals against protected persons or their property are prohibited.
  • The confiscation of private property by the occupant is prohibited.
  • The destruction or seizure of enemy property is prohibited, unless absolutely required by military necessity during the conduct of hostilities.
  • Cultural property must be respected.
I bolded the ones Israel breaks the most.
That's why it's not "occupation". as you stated.

The land was actually lost by Jordan and Egypt.

There never was an independent muslim palestinian state in those areas - ever.

There were however two former Jewish states in that area.

I'll get to the other nonsense you posted later.
Zionist settlers, were built for ideological reasons, not security. Thus, the settlement enterprise can be seen to be a grave violation of international occupation law as it violates the very fundamental core of that law: there is no legitimacy to annexation through conquest.
Israel uses excessive force and annexation in Palestinian territories – UN report
30 September 2003 –
Israel is using excessive force in the occupied Palestinian territory (OPT), violating human rights in the name of counter-terrorism, and its building of a “separation wall” and expansion of settlements bear the hallmarks of annexation and illegal “conquest,” according to a United Nations human rights report released today.
United Nations News Centre - Israel uses excessive force and annexation in Palestinian territories UN report
To me this sounds like ethnic cleansing.

There are muslim arabs in Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, Haifa, and every major city in Israel.

Yet, the anti-Israel people demand that Jews not live in certain areas of Israel simply because they are Jews. It doesn't matter even if arab muslims sell housing to Jews, they are still not supposed to live there.

Even if you assume Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) isn't in the State of Israel, Jews can still live anywhere they wish.

Also, the Jews live in housing not settlements.

To me it sounds very Nazi like to demand that Jews not live anywhere simply because they are Jews.

I disagree (no surprise, right?) - and here's why.

Most of this "ethnic cleansing claim" revolves around Jeruselum's settlement practices and the objections, sometimes violent - towards Jews moving into that area.

Jeruselum has long had it's "Muslim Quarter" and current political settlement strategies have focused on erradicating it through a deliberate policy of purchasing property (often under deceptive alias') and then developing them for Jewish-only occupation. Recently, Netanyahu admitted, during his campaign, that this was a deliberate policy to prevent Bethlehem moving towards Jeruselum.

In addition, many Palestinians claim they are tricked into selling:

But Palestinians often say they were fooled into selling to Jews.

En-Natsheh's brother, Adel El-Khayat, lives in Ramallah now. It's a major Palestinian city nearby, but across a barrier and checkpoint from Jerusalem in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

The brother insists he sold to a Palestinian middleman, who had told him the apartments would be used by Muslims visiting the Al-Aqsa mosque. Jerusalem's holiest Islamic site sits on the same hilltop as the Temple Mount revered by Jews.

"I didn't need the money," he said. "I wanted to offer my houses to the service of Al-Aqsa mosque."

So - is it "ethnic cleansing" or is the housing market in Jeruselum simply one more unspoken front in the conflict designed to prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state?

If it's "ethnic cleansing" then how do you label the actions of those developers who are building Jewish-only developments?

Israel also has policies that allow for segregated communities where "undesirables" can be kept out (undesirables being very open ended) and which allows communities to maintain a Jewish-only identity. How many Palestinians or Arab Israeli's are allowed to live in the constantly expanding settlements?

Is it "anti-semitism"? Ethnic cleansing? Anger at the erosion of a Palestinian state?

Comparisons to "Nazi" are dishonest and cheap. There is nothing even remotely Nazi-like in the actions on either side and using that labeling does nothing more than add fuel to the fire of a conflict where both sides have little liking or trust in the motivations of the other.

It's not surprising that we see cries of "anti-semitism" as opposed to a more rational look at the events playing out because that is a good distractor.

As the link I post very often shows right up until 1948 the majority land owners in Jerusalem were Jews. Then the arab muslims invaded and forcibly evicted them from their homes. Now that Israel has reclaimed their holy city the Jews are moving back to their property and rebuilding.
Look no further than the charters of the PLO, hamas and fatah for Jew free zones, apartheid and dhimmi laws.

When did the arab muslims get this Palestine state as they have not fulfilled the requirements to be accepted as one. read their declaration of independence and see what they promised to do, and then promptly refused to carry it out.

They are proven consummate liars and extremists that will not settle until the UN gives in and abolishes Israel and allows the arab muslims to kill the Jews.
Cite the laws.
Here you go...

International humanitarian law (GC IV, art. 47)

The main rules o f the law applicable in case of occupation state that:

  • The occupant does not acquire sovereignty over the territory.
  • Occupation is only a temporary situation, and the rights of the occupant are limited to the extent of that period.
  • The occupying power must respect the laws in force in the occupied territory, unless they constitute a threat to its security or an obstacle to the application of the international law of occupation.
  • The occupying power must take measures to restore and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety.
  • To the fullest extent of the means available to it, the occupying power must ensure sufficient hygiene and public health standards, as well as the provision of food and medical care to the population under occupation.
  • The population in occupied territory cannot be forced to enlist in the occupier's armed forces.
  • Collective or individual forcible transfers of population from and within the occupied territory are prohibited.
  • Transfers of the civilian population of the occupying power into the occupied territory, regardless whether forcible or voluntary, are prohibited.
  • Collective punishment is prohibited.
  • The taking of hostages is prohibited.
  • Reprisals against protected persons or their property are prohibited.
  • The confiscation of private property by the occupant is prohibited.
  • The destruction or seizure of enemy property is prohibited, unless absolutely required by military necessity during the conduct of hostilities.
  • Cultural property must be respected.
I bolded the ones Israel breaks the most.

What territory has Israel claimed sovereignty over ?

What population have they forcibly transfered into or out of the territory

What civilian population have they transferred into occupied territory that is not Israeli owned

What collective punishment other than those proscribed in the Genva conventions have been carried out

What private property has been confiscated

No islamonazi sources either as they are biased
To me this sounds like ethnic cleansing.

There are muslim arabs in Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, Haifa, and every major city in Israel.

Yet, the anti-Israel people demand that Jews not live in certain areas of Israel simply because they are Jews. It doesn't matter even if arab muslims sell housing to Jews, they are still not supposed to live there.

Even if you assume Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) isn't in the State of Israel, Jews can still live anywhere they wish.

Also, the Jews live in housing not settlements.

To me it sounds very Nazi like to demand that Jews not live anywhere simply because they are Jews.
This issue has nothing to do with Judaism.

Are you sure, as the arab muslim charters say it is, they specifically say that the Jews will not be allowed to live in Palestine ( includes Israel by the way ) unless they are residents of Palestine from before the inception of Zionism. Do yopu know of any 165 year old Jews ?
To me this sounds like ethnic cleansing.

There are muslim arabs in Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, Haifa, and every major city in Israel.

Yet, the anti-Israel people demand that Jews not live in certain areas of Israel simply because they are Jews. It doesn't matter even if arab muslims sell housing to Jews, they are still not supposed to live there.

Even if you assume Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) isn't in the State of Israel, Jews can still live anywhere they wish.

Also, the Jews live in housing not settlements.

To me it sounds very Nazi like to demand that Jews not live anywhere simply because they are Jews.

I disagree (no surprise, right?) - and here's why.

Most of this "ethnic cleansing claim" revolves around Jeruselum's settlement practices and the objections, sometimes violent - towards Jews moving into that area.

Jeruselum has long had it's "Muslim Quarter" and current political settlement strategies have focused on erradicating it through a deliberate policy of purchasing property (often under deceptive alias') and then developing them for Jewish-only occupation. Recently, Netanyahu admitted, during his campaign, that this was a deliberate policy to prevent Bethlehem moving towards Jeruselum.

In addition, many Palestinians claim they are tricked into selling:

But Palestinians often say they were fooled into selling to Jews.

En-Natsheh's brother, Adel El-Khayat, lives in Ramallah now. It's a major Palestinian city nearby, but across a barrier and checkpoint from Jerusalem in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

The brother insists he sold to a Palestinian middleman, who had told him the apartments would be used by Muslims visiting the Al-Aqsa mosque. Jerusalem's holiest Islamic site sits on the same hilltop as the Temple Mount revered by Jews.

"I didn't need the money," he said. "I wanted to offer my houses to the service of Al-Aqsa mosque."

So - is it "ethnic cleansing" or is the housing market in Jeruselum simply one more unspoken front in the conflict designed to prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state?

If it's "ethnic cleansing" then how do you label the actions of those developers who are building Jewish-only developments?

Israel also has policies that allow for segregated communities where "undesirables" can be kept out (undesirables being very open ended) and which allows communities to maintain a Jewish-only identity. How many Palestinians or Arab Israeli's are allowed to live in the constantly expanding settlements?

Is it "anti-semitism"? Ethnic cleansing? Anger at the erosion of a Palestinian state?

Comparisons to "Nazi" are dishonest and cheap. There is nothing even remotely Nazi-like in the actions on either side and using that labeling does nothing more than add fuel to the fire of a conflict where both sides have little liking or trust in the motivations of the other.

It's not surprising that we see cries of "anti-semitism" as opposed to a more rational look at the events playing out because that is a good distractor.

As the link I post very often shows right up until 1948 the majority land owners in Jerusalem were Jews. Then the arab muslims invaded and forcibly evicted them from their homes. Now that Israel has reclaimed their holy city the Jews are moving back to their property and rebuilding.
Look no further than the charters of the PLO, hamas and fatah for Jew free zones, apartheid and dhimmi laws.

When did the arab muslims get this Palestine state as they have not fulfilled the requirements to be accepted as one. read their declaration of independence and see what they promised to do, and then promptly refused to carry it out.

They are proven consummate liars and extremists that will not settle until the UN gives in and abolishes Israel and allows the arab muslims to kill the Jews.
The UN wants to abolishes Israel ? ?

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