The Issue Everyone's Dancing Around Is Media Coverage Favors Obama


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

The only reason Obama has a snowball's chance in Hell is the simple fact that he's getting great media coverage. It doesn't matter how lousy a president he's turned out to be. He is getting tons of help from his lap-dog press.

Everything Mitt Romney does is torn to pieces while everything Obama does wrong is ether ignored or trivialized. I'm listening to these assholes on Fox talk about the bump Obama received from the convention and they're simply ignoring the elephant in the room. Obama has an unfair advantage when it comes to media coverage. It doesn't matter how good of a case Romney makes for change if he can't overcome the lies and the censorship that is in full effect from the Mainstream Media.

I was undergoing a four hour long test at the hospital Friday and while I was waiting I watched both Obama and Romney giving speeches. Obama seemed like he was a smart-ass talking smack about Romney. He was campaigning like someone who hasn't spent a day in the Oval Office, promising one thing after another and using fear tactics in an attempt to cast a pal over Mitt Romney. Just about everyone in that waiting room told me they weren't buying his crapola. Obama was bad-mouthing Romney big-time.

"This guy has no plan. Everything he wants to do has been tried before and look what it got us. Vote for me and I promise things will be better!!!!"

I was thinking everything Obama was saying could be directly applied to himself.

Then they showed Mitt Romney's town-hall. Romney essentially was asking everyone if they wanted four more years of lackluster growth, high unemployment, and shrinking wages. Obama claims that nobody could have done anything about the malaise we're in. The problem is we need someone who feels he can do something to improve the situation, not someone who feels he's powerless to do his job. We don't need someone who feels he can't work with Congress to get things done. We need someone who is at least willing to try, don't we???

Obama needs a lot of help to convince everyone that things aren't so bad. Tell that to the folks that live in California that make $20/hr and still have to live in their cars. The costs of energy has skyrocketed as Obama predicted and it has gotten harder and harder to make ends meet. Underemployment is one of the biggest problems that goes unnoticed in the media. Four more years of Obama assures that this will continue to get worse. It's almost like he's hoping for it. He figures that a 100% increase in our utility bills is going in the right direction. If you ask him what he's planning to do about it he'll just say nothing. He has no control over it. His war on fossil-fuels had nothing to do with it. Fact is his war on our energy has everything to do with it. He said Friday that we are less energy dependent than we've been in our history. This bold-faced lie seemed to go unnoticed by the attending crowd but not with the folks watching it on television.

Obama thinks that calling Mitt Romney a money-grubbing rich guy who murders people's wives and enjoys firing people and outsourcing jobs to China is going to get him another four years. Four years to further destroy the economy. Four more years to destroy capitalism so he can replace it with something he was taught was better. European socialism based on crony-capitalism. So far he's pretty much staying even with Romney. However the trends don't look as good as his slobbering press would lead you to believe. The trend looks better for Romney than Obama but as anyone who has been paying attention knows, the worry is Obama will be able to trick us into giving what he wants. Most of the people in that room felt Obama was a shoe-in. They're scared. I told them if Obama wins it will be by a squeaker. But if Romney wins I'm pretty sure it will be by a landslide. They said "I sure hope so. I can't handle 4 more years of this nonsense."
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The State-run media is dedicated to obama's re-election. Just as they were dedicated to his election in 2008.
Could you at least wait until Romney loses before you start annoying us with the excuses and blame-shifting over why he lost?

I thought I made it clear in my OP why he may lose.

Jesus......are you really this bone-headed?
How long has the media been "bias"?

Pretty much all of our history.....but it has become much more obvious the last 8 years or so.

I'm listening to Meet The Depressed right now.

David Gregory just got through interviewing Romney and the panel is sticking to their deceptive talking-points and acting like they weren't even listening to what Romney said just 5 mins ago.

Their goal is to confuse the issues and make everyone so tired of hearing negativity that they turn it off.

Most of us feel Obama has a pretty good chance at re-election even tho most feel he doesn't deserve it.
How long has the media been "bias"?

Pretty much all of our history.....but it has become much more obvious the last 8 years or so.

I'm listening to Meet The Depressed right now.

David Gregory just got through interviewing Romney and the panel is sticking to their deceptive talking-points and acting like they weren't even listening to what Romney said just 5 mins ago.

Their goal is to confuse the issues and make everyone so tired of hearing negativity that they turn it off.

Most of us feel Obama has a pretty good chance at re-election even tho most feel he doesn't deserve it.

And yet, republicans have managed to win the white house 50% of the time.
If Romney loses it will be because of Romney, not because Obama gets better press, because the debate mods didn't ask the right questions, or any other nonsense.

So you're saying media bias doesn't exist?
The primary reason the networks cut down their coverage of the conventions to one hour is so they could censor whatever speeches they chose. They cut out all of the women's speeches and most of the minorities at the RNC, a deceptive tactic for sure.

The GOP provided proof that the Democrats are lying about the supposed war on women and the racism that is rumored in the "90%" of whites in the convention.

Anyone who was allowed to watch it knows that isn't true. Also anyone who watched Clint Eastwood would know that there are conservatives in Hollywood. Problem is they sometimes don't dare admit it.
If Romney loses it will be because of Romney, not because Obama gets better press, because the debate mods didn't ask the right questions, or any other nonsense.

But, if he wins, a good part of the reason will be the combination of stolen votes (it worked for Bush) and the enormous amount of money being spent by special interests.

The amount the Kochs are spending to put Bush's Brain back in power is more than McCain spent in his entire campaign in 08.

The majority of donations to President Obama are in amounts of less than $250 while most of the donations to MittWitt are in the millions.

IOW, grass roots middle class vs Super Pacs.

There is no doubt that Mitt would do more damage than ReaganBushBush but there is also no doubt that he could win.
It is so unfortunate that Tim Russert won't interview Romney on Meet the Press today. Gregory is a light weight and won't press questions as did Mr. Russert. I suspect Romney will get away with his usual platitudes, attacks and demagoguery.
If Romney loses it will be because of Romney, not because Obama gets better press, because the debate mods didn't ask the right questions, or any other nonsense.

But, if he wins, a good part of the reason will be the combination of stolen votes (it worked for Bush) and the enormous amount of money being spent by special interests.

The amount the Kochs are spending to put Bush's Brain back in power is more than McCain spent in his entire campaign in 08.

The majority of donations to President Obama are in amounts of less than $250 while most of the donations to MittWitt are in the millions.

IOW, grass roots middle class vs Super Pacs.

There is no doubt that Mitt would do more damage than ReaganBushBush but there is also no doubt that he could win.

Stolen votes??????


Better make sure everyone has to produce a picture I.D. then. :eusa_whistle:

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