The J6 prisoners are being treated worse than you can imagine. I wonder if they can sue the government like the migrants?

Should the J6 prisoners be allowed to lawyer up and receive visitors?

  • Yes, this is the USA, not Xiden's Gulag for political prisoners

    Votes: 13 76.5%
  • No, the J6 prisoners deserve solitary until they die.

    Votes: 4 23.5%

  • Total voters
Its not that they are in jail, its how they are treated in jail, and they have NOT been convicted of ANY crime yet.
They are political prisoners being tortured, and Xiden wants to pay migrants $450,000 each?!
Oh? Now you have a problem with the American justice system?
Distract? No, I'm really curious why you guys think the DC police are 'torturing' the insurrectionists. I'm sorry, you refer to the police now as "Marxist/Socialists traitors"
1. Were ANY convicted in court?
2. Yet you call them insurrectionists, why?
3. I believe that they are being mistreated, and you are okay with that?
Migrants who illegally entered the US are suing to get $450,000 if they were separated from their kids. But a US citizen whose hand is purple and thumb is black can't get any medical attention in Xiden's DC Gulag? WTF? Xiden's GULAG is in DC, run by his urban stooges.
During a 6-tweet thread, MTG said she had “never seen human suffering” like this in her life. The Biden regime apparently loves punishing their political prisoners.

“We’re in totalitarian, Marxist territory here. This is the way third-world people get treated,” he added.
Hate to break it to you but this type of mistreatment is in no way unusual for our penal system.
Having said that these people are supposed to be presumed innocent and given an opportunity for bail.
1. Were ANY convicted in court?
2. Yet you call them insurrectionists, why?
3. I believe that they are being mistreated, and you are okay with that?
You mean to tell me you did not know or care until now that millions of suspects are jailed before trial?

Seriously? You have GOT to be fucking kidding.
Oh? Now you have a problem with the American justice system?
What justice system? They were thrown in prison and are being mistreated. No trial, no conviction, no sentence, just solitary for 9-months and counting, and you're okay with that? Political prisoners is now okay to do?: Remember that when 2024 comes, okay?
Hate to break it to you but this type of mistreatment is in no way unusual for our penal system.
Having said that these people are supposed to be presumed innocent and given an opportunity for bail.
Not everyone gets bail if their particular crime was heinous enough. And many more can't afford bail.

I suppose you all will support the liberal movement for justice reform now.
Hate to break it to you but this type of mistreatment is in no way unusual for our penal system.
Having said that these people are supposed to be presumed innocent and given an opportunity for bail.
EXACTLY!! Justice delayed is justice denied.
Denying medical care doesn't happen to animals in the US, yet one guy has a purple hand and a black thumb, and can't see a doctor.
The norms for arrested people in American JAILS (not convicted of anything) is that they should not be in jail unless they are a serious flight risk or a proven danger to society. This applies to NONE of the 1/6 detainees.

Americans are constitutionally entitled to a "speedy" trial, which is generally deemed to be six months. Do the math: six months after January 6th is July 6th. We are in November.

There is no reason for these people to be detained in solitary confinement. They are no danger to themselves or anyone else.

Where is the fucking ACLU on this? Where are the Republicans in Congress?
What justice system? They were thrown in prison and are being mistreated. No trial, no conviction, no sentence, just solitary for 9-months and counting, and you're okay with that? Political prisoners is now okay to do?: Remember that when 2024 comes, okay?
You are cracking me up. Your newfound moral indignation at the treatment of prisoners is fucking hilarious. :lol:
1. Were ANY convicted in court?
So, you really think everyone in jail has been convicted?

2. Yet you call them insurrectionists, why?

For trying to change the outcome of the election by violently taking over the capital. Something about chanting for the hanging of the vice president because you didn't get your way is not helpful.

3. I believe that they are being mistreated, and you are okay with that?
Oh, I'm supposed to care what the town crank thinks?
The norms for arrested people in American JAILS (not convicted of anything) is that they should not be in jail unless they are a serious flight risk or a proven danger to society. This applies to NONE of the 1/6 detainees.

Americans are constitutionally entitled to a "speedy" trial, which is generally deemed to be six months. Do the math: six months after January 6th is July 6th. We are in November.

There is no reason for these people to be detained in solitary confinement. They are no danger to themselves or anyone else.

Where is the fucking ACLU on this? Where are the Republicans in Congress?
I guess you are unaware that many Americans can't afford bail, so they are stuck in jail until their trials. This is an action item on the left's agenda.
Not everyone gets bail if their particular crime was heinous enough. And many more can't afford bail.
I suppose you all will support the liberal movement for justice reform now.
Its NOT liberal or conservative, its being consistent.
Does "trespass" constitute 9-months, or 24 months of solitary with no outside contact, and no bail?
What justice system? They were thrown in prison and are being mistreated. No trial, no conviction, no sentence, just solitary for 9-months and counting, and you're okay with that? Political prisoners is now okay to do?: Remember that when 2024 comes, okay?
Name them.
I have volunteered in various jails and prisons on both coasts since the 90s and have seen the atrocious conditions of our jails and prisons up close and in person.

Just talk to any ex-con and ask them to tell you which jails are the worst, and which jails are the best. They will gladly tell you about the worst and what horrible conditions exist in them and the horrible treatment they receive.

I've started such conversations in every jail and prison I have volunteered in, and a roomful of prisoners will go on for a long time about the worst ones.

The Right has been pitiless about this issue forever. That's why it is causing me to suffer huge belly laughs to hear their outrage now over the treatment of some assholes who tried to overthrow a branch of government and the Constitution.
You mean to tell me you did not know or care until now that millions of suspects are jailed before trial?
Seriously? You have GOT to be fucking kidding.
For trespassing? Liberal DAs aren't even pressing charges for crimes. Its not that they are in prison, its the solitary, no visitation, no outside contact, no lawyers, no phones, no newspapers, just solitary and mistreatment. No prisons in the US have that level of mistreatment, and you're okay with it?
What justice system? They were thrown in prison and are being mistreated. No trial, no conviction, no sentence, just solitary for 9-months and counting, and you're okay with that? Political prisoners is now okay to do?: Remember that when 2024 comes, okay?
You clearly have no concept of what a political prisoner is.

And none of those assholes has been thrown in prison except the ones who are convicted.

Read that.

More than a year ago, about 1,500 men and women at the D.C. jail were locked in their cells for 23 hours a day to halt the spread of the coronavirus.
Such extreme confinement has been adopted at other jails and prisons during the pandemic as a temporary, last-ditch measure. But the District’s lockdown differed in a crucial way: It never ended.

For almost 400 straight days, the entire population of the D.C. jail has been subjected to what experts say is essentially a form of mass solitary confinement — without some of the basic services afforded even to those in solitary during normal times.

Where the fuck was MTG then, eh?
Name them.
This is all I found:


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