The Jan. 6 Committee plans to vote to subpoena Trump during today's hearing

The committee just subpoenaed DJT.

He will obviously fight it in court to delay his appearance past January when the GOP takes over the House and kills the committee.
So you admit it was a futile political stunt by the Clown Show.
What evidence?
What are Mags? Oh, those people who believe in making America great again? Why should we remove making America great again? Because you hate America, right? The Constitution says that all people have a right to peaceably assemble and address their grievances. There are no limitations on who can do this. All people may do this. Strange coming from a left wing antifa and BLM supporter where those people assembled with violence and destruction. Perhaps you should take the mote out of your eyes first.
Magnetometers. Metal detectors.

There was a cordoned-off area around Trump when he was speaking near the White House on January 6. There were security stations with magnetometers ("mags") to control who got that close to him. The issue was that there were a lot of people who showed up to the National Mall, but were staying outside of the area covered by the mags, and many of them were reported to have firearms.

According to the testimony, Trump was ordering security to take down the mags, because "These are my people, they're not going to hurt me, let them in." (Paraphrased.) That is used as evidence that he was OK with heavily armed people being in the area, because they were loyal to him.
Magnetometers. Metal detectors.

There was a cordoned-off area around Trump when he was speaking near the White House on January 6. There were security stations with magnetometers ("mags") to control who got that close to him. The issue was that there were a lot of people who showed up to the National Mall, but were staying outside of the area covered by the mags, and many of them were reported to have firearms.

According to the testimony, Trump was ordering security to take down the mags, because "These are my people, they're not going to hurt me, let them in." (Paraphrased.) That is used as evidence that he was OK with heavily armed people being in the area, because they were loyal to him.
Trump was never on the National Mall, dumbass!
Since when does a committee have subpoena powers?
They always have.

Holding hearings is part of Congress's duties. They can be instituted by the House, the Senate, both (as joint sessions), or by a Committee in either chamber. Whoever holds it has subpoena powers to compel people to testify.
He spoke on the Ellipse, which borders the Mall to the north. The people in question, gathered just outside the cordoned-off area, were mostly on the Mall, near the Washington Monument.

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That would be true if the map were correct, which it is NOT!

The Ellipse is shaped like an ellipse, dumbass. It is right under the words "Washington, DC" on your map. I have been there several times.
Doesn't matter... This is a show vote. A theatrical production vote. US law allows a defendant the right to cross examine witnesses and testimony. This show cluster fuck has denied Trump his rights. The American people see what it is these ass wipes are doing.

They want a declination to say he is obstructing. Its a bull shit smoke screen. A way to change the narrative right before a midterm election that they are losing so badly that they will never recover from it. The American people see right through the bull shit. And yet you fools persist.

You all deserve the as whoopin you are about to receive...
It’s a last minute smear Trump smear Republicans by association
My avatar, for one, thinks it is a good tactical move by the Committee. I expect that they know full well he'll play dodge'em on actually showing up. They know that.
However, what it does do is sets the marker of" "Look, we gave him a golden opportunity to come before the Committee and the American people and tell his side of the story."

Which, strive as they might, the Committee has struggled to get ALL of the players-in-the-know to come and 'tell-their-side'.
As we heard today over 50 people-in-the-know have plead the 5th Amendment right to not make statements that could incriminate them criminally.

So those 50+ didn't want to tell what they knew, or what they did. (for example, John Eastman plead the 5th...146 times. Roger Stone plead the 5th to every question. Jeffrey Clark plead the 5th to every question. Michael Flynn plead the 5th to every question from the J6 Committee. Alex Jones plead the 5th "almost 100 times.") Peter Navarro and Mark Meadows are fighting the subpoenas to testify.

Look, these folks know their side of the story better than anyone else.

Yet, they refuse to give their side of the story.....perhaps thinking that their side of the story will incriminate them in criminal activity?


Ummm, poster BillyBob, I believe you mean well and are sincere in your fanboying of DonT.
However, these proceedings that you have faithfully followed....don't have 'defendants'.
Only witnesses.
It's a 'hearing' .... not a trial. Not an indictment.

Look, it is like this: The Committee is charged with investigating what happened so they can better understand the details and the nuances so they can recommend to the House of Representatives as a whole their advice on best-practices methods to avoid another violent attack on our legislators at the Capitol of the United States.

That is their charge.
Discover what happened.
So that new or better laws can be crafted as a preventative.
I'm sure you can understand the utility of such an effort.

There is no need for your defensiveness over DonT. He is only being asked with this subpoena to come before the Committee and share with them his side of the story.

I hope that helps mitigate your angst.
INicely worded but you are asking him to show up and prove himself innocent
That's fake-news and the good poster BS must know that.

But, did all here see the videos of our legislators in a secure location while the Trump-incited attackers beat the crap out of the police, pooped on the floors of the Capitol, and threatened to kill our Vice President?

Well, if you didn't I'd recommend you catch PBS's full-airing of the hearing online.
To me, what it showed was Nancy Pelosi --- managing; communicating; organizing. Nancy Pelosit, in the videos aired, showed herself to be a woman clearly beset by a novel and frightening event, even a physically dangerous event......yet, she was cool, in control of herself, and attempting to build consensus with the Dems & the Repubs who were all sheltering with her from the Trump instigated mob.

And that was in contradistinction to the testimony of what DTrump did for 3hours. He sat on his butt and watched the telly as our Capitol was being attacked and vandalized and it's uniformed protectors being savagely beaten by his supporters.

Quite a dichotomy. IMHO
Nancy Pelosi is a corrupt lying kunt.
"The committee is performing a service by getting this stuff on the public record, and I'm glad they're doing it. But it's not making a difference. It's doesn't appear to be changing minds......"
I quite agree with poster Mac. The Committee, by and large, is preaching to the choir. People who have already negatively decided on the nature of the character of Don Trump are watching. Probably hoping that a 'smoking gun' will be revealed. The 'got-him-now' moment. I think many are looking to see if there is a connection ---(Roger Stone?)---between Trump and the violent insurrectionists. Alas, THAT has not been shown, to date.
Still, as poster Mac offers...he's 'glad the committee' is investigating and showing America what they have discovered. I am too. I look at it as a beneficial exercise to inform the American public and establish for the record and history what occurred....who said, saw, and did what at what time and to what effect.
THAT is a good thing.
"That is used as evidence that he was OK with heavily armed people being in the area, because they were loyal to him."
Indeed. DonT was informed, he knew, that many in that crowd were armed, were angry. And then he inflamed them more with his "fight"* rhetoric, as did his co-conspirator on that stage, Rudy G. And he sent that armed angry mob directly at our legislators anyway. He recklessly put our elected officials in harms way.

A single comment of 'go peacefully' was buried in the other inflammatory urgings. And clearly not heard, or if heard....manifestly ignored. A small fig-leaf many are scrambling to say 'covered' him.

"Nicely worded but you are asking him to show up and prove himself innocent"
Noper. I am not.
Nor is the Committee.
What I heard is that Don Trump was referenced time and time again by key players in this drama.
It would be negligent if the Committee did not ask this central player to come in as a key witness and tell America what he saw, believed, and did. To set the record for history.

Don Trump should be honored to come before the American public and explain to us his perspective on how the violent events of January 6th developed. America, and history, would be poorer if he didn't make the effort to tell his side of the story.

And, if the stars align right for America and history, him coming forward as a witness may encourage the other 50+ insiders who have, to date, plead for 5th Amendment protections so as not to criminally incriminate themselves. (Trump's lawyer, Eastman, plead it...146 times!)
We should all hope then, for a fuller, more complete historical record.

"Nancy Pelosi is a corrupt lying kunt."

Such an expressed sentiment, some may say, elicits the speculation about what comes first: Being an incel, or being a misogynist?
A chicken or egg conundrum?
"And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore."

And then the traitor sat on his ass jerking off for over three hours as the Capitol Police were mauled and people died. Not only that, he egged the insurrectionists on with a tweet attacking Pence.
Yet your leaders tell you loons to get in the faces of conservatives. Democrats sat on their asses while the summer of love happened, in which thousands got killed. You Don't care about people's lives, just politics. So fuck off.
I quite agree with poster Mac. The Committee, by and large, is preaching to the choir. People who have already negatively decided on the nature of the character of Don Trump are watching. Probably hoping that a 'smoking gun' will be revealed. The 'got-him-now' moment. I think many are looking to see if there is a connection ---(Roger Stone?)---between Trump and the violent insurrectionists. Alas, THAT has not been shown, to date.
Still, as poster Mac offers...he's 'glad the committee' is investigating and showing America what they have discovered. I am too. I look at it as a beneficial exercise to inform the American public and establish for the record and history what occurred....who said, saw, and did what at what time and to what effect.
THAT is a good thing.

Indeed. DonT was informed, he knew, that many in that crowd were armed, were angry. And then he inflamed them more with his "fight"* rhetoric, as did his co-conspirator on that stage, Rudy G. And he sent that armed angry mob directly at our legislators anyway. He recklessly put our elected officials in harms way.

A single comment of 'go peacefully' was buried in the other inflammatory urgings. And clearly not heard, or if heard....manifestly ignored. A small fig-leaf many are scrambling to say 'covered' him.

Noper. I am not.
Nor is the Committee.
What I heard is that Don Trump was referenced time and time again by key players in this drama.
It would be negligent if the Committee did not ask this central player to come in as a key witness and tell America what he saw, believed, and did. To set the record for history.

Don Trump should be honored to come before the American public and explain to us his perspective on how the violent events of January 6th developed. America, and history, would be poorer if he didn't make the effort to tell his side of the story.

And, if the stars align right for America and history, him coming forward as a witness may encourage the other 50+ insiders who have, to date, plead for 5th Amendment protections so as not to criminally incriminate themselves. (Trump's lawyer, Eastman, plead it...146 times!)
We should all hope then, for a fuller, more complete historical record.


Such an expressed sentiment, some may say, elicits the speculation about what comes first: Being an incel, or being a misogynist?
A chicken or egg conundrum?
/-----/ I can't stop laughing.
"Democrats sat on their asses while the summer of love happened, in which thousands got killed. ...... So fuck off."

Does the poster, 'jknowgood' have a link on his assertions above?
Specifically, on the 'thousands-got-killed'?

Not, the "fuck off" comment. We all know that came from his classes at the Trump University QAnon-School of Public Discourse. ;) ✌️
Does the poster, 'jknowgood' have a link on his assertions above?
Specifically, on the 'thousands-got-killed'?

Not, the "fuck off" comment. We all know that came from his classes at the Trump University QAnon-School of Public Discourse. ;) ✌️
/----/ Here ya go, Sparky.

OK, it wasn't thousands, but still no outrage from democRATs.:

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