The Jan. 6 Committee plans to vote to subpoena Trump during today's hearing

What are Mags? Oh, those people who believe in making America great again? Why should we remove making America great again? Because you hate America, right? The Constitution says that all people have a right to peaceably assemble and address their grievances. There are no limitations on who can do this. All people may do this. Strange coming from a left wing antifa and BLM supporter where those people assembled with violence and destruction. Perhaps you should take the mote out of your eyes first.
The January 6 insurrection was not a peaceable assembly, jackasss.
He doesn’t have to fight it
He simply ignores proclamations from the self formed, self serving “committee”. Absolutely no repercussions can come his way
Congratulations on your excitement over your latest, useless virtue signaling.
A congressional subpoena cannot be ignored, idiot.

Just ask Steve Bannon.
You're an idiot, he said peacefully let your voices be heard.
"And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore."

And then the traitor sat on his ass jerking off for over three hours as the Capitol Police were mauled and people died. Not only that, he egged the insurrectionists on with a tweet attacking Pence.
link us up.

no not some oped by a sniveling cowardly liberal such as yourself. an actual video where Trump said it.
"And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore."

Then the traitor sat in front of his TVs jerking off for over three hours as the riot raged, police officers were mauled, and people died. He even stoked the fire by tweeting an attack on Pence.
This from an idiot who believes a missile hit the Pentagon on 9/11.
Yes! This is a very serious committee that strives to get to the truth and better America going forward.

Why do you think they edited Peacefully protest out of the Trump video and distorted the truth?
Why do you ignore the fact Traitor Trump sat on his ass jerking off for over three hours as his staff, his family, members of Congress, and his media friends were all begging him to stop the insurrection?

Why do you ignore he did NOTHING while police were being mauled and people were dying?

Why do you ignore he stoked the insurrection by tweeting an attack on his vice president?

"And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore."
I hope they allow him to talk. They may change their mind when he starts to blame Pelosi for rejecting the National Guard that was offered days before.
That is a hoax invented by pedophile enabler Gym Jordan.
"They may change their mind when he starts to blame Pelosi for rejecting the National Guard that was offered days before."

That's fake-news and the good poster BS must know that.

But, did all here see the videos of our legislators in a secure location while the Trump-incited attackers beat the crap out of the police, pooped on the floors of the Capitol, and threatened to kill our Vice President?

Well, if you didn't I'd recommend you catch PBS's full-airing of the hearing online.
To me, what it showed was Nancy Pelosi --- managing; communicating; organizing. Nancy Pelosit, in the videos aired, showed herself to be a woman clearly beset by a novel and frightening event, even a physically dangerous event......yet, she was cool, in control of herself, and attempting to build consensus with the Dems & the Repubs who were all sheltering with her from the Trump instigated mob.

And that was in contradistinction to the testimony of what DTrump did for 3hours. He sat on his butt and watched the telly as our Capitol was being attacked and vandalized and it's uniformed protectors being savagely beaten by his supporters.

Quite a dichotomy. IMHO

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