The Jan. 6 Committee plans to vote to subpoena Trump during today's hearing

UPDATED: The House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 coup attempt has voted to subpoena Donald J. Trump to give testimony and produce documents relating to the January 6, 2021 coup attempt instigated and abetted by Trump and his allies. “Every American is entitled to these answers,” Rep. Liz Cheney said before the vote. The vote was unanimous.

Brilliant move by the committee. Now, if the Dems lose control of the House after the election. They can demand the subpoena be carried out, the same way the Republicans demanded the Durham investigation continue, after they lost the House. It puts any new committee chairs in the position of appearing as obstructionists, and knowing Republicans, they will set a new precedent for the Dems, when they get the House back again.

Going to be hard to launch any investigations demanding subpoenas be honored, when they look at those TV cameras and announce Trump doesn't have to.
The Demorats are trying whatever they can because they know they have screwed up the country and the people aren't buying what they are selling anymore.
You mean just like you Nazis did in 2016 when you called on electors to defy their oaths, violate the law, and vote for Hillary?

Oh, but that's different because... Heil Biden.

You fucking retard.

Let me know when folks on the left force Congress to flee the Capitol in order to halt certifying a president election.
Are these self appointed fools still pretending they have some authority?

3 weeks until election day. Then they are lame ducks. They'll break for the Holidays, and the Americans will take charge in January.

This really is the last hurrah for the Nazi show trial.

I think Cassidy Hutchinson is going to face so jail time next year for perjury. Sadly, Adam the lying little Schitt won't - even though is suborned the perjury Hutchinson engaged in.
UPDATED: The House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 coup attempt has voted to subpoena Donald J. Trump to give testimony and produce documents relating to the January 6, 2021 coup attempt instigated and abetted by Trump and his allies. “Every American is entitled to these answers,” Rep. Liz Cheney said before the vote. The vote was unanimous.

Brilliant move by the committee. Now, if the Dems lose control of the House after the election. They can demand the subpoena be carried out, the same way the Republicans demanded the Durham investigation continue, after they lost the House. It puts any new committee chairs in the position of appearing as obstructionists, and knowing Republicans, they will set a new precedent for the Dems, when they get the House back again.

Going to be hard to launch any investigations demanding subpoenas be honored, when they look at those TV cameras and announce Trump doesn't have to.
Doesn't matter... This is a show vote. A theatrical production vote. US law allows a defendant the right to cross examine witnesses and testimony. This show cluster fuck has denied Trump his rights. The American people see what it is these ass wipes are doing.

They want a declination to say he is obstructing. Its a bull shit smoke screen. A way to change the narrative right before a midterm election that they are losing so badly that they will never recover from it. The American people see right through the bull shit. And yet you fools persist.

You all deserve the as whoopin you are about to receive...
in Trump's pathetic half-hearted address to his followers who were trying to steal an election, he said: "go home, i love you", what the fuck is that? this came from the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES! how can anyone defend this man? it's mind-boggling!

it's BS and it's disrespectful to the police officers who risked their lives that day

Risked their lives - you Nazis are so full of shit.

Now the officers in Seattle and Portland risked their lives - but those were your soldiers attacking cops, so you defend them...
/———-/ Will ya get him this time??? Inquiring minds want to know. SNICKER
What funny about this show vote, Trump will have 20 days to respond by law. IF they sever the subpoena on him today, the election will be over before he has to make any determination or announce any decision...

This is just smoke, and mirrors or Bull Shit thrown from a manure spreader...
What are you making up now. What rape charges? Good grief!
Try to keep up ok.

Trump just lost a judgement that said his attorneys can no longer stall and avoid him having to testify under oath regarding a defemation lawsuit filed by a woman he raped in the 1990's.

He has to go sit on Sunday and give sworn testimony on the allegations.

Now, one could try to say "innocent until proven guilry" or throw out the words "allegedly raped".....but COME ON!

"Innocent people don't pay attorneys milluons of dollars with allegations like these hanging over rheir heads, trying to keep the case out of court.

GUILTY people do.

Plus....we've already got rhe dumbass on recording bragging about his sexual assaults.


Try to keep up ok.

Trump just lost a judgement that said his attorneys can no longer stall and avoid him having to testify under oath regarding a defemation lawsuit filed by a woman he raped in the 1990's.

He has to go sit on Sunday and give sworn testimony on the allegations.

Now, one could try to say "innocent until proven guilry" or throw out the words "allegedly raped".....but COME ON!

"Innocent people don't pay attorneys milluons of dollars with allegations like these hanging over rheir heads, trying to keep the case out of court.

GUILTY people do.

Plus....we've already got rhe dumbass on recording bragging about his sexual assaults.


You have a lot of conjecture there from "sources close the to the investigation" who are unnamed. Let me know when you have any real facts...
What funny about this show vote, Trump will have 20 days to respond by law. IF they sever the subpoena on him today, the election will be over before he has to make any determination or announce any decision...

This is just smoke, and mirrors or Bull Shit thrown from a manure spreader...

I have never see such abject fear of an opponent by the Fascists.
Try to keep up ok.

Trump just lost a judgement that said his attorneys can no longer stall and avoid him having to testify under oath regarding a defemation lawsuit filed by a woman he raped in the 1990's.

He has to go sit on Sunday and give sworn testimony on the allegations.

Now, one could try to say "innocent until proven guilry" or throw out the words "allegedly raped".....but COME ON!

"Innocent people don't pay attorneys milluons of dollars with allegations like these hanging over rheir heads, trying to keep the case out of court.

GUILTY people do.

Plus....we've already got rhe dumbass on recording bragging about his sexual assaults.


Carol has zero credibility.

The desperation of you Nazis is thick.

It just shows that you have absolutely nothing to offer the nation.

Inflation out of control
Highest gas prices in history
In a recession
At the most risk of nuclear war in history

Hell of a job, democrats..

What is your response? BUH tWUMP..

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