The Jewish-Hebrew Bible proves Jesus is the Messiah

Don’t know that they did.

Why do you elevate the form of religion above God?
So you prefer a system that has no order?
I suggest we eliminate gravity and chemistry.
Maybe we should form a religion where we convert people by the millions and let them starve?
Oh! The RCC is already doing that!
I see. What have the Jews done in China, Mr. external locus of control?

Your problem is that you lack objectivity. You see what you want to see. What does your religious text say about that?
Jews don’t proselytize.
Just don’t change our Scripture.
Is that stopping them from feeding Africans and Chinese? That was your complaint, right?

feeding the Africans and Chinese ??? who is being "stopped" from
feeding the Africans and Chinese??
You’ll have to read the thread and figure that out on your own. Try praying for guidance.
Visit China.
How do you know I haven’t.

You ever heard of coal bed methane.

Not really. It has to be dewatered first. It’s that whole adsorption thingee.

there is water in the Methane ???? GOOD!!!!
No. There is water in the fractures. The methane is part of the coal. It’s freakie.

methane is a very simple gas-------it diffuses to fill its space very quickly
So you prefer a system that has no order?
I suggest we eliminate gravity and chemistry.
Maybe we should form a religion where we convert people by the millions and let them starve?
Oh! The RCC is already doing that!
I see. What have the Jews done in China, Mr. external locus of control?

Your problem is that you lack objectivity. You see what you want to see. What does your religious text say about that?
Jews don’t proselytize.
Just don’t change our Scripture.
Is that stopping them from feeding Africans and Chinese? That was your complaint, right?

feeding the Africans and Chinese ??? who is being "stopped" from
feeding the Africans and Chinese??
You’ll have to read the thread and figure that out on your own. Try praying for guidance.

I prefer to use the INDEX MEDICUS
So you prefer a system that has no order?
I suggest we eliminate gravity and chemistry.
Maybe we should form a religion where we convert people by the millions and let them starve?
Oh! The RCC is already doing that!
I see. What have the Jews done in China, Mr. external locus of control?

Your problem is that you lack objectivity. You see what you want to see. What does your religious text say about that?
Jews don’t proselytize.
Just don’t change our Scripture.
Is that stopping them from feeding Africans and Chinese? That was your complaint, right?

feeding the Africans and Chinese ??? who is being "stopped" from
feeding the Africans and Chinese??
You’ll have to read the thread and figure that out on your own. Try praying for guidance.
Jews study then pray then study then pray...
How do you know I haven’t.

You ever heard of coal bed methane.

Not really. It has to be dewatered first. It’s that whole adsorption thingee.

there is water in the Methane ???? GOOD!!!!
No. There is water in the fractures. The methane is part of the coal. It’s freakie.

methane is a very simple gas-------it diffuses to fill its space very quickly
Methane is not in the pore volume of the coal. Coal is not like a conventional reservoir.
I see. What have the Jews done in China, Mr. external locus of control?

Your problem is that you lack objectivity. You see what you want to see. What does your religious text say about that?
Jews don’t proselytize.
Just don’t change our Scripture.
Is that stopping them from feeding Africans and Chinese? That was your complaint, right?

feeding the Africans and Chinese ??? who is being "stopped" from
feeding the Africans and Chinese??
You’ll have to read the thread and figure that out on your own. Try praying for guidance.
Jews study then pray then study then pray...
Apparently not very well. You guys don’t even know what happens when man becomes satisfied even though it has played out in your people for thousands of years.
I see. What have the Jews done in China, Mr. external locus of control?

Your problem is that you lack objectivity. You see what you want to see. What does your religious text say about that?
Jews don’t proselytize.
Just don’t change our Scripture.
Is that stopping them from feeding Africans and Chinese? That was your complaint, right?

feeding the Africans and Chinese ??? who is being "stopped" from
feeding the Africans and Chinese??
You’ll have to read the thread and figure that out on your own. Try praying for guidance.

I prefer to use the INDEX MEDICUS
Will that help you remember God?
Jews don’t proselytize.
Just don’t change our Scripture.
Is that stopping them from feeding Africans and Chinese? That was your complaint, right?

feeding the Africans and Chinese ??? who is being "stopped" from
feeding the Africans and Chinese??
You’ll have to read the thread and figure that out on your own. Try praying for guidance.

I prefer to use the INDEX MEDICUS
Will that help you remember God?

I have an excellent memory
So you prefer a system that has no order?
I suggest we eliminate gravity and chemistry.
Maybe we should form a religion where we convert people by the millions and let them starve?
Oh! The RCC is already doing that!
I see. What have the Jews done in China, Mr. external locus of control?

Your problem is that you lack objectivity. You see what you want to see. What does your religious text say about that?
Jews don’t proselytize.
Just don’t change our Scripture.
Is that stopping them from feeding Africans and Chinese? That was your complaint, right?

feeding the Africans and Chinese ??? who is being "stopped" from
feeding the Africans and Chinese??
You’ll have to read the thread and figure that out on your own. Try praying for guidance.
You do know whom you are speaking to?
I see. What have the Jews done in China, Mr. external locus of control?

Your problem is that you lack objectivity. You see what you want to see. What does your religious text say about that?
Jews don’t proselytize.
Just don’t change our Scripture.
Is that stopping them from feeding Africans and Chinese? That was your complaint, right?

feeding the Africans and Chinese ??? who is being "stopped" from
feeding the Africans and Chinese??
You’ll have to read the thread and figure that out on your own. Try praying for guidance.

You do know whom you are speaking to?[/QUOTE]

hey---white-ass-----TO WHOM YOU ARE SPEAKING

dangle NOT, thy participle
Jews don’t proselytize.
Just don’t change our Scripture.
Is that stopping them from feeding Africans and Chinese? That was your complaint, right?

feeding the Africans and Chinese ??? who is being "stopped" from
feeding the Africans and Chinese??
You’ll have to read the thread and figure that out on your own. Try praying for guidance.

You do know whom you are speaking to?[/QUOTE]

hey---white-ass-----TO WHOM YOU ARE SPEAKING

dangle NOT, thy participle
I can get away with it with Okie and Hillbilly Latin..
Baal for Dummies:
Baal - Wikipedia
Baal like Mithra was celebrated in the winter's solstice with Dec 25th birthdate.
Baal's death scene was EXACTLY plagiarized & prexists the Jesus re-write version by over 700 years as found on tablets (sitting in the British museum). Including the 3 day risen scene.
Baal's prexisting cross is still seen in churches today, as is the fish symbols and Easter and Christmas rituals.
Below is an ancient Baal Cross

Below are today's Christian emulations of Baal worship symbols:
christian-symbol-trafalgar-square.jpg cathedralchurchfloor.jpg churchfloormedalion.jpg methodistcross.jpg suncirclecross.jpg chrisrianchurchcrosses.jpg
Below is the forbidden in Isaiah metalic decorated Baal's birthday tree

Below shows the priests of Baal in
fish head (mitres) outfits, today they wear the fishead hatn but scales on their robes instead of full fish tail fins. *L*
So you admit Jesus can't be Moshiach then.
Moshiach brings people to the Torah not fleeing from it. Never mind the whole lifted higher then God thing that is taking you from God.
Thanks for helping make my point.
Did I? I don’t believe I did.

I am afraid you are going to have to come to terms that Christianity reformed Judaism and brought God to all nations.
YOU BROUGHT BAAL to all the Nations, not the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.
You lifted high Baal's son the morning star through the dying god mythology of the Canaanites-anyone can research this stuff if they weren't so lazy and happy with being brainwashed.
That’s crazy talk.

Do you even believe in God. Most Jews don’t.
*L* your reply just proved it, as you admitted
"Your god" is not the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. But the cherry on top was you calling Jesus crazy for calling himself Baal's son (morning star) in Rev 22:16 (or in your words "crazy talk")View attachment 262854
I don’t believe I did, but it’s ok if you think I did.

Revelations is about the fall of Rome. You should avoid reading more into it than that lest you start acting like a JW. Which BTW may already be too late.
You keep adding more proof that you have another God. JW's are more Jewish in precepts then Christians and they mention YHWH alot, yet your posts mentioned Baal's son Jesus hundreds of times without mention of YHWH once that I recall.
I see. What have the Jews done in China, Mr. external locus of control?

Your problem is that you lack objectivity. You see what you want to see. What does your religious text say about that?
Jews don’t proselytize.
Just don’t change our Scripture.
Is that stopping them from feeding Africans and Chinese? That was your complaint, right?

feeding the Africans and Chinese ??? who is being "stopped" from
feeding the Africans and Chinese??
You’ll have to read the thread and figure that out on your own. Try praying for guidance.
You do know whom you are speaking to?
Some crazy Jewish lady?
Did I? I don’t believe I did.

I am afraid you are going to have to come to terms that Christianity reformed Judaism and brought God to all nations.
YOU BROUGHT BAAL to all the Nations, not the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.
You lifted high Baal's son the morning star through the dying god mythology of the Canaanites-anyone can research this stuff if they weren't so lazy and happy with being brainwashed.
That’s crazy talk.

Do you even believe in God. Most Jews don’t.
*L* your reply just proved it, as you admitted
"Your god" is not the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. But the cherry on top was you calling Jesus crazy for calling himself Baal's son (morning star) in Rev 22:16 (or in your words "crazy talk")View attachment 262854
I don’t believe I did, but it’s ok if you think I did.

Revelations is about the fall of Rome. You should avoid reading more into it than that lest you start acting like a JW. Which BTW may already be too late.
You keep adding more proof that you have another God. JW's are more Jewish in precepts then Christians and they mention YHWH alot, yet your posts mentioned Baal's son Jesus hundreds of times without mention of YHWH once that I recall.
You do realize there is only one God, right? It's not like there's a convention out there. You've been watching too many episodes of American Gods.
Is that stopping them from feeding Africans and Chinese? That was your complaint, right?

feeding the Africans and Chinese ??? who is being "stopped" from
feeding the Africans and Chinese??
You’ll have to read the thread and figure that out on your own. Try praying for guidance.

I prefer to use the INDEX MEDICUS
Will that help you remember God?

I have an excellent memory
Which makes it all the worse.

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