The Joys Of Socialism


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Where the government guarantees food to its workers


people lining up for bread rations in Caracas Venezuela (aka; socialist paradise)

The Joys of Socialism? Venezuelan Shoppers Queue For Six Hours at Local Markets | The Gateway Pundit


This is NOT a manifestation, but a queue to buy food Venezuela. The result of 15 years of Socialist rule. (RGF3 Esq.)

It now takes Venezuelans up to six hours of standing in line to purchase food staples at the local market.

The people even have to queue for gas

Venezuela: massive proven petrochemical reserves, yet people forced to queue to fill gas bottles.

A glimpse into our future?

No doubt about it. You keep letting socialists (aka; democrats) run things and I can PROMISE you, you'll know the Joys of Socialism first hand.

It's right there in front of you. All you gotta do is open your eyes
If we put the government in charge of the Sahara within 5 years we'd have a shortage of sand.-Friedman.
Socialism is terrible. We got it.

So in you're opinion, which country in the world has their shit together the best? (not including the U.S.) What country do you think is the best run, the people are doing well and there is overall prosperity? Use any criteria you'd like, but tell us which country is doing well in your opinion.
Yes, I posted a thread about this yesterday. I made quite a mistake! I mentioned I heard they were trying to make a holiday for Chavez thinking it was Hugo. It was some other guy named Cesar! lol! I didn't attend school much. Back to the OP....

The story out of Venezuala should concern us all. These people are enduring hardships Americans have yet to fathom. ( this generation ) When young people say they are for communism they have no idea what they are asking for!
Socialism is terrible. We got it.

So in you're opinion, which country in the world has their shit together the best? (not including the U.S.) What country do you think is the best run, the people are doing well and there is overall prosperity? Use any criteria you'd like, but tell us which country is doing well in your opinion.

Where the government guarantees food to its workers


people lining up for bread rations in Caracas Venezuela (aka; socialist paradise)

The Joys of Socialism? Venezuelan Shoppers Queue For Six Hours at Local Markets | The Gateway Pundit


This is NOT a manifestation, but a queue to buy food Venezuela. The result of 15 years of Socialist rule. (RGF3 Esq.)

It now takes Venezuelans up to six hours of standing in line to purchase food staples at the local market.

The people even have to queue for gas

Venezuela: massive proven petrochemical reserves, yet people forced to queue to fill gas bottles.

A glimpse into our future?

No doubt about it. You keep letting socialists (aka; democrats) run things and I can PROMISE you, you'll know the Joys of Socialism first hand.

It's right there in front of you. All you gotta do is open your eyes

Did you get this from the article? "Government - run Supermarket" ?? This is communism. Not Socialism. Furthermore the Cuban communists are in force down there right now. They were sent down there to assist with the "transition"....

Patricia Gamboa arrived at a government-run supermarket in western Venezuela at 2:00 am, six hours before doors opened, to be first in line and buy whatever she could get her hands on.

As dawn broke, about 200 people stood behind her outside the Bicentenario shop in San Cristobal, with numbers written on their wrists with green markers to avoid arguments over who came first.

One end of the street was blocked by one of the many barricades that demonstrators have built with trees across the city to protest, among other things, the basic food shortage plaguing their oil-rich country.

The empty store shelves are among the major grievances fueling a wave of protests that have spread to other cities and dogged President Nicolas Maduro for the past month.
Socialism is terrible. We got it.

So in you're opinion, which country in the world has their shit together the best? (not including the U.S.) What country do you think is the best run, the people are doing well and there is overall prosperity? Use any criteria you'd like, but tell us which country is doing well in your opinion.


Ok, why? What criteria did you choose?
Yes, I posted a thread about this yesterday. I made quite a mistake! I mentioned I heard they were trying to make a holiday for Chavez thinking it was Hugo. It was some other guy named Cesar! lol! I didn't attend school much. Back to the OP....

The story out of Venezuala should concern us all. These people are enduring hardships Americans have yet to fathom. ( this generation ) When young people say they are for communism they have no idea what they are asking for!

In virtually every other socialist takeover in history, it has been done by force of arms.

Very few socialist takeovers were anything else. In fact, I can't think of any. Not even Hollande of France. And we saw what happened in France Sunday. the socialists got CRUSHED. I mean -- CRUSHED. The worst political defeat in French history.

But this wasn't supposed to be like the socialist takeovers of the past. It was voluntary. No animosities, no vengeance from the millions of dead relatives of those murdered by the socialist usurpers.

This was supposed to be people CHOOSING to be socialist, cooperating, working together, joining hands in song and looking out for each other.

IOW, peaceful.

I guess the people thought that if they voluntarily went socialist that they could voluntarily go back to being not socialist because, you know, socialists have been so understanding of things like that --

Six people arrested in Venezuela after shootings that killed three, President Maduro says - NY Daily News

It didn't work out. I told everybody it wouldn't. Everybody that knew where Venezuela was or even that it was a Country. I even had a co-worker with a Chavista wife who he defended. I told him it would fail, too. He didn't believe me. His wife didn't believe me. His Mother in Law didn't believe me.

I don't know what they're doing now but I'd sure love to rub their noses in it.

socialism doesn't work people. It never has and it never will. Never.

And if you think that the dimocrap party is anything BUT socialist, you're in for a big surprise.

Open your eyes people.

Patricia Gamboa arrived at a government-run supermarket in western Venezuela at 2:00 am, six hours before doors opened, to be first in line and buy whatever she could get her hands on.

As dawn broke, about 200 people stood behind her outside the Bicentenario shop in San Cristobal, with numbers written on their wrists with green markers to avoid arguments over who came first.

One end of the street was blocked by one of the many barricades that demonstrators have built with trees across the city to protest, among other things, the basic food shortage plaguing their oil-rich country.

The empty store shelves are among the major grievances fueling a wave of protests that have spread to other cities and dogged President Nicolas Maduro for the past month.

Like in other parts of the country, flour, butter, cornmeal and cooking oil are hard to come buy in this city where Venezuela’s protest movement emerged on February 4.

Gamboa, the 58-year-old customer with the number one scribbled on her wrist, did not have a shopping list to feed her family of six.

What was she hoping to buy, then?

“Whatever they have,” she said, echoing the sentiment of everybody else reading, sipping coffee or sitting on the sidewalk to pass the time.

Residents can only shop at Bicentenario on certain days, which are decided by the last numbers on their ID cards. Once in line, people agreed on the wrist number system to avoid trouble, but the shop also assigns them paper numbers.

Across the city, even longer lines stretched 200 meters (yards) deep at two private supermarkets.
Socialism is terrible. We got it.

So in you're opinion, which country in the world has their shit together the best? (not including the U.S.) What country do you think is the best run, the people are doing well and there is overall prosperity? Use any criteria you'd like, but tell us which country is doing well in your opinion.

Edge, where are you? Why do you choose to ignore this question?
Where the government guarantees food to its workers


people lining up for bread rations in Caracas Venezuela (aka; socialist paradise)

The Joys of Socialism? Venezuelan Shoppers Queue For Six Hours at Local Markets | The Gateway Pundit


This is NOT a manifestation, but a queue to buy food Venezuela. The result of 15 years of Socialist rule. (RGF3 Esq.)

It now takes Venezuelans up to six hours of standing in line to purchase food staples at the local market.

The people even have to queue for gas

Venezuela: massive proven petrochemical reserves, yet people forced to queue to fill gas bottles.

A glimpse into our future?

No doubt about it. You keep letting socialists (aka; democrats) run things and I can PROMISE you, you'll know the Joys of Socialism first hand.

It's right there in front of you. All you gotta do is open your eyes

Did you get this from the article? "Government - run Supermarket" ?? This is communism. Not Socialism. Furthermore the Cuban communists are in force down there right now. They were sent down there to assist with the "transition"....

Patricia Gamboa arrived at a government-run supermarket in western Venezuela at 2:00 am, six hours before doors opened, to be first in line and buy whatever she could get her hands on.

As dawn broke, about 200 people stood behind her outside the Bicentenario shop in San Cristobal, with numbers written on their wrists with green markers to avoid arguments over who came first.

One end of the street was blocked by one of the many barricades that demonstrators have built with trees across the city to protest, among other things, the basic food shortage plaguing their oil-rich country.

The empty store shelves are among the major grievances fueling a wave of protests that have spread to other cities and dogged President Nicolas Maduro for the past month.

'communism' and 'socialism' are meaningless terms outside the classroom. Actually, they're meaningless inside the classroom as well.

'communism' is what is supposed to remain after government 'withers' away. It's what the moron Lenin decided to shoot for after the 1917 Revolution and all the bullshit that happend in the next few years... Bolsheviks, Mensheviks, in-fighting... Boring as hell.

Suffice it to say that trying to use words like 'communist' and 'socialist' can be very confusing and invites our resident dimocrap retards to start an idiotic argument on definitaions alone.

The best way to refer to ALL of them is "STATISTS"

Because that's what they are. Statist Totalitarian asswipes.

If a Totalitarian form of Capitalism were possible (it isn't) you'd have the same people... obama, Maduro, Chavez, Fidel, Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, etc, etc, trying to be the head of that criminal enterprise.

If it were called the "Little Sisters Of The Poor For Peace" and it was a Statist, Totalitarian party, you'd have the same people.

communism, marxism, socialism.... Whatever you want to call it failed. It is yesterday's breakfast. It doesn't work and everybody with an IQ KNOWS it doesn't work.

Everybody. All people like obama, Maduro, etc, are doing is standing on a lie, making promises they have no intention of keeping because -- They can't, just so they can capture the reins of power.

In this Country, the Statists are still afraid of The People so they can only go so far.

In other places, where they have no fear of the people.... You can see what they're capable of. They'd be the same here were it not for the fear they have of us.

Believe it. And that is one of their goals, to eliminate us as a force to be reckoned with.

Think about it.
Socialism is terrible. We got it.

So in you're opinion, which country in the world has their shit together the best? (not including the U.S.) What country do you think is the best run, the people are doing well and there is overall prosperity? Use any criteria you'd like, but tell us which country is doing well in your opinion.


Ok, why? What criteria did you choose?

The limited amount of government control.

Have you ever been to Singapore? It's beautiful, and the people are wealthy.

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