The Kerry Doctrine

I often wonder if Kerry got all the shrapnel out of his butt from his own grenade in Vietnam..........

The Kerry Doctrine:

Blame America first.

Accuse American soldiers of murdering women and children in the dark of night.

Get awarded 3 Purple Hearts without spending a day in the hospital so he could come home early and continue his war on America.

Kerry is a scumbag piece of shit.
The Kerry Doctrine:

Blame America first.

Accuse American soldiers of murdering women and children in the dark of night.

Get awarded 3 Purple Hearts without spending a day in the hospital so he could come home early and continue his war on America.

Kerry is a scumbag piece of shit.

"Blame America first."

And, central to the Liberal theme, America is always the source and font of evil.
Kerry, Obama's errand boy, is well schooled in this doctrine:

December 5, 2005
John Kerry: American Soldiers Are Terrorists

John Kerry appeared yesterday on the CBS talking-head show, "Face The Nation", to discuss the war in Iraq with Bob Schieffer. Just as in his speeches on the Viet Nam War, Kerry has slipped into deep Left-speak in an attempt to gain national traction for his pose as a party leader. In fact, in language reminiscent of his infamous "Genghis Khan" speech before the Senate in April 1971, he yesterday referred to American soldiers as terrorists -- and then suggested that we leave terrorism to the new Iraqi army.

And there is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the--of--the historical customs, religious customs. Whether you like it or not...

Kerry thinks that the American soldiers are the terrorists in Iraq, applying that unique gift of his for moral relativity once again to indict an entire deployment of soldiers as criminals of the same order as our enemy. And Bob Schieffer sat there, without even raising an objection to Kerry's smear. Had Kerry not shown a long track record of this kind of rhetoric in the past -- and had to answer for it repeatedly during last year's presidential election -- one could possibly believe it came out as a slip of the tongue.

However, he obviously has never stopped believing that the American fighting man and woman represents the same relative evil as the Viet Cong, the Khmer Rouge, and al-Qaeda."
Captain's Quarters
The Kerry Doctrine:

Blame America first.

Accuse American soldiers of murdering women and children in the dark of night.

Get awarded 3 Purple Hearts without spending a day in the hospital so he could come home early and continue his war on America.

Kerry is a scumbag piece of shit.

"Blame America first."

And, central to the Liberal theme, America is always the source and font of evil.
Kerry, Obama's errand boy, is well schooled in this doctrine:

December 5, 2005
John Kerry: American Soldiers Are Terrorists

John Kerry appeared yesterday on the CBS talking-head show, "Face The Nation", to discuss the war in Iraq with Bob Schieffer. Just as in his speeches on the Viet Nam War, Kerry has slipped into deep Left-speak in an attempt to gain national traction for his pose as a party leader. In fact, in language reminiscent of his infamous "Genghis Khan" speech before the Senate in April 1971, he yesterday referred to American soldiers as terrorists -- and then suggested that we leave terrorism to the new Iraqi army.

And there is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the--of--the historical customs, religious customs. Whether you like it or not...

Kerry thinks that the American soldiers are the terrorists in Iraq, applying that unique gift of his for moral relativity once again to indict an entire deployment of soldiers as criminals of the same order as our enemy. And Bob Schieffer sat there, without even raising an objection to Kerry's smear. Had Kerry not shown a long track record of this kind of rhetoric in the past -- and had to answer for it repeatedly during last year's presidential election -- one could possibly believe it came out as a slip of the tongue.

However, he obviously has never stopped believing that the American fighting man and woman represents the same relative evil as the Viet Cong, the Khmer Rouge, and al-Qaeda."
Captain's Quarters
We use terror, which makes us terrorists when we are. We didn't drop A-bombs on Japan to inspire love and affection. It inspired exactly what we wanted it to, terror.
When I saw the title of this NYSun article, I thought he was going to share some of the secrets that have made Secretary Kerry the most successful gigolo in the world. That, at least, might have been of some use to some folks......

1.".... expecting the Kerry Doctrine. It supposedly was to be unveiled Sunday in Secretary of State John Kerrys commencement speech at Yale. What they got was an incoherent and insipid dirge, a marker for the Obama administrations failed foreign policy..... he yakked (but only glancingly) about climate change and how slow the Amtrak Metroliner is.

2. .... Mr. Kerry had spoken at Yale when he graduated in 1966. Thats when he attacked the Vietnam War even before he went off to fight it.

3. Mr. Kerry gave the Boston Globe an interview before Sundays speech. It asked what a senior in college today would make of a Kerry Doctrine, Kerry said: I presume they would talk about engagement and diplomacy, and, you know, making an effort. By gum, theres a doctrine making an effort.

4. .... Mr. Kerry added. I think weve had some good initiative starts. What good starts? What in the world is he talking about? The Middle East peace process he launched in respect of Israel and her Arab enemies came a cropper.... he compounded the problem.

5. .... Kerry also threatened in Syria a war for which he couldnt win support from his boss the president, let alone Congress. He opened in Geneva a formal appeasement of the Iranians, dressed up as talks over their nuclear-weapons program. He entered a negotiation on Ukraine for which he lacked muscle. Plus hes talking about a pivot to Asia. Thats the euphemism President Obama came up with to describe his global retreat.

6. .... how could John Forbes Kerry possibly lead a pivot to Asia? He, after all, was the young agitator who did so much to beat the drums for our pivot out of Asia a generation ago.

a. Fresh off active duty in the Navy, he went to Paris and met with enemy envoys

b.....Then he returned to America to plump for the communists talking points.

c. He testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, where he likened our GIs to Genghis Khan and accused them of war crimes. ... Our GIs (and our South Vietnamese allies) were still in combat in the jungles of Indochina.

7. In 1966, hed attacked the Rusk Doctrine, named for one of our greatest state secretaries, Dean Rusk, who was a principled hawk against communism in Vietnam and elsewhere.

8. .... Kerry spent decades in the Senate opposing US intervention anywhere and everywhere. That was then. Yet now, suddenly, Mr. Kerry lamented Sunday, America suffers from an excess of isolation.
The Kerry Doctrine - The New York Sun

I, for one, see no better foreign policy spokesperson of the whiz in the White House than this guy!

"John Kerry Divulged HUNDREDS of Israel's Covert Attacks to Iran, Leak Reveals

Former Secretary of State John Kerry, now President Joe Biden’s climate envoy, briefed Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on hundreds of Israel’s covert attacks on Iranian interests in Syria, according to leaked audio reported by The New York Times on Sunday. This revelation echoes reports that Obama officials saved the life of terrorist and Quds Force leader Qasem Soleimani by notifying Iran about an Israeli plot to assassinate him in 2015.
“Former Secretary of State John Kerry informed him that Israel had attacked Iranian interests in Syria at least 200 times, to his astonishment, Mr. Zarif said,” according to the Times.

This appears to be a betrayal of the first order, not unlike the Obama administration’s effort to save Soleimani from Israel in 2015. The Biden administration appears to be going overboard to resurrect the disastrous Iran nuclear deal."

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