The largest transfer of wealth in the history of the world... nice.
  • Elon Musk’s wealth grew over $100 billion since the start of the pandemic, from $24.6 billion on March 18 to $126 billion on November 24, an increase of 413%, boosted by his Tesla stock. His wealth now surpasses Bill Gates of Microsoft
  • Jeff Bezos’s wealth grew almost $70 billion from $113 billion on March 18 to $182.4 billion.
  • Dan Gilbert, chairman of Quicken Loans, saw his wealth rocket by over $37 billion, from $6.5 billion in March to $43.9 billion on November 24, 2020, an increase of 575 percent.

If you think those businesses are making too much money, don't do business with them. Simple concept.

Not my point. I don’t suspect you comprehend my point.

Not my point. I suspect you can’t comprehend my point.
Every fucking body.

Except a few whiny losers.

Like you.

Poor Stalin and Mao, so misunderstood, eh comrade?
What's the difference between these mass murderers and Mao, Rich Bitch?

An accident of birth.
So what's wrong with that?
You have to choose between high concentrations of wealth for a few parasites and democracy; what's your pick?

US Billionaires Surpass $1 Trillion in Wealth Gains During Pandemic as Essential Workers and Others Suffer

"To address pandemic profiteering, IPS supports a pandemic profiteering tax, such as the 'Make Billionaires Pay Act' introduced in Congress in August.

"The bill proposes a one-time, 60 percent tax exclusively on billionaires’ gains between March 18 and the end of this year.

"Based on past estimates of billionaire wealth gains, the tax would generate between $450 billion and $550 billion that could be channeled to pandemic response, including paid sick leave, hazard pay for essential workers, and emergency unemployment assistance.

"Funds could also be directed to state governments for public services, for maintaining weekly $600-per-week expanded unemployment payments, or paying out another round of $1,200 stimulus checks, all of which the House-passed Heroes Act would do, according to Americans for Tax Fairness."

One form of government created the politically constructed laws and institutions that has distributed wealth recent gains like this one:

  • "Dan Gilbert, chairman of Quicken Loans, saw his wealth rocket by over $37 billion, from $6.5 billion in March to $43.9 billion on November 24, 2020, an increase of 575 percent."

A democratic form of government is fully capable of redistributing those "earnings" to benefit the larger society.
So what's wrong with that?
You have to choose between high concentrations of wealth for a few parasites and democracy; what's your pick?

US Billionaires Surpass $1 Trillion in Wealth Gains During Pandemic as Essential Workers and Others Suffer

"To address pandemic profiteering, IPS supports a pandemic profiteering tax, such as the 'Make Billionaires Pay Act' introduced in Congress in August.

"The bill proposes a one-time, 60 percent tax exclusively on billionaires’ gains between March 18 and the end of this year.

"Based on past estimates of billionaire wealth gains, the tax would generate between $450 billion and $550 billion that could be channeled to pandemic response, including paid sick leave, hazard pay for essential workers, and emergency unemployment assistance.

"Funds could also be directed to state governments for public services, for maintaining weekly $600-per-week expanded unemployment payments, or paying out another round of $1,200 stimulus checks, all of which the House-passed Heroes Act would do, according to Americans for Tax Fairness."

One form of government created the politically constructed laws and institutions that has distributed wealth recent gains like this one:

  • "Dan Gilbert, chairman of Quicken Loans, saw his wealth rocket by over $37 billion, from $6.5 billion in March to $43.9 billion on November 24, 2020, an increase of 575 percent."

A democratic form of government is fully capable of redistributing those "earnings" to benefit the larger society.
By shear dynamic as it relates to public demand, some businesses are recession / pandemic proof while others are not....TA-DA!

LefTard Logic:
“Why should Jeff Bezos be allowed to thrive and prosper while burger flipper Guadalupe struggles?
Please Father Government, steal more from Bezos and give it to Guadalupe, it’s not her fault for being illiterate and choosing a fucked career path.”
No, for two reasons: One of course is that I'd have to get subsides from the taxpayer or otherwise put us much deeper into debt. If you go to an emergency room once a year, that cost could be anywhere from $800.00 to $5,000 or more
In the same way you need taxpayer subsidies to drive on public roads or read in public libraries? If you have no problem subsidizing roads, libraries, and courts ( not to mention the rampant fraud and waste at the Pentagon), why would you hesitate to provide citizens with savings of thousands of dollars a year in the medical expenses?

How would those savings affect US GDP?
"To address pandemic profiteering, IPS supports a pandemic profiteering tax, such as the 'Make Billionaires Pay Act' introduced in Congress in August.

"The bill proposes a one-time, 60 percent tax exclusively on billionaires’ gains between March 18 and the end of this year.

"Based on past estimates of billionaire wealth gains, the tax would generate between $450 billion and $550 billion that could be channeled to pandemic response, including paid sick leave, hazard pay for essential workers, and emergency unemployment assistance.

"Funds could also be directed to state governments for public services, for maintaining weekly $600-per-week expanded unemployment payments, or paying out another round of $1,200 stimulus checks, all of which the House-passed Heroes Act would do, according to Americans for Tax Fairness."

One form of government created the politically constructed laws and institutions that has distributed wealth recent gains like this one:

  • "Dan Gilbert, chairman of Quicken Loans, saw his wealth rocket by over $37 billion, from $6.5 billion in March to $43.9 billion on November 24, 2020, an increase of 575 percent."

A democratic form of government is fully capable of redistributing those "earnings" to benefit the larger society.

Why should it be their responsibility to support those other people or causes? Theft is the act of taking a persons property against their will. Yes, your money is your property. You created it.

Anybody that invests money takes a risk, and depending on the investment, a huge risk. What is defined as making a profit off the pandemic? You mean if I had money invested in an electronic company that makes PC boards, and one of their lines is making PC boards that go into ventilators, I should have to pay 60% in taxes on the money I made off that company? What if I had investments in a cotton manufacturing company? Because cotton goes into masks, I should be taxed at 60%?

So now I sell my investments and get a one time tax of 60%. Then I have to pay the standard 12% on capital gains. What about the state and local taxes I have to pay on that profit? By the time they get done with it, I'm down to just about nothing.

If you took your family to a restaurant, got the menu and ordered your food which amounted to $60.00, and they came back with a bill for $180.00, do you think that's right because they decided to raise their prices while you were eating?

You cannot place a one time tax on people for money they already made, especially when they made that money months ago. Because if they knew about that taxation up front, many wouldn't have taken the risk to make those investments. They would have put their money in other things. You can say there will be a one-time tax on January 1st of next year, but you can't place a tax on them after the fact.
Secondly, when you surrender your choices to the government, government controls you because you no longer have an option. They can tell
That's one trade off we all make to live in a modern society.
The question you should be asking is whether you want to make those decisions for yourself at the polls or whether you want a corporate elite like Trump or Biden to make those decisions for you.
In the same way you need taxpayer subsidies to drive on public roads or read in public libraries? If you have no problem subsidizing roads, libraries, and courts ( not to mention the rampant fraud and waste at the Pentagon), why would you hesitate to provide citizens with savings of thousands of dollars a year in the medical expenses?

Because we are a country 26 trillion in debt and growing, that's why. You can spend $500.00 for two dentist visits to fill in two cavities for crying out loud. Somebody else is going to have to foot the rest of that bill, and that somebody is the taxpayers or borrowing more money from other countries.
That's one trade off we all make to live in a modern society.
The question you should be asking is whether you want to make those decisions for yourself at the polls or whether you want a corporate elite like Trump or Biden to make those decisions for you.

I want us people to make those choices. I don't want anybody telling me how to live my life, how much I can weigh, what kind of food I have to eat, if I can ride a motorcycle or go skiing, or if I have to wear a helmet to peddle my bike on the street, what kind of medical tests I have to take and how often I have to take them, if I can smoke, how much I can smoke, or what I can smoke. I don't want government running my life. We have too much government in our lives already. I don't want to hand them any more power over me.

Giving government that kind of power is like giving your pet monkey a loaded semi-automatic gun. If you want to be a kept person by the government, my suggestion is move to Cuba and trying it out first.
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I wonder if consumers/taxpayers might want to consider free enterprise is the answer to financial ills?
I'd bet they won't. They're financially and market illiterate. Why?
Restricted competition, or gov't intervention, creates ills- financially as well as every off shoot of that instability
What happens to capitalism when the profit motive no longer supplies a sufficient (or necessary) number of living wage jobs? Many conservatives/libertarians give the impression they believe capitalism is eternal.

It isn't.

Karl Marx's 10 Major Contributions And Accomplishments | Learnodo Newtonic

Communism is No Classes = No Conflict...


The level of ignorance here is astounding.
Why do they hate us?

Because we are the leader of the free world. We have all the conveniences anybody can imagine, we treat our women like human beings, here you can worship under any religion you like, we have a fair and equal Constitution giving rights to every American, we are everything they're against.

George Bush Sr went to Saudi to do oil deals, and that upset Bin Laden because he felt an infidel like Bush had no business on their holy land. When he started to become a problem, Bush had him thrown out of his country. He then went to Sudan and started his terrorist group, Bush found out about it and had him thrown out of there. He's hated the US ever since until we finally killed him. His followers will never forgive us for it, so terrorism is something we have to deal with.

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