The largest transfer of wealth in the history of the world...

Ever since the crash, the Federal Reserve has been keeping interest rates as close to zero as possible to keep those banks alive, even though they royally fucked up.

Banks aren't borrowing from the Fed at close to zero.
The entire western world along with much of the third world has universe HC

How long do you want to wait in line?
How long do you want to wait for the GOP plan? Because it's been ten years since ObamaCare was enacted and the GOP hasn't puked up any replacement. Ever.

Even before Obamacare, health care costs were skyrocketing for decades, and the GOP never once offered a solution.

When it comes to being bankrupted due to medical bills, the GOP's response is, "Fuck off."

So that means UHC is inevitable. Because guys like you are sitting around with your thumbs up your asses instead of holding the GOP's feet to the fire.

When we finally end up with UHC, look in the mirror for the culprit.

How long do you want to wait for the GOP plan?

What makes you think I want a GOP plan for government control of healthcare?
The entire western world along with much of the third world has universe HC

How long do you want to wait in line?
Who will discover the new drugs?
How old do you want your equipment to be?

it just can’t be done in the richest nation the world has ever known.

We can do rationing. You like lines, try the DMV.
No lines. Dumb con argument as usual.

There won't be any lines if the government runs all US healthcare?
The entire western world along with much of the third world has universe HC

How long do you want to wait in line?
Who will discover the new drugs?
How old do you want your equipment to be?

it just can’t be done in the richest nation the world has ever known.

We can do rationing. You like lines, try the DMV.
No lines. Dumb con argument as usual.

There won't be any lines if the government runs all US healthcare?
That few know about, thanks to a billionaire/government controlled corporate media.

Are not the following words depressingly true?

The Institute for Policy Studies has just released a new analysis showing that since the start of the Covid-19 “pandemic” in mid-March and the subsequent transfer upwards of $5 trillion to the wealthy and largest corporations through the Cares Act, approved 96-0 in the U.S. Senate, 650 U.S. billionaires have gained over a trillion dollars in eight months as the America people have suffered an economic catastrophe. This shift upward of massive wealth under Trump is similar to Obama’s massive 2009 bailout of the banks on the backs of American workers. Both were justified through feats of legerdemain by both political parties, accomplices in the fleecing of regular people, many of whom continue to support the politicians that screw them while telling them they care.

If the Democrats and the Republicans are at war as is often claimed, it is only over who gets the larger part of the spoils. Trump and Biden work for the same bosses, those I call the Umbrella People (those who own and run the country through their intelligence/military/media operatives), who produce and direct the movie that keeps so many Americans on the edge of their seats in the hope that their chosen good guy wins in the end.

The Past Lives On: The Elite Strategy To Divide and Conquer – Edward Curtin
"transfer of wealth"
That's such a neat catch always seems to get the beggars among us worked up into a begging frenzy.
I'm still confused by this "transfer" and how it all works.
Explain a little further in your own words would you please....Are you saying wealthy positive contributors were somehow stealing from ShaQuita and Guadalupe who have an effective tax rate of zero? How were these wealthy positive contributors "transferring wealth" from the empty bank accounts of ShaQuita and Guadalupe?
Explain this so we have a better understanding...maybe we can level with you if you can better inform us dummies.
Thank in advance.
I can give you plenty of examples.

Let's take tax expenditures for one example. Tax expenditures benefit the wealthy more than the working class. This is deliberate and the field is tilted legislatively in their favor.

If you have a mortgage on a $200,000 house, you get to deduct the interest payments from your taxes.

If you have a mortgage on a $2 million house, you get to deduct way, way more from your taxes. See how that works?

Another example is the bailout of the banks in 2008. Ever since the crash, the Federal Reserve has been keeping interest rates as close to zero as possible to keep those banks alive, even though they royally fucked up. As a result, if you are some working class schmuck or retiree, you don't get diddly squat for interest on your savings account.

But if you are a broker-dealer, you can borrow $billions at low, low rates and use that money to invest in high yield ventures.

The people raping your ass love ignorant guys like you, Loser. They absolutely depend on your ignorance.

The problem you have is you're a lowlife piece of degenerate shit and you think all of America's systems should be centered around and tailored for you and other lowlife pieces of degenerate shit. If you ran a sports franchise you would tailor the working of it around your worse players.

"If you have a mortgage on a $200,000 house, you get to deduct the interest payments from your taxes.
If you have a mortgage on a $2 million house, you get to deduct way, way more from your taxes. See how that works?"

You don't understand relativity do you?
Why shouldn't someone with a $2M mortgage, paying far more in interest be able to deduct more?

"Another example is the bailout of the banks in 2008. Ever since the crash, the Federal Reserve has been keeping interest rates as close to zero as possible to keep those banks alive, even though they royally fucked up. As a result, if you are some working class schmuck or retiree, you don't get diddly squat for interest on your savings account.
But if you are a broker-dealer, you can borrow $billions at low, low rates and use that money to invest in high yield ventures."

What ignorant dumbmotherfucker would keep any significant amount of money in a standard savings account?
What dumbmotherfucker actually expects to earn anything significant from interest paid on a savings account?
The entire western world along with much of the third world has universe HC

How long do you want to wait in line?
Who will discover the new drugs?
How old do you want your equipment to be?

it just can’t be done in the richest nation the world has ever known.

We can do rationing. You like lines, try the DMV.
No lines. Dumb con argument as usual.

There won't be any lines if the government runs all US healthcare?

Don't be so hard on yourself.
And the quality of the healthcare (which is giant misnomer) would be a fraction of what it is now-
Medicare will only pay x for a procedure, no matter how important or necessary to the patients well being, which is supposed to be determined between Dr and patient not a pin headed bureaucrat that likely can't even spell Dr never mind patient or procedure
For-profit insurance companies have their pinheads and bureaucrats as well. I can only speak from my own personal experiences with Medicare and tell you it just added years to my life by paying for the removal of a cancerous prostate, something I would not have been able to afford without "socialism."
I don't disagree that the funds from theft could be better utilized, but, theft is still theft- theft is immoral, no matter how the theft is sold.
If you're saying taxation is theft, then you must believe you have either a moral or legal right to your pretax income; which is it?

How much pre-tax income would you have earned over your lifetime without the existence of the government?
I wonder if consumers/taxpayers might want to consider free enterprise is the answer to financial ills?
I'd bet they won't. They're financially and market illiterate. Why?
Restricted competition, or gov't intervention, creates ills- financially as well as every off shoot of that instability
What happens to capitalism when the profit motive no longer supplies a sufficient (or necessary) number of living wage jobs? Many conservatives/libertarians give the impression they believe capitalism is eternal.

It isn't.

Karl Marx's 10 Major Contributions And Accomplishments | Learnodo Newtonic
And stop with the "living wage" crap. That can only be determined by the live(r), not the employer and especially a pin headed bureaucrat that can't wipe his ass without help from a yes man idiot. The disparity in living is due, in no small part
So what happens when work and subsistence become untangled?
When the Industrial Revolution first began it promised to free humanity from the need to toil. For some of us, that day has already arrived.
To the OT- do any of you supporters of theft remember what the OT is?
Regarding the OT:

US Billionaires Surpass $1 Trillion in Wealth Gains During Pandemic as Essential Workers and Others Suffer

"With the close of the markets on November 24, 2020, US billionaires had seen their combined wealth equal $1.008 trillion.

"The total wealth of U.S. billionaires is now almost $4 trillion ($3.956 trillion). These 650 billionaires now have twice as much wealth as the bottom 50 percent of all U.S. households."

"The increases in billionaire wealth continue to defy gravity in the real economy where millions have lost their jobs, health and livelihoods,' said Chuck Collins, co-author of a recent report with published by IPS, Bargaining for the Common Good, and United for Respect, 'Billionaire Wealth vs. Community Health."

Billionaire wealth is not the product of an invisible hand's objective appraisal of their marginal utility. Their wealth comes from bribing government to create politically constructed laws and institutions that structure economic activity in society to their benefit and at the expense of the vast majority of productive workers.
If you paid an additional $500 a year in taxes and knew that 90% of your medical expenses would be covered by society, would you do it?

No, for two reasons: One of course is that I'd have to get subsides from the taxpayer or otherwise put us much deeper into debt. If you go to an emergency room once a year, that cost could be anywhere from $800.00 to $5,000 or more. Secondly, when you surrender your choices to the government, government controls you because you no longer have an option. They can tell you how much you can smoke, what you can smoke, how many times you can eat fast food, what you must weigh, how much exercise you have to get, what you are allowed or not allowed to drink, and even how much television you can watch or spend on the internet doing recreational things.

Don't say it can't happen, because it has in other countries with government healthcare:

Try to think back just a few years ago. Mooochelle Obama tried to force kids to eat crappy tasting food in school. She also conned her husband into making an EO to force restaurants to post calorie count on every item they sell. Bloomberg in NYC tried to force vendors from selling large soft drinks. Moochelle pressured the producers of Mars to get rid of their large candy bars. And just think, this is what they do with restricted power. Imagine what they could do with unrestricted power over our health. nice.
  • Elon Musk’s wealth grew over $100 billion since the start of the pandemic, from $24.6 billion on March 18 to $126 billion on November 24, an increase of 413%, boosted by his Tesla stock. His wealth now surpasses Bill Gates of Microsoft
  • Jeff Bezos’s wealth grew almost $70 billion from $113 billion on March 18 to $182.4 billion.
  • Dan Gilbert, chairman of Quicken Loans, saw his wealth rocket by over $37 billion, from $6.5 billion in March to $43.9 billion on November 24, 2020, an increase of 575 percent.

If you think those businesses are making too much money, don't do business with them. Simple concept.

. nice.
  • Elon Musk’s wealth grew over $100 billion since the start of the pandemic, from $24.6 billion on March 18 to $126 billion on November 24, an increase of 413%, boosted by his Tesla stock. His wealth now surpasses Bill Gates of Microsoft
  • Jeff Bezos’s wealth grew almost $70 billion from $113 billion on March 18 to $182.4 billion.
  • Dan Gilbert, chairman of Quicken Loans, saw his wealth rocket by over $37 billion, from $6.5 billion in March to $43.9 billion on November 24, 2020, an increase of 575 percent.

If you think those businesses are making too much money, don't do business with them. Simple concept.

It my point. I don’t suspect you comprehend my point.

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