The largest transfer of wealth in the history of the world...

If their net profit is zero, how much tax should they pay?
At least as much as individual taxpayers.:auiqs.jpg: (P. 8)

"The United States first introduced a direct tax on the income of corporations early in the 20th century to prevent corporations from becoming tax havens.17

"Without a corporate income tax, owners of corporate stock could retain their share of untaxed business profits in the corporation indefinitely and thereby avoid the individual, or personal, income tax.18

"In this manner, the rich could accumulate wealth much faster than the rest of the population, who largely pay individual income tax on all of their income in the year it is earned."
Medicare for all would cost tens of trillions of dollars; money corporations don't have unless you take just about all their money away
Medicare for All would cost a fraction of what Americans are currently paying for healthcare.

Historical | CMS.

"U.S. health care spending grew 4.6 percent in 2019, reaching $3.8 trillion or $11,582 per person. As a share of the nation's Gross Domestic Product, health spending accounted for 17.7 percent."
Medicare for all would cost tens of trillions of dollars; money corporations don't have unless you take just about all their money away
Medicare for All would cost a fraction of what Americans are currently paying for healthcare.

Historical | CMS.

"U.S. health care spending grew 4.6 percent in 2019, reaching $3.8 trillion or $11,582 per person. As a share of the nation's Gross Domestic Product, health spending accounted for 17.7 percent."

Yes, but we spend that collectively, not send the bill to a handful of people to pay it for us.
If their net profit is zero, how much tax should they pay?
At least as much as individual taxpayers.:auiqs.jpg: (P. 8)

"The United States first introduced a direct tax on the income of corporations early in the 20th century to prevent corporations from becoming tax havens.17

"Without a corporate income tax, owners of corporate stock could retain their share of untaxed business profits in the corporation indefinitely and thereby avoid the individual, or personal, income tax.18

"In this manner, the rich could accumulate wealth much faster than the rest of the population, who largely pay individual income tax on all of their income in the year it is earned."

At least as much as individual taxpayers.

Individual taxpayers don't pay tax on profit.
but I wonder if consumers/taxpayers might want to consider what they could get in return for taxing corporations?

The dollar value of such a tax could fund Medicare for All or provide a down payment on millions of living wage infrastructure jobs..
I wonder if consumers/taxpayers might want to consider free enterprise is the answer to financial ills?
I'd bet they won't. They're financially and market illiterate. Why?
Restricted competition, or gov't intervention, creates ills- financially as well as every off shoot of that instability-

And stop with the "living wage" crap. That can only be determined by the live(r), not the employer and especially a pin headed bureaucrat that can't wipe his ass without help from a yes man idiot. The disparity in living is due, in no small part, to educated beyond their intellect morons buying votes through the very ones their stupidity infects the most- the PPE- piss poor educated, which is the most egregious sin the gov't's create-

You don't keep digging a hole deeper to get out of a hole- that is what the theft from DC does. It doesn't matter who they steal from, there can never be enough. N.E.V.E.R - the confiscation of wealth, a little or a lot is still immoral and wasteful.
Medicare for All would cost a fraction of what Americans are currently paying for healthcare.
And the quality of the healthcare (which is giant misnomer) would be a fraction of what it is now-
Medicare will only pay x for a procedure, no matter how important or necessary to the patients well being, which is supposed to be determined between Dr and patient not a pin headed bureaucrat that likely can't even spell Dr never mind patient or procedure.

I don't disagree that the funds from theft could be better utilized, but, theft is still theft- theft is immoral, no matter how the theft is sold.

The fed gov't's authority is specific- and nowhere is the health of citizens being treated, *enumerated*- in any fashion and it certainly is not authorized to steal from me to give to you because you feel its best for everyone-
If corporations are, indeed, people, as is claimed then they too should be robbed- but the tax code insures they can pass it on to consumers resulting in higher costs to consumers- it's a shell game.
It is indeed a shell game, but I wonder if consumers/taxpayers might want to consider what they could get in return for taxing corporations?

The dollar value of such a tax could fund Medicare for All or provide a down payment on millions of living wage infrastructure jobs..
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Medicare for all would cost tens of trillions of dollars; money corporations don't have unless you take just about all their money away.
As always, you’re not informed. You are a brainwashed con incapable of reasoned thought.


Please get informed before posting.
To the OT- do any of you supporters of theft remember what the OT is?
Clue: Transfer of Wealth- a nice way, to say theft. In our case, often as not, borrowing to spend so future generations *painlessly* suffer theft of the fruit of their labor- what was borrowed from whom for what purpose?
Who really pays when the bill comes due? Will the Bill ever come due?

The bureaucrats have approved and subscribe to Borrow to Spend, trickle down economics- it ain't rocket science like some pretend it is. In gov't accounting procedures 2 + 2 doesn't = 4, in many cases- that means someone is lying (again) to justify (excuse) the sins they perpetrate on the less than well heeled constituents- the well heeled are less affected than the not so well heeled- that will always be the case in any system, no matter which ism is assigned to it- exacerbation of a natural phenomenon is exploitation for gain. Full stop. That it is exercised by bureaucrats for gain is shameful and nowhere near honorable.

In a free enterprise environment, that is controlled by consumer participation. In our systerm it is controlled by humans, pretending to be benevolent and omnipotent while the defenders of theft cry louder more is necessary- and the immoral appease them with rhetoric. Rhetoric is not tangible. Transferring wealth is. Taking what isn't earned is theft. Period. When used to remain, retain, gain personal goals the immorality is compounded- not forgiven, but, the PPE forget, easily.


Who needs the newest meds, the best equipment the smartest doctors?

Waiting in long lines is good for you!!

Rationing builds character!!
Lol. The entire western world along with much of the third world has universe HC but in small minds like yours, it just can’t be done in the richest nation the world has ever known.
As always, you’re not informed. You are a brainwashed con incapable of reasoned thought.


Please get informed before posting.

You mean informed like you? :auiqs.jpg:

They cite a study published last year showing that if Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ proposal for a comprehensive single-payer system were enacted, it would cost about $32 trillion in new federal revenue over 10 years.

Thirty-two trillion! Many Americans couldn’t even tell you how many zeroes are in a number that grotesquely huge.

What Democrats have done a terrible job communicating is that we’re currently spending $3.6 trillion a year on healthcare. That translates to $36 trillion over the next decade.

But the status quo is actually way worse than that.

The federal government estimates that national healthcare spending will total about $48 trillion over the next 10 years as costs keep going up.

By 2027, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, we’ll be spending about $6 trillion annually on healthcare. Total spending over the subsequent 10 years likely will reach a staggering $60 trillion — at least.

Lol. The entire western world along with much of the third world has universe HC but in small minds like yours, it just can’t be done in the richest nation the world has ever known.

Yeah, we know. Up north we get a lot of Canadian truck drivers here. While waiting to get loaded or unloaded, we drivers would often get together and have BS sessions. When Canadian drivers were included, I always brought up our differences in healthcare. The younger to middle-aged guys said they loved their healthcare. The elderly often told me to keep what we have, or we'll be sorry.

My sister works at the Cleveland Clinic. She told me that the Clinic hospital is filled with Canadian patients. Her claim is not isolated. All of our orthern hospitals have Canadian patients in them because you get what you pay for, even in healthcare.
The entire western world along with much of the third world has universe HC

How long do you want to wait in line?
Who will discover the new drugs?
How old do you want your equipment to be?

it just can’t be done in the richest nation the world has ever known.

We can do rationing. You like lines, try the DMV.
That few know about, thanks to a billionaire/government controlled corporate media.

Are not the following words depressingly true?

The Institute for Policy Studies has just released a new analysis showing that since the start of the Covid-19 “pandemic” in mid-March and the subsequent transfer upwards of $5 trillion to the wealthy and largest corporations through the Cares Act, approved 96-0 in the U.S. Senate, 650 U.S. billionaires have gained over a trillion dollars in eight months as the America people have suffered an economic catastrophe. This shift upward of massive wealth under Trump is similar to Obama’s massive 2009 bailout of the banks on the backs of American workers. Both were justified through feats of legerdemain by both political parties, accomplices in the fleecing of regular people, many of whom continue to support the politicians that screw them while telling them they care.

If the Democrats and the Republicans are at war as is often claimed, it is only over who gets the larger part of the spoils. Trump and Biden work for the same bosses, those I call the Umbrella People (those who own and run the country through their intelligence/military/media operatives), who produce and direct the movie that keeps so many Americans on the edge of their seats in the hope that their chosen good guy wins in the end.

The Past Lives On: The Elite Strategy To Divide and Conquer – Edward Curtin
"transfer of wealth"
That's such a neat catch always seems to get the beggars among us worked up into a begging frenzy.
I'm still confused by this "transfer" and how it all works.
Explain a little further in your own words would you please....Are you saying wealthy positive contributors were somehow stealing from ShaQuita and Guadalupe who have an effective tax rate of zero? How were these wealthy positive contributors "transferring wealth" from the empty bank accounts of ShaQuita and Guadalupe?
Explain this so we have a better understanding...maybe we can level with you if you can better inform us dummies.
Thank in advance.
I can give you plenty of examples.

Let's take tax expenditures for one example. Tax expenditures benefit the wealthy more than the working class. This is deliberate and the field is tilted legislatively in their favor.

If you have a mortgage on a $200,000 house, you get to deduct the interest payments from your taxes.

If you have a mortgage on a $2 million house, you get to deduct way, way more from your taxes. See how that works?

Another example is the bailout of the banks in 2008. Ever since the crash, the Federal Reserve has been keeping interest rates as close to zero as possible to keep those banks alive, even though they royally fucked up. As a result, if you are some working class schmuck or retiree, you don't get diddly squat for interest on your savings account.

But if you are a broker-dealer, you can borrow $billions at low, low rates and use that money to invest in high yield ventures.

The people raping your ass love ignorant guys like you, Loser. They absolutely depend on your ignorance.
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The entire western world along with much of the third world has universe HC

How long do you want to wait in line?
How long do you want to wait for the GOP plan? Because it's been ten years since ObamaCare was enacted and the GOP hasn't puked up any replacement. Ever.

Even before Obamacare, health care costs were skyrocketing for decades, and the GOP never once offered a solution.

When it comes to being bankrupted due to medical bills, the GOP's response is, "Fuck off."

So that means UHC is inevitable. Because guys like you are sitting around with your thumbs up your asses instead of holding the GOP's feet to the fire.

When we finally end up with UHC, look in the mirror for the culprit.
I can give you plenty of examples.

Let's take tax expenditures for one example. Tax expenditures benefit the wealthy more than the working class. This is deliberate and the field is tilted legislatively in their favor.

If you have a mortgage on a $200,000 house, you get to deduct the interest payments from your taxes.

If you have a mortgage on a $2 million house, you get to deduct way, way more from your taxes. See how that works?

Another example is the bailout of the banks in 2008. Ever since the crash, the Federal Reserve has been keeping interest rates as close to zero as possible. So if you are some working class schmuck or retiree, you don't get diddly squat for interest on your savings account.

But if you are a broker-dealer, you can borrow $billions at low, low rates and use that money to invest in high yield ventures.

The people raping your ass love ignorant guys like you, Loser. They absolutely depend on your ignorance.

If you have a 2 million dollar house, chances are you are wealthy enough to pay cash for it. I have access to tens of thousands of dollars, but it would be stupid to borrow it to invest because an investment can go bad at any time. The first rule of investing is you only invest what you can afford to lose.
The entire western world along with much of the third world has universe HC

How long do you want to wait in line?
Who will discover the new drugs?
How old do you want your equipment to be?

it just can’t be done in the richest nation the world has ever known.

We can do rationing. You like lines, try the DMV.
No lines. Dumb con argument as usual.

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