The largest transfer of wealth in the history of the world...

Please Father Government, steal more from Bezos and give it to Guadalupe, it’s not her fault for being illiterate and choosing a fucked career path.”
Why are right-wing loons incapable of seeing how "Father Government" creates and controls the conditions responsible for Bezos "earning" his billions in the first place?

Key Findings
  • As of November 17, the combined wealth of 647 U.S. billionaires increased by almost $960 billion since mid-March, the beginning of the pandemic lockdown—an increase of nearly $1 trillion in less than a year.
  • Since March, there are 33 new billionaires in the U.S.
  • Driving this exploding inequality are 12 companies whose profits are coming at the expense of workers and communities. These 'Delinquent Dozen' companies are emblematic of the corporate greed that has grown rampant over the last 40 years.
  • They include retailers like Walmart, Amazon, Target, and Dollar Tree and Dollar Store, gig economy companies like Instacart, and food producers like Tyson Foods"
Report: Billionaire Wealth vs. Community Health

Billionaires are created by the politically constructed laws and institutions government provides; the problem in this country is simply we have the best government money can buy.

Why are right-wing loons incapable of seeing how "Father Government" creates and controls the conditions responsible for Bezos "earning" his billions in the first place?

Government creates none of that.

The late Dr. Walter E Williams used to tell his story about when he was teaching economics in college. He said a frequent question he got was "Dr. Williams, what is the key to financial success?" Dr. Williams replied "It's simple really. The key to financial success is please your fellow man.

You may make a good hamburger, but you only please your self and perhaps your family. People start hiring you for their cookouts, so you please your fellow man by the dozens. You open up a restaurant with your hamburgers, and you please your fellow man by the thousands. You then franchise your restaurants and you please your fellow man by the hundreds of millions. Every step you took to please more of your fellow man, monetary rewards followed.

When you look at the uber wealthy like Bezos, Cook, Gates, Dorsey, they did exactly what Professor Williams used to teach. They pleased their fellow man by the tens of millions if not hundreds of millions.
Because we are the leader of the free world. We have all the conveniences anybody can imagine, we treat our women like human beings, here you can worship under any religion you like, we have a fair and equal Constitution giving rights to every American, we are everything they're against.
Because we kill their children for money.
That lifestyle you're so proud of has been paid for with the lives of innocent children, and I suspect you will never give their murders a second thought.

A U.S.-Backed Militia That Kills Children May Be America’s Exit Strategy From Its Longest War

"The 10 raids resulted in the deaths of at least 51 civilians, according to The Intercept’s reporting. In most cases, men and boys as young as 8, few of whom appear to have had any formal relationship with the Taliban, were summarily executed.

"Some died alone, others alongside friends and family.

"Several raids were accompanied by airstrikes or, in at least one instance, the detonation of hand-laid explosives targeting structures known to be occupied by civilians."
Why should it be their responsibility to support those other people or causes? Theft is the act of taking a persons property against their will. Yes, your money is your property. You created it.
You keep using the word "theft" in relation to taxation without telling me what moral right you have to your pre-tax income. The billionaires you worship only have their money because government created the laws and institutions (corporations) that made their fortunes possible.

A democratic government can redistribute those fortunes the same way a corporate government did in creating the private wealth.
Because we are the leader of the free world. We have all the conveniences anybody can imagine, we treat our women like human beings, here you can worship under any religion you like, we have a fair and equal Constitution giving rights to every American, we are everything they're against.
Because we kill their children for money.
That lifestyle you're so proud of has been paid for with the lives of innocent children, and I suspect you will never give their murders a second thought.

A U.S.-Backed Militia That Kills Children May Be America’s Exit Strategy From Its Longest War

"The 10 raids resulted in the deaths of at least 51 civilians, according to The Intercept’s reporting. In most cases, men and boys as young as 8, few of whom appear to have had any formal relationship with the Taliban, were summarily executed.

"Some died alone, others alongside friends and family.

"Several raids were accompanied by airstrikes or, in at least one instance, the detonation of hand-laid explosives targeting structures known to be occupied by civilians."

Because we kill their children for money.

How much money do we get for each dead child? Link?
Why should it be their responsibility to support those other people or causes? Theft is the act of taking a persons property against their will. Yes, your money is your property. You created it.
You keep using the word "theft" in relation to taxation without telling me what moral right you have to your pre-tax income. The billionaires you worship only have their money because government created the laws and institutions (corporations) that made their fortunes possible.

A democratic government can redistribute those fortunes the same way a corporate government did in creating the private wealth.

what moral right you have to your pre-tax income.

More moral right than you have to a single penny of my income.

The billionaires you worship only have their money because government created the laws and institutions (corporations) that made their fortunes possible.

So what? You live under the same laws and have access to the same institutions.
But you're a whiney loser who failed your whole life.

A democratic government can redistribute those fortunes

They already do, trillions every year.

And you're still a broke, whiney loser.
Driving this exploding inequality are 12 companies whose profits are coming at the expense of workers and communities. These 'Delinquent Dozen' companies are emblematic of the corporate greed that has grown rampant over the last 40 years.

You're free not to work for these corporations.
Free not to buy from these corporations.
Free to cry like a baby about these corporations.
Anybody that invests money takes a risk, and depending on the investment, a huge risk. What is defined as making a profit off the pandemic? You mean if I had money invested in an electronic company that makes PC boards, and one of their lines is making PC boards that go into ventilators, I should have to pay 60% in taxes on the money I made off that company? What if I had investments in a cotton manufacturing company? Because cotton goes into masks, I should be taxed at 60%?
What sort of risks are Walton shareholders taking?

Report: Billionaire Wealth vs. Community Health

"Three owners of Walmart — Rob, Jim, and Alice Waltonhave seen their combined personal wealth increase over $48 billion. In 2018, Walmart’s CEO Doug McMillion made 1,118 times the pay of Walmart’s median worker. Yet Walmart refuses to provide hazard pay to its workers."
Anybody that invests money takes a risk, and depending on the investment, a huge risk. What is defined as making a profit off the pandemic? You mean if I had money invested in an electronic company that makes PC boards, and one of their lines is making PC boards that go into ventilators, I should have to pay 60% in taxes on the money I made off that company? What if I had investments in a cotton manufacturing company? Because cotton goes into masks, I should be taxed at 60%?
What sort of risks are Walton shareholders taking?

Report: Billionaire Wealth vs. Community Health

"Three owners of Walmart — Rob, Jim, and Alice Waltonhave seen their combined personal wealth increase over $48 billion. In 2018, Walmart’s CEO Doug McMillion made 1,118 times the pay of Walmart’s median worker. Yet Walmart refuses to provide hazard pay to its workers."

What sort of risks are Walton shareholders taking?

Most of their wealth is tied up in a single stock.
That's risky.

Not as risky as your idea of never owning any stock, ever.

Yet Walmart refuses to provide hazard pay to its workers."


"Three owners of Walmart — Rob, Jim, and Alice Walton — have seen their combined personal wealth increase over $48 billion.


You had the opportunity to enjoy the same percentage increase if you bought at the
lows in March.
o now I sell my investments and get a one time tax of 60%. Then I have to pay the standard 12% on capital gains. What about the state and local taxes I have to pay on that profit? By the time they get done with it, I'm down to just about nothing.
How many more people have to die in a pandemic before you feel entitled to more profits?
Because we are a country 26 trillion in debt and growing, that's why. You can spend $500.00 for two dentist visits to fill in two cavities for crying out loud. Somebody else is going to have to foot the rest of that bill, and that somebody is the taxpayers or borrowing more money from other countries.
Taxpayers and borrowing from the richest one percent of citizens are not the only options:

Taxpayers and borrowing from the richest one percent of citizens are not the only options:

Correct, we can have a consumption tax so everybody pays, not just the wealthy. We have a country where less than half pay no income tax at all. Yet when people like you want more goodies, tax the people who are already supporting our entire federal government even more. Where is the equity in that?

As to your meme: our government is not like a family business. A family business runs on real currency. When the feds print money out of thin air, it weakens the US dollar which puts us at a disadvantage in world trade. If the US dollar is so weak that it's only worth 75 cents for every dollar we spend, we have to spend more dollars to buy goods. Taxes do pay for spending, but the problem there is we spend more than we take in. That adds to our deficit which ultimately adds to our debt, again, now 26 trillion and growing.
How many more people have to die in a pandemic before you feel entitled to more profits?

Whether I make a lot of money or little, those people are going to die regardless of my investments. If I invest in a company that produces masks, then that money is used by the company to pay their employees, to purchase equipment to expand their operations to make even more badly needed masks. As they expand their production, they make more money and so do I. The consumer benefits as well because of my money, they can get more products quicker.

When you really think of it, investors save more lives than if they made no investments at all.

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