The largest transfer of wealth in the history of the world...

You're free not to work for these corporations.
Free not to buy from these corporations.
Free to cry like a baby about these corporations.
You're free to not get robbed, shot, or stabbed.
You're free to not have your pussy grabbed by the next malignant POTUS psychopath Republicans vomit up.
Feel free to continue begging for table scraps from your betters.
You're free not to work for these corporations.
Free not to buy from these corporations.
Free to cry like a baby about these corporations.
You're free to not get robbed, shot, or stabbed.
You're free to not have your pussy grabbed by the next malignant POTUS psychopath Republicans vomit up.
Feel free to continue begging for table scraps from your betters.

Commies like you are begging. Not me.

Whine some more, loser.
You had the opportunity to enjoy the same percentage increase if you bought at the
lows in March.
"Three owners of Walmart — Rob, Jim, and Alice Walton — have seen their combined personal wealth increase over $48 billion.
Which would make me as greedy as you are.
Why do you believe Walmart shareholders have any moral right to their Trump Pandemic plunder?
How'd the old Soviet Union do with no speculators or parasites?
Better than Enron and Lehman Brothers

Overthrow the Speculators

"Money, as Karl Marx lamented, plays the largest part in determining the course of history.

"Once speculators are able to concentrate wealth into their hands they have, throughout history, emasculated government, turned the press into lap dogs and courtiers, corrupted the courts and hollowed out public institutions, including universities, to justify their looting and greed.:confused:

"Today’s speculators have created grotesque financial mechanisms, from usurious interest rates on loans to legalized accounting fraud, to plunge the masses into crippling forms of debt peonage.

"They steal staggering sums of public funds, such as the $85 billion of mortgage-backed securities and bonds, many of them toxic, that they unload each month on the Federal Reserve in return for cash."
Which would make me as greedy as you are.
Why do you believe Walmart shareholders have any moral right to their Trump Pandemic plunder?

It's part of the capitalist system, that's why. When I was trading commodities, if I read an article about a bug or drought that was going to kill corn crops, I bought corn futures because I knew they were going to go up in price. The farmers suffered, the consumer suffered, but I made a profit. My feelings was the crop was going to increase in price anyway, so why not capitalize on it?
You had the opportunity to enjoy the same percentage increase if you bought at the
lows in March.
"Three owners of Walmart — Rob, Jim, and Alice Walton — have seen their combined personal wealth increase over $48 billion.
Which would make me as greedy as you are.
Why do you believe Walmart shareholders have any moral right to their Trump Pandemic plunder?

Which would make me as greedy as you are.

It might have made you a few bucks. You'd still be a whiner.

Why do you believe Walmart shareholders have any moral right to their Trump Pandemic plunder?

They have a right to their shares. What plunder?
How'd the old Soviet Union do with no speculators or parasites?
Better than Enron and Lehman Brothers

Overthrow the Speculators

"Money, as Karl Marx lamented, plays the largest part in determining the course of history.

"Once speculators are able to concentrate wealth into their hands they have, throughout history, emasculated government, turned the press into lap dogs and courtiers, corrupted the courts and hollowed out public institutions, including universities, to justify their looting and greed.:confused:

"Today’s speculators have created grotesque financial mechanisms, from usurious interest rates on loans to legalized accounting fraud, to plunge the masses into crippling forms of debt peonage.

"They steal staggering sums of public funds, such as the $85 billion of mortgage-backed securities and bonds, many of them toxic, that they unload each month on the Federal Reserve in return for cash."

Better than Enron and Lehman Brothers

How many did Enron and Lehman kill in their camps and prisons? Silly twat.

"They steal staggering sums of public funds, such as the $85 billion of mortgage-backed securities and bonds, many of them toxic, that they unload each month on the Federal Reserve in return for cash."

Ummmm...guaranteed MBS and US Treasuries aren't toxic.
Exchanging them for cash isn't theft.
Like the $2500 annual savings Obama promised every family?

You probably believed him, moron!
Will you visit him in prison?

Trump’s Business Partners Allegedly Involved In Human Trafficking, Mafia Matters, Probable Money Laundering

"A new report from the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence offers a damning portrait of the people Donald Trump chose as his partners for potential projects in Russia.

"They include individuals with alleged connections to the mob, to Vladimir Putin and to human trafficking.."
Correct, we can have a consumption tax so everybody pays, not just the wealthy. We have a country where less than half pay no income tax at all. Yet when people like you want more goodies, tax the people who are already supporting our entire federal government even more. Where is the equity in that?
There's no equity in a country where half of all workers don't earn enough to be subject to an income tax. All your "consumption tax" would accomplish is to further widen the economic gap between 90% of Americans and a relative handful of billionaire parasites.
Taxes do pay for spending, but the problem there is we spend more than we take in. That adds to our deficit which ultimately adds to our debt, again, now 26 trillion and growing.

Where Does the Fed Get Its Trillions? Ask MMT

"During the financial crisis of 2008, the Federal Reserve created trillions of dollars to bail out insolvent banks.

"At the time, politicians warned the American people, incongruously, that their nation was 'broke' and on the brink of 'hyperinflation.'

"Many ordinary people couldn’t help wondering how the country could be so rich and so poor at the same time."

How do you explain how America can be so rich and so poor at the same time?
As to your meme: our government is not like a family business. A family business runs on real currency. When the feds print money out of thin air, it weakens the US dollar which puts us at a disadvantage in world trade
See if you can wrap your mind around this:

"That wealth in the private sector increases when federal debt increases; that the country’s finances are the opposite of a household’s; and—counter-intuitively—that the federal government spends before it taxes or borrows (not after)..."

Where Does the Fed Get Its Trillions? Ask MMT

"Public debt is private wealth:eek:

"According to Kelton, the federal debt is a measure of how much money the government has spent into the economy and not taxed out.

"In other words, the $16 trillion in federal debt held by the public isn’t an economic albatross or millstone, and not a burden on our grandchildren, but a measure of assets held by the public as savings or investments.
There's no equity in a country where half of all workers don't earn enough to be subject to an income tax. All your "consumption tax" would accomplish is to further widen the economic gap between 90% of Americans and a relative handful of billionaire parasites.

No, what it would do is make people more aware when government spends money. Right now we have a terrible voting system where people with little or no money can vote money from the pockets of other people. Government spending doesn't bother them the least because they won't have to pay for it. Free college? Yeah, great, I won't have to pay for it. Reparations? I'm all for it as long as it doesn't cost me anything. Medicare for all? Sounds great to me. Free medical care........

If EVERYBODY had to start paying for these things, they wouldn't be so keen on supporting the politicians that want to spend this money for more votes and more power. This is why we are in so much debt today.

If people are not making enough money, it's their own fault, not that of the system. If you want to smoke pot precluding you from getting a higher paying job, that's a choice you made. If you don't want to learn a trade or go to college to secure a career, that's also a choice you made. If you refuse to work past 40 hours a week, then you're not going to make the money you desire.

In a country like ours, the greatest thing about it is that we all have choices and are in control of our own future unless you suffer from physical or mental disabilities.
When you really think of it, investors save more lives than if they made no investments at all.
Ten percent of investors own 85% of all stocks.
One in three US households in a recent Pulse Survey expect to be evicted in the next 60 days.
Only an economic systems as devoid of morality as capitalism would tolerate such inequality.

Household Pulse Survey Data Tables
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How would paying their employees hazard pay make it any less hazardous for them? Does McDonald's pay their employees hazard pay? Does your grocery store?

My supermarket (Kroger) paid a "heroes bonus" last spring, but has since realized that shareholders deserve more than those risking their health on the front lines of the Trump Pandemic.

Amazon and Walmart have raked in billions in additional profits during the pandemic, and shared almost none of it with their workers

Ten percent of investors own 85% of all stocks.
One in three US households in a recent Pulse Survey expect to be evicted in the next 60 days.
Only an economic systems as devoid of morality as capitalism would tolerate such inequality.

What does ten percent of investors owning 85% of the stock have to do with what I said?

Tenants get evicted, homeowners get foreclosed. So 1 in 3 people surveyed are renters? That has nothing to do with capitalism except for the fact those people losing their apartment or house never participated in capitalism. They made no preparations if times get tough, which happens to all of us several times in our lives.
My supermarket (Kroger) paid a "heroes bonus" last spring, but has since realized that shareholders deserve more than those risking their health on the front lines of the Trump Pandemic.

Amazon and Walmart have raked in billions in additional profits during the pandemic, and shared almost none of it with their workers

Amazon is strictly mail order and Walmart does mail order along with their stores. Why should their workers get paid more for working now? Do people at machine shops get paid more, mechanics at the garage or dealership, waitresses and restaurant workers?
The moral right I have to my money is I created it, not government and not people who didn't. I have a moral right to my home, my rental units, my car, my electricity, my computer, my television. Why do I have this moral right? Because I created the money to have these things
You didn't create the money.
You earned the money according to the vagaries of a "free" market which doesn't distribute income in a perfectly just manner, unless you believe the Walmart heirs deserve their billion$ in Covid bonuses while first responders lose their lives?
You didn't create the money.
You earned the money according to the vagaries of a "free" market which doesn't distribute income in a perfectly just manner, unless you believe the Walmart heirs deserve their billion$ in Covid bonuses while first responders lose their lives?

Income is not distributed like cards in a poker game. Income is earned either through labor or investment. When you labor, you earn X amount of money. When you invest, you make XXX amount of money. Nothing unfair about that. We all have the same ability to work or invest, it's just that most people choose to work and make no investments meaning they didn't want to participate in capitalism.

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