The largest transfer of wealth in the history of the world...

"The main goal of Bernie Sanders’ decades-long career in politics has been to address the root causes of economic inequality because, as he has stated, 'The middle class of this country, over the last forty years, has been disappearing.'"

It's not something politicians need to rectify, it's something individuals need to rectify. If you are not making enough money to be in the middle-class, it's not up to a politician to do it for you. You need to do something yourself.
"The main goal of Bernie Sanders’ decades-long career in politics has been to address the root causes of economic inequality because, as he has stated, 'The middle class of this country, over the last forty years, has been disappearing.'"

It's not something politicians need to rectify, it's something individuals need to rectify. If you are not making enough money to be in the middle-class, it's not up to a politician to do it for you. You need to do something yourself.

He's been in the House and Senate for 30 years.....why is the middle class still disappearing?
He's been in the House and Senate for 30 years.....why is the middle class still disappearing?

Because people like him left the middle-class a long time ago. I wonder how may congressional pay increases he's voted for in his career. How many has Biden voted for?

You have multi-millionaires tell people how wrong it is that there are so many people like themselves, and they trust those people. :eusa_shhh:
What is good old selfless Bernie's networth now?
"Recent estimates place Bernie Sanders's net worth just under $2 million."
How Bernie Sanders Became a Millionaire
It's not something politicians need to rectify, it's something individuals need to rectify. If you are not making enough money to be in the middle-class, it's not up to a politician to do it for you. You need to do something yourself.
Government policies created the US middle class in the wake of the Great Depression and WWII. Over the past 40 years a different type of governmental policies have decimated the middle class in this country:

Three decades of neoliberal policies have decimated the middle class, our economy, and our democracy

"After rising for a century, average life expectancy in the U.S. is now declining.

"And for those in the bottom 90% of the income distribution, real (inflation-adjusted) wages have stagnated: the income of a typical male worker today is around where it was 40 years ago."
It's not something politicians need to rectify, it's something individuals need to rectify. If you are not making enough money to be in the middle-class, it's not up to a politician to do it for you. You need to do something yourself.
Government policies created the US middle class in the wake of the Great Depression and WWII. Over the past 40 years a different type of governmental policies have decimated the middle class in this country:

Three decades of neoliberal policies have decimated the middle class, our economy, and our democracy

"After rising for a century, average life expectancy in the U.S. is now declining.

"And for those in the bottom 90% of the income distribution, real (inflation-adjusted) wages have stagnated: the income of a typical male worker today is around where it was 40 years ago."

the income of a typical male worker today is around where it was 40 years ago."

You make the same wage you made 40 years ago?

Damn, you really don't have any skills, do you?
if I read an article about a bug or drought that was going to kill corn crops, I bought corn futures because I knew they were going to go up in price. The farmers suffered, the consumer suffered, but I made a profit. My feelings was
From Ireland to India speculators in search of profit have been responsible for starving millions of human beings to death.

Why do you celebrate their murders?
if I read an article about a bug or drought that was going to kill corn crops, I bought corn futures because I knew they were going to go up in price. The farmers suffered, the consumer suffered, but I made a profit. My feelings was
From Ireland to India speculators in search of profit have been responsible for starving millions of human beings to death.

Why do you celebrate their murders?

No one died in the commie purges or the commie gulags or because of commie caused famines, eh commie?

Poor commies, so misunderstood.
From Ireland to India speculators in search of profit have been responsible for starving millions of human beings to death.

Nobody died from speculators. The commodities market was created to stabilize prices. It's a bit difficult to explain in a few paragraphs, but that's what it does. Otherwise when drought or floods take place, you'd be paying $25.00 for six ears of corn.
Government policies created the US middle class in the wake of the Great Depression and WWII. Over the past 40 years a different type of governmental policies have decimated the middle class in this country:

Three decades of neoliberal policies have decimated the middle class, our economy, and our democracy

"After rising for a century, average life expectancy in the U.S. is now declining.

"And for those in the bottom 90% of the income distribution, real (inflation-adjusted) wages have stagnated: the income of a typical male worker today is around where it was 40 years ago."

First off your link is an opinion piece, not actual research. Human labor is being replaced by foreign human labor or automation. Less human labor means wages will not increase for a non-skilled worker.

Years ago a person could graduate high school, get a job, and be middle-class. Today it requires more effort. When you leave high school, if you can't go to college, you can still learn a trade or skill. You can get involved in a line of work that pays middle-class or better.

It's not a matter of the rich having too much money, presidents of past, or our economic system. It's just that some people won't put forth the effort to make their labor valuable thus living paycheck to paycheck for the rest of their lives perhaps. A lot of people are on drugs and refuse to give them up. Better paying jobs often drug test employees.

I'll use my former occupation as an example. Even today, tractor-trailer operators are in demand. Before the virus, we were way in demand, and as we baby boomers retire, there will be even less of us in the future. Now granted, it's not an easy job. You may have to attend school for a month, take your test, and get experience. However once you do that, you can make a comfortable living, and depending on what kind of work you're willing to do, almost six figures

My father is a retired bricklayer. His former union sends their retirees news letters to keep them up on their former profession. One year they were asking their retirees to find younger people who might want to do that job. They couldn't find nearly enough people. Without a doubt, it's a hard job, but my father did pretty good for himself. If you don't mind hard labor and working with your hands, a bricklayer here with all benefits included pays $50.00 an hour or more. Can't find enough people to do it.

Bottom line is being middle-class is a choice, not a privilege. You are not going to get out of school, get a job turning nuts onto bolts for a livable wage.
As far as you can
What are you forgetting?

"Capitalism’s winter of death"

Capitalism’s winter of death

"A staggering 283,000 people have died in the United States.

"At yesterday’s rate, 400,000 people will be dead by the end of this month, and more than 450,000 will be dead by the end of January.

"The milestone of half a million dead will be reached by the middle of February, without taking into account the expected surge in deaths.:eek:

"Centers for Disease Control Director Robert Redfield said this week that the coming months 'are going to be the most difficult time in the public health history of this nation.'"
As far as you can
What are you forgetting?

"Capitalism’s winter of death"

Capitalism’s winter of death

"A staggering 283,000 people have died in the United States.

"At yesterday’s rate, 400,000 people will be dead by the end of this month, and more than 450,000 will be dead by the end of January.

"The milestone of half a million dead will be reached by the middle of February, without taking into account the expected surge in deaths.:eek:

"Centers for Disease Control Director Robert Redfield said this week that the coming months 'are going to be the most difficult time in the public health history of this nation.'"

That's awful!

None were killed by capitalism.
As far as you can
What are you forgetting?

"Capitalism’s winter of death"

Capitalism’s winter of death

"A staggering 283,000 people have died in the United States.

"At yesterday’s rate, 400,000 people will be dead by the end of this month, and more than 450,000 will be dead by the end of January.

"The milestone of half a million dead will be reached by the middle of February, without taking into account the expected surge in deaths.:eek:

"Centers for Disease Control Director Robert Redfield said this week that the coming months 'are going to be the most difficult time in the public health history of this nation.'"

So what does the virus have to do with capitalism?
Ummmm...guaranteed MBS and US Treasuries aren't toxic.
Exchanging them for cash isn't theft.

"The Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 (Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act) allowed banks to use deposits to invest in derivatives.5 Bank lobbyists said they needed this change to compete with foreign firms.

2008 Financial Crisis Causes, Costs, and Could It Happen Again?

"They promised to only invest in low-risk securities to protect their customers.6 As banks chased the profitable derivative market, they didn't keep this promise."
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