The Last Temptation - How American Evangelicals Sold Their Collective Souls For Politics

Generally Christians don't vote for a national pastor. They aren't looking for the guidance of a father figure. After all a homosexual, dope addict, American hater was elected as president No. What Christians want is someone who will keep the communists from burning the churches down. That's why Christians voted for Trump. They voted to stop the military from being a social science experiment and to stop the growing impetus to infanticide and selling the body parts of full term infants. Trump never had to be an evangelical Christian to do what he is doing.

You third sentence shows what a lying Russian you are.

Communists have never burnt churches down in the USA. Only right wingers do that, and the churches they burn down are the churches attended by minorities - blacks, Jews. It's a long tradition in the South to burn black churches and frighten the blacks so they don't get too uppity.

The evangelicals voted for Trump because their corrupt leaders told them to. Their corrupt leaders have been telling them for generations that the Democrats are evil devils out to destroy America. You just said the same thing. American was never conceived as a religious idea. It is a political idea. And the Founding Fathers were really clear that religion was NOT to be involved in the making of laws, or in the election of governmental officials.

They specifically required that no government official be required to swear an oath to anyone or anything but the Constitution. The SC has upheld this concept time and time again. There are few things in the Constitution clearer than their desire to keep religion out of government.

Republicans are a minority party. They have won the House since 2000, and the Presidency twice in the past 20 years, with a less than majority vote. The retain the Senate because the least populous states, have two Senators, because they've lost the popular vote for the Senate as well. That's why Republicans have raised gerrymandering to an art form, and worked viligantly to repress the "urban" vote.

How long can America continue to be governed by an ever shrinking white, rural minority? The biggest problem Republicans face is not the changing racial demographics, but the increasing urbanization of America. Urban voters, of all races, vote Democratic. Conservative areas become liberal as the villages grow into towns and the towns into cities.

The family farm is dying. Rural America is owned by corporate farmers, who neither live on the land and don't vote there. With land prices at record highs, foreign corporations are swooping in and buying up American farmland. A huge chunk of the farm subsidies that the Trump Administration is paying to soy bean farmers is going to companies headquartered outside the USA. Foreign owners don't vote. This reduces the conservative rural vote.

The amount of U.S. farmland held by foreign investors nearly doubled in a decade

It's really getting difficult for young farmers to go into farming, short of inheritance. Land and equipment prices are just too high, and unless your family owns multiple large farms, with houses and outbuildings, that you can move into, your chances of working and saving enough capital to buy farm properties which can cost $10,000 an acre, or more, together with a half million dollars worth of equipment to work it, are slim and none. Many farmers have no one in their family wanting to take over the farm. Corporations scoop up those lands, sell off or demolish the house, and the rural population declines again.

As a city dweller who from the leftest of the left wing ridings in Toronto, and who actually voted for Jack Layton, more than once, and has now moved to a riding so conservative that the Former Minister of Health in the Harper Government didn't even bother to show up to the all-candidates debate, and won in a landslide, I understand why rurals vote conservative. The poverty you see in small towns is truly because of laziness and/or addiction. We have them here. Rurals think all poor people are like the bums sitting around our town square, drugged out, slack jawed, and deeply tanned. City poverty is borne of workers who don't earn enough to buy themselves a good life.

The same kind of poverty that has afflicted for so long, is now afflicting small towns throughout America. That's why Americans have twice voted for radical change - the first time with Obama, and this time with Trump. The mid-western white production worker won't vote for Trump again. 40% of Americans are not participating in Trump's great economy. 80% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. Trump delivered tax cuts to the rich, crumbs to the rest. There are now 7 million job openings and 4 million people looking for work. High tech jobs are open, low skill jobs are scarce. Growth in production jobs is sluggish at best.

The country doesn't need more jobs. The illegal immigrants aren't stealing your jobs, there's more than enough to go around. The lie is being exposed. But more than 70,000 people a year are dying of drug abuse, and Trump has done almost nothing to stop it.

The avg middle class worker received 840 dollars of tax cuts. That might be crumbs to you, but not to me.

Also, the tax reduction on the "wealthy" resulted in my entire company getting not one, but 2 raises since the tax cuts took effect. The owner simply said when the company makes more, you make more. If we are taxed less, we make more.
The Last Temptation - The Atlantic - Pocket

One of the most extraordinary things about our current politics—really, one of the most extraordinary developments of recent political history—is the loyal adherence of religious conservatives to Donald Trump. The president won four-fifths of the votes of white evangelical Christians. This was a higher level of support than either Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush, an outspoken evangelical himself, ever received.

Trump’s background and beliefs could hardly be more incompatible with traditional Christian models of life and leadership. Trump’s past political stances (he once supported the right to partial-birth abortion), his character (he has bragged about sexually assaulting women), and even his language (he introduced the words pussy and shithole into presidential discourse) would more naturally lead religious conservatives toward exorcism than alliance. This is a man who has cruelly publicized his infidelities, made disturbing sexual comments about his elder daughter, and boasted about the size of his penis on the debate stage. His lawyer reportedly arranged a $130,000 payment to a porn star to dissuade her from disclosing an alleged affair. Yet religious conservatives who once blanched at PG-13 public standards now yawn at such NC-17 maneuvers. We are a long way from The Book of Virtues.

In January, following reports that Trump had referred to Haiti and African nations as “shithole countries,” Pastor Robert Jeffress came quickly to his defense. “Apart from the vocabulary attributed to him,” Jeffress wrote, “President Trump is right on target in his sentiment.” After reports emerged that Trump’s lawyer paid hush money to the porn star Stormy Daniels to cover up their alleged sexual encounter, Graham vouched for Trump’s “concern for Christian values.” Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, argued that Trump should be given a “mulligan” for his past infidelity. One can only imagine the explosion of outrage if President Barack Obama had been credibly accused of similar offenses.

The moral convictions of many evangelical leaders have become a function of their partisan identification. This is not mere gullibility; it is utter corruption. Blinded by political tribalism and hatred for their political opponents, these leaders can’t see how they are undermining the causes to which they once dedicated their lives. Little remains of a distinctly Christian public witness.


The GOP, the party that claimed Jesus for themselves & for a nation, have now ultimately defiled Christianity & Jesus, relegating their claimed 'savior' to nothing more than a political tool in their efforts to attain & retain political power.

And Jesus said to the evangelicals, "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

Here's the problem the Libs have with evangelicals, caddo.

You have people like Hillary Clinton declaring evangelicals to be the "Basket of Deplorables clinging to their guns and bibles".

That's not very complementary. Donald J. Trump is hardly a perfect individual, but he treats evangelicals with respect. He isn't demanding reparations from Honkies, he isn't making fun of normalcy on entertainment programs, he shows respect.

Can things turn around? Sure. There are 2 dozen D candidates out there, there is certainly room for a D to embrace life and normative sexual behavior. Democrat candidates can go down to San Antone and confer with Rev. Hagee or to Lynchburg to see the Falwells or go on Pat Robertson's program.

But until libs start to actually EARN the votes of evangelicals, they can expect to get shut out.

Hagee, falwell, and robertson are nutjobs. What would be the point of visiting them? Are these guys all the evangelicals have? Perhaps the Republicans should pay a visit to Tehran or Riyadh.

I see "normative" is the latest addition to Newspeak. What would embracing "normative sexual behavior" mean? Of all of the Democratic candidates, only one is known to be LGBT. The rest appear to be heterosexual. Embracing "life" means different things to different people.
---------------------------- who else would Evangelicals support . Well , there was no one else suitable in the Election that TRUMP won for President .
None of these other people were someone Evangelicals could support? 2016 Republican Party presidential candidates - Wikipedia

The GOP evangelicals made a choice; they chose power over their own faith aka they denied Jesus.

they will go to Hell for that

Here's the problem with your condemnation of our Evangelical Friends- you aren't a member of the evangelical Christian faith, so you have no cachet with them. It would be like me going to Mecca and telling the whirling dervishes that they aren't proper Muslims because they aren't on the corner selling incense and newsletters like "proper Muslims". I just don't have the standing to tell them that.

BTW, would you say the same about Democrat Evangelicals who chose power by voting for Hillary over their own faith?

I was raised in the SBC & then I went on to the COC later. Back in the day there was no 'bastardization' of Christianity by the GOP perverting 'faith' as a poster child for politics as there has been over the past 3 to 4 decades.

The GOP's use of Christianity for a political tool is IMO an unpardonable sin.

Those within the churches that played along with this usurpation of their own faith sold themselves to a political entity over their own other worldly treasure.
This is really the first President where religion has played a vocal role, that I remember anyway. A person's religion, including the President's, is a personal thing and except for JFK being a Catholic (which I was too young to recall, myself) I don't think a big group of any denomination has come out for this candidate or that, have they? At least not officially.

Jimmy Carter made a big deal about his Secular Humanist faith, and indeed, if you are in Sumter County on Sunday Morning you can hear him teach sunday school
None of these other people were someone Evangelicals could support? 2016 Republican Party presidential candidates - Wikipedia

The GOP evangelicals made a choice; they chose power over their own faith aka they denied Jesus.

they will go to Hell for that

Here's the problem with your condemnation of our Evangelical Friends- you aren't a member of the evangelical Christian faith, so you have no cachet with them. It would be like me going to Mecca and telling the whirling dervishes that they aren't proper Muslims because they aren't on the corner selling incense and newsletters like "proper Muslims". I just don't have the standing to tell them that.

BTW, would you say the same about Democrat Evangelicals who chose power by voting for Hillary over their own faith?

I was raised in the SBC & then I went on to the COC later. Back in the day there was no 'bastardization' of Christianity by the GOP perverting 'faith' as a poster child for politics as there has been over the past 3 to 4 decades.

The GOP's use of Christianity for a political tool is IMO an unpardonable sin.

Those within the churches that played along with this usurpation of their own faith sold themselves to a political entity over their own other worldly treasure.
This is really the first President where religion has played a vocal role, that I remember anyway. A person's religion, including the President's, is a personal thing and except for JFK being a Catholic (which I was too young to recall, myself) I don't think a big group of any denomination has come out for this candidate or that, have they? At least not officially.

Jimmy Carter made a big deal about his Secular Humanist faith, and indeed, if you are in Sumter County on Sunday Morning you can hear him teach sunday school
Lucky kids, I'm sure. He sure seems like a decent kinda guy.

I don't recall much about it at all when he was Pres though. As your average, not very interested in politics type of gal back then, nothing about his religion got through. Now, his brother, on the other hand, came through loud and clear, and Billy Beer. So it's not that I was living under a rock or something.
Communists have never burnt churches down in the USA. Only right wingers do that, and the churches they burn down are the churches attended by minorities - blacks, Jews. It's a long tradition in the South to burn black churches and frighten the blacks so they don't get too uppity.

The evangelicals voted for Trump because their corrupt leaders told them to.

Communists burned down Sarah Palin's church in Wasilla, sending a clear message of intimidation.

There have been a few instance of Liberal groups like Robert C. Byrd's KKK burning churches in the past, but it has nothing to do with "conservatives". Most church burnings are accidental and the 2nd largest cause is insurance fraud.

"ethnic intimidation" has happened before but is rare.

Evangelicals would have voted for Trump regardless of what their pastors may have said because Trump is Pro-Life and Pro-Family, Hillary was anti-life and in favor of gay marriage.
Lucky kids, I'm sure. He sure seems like a decent kinda guy.

I don't recall much about it at all when he was Pres though. As your average, not very interested in politics type of gal back then, nothing about his religion got through. Now, his brother, on the other hand, came through loud and clear, and Billy Beer. So it's not that I was living under a rock or something.

Its an adult Sunday School that President Carter teaches.

Maybe you missed it all, but Carter did talk a lot about his religion back in the day, that's when people started going to his sunday school.
How long are angry lefties going to play the amateur game of trying to split the republican base? That stuff was old back in the 70's. It's obvious that democrats have nothing to offer America except a clown car full of socialist idiots and one actual brain damaged old time politician who spends his time apologizing for his freaking career.
Sectarianism aside, for our purposes here, it occurs to me that there are a half-dozen or more "flavors" of Christians...

1. True Christians
2. Pretend Christians
3. Nominal Christians
4. Cafeteria Christians
5. Political Christians
6. Flawed Christians

Evangelicals seem to fall mostly under (4) - picking and choosing what to believe, focus upon, or act upon.

Believers who fall under (1) are an extremely rare commodity.
Hagee, falwell, and robertson are nutjobs. What would be the point of visiting them? Are these guys all the evangelicals have? Perhaps the Republicans should pay a visit to Tehran or Riyadh.

There are no voters in Tehran or Saudi Arabia.

There are plenty other evangelical leaders than just those guys, Franklin Graham down in NC, that Southern Baptist leader over in the Big D, near here, we have the Rev. Ernest Angley in Cuyahoga Falls.

The idea of visiting these fellows is to let evangelical voters know that you aren't their enemy, to start mending fences.
This a textbook example of a liberal projecting his own conception of evangelical Christians onto evangelical Christians and then proceeding from there. Evangelical Christians were quite aware of Trump's personal failings, immorality, etc., but they voted for him because he promised to appoint conservative judges to the Supreme Court and to the appeals and district courts, promised to protect religious liberty, promised to defend gun rights, and promised to do all he could to secure our southern border.
Sectarianism aside, for our purposes here, it occurs to me that there are a half-dozen or more "flavors" of Christians...

1. True Christians
2. Pretend Christians
3. Nominal Christians
4. Cafeteria Christians
5. Political Christians
6. Flawed Christians

Evangelicals seem to fall mostly under (4) - picking and choosing what to believe, focus upon, or act upon.

Believers who fall under (1) are an extremely rare commodity.

Which group do you belong to, if any?

Actually, all people are flawed, Christian or not.
How long are angry lefties going to play the amateur game of trying to split the republican base? That stuff was old back in the 70's. It's obvious that democrats have nothing to offer America except a clown car full of socialist idiots and one actual brain damaged old time politician who spends his time apologizing for his freaking career.

You could try addressing the OP content; just a thought ...........
Sectarianism aside, for our purposes here, it occurs to me that there are a half-dozen or more "flavors" of Christians...

1. True Christians
2. Pretend Christians
3. Nominal Christians
4. Cafeteria Christians
5. Political Christians
6. Flawed Christians

Evangelicals seem to fall mostly under (4) - picking and choosing what to believe, focus upon, or act upon.

Believers who fall under (1) are an extremely rare commodity.

Which group do you belong to, if any?

Actually, all people are flawed, Christian or not.
My standing is irrelevant to the point at hand.

As to "flawed" in this context, I construe that to mean...

Adhering to Christian principles when practicable but circumventing them when necessary.

How long are angry lefties going to play the amateur game of trying to split the republican base? That stuff was old back in the 70's. It's obvious that democrats have nothing to offer America except a clown car full of socialist idiots and one actual brain damaged old time politician who spends his time apologizing for his freaking career.

You could try addressing the OP content; just a thought ...........

Evangelicals are like any other demographic group in the population, they aren't going to vote for candidates who hate their guts.

And all of the Democrats hate their guts.

I don't know how detailed polling was in 1932 German, but I'm would think the record shows that Hitler and the National Socialist ticket didn't polls too well with Jewish voters either.
Sectarianism aside, for our purposes here, it occurs to me that there are a half-dozen or more "flavors" of Christians...

1. True Christians
2. Pretend Christians
3. Nominal Christians
4. Cafeteria Christians
5. Political Christians
6. Flawed Christians

Evangelicals seem to fall mostly under (4) - picking and choosing what to believe, focus upon, or act upon.

Believers who fall under (1) are an extremely rare commodity.

Which group do you belong to, if any?

Actually, all people are flawed, Christian or not.
My standing is irrelevant to the point at hand.

As to "flawed" in this context, I construe that to mean...

Adhering to Christian principles when practicable but circumventing them when necessary.


Your "Standing" is actually very relevant, as non-members of a religious group aren't in a position to pass judgment on someone's devoutness or commitment. I wouldn't pretend to pass judgment on whether a Muslim or a Hindu was a good or bad one.
Generally Christians don't vote for a national pastor. They aren't looking for the guidance of a father figure. After all a homosexual, dope addict, American hater was elected as president No. What Christians want is someone who will keep the communists from burning the churches down. That's why Christians voted for Trump. They voted to stop the military from being a social science experiment and to stop the growing impetus to infanticide and selling the body parts of full term infants. Trump never had to be an evangelical Christian to do what he is doing.

You third sentence shows what a lying Russian you are.

Communists have never burnt churches down in the USA. Only right wingers do that, and the churches they burn down are the churches attended by minorities - blacks, Jews. It's a long tradition in the South to burn black churches and frighten the blacks so they don't get too uppity.

The evangelicals voted for Trump because their corrupt leaders told them to. Their corrupt leaders have been telling them for generations that the Democrats are evil devils out to destroy America. You just said the same thing. American was never conceived as a religious idea. It is a political idea. And the Founding Fathers were really clear that religion was NOT to be involved in the making of laws, or in the election of governmental officials.

They specifically required that no government official be required to swear an oath to anyone or anything but the Constitution. The SC has upheld this concept time and time again. There are few things in the Constitution clearer than their desire to keep religion out of government.

Republicans are a minority party. They have won the House since 2000, and the Presidency twice in the past 20 years, with a less than majority vote. The retain the Senate because the least populous states, have two Senators, because they've lost the popular vote for the Senate as well. That's why Republicans have raised gerrymandering to an art form, and worked viligantly to repress the "urban" vote.

How long can America continue to be governed by an ever shrinking white, rural minority? The biggest problem Republicans face is not the changing racial demographics, but the increasing urbanization of America. Urban voters, of all races, vote Democratic. Conservative areas become liberal as the villages grow into towns and the towns into cities.

The family farm is dying. Rural America is owned by corporate farmers, who neither live on the land and don't vote there. With land prices at record highs, foreign corporations are swooping in and buying up American farmland. A huge chunk of the farm subsidies that the Trump Administration is paying to soy bean farmers is going to companies headquartered outside the USA. Foreign owners don't vote. This reduces the conservative rural vote.

The amount of U.S. farmland held by foreign investors nearly doubled in a decade

It's really getting difficult for young farmers to go into farming, short of inheritance. Land and equipment prices are just too high, and unless your family owns multiple large farms, with houses and outbuildings, that you can move into, your chances of working and saving enough capital to buy farm properties which can cost $10,000 an acre, or more, together with a half million dollars worth of equipment to work it, are slim and none. Many farmers have no one in their family wanting to take over the farm. Corporations scoop up those lands, sell off or demolish the house, and the rural population declines again.

As a city dweller who from the leftest of the left wing ridings in Toronto, and who actually voted for Jack Layton, more than once, and has now moved to a riding so conservative that the Former Minister of Health in the Harper Government didn't even bother to show up to the all-candidates debate, and won in a landslide, I understand why rurals vote conservative. The poverty you see in small towns is truly because of laziness and/or addiction. We have them here. Rurals think all poor people are like the bums sitting around our town square, drugged out, slack jawed, and deeply tanned. City poverty is borne of workers who don't earn enough to buy themselves a good life.

The same kind of poverty that has afflicted for so long, is now afflicting small towns throughout America. That's why Americans have twice voted for radical change - the first time with Obama, and this time with Trump. The mid-western white production worker won't vote for Trump again. 40% of Americans are not participating in Trump's great economy. 80% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. Trump delivered tax cuts to the rich, crumbs to the rest. There are now 7 million job openings and 4 million people looking for work. High tech jobs are open, low skill jobs are scarce. Growth in production jobs is sluggish at best.

The country doesn't need more jobs. The illegal immigrants aren't stealing your jobs, there's more than enough to go around. The lie is being exposed. But more than 70,000 people a year are dying of drug abuse, and Trump has done almost nothing to stop it.

Your first sentence shows you are a low life lying troll. That’s as far as I got in your long winded post. Russians didn’t start showing up until 2014 and after, anyone with a brain knows Tips has been here long before that.l, lying Canadian troll.
---------------------------- who else would Evangelicals support . Well , there was no one else suitable in the Election that TRUMP won for President .
None of these other people were someone Evangelicals could support? 2016 Republican Party presidential candidates - Wikipedia

The GOP evangelicals made a choice; they chose power over their own faith aka they denied Jesus.

they will go to Hell for that

Here's the problem with your condemnation of our Evangelical Friends- you aren't a member of the evangelical Christian faith, so you have no cachet with them. It would be like me going to Mecca and telling the whirling dervishes that they aren't proper Muslims because they aren't on the corner selling incense and newsletters like "proper Muslims". I just don't have the standing to tell them that.

BTW, would you say the same about Democrat Evangelicals who chose power by voting for Hillary over their own faith?

I was raised in the SBC & then I went on to the COC later. Back in the day there was no 'bastardization' of Christianity by the GOP perverting 'faith' as a poster child for politics as there has been over the past 3 to 4 decades.

The GOP's use of Christianity for a political tool is IMO an unpardonable sin.

Those within the churches that played along with this usurpation of their own faith sold themselves to a political entity over their own other worldly treasure.
This is really the first President where religion has played a vocal role, that I remember anyway. A person's religion, including the President's, is a personal thing and except for JFK being a Catholic (which I was too young to recall, myself) I don't think a big group of any denomination has come out for this candidate or that, have they? At least not officially.

I don't blame the evangelicals as much as I blame their leadership.

The Moral Majority, under the leadership of Rev. Jerry Fallwell was the first right wing preacher to endorse a candidate for President - Ronald Reagan. Republicans made the evangelicals a LOT of promises abouts gay rights, abortion rights, and women's rights, all of which they promptly forgot about after he was elected. Reagan's election was due to a disparate coalition of factions, many of whom had competing interests, and some of whom had aligning interests.

Evangelicals have been voting Republicans, and encouraging their flocks to vote Republican ever since. With Trump, leaders sold him to their parishoners on the idea of conservative judges, and the checks and balances of a Republican House and Senate. As I previously posted, Trump is the ONLY President to actually deliver on his promises to evangelicals, so their support is truly cemented at this point.

But Trump was a much harder sell to evangelicals because of his obvious flaws, so they really sold this idea of "God's imperfect vessel" and "God wanted Donald Trump elected", which they are flogging for all it's worth right now.
---------------------------- who else would Evangelicals support . Well , there was no one else suitable in the Election that TRUMP won for President .
None of these other people were someone Evangelicals could support? 2016 Republican Party presidential candidates - Wikipedia

The GOP evangelicals made a choice; they chose power over their own faith aka they denied Jesus.

they will go to Hell for that

Here's the problem with your condemnation of our Evangelical Friends- you aren't a member of the evangelical Christian faith, so you have no cachet with them. It would be like me going to Mecca and telling the whirling dervishes that they aren't proper Muslims because they aren't on the corner selling incense and newsletters like "proper Muslims". I just don't have the standing to tell them that.

BTW, would you say the same about Democrat Evangelicals who chose power by voting for Hillary over their own faith?

I was raised in the SBC & then I went on to the COC later. Back in the day there was no 'bastardization' of Christianity by the GOP perverting 'faith' as a poster child for politics as there has been over the past 3 to 4 decades.

The GOP's use of Christianity for a political tool is IMO an unpardonable sin.

Those within the churches that played along with this usurpation of their own faith sold themselves to a political entity over their own other worldly treasure.

They're called "dominionist's". The true enemy of America.

Dominionists are the American version of ISIS.

And should be treated as such.
The Last Temptation - The Atlantic - Pocket

One of the most extraordinary things about our current politics—really, one of the most extraordinary developments of recent political history—is the loyal adherence of religious conservatives to Donald Trump. The president won four-fifths of the votes of white evangelical Christians. This was a higher level of support than either Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush, an outspoken evangelical himself, ever received.

Trump’s background and beliefs could hardly be more incompatible with traditional Christian models of life and leadership. Trump’s past political stances (he once supported the right to partial-birth abortion), his character (he has bragged about sexually assaulting women), and even his language (he introduced the words pussy and shithole into presidential discourse) would more naturally lead religious conservatives toward exorcism than alliance. This is a man who has cruelly publicized his infidelities, made disturbing sexual comments about his elder daughter, and boasted about the size of his penis on the debate stage. His lawyer reportedly arranged a $130,000 payment to a porn star to dissuade her from disclosing an alleged affair. Yet religious conservatives who once blanched at PG-13 public standards now yawn at such NC-17 maneuvers. We are a long way from The Book of Virtues.

In January, following reports that Trump had referred to Haiti and African nations as “shithole countries,” Pastor Robert Jeffress came quickly to his defense. “Apart from the vocabulary attributed to him,” Jeffress wrote, “President Trump is right on target in his sentiment.” After reports emerged that Trump’s lawyer paid hush money to the porn star Stormy Daniels to cover up their alleged sexual encounter, Graham vouched for Trump’s “concern for Christian values.” Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, argued that Trump should be given a “mulligan” for his past infidelity. One can only imagine the explosion of outrage if President Barack Obama had been credibly accused of similar offenses.

The moral convictions of many evangelical leaders have become a function of their partisan identification. This is not mere gullibility; it is utter corruption. Blinded by political tribalism and hatred for their political opponents, these leaders can’t see how they are undermining the causes to which they once dedicated their lives. Little remains of a distinctly Christian public witness.


The GOP, the party that claimed Jesus for themselves & for a nation, have now ultimately defiled Christianity & Jesus, relegating their claimed 'savior' to nothing more than a political tool in their efforts to attain & retain political power.

And Jesus said to the evangelicals, "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

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