The Last Temptation - How American Evangelicals Sold Their Collective Souls For Politics

Question in point: Who else would the Evangelicals support?
Who else of all those GOP candidates in 2016, you mean? Remember that it's those people who had all those choices.....and chose fat donnie.
--------------------------------------- all the other choices were terrible choices when compared to the American TRUMP Bode .
And tell us what was terrible about each and every one of them.
----------------------------------------------- TRUMP is an American in comparison to all the others . Especially the 'mexican' jebito bush' who was the worse / worst of them all Bode .

Donald Trump is an American original, the real deal, totally 100% authentic and people can see it.

You might not like Americans, but Trump is just not ashamed in any way about his American heritage or the fact that he is a Billionaire.
Question in point: Who else would the Evangelicals support?
Who else of all those GOP candidates in 2016, you mean? Remember that it's those people who had all those choices.....and chose fat donnie.
--------------------------------------- all the other choices were terrible choices when compared to the American TRUMP Bode .
And tell us what was terrible about each and every one of them.

What makes you think that if the Republican National Convention had chosen any of the other 16 candidates, they wouldn't have been attacked just as viciously by the Libs? Remember, both McCain and Romney were portrayed as Literally Hitler in the previous 2 elections, and George W. Bush was called "Chimpus Khan", condemned as a war criminal who the libs promised to send off to The Hague for war crimes.
We will never know, will we? Because hypocritical CRCs chose "grab 'em by the pussy" donnie. This was YOUR one else's.
Question in point: Who else would the Evangelicals support?
Who else of all those GOP candidates in 2016, you mean? Remember that it's those people who had all those choices.....and chose fat donnie.
--------------------------------------- all the other choices were terrible choices when compared to the American TRUMP Bode .
And tell us what was terrible about each and every one of them.
----------------------------------------------- TRUMP is an American in comparison to all the others . Especially the 'mexican' jebito bush' who was the worse / worst of them all Bode .

Donald Trump is an American original, the real deal, totally 100% authentic and people can see it.

You might not like Americans, but Trump is just not ashamed in any way about his American heritage or the fact that he is a Billionaire.
We know that CRCs aren't ashamed. They don't feel shame. It ties in with the sociopathic behavior.
Question in point: Who else would the Evangelicals support?
Who else of all those GOP candidates in 2016, you mean? Remember that it's those people who had all those choices.....and chose fat donnie.
--------------------------------------- all the other choices were terrible choices when compared to the American TRUMP Bode .
And tell us what was terrible about each and every one of them.

What makes you think that if the Republican National Convention had chosen any of the other 16 candidates, they wouldn't have been attacked just as viciously by the Libs? Remember, both McCain and Romney were portrayed as Literally Hitler in the previous 2 elections, and George W. Bush was called "Chimpus Khan", condemned as a war criminal who the libs promised to send off to The Hague for war crimes.
We will never know, will we? Because hypocritical CRCs chose "grab 'em by the pussy" donnie. This was YOUR one else's.

Do yourself a favor...grab that encyclopedia and search for a shiny new acronym that gets you all have run your favorite into the fucking ground. You sound like a fool every time you use it.
You’re welcome.
Who else of all those GOP candidates in 2016, you mean? Remember that it's those people who had all those choices.....and chose fat donnie.
--------------------------------------- all the other choices were terrible choices when compared to the American TRUMP Bode .
And tell us what was terrible about each and every one of them.
----------------------------------------------- TRUMP is an American in comparison to all the others . Especially the 'mexican' jebito bush' who was the worse / worst of them all Bode .

Donald Trump is an American original, the real deal, totally 100% authentic and people can see it.

You might not like Americans, but Trump is just not ashamed in any way about his American heritage or the fact that he is a Billionaire.
We know that CRCs aren't ashamed. They don't feel shame. It ties in with the sociopathic behavior.
----------------------------------------- aw haw GO TRUMP [chuckle]
Question in point: Who else would the Evangelicals support?
Who else of all those GOP candidates in 2016, you mean? Remember that it's those people who had all those choices.....and chose fat donnie.
--------------------------------------- all the other choices were terrible choices when compared to the American TRUMP Bode .
And tell us what was terrible about each and every one of them.

What makes you think that if the Republican National Convention had chosen any of the other 16 candidates, they wouldn't have been attacked just as viciously by the Libs? Remember, both McCain and Romney were portrayed as Literally Hitler in the previous 2 elections, and George W. Bush was called "Chimpus Khan", condemned as a war criminal who the libs promised to send off to The Hague for war crimes.
We will never know, will we? Because hypocritical CRCs chose "grab 'em by the pussy" donnie. This was YOUR one else's.

Wasn't my choice at all, I wasn't a delegate at the Convention.

Further the "pussy grabbing " accusation came AFTER the convention, and its absolutely certain than any of the others would have faced equal if not greater attacks.
Well, it was a real good OP anyway.

Haha...they’re always fun until the sane people show up...huh?
Without real effort, just about every interesting thread here is ruined by page 4 or 5 by the same partisan and personal insults. You can almost cut and paste them from one to another.
I keep my eye on the New Topics in hopes of getting in a little actual conversation before the whole idea is lost.
Well, it was a real good OP anyway.

Haha...they’re always fun until the sane people show up...huh?
Without real effort, just about every interesting thread here is ruined by page 4 or 5 by the same partisan and personal insults. You can almost cut and paste them from one to another.
I keep my eye on the New Topics in hopes of getting in a little actual conversation before the whole idea is lost.

I’m surprised that you were so entertained by a thread such as this one. The premise is quite clear.
“We really wish that conservatives would get back to thumping their Bibles and ignoring us disgusting degenerates while we run a muck and transform their nation into the shithole we seek.”
Well, it was a real good OP anyway.

Haha...they’re always fun until the sane people show up...huh?
Without real effort, just about every interesting thread here is ruined by page 4 or 5 by the same partisan and personal insults. You can almost cut and paste them from one to another.
I keep my eye on the New Topics in hopes of getting in a little actual conversation before the whole idea is lost.
---------------------------------------------- well OldLady , why the hate for TRUMP , what has he done that is bad for the USA . He is the same as other Presidents except that he seems to be an America First American Nationalist that wants illegal alien third world invasion to end And to have best , strongest Military in the world OldLady .
Who else of all those GOP candidates in 2016, you mean? Remember that it's those people who had all those choices.....and chose fat donnie.
--------------------------------------- all the other choices were terrible choices when compared to the American TRUMP Bode .
And tell us what was terrible about each and every one of them.

What makes you think that if the Republican National Convention had chosen any of the other 16 candidates, they wouldn't have been attacked just as viciously by the Libs? Remember, both McCain and Romney were portrayed as Literally Hitler in the previous 2 elections, and George W. Bush was called "Chimpus Khan", condemned as a war criminal who the libs promised to send off to The Hague for war crimes.
We will never know, will we? Because hypocritical CRCs chose "grab 'em by the pussy" donnie. This was YOUR one else's.

Do yourself a favor...grab that encyclopedia and search for a shiny new acronym that gets you all have run your favorite into the fucking ground. You sound like a fool every time you use it.
You’re welcome.
CRC (con-servative republican christian).....what's not to like.
Great question but they certainly are NOT supporting the teachings of Jesus & the gospel by supporting the politics of greed, hate, and deception.

Politics should be free from religion & vice versa.

Maybe evangelicals should just stick to supporting Jesus?

Are you saying that your Christianity forbids you to vote?

---------------------------- who else would Evangelicals support . Well , there was no one else suitable in the Election that TRUMP won for President .
None of these other people were someone Evangelicals could support? 2016 Republican Party presidential candidates - Wikipedia

I think if they Republicans had decided to nominate them, sure.

But the idea of the primary process is to nominate a WINNING candidate who can assume office and RULE over the land.

The other 2016 candidates were, with all due respect, Losers.

Most were the same sort of Halfacrats we've been putting up with for 30 years.
Question in point: Who else would the Evangelicals support?

Great question but they certainly are NOT supporting the teachings of Jesus & the gospel by supporting the politics of greed, hate, and deception.

Politics should be free from religion & vice versa.

Maybe evangelicals should just stick to supporting Jesus?
--------------------------- who ever EVANGELICALS support is their business and their business alone Caddo [in this Secular and Free Nation] .

Yes; politics in the US should be free from religion (secular) but as we all know a certain demographic that claims to be religious has perverted secular politics in the US.

To be fair, who should the Evangelicals have picked? I couldn’t in good conscience vote for Trump or Clinton. When you choices are evil or evil the choices are limited.

Even with that attitude, to allow the greater evil is plain silly.
Question in point: Who else would the Evangelicals support?
Who else of all those GOP candidates in 2016, you mean? Remember that it's those people who had all those choices.....and chose fat donnie.

Yes, and not a one of them measured up.
I guess it all depends on what CRCs were looking to measure....."grabbing by the pussy"...none other measure up to donnie. Denigrating POWs....none other measure up to donnie. Threatens to lock up his Democrat opponent?...none measure up to donnie. Calls Mexicans rapists and murderers....none measure up to donnie. Talks about how big his dick is in a debate...none measure up to donnie. Sure....."not a one of them measured up." :71:

YOUR choice.
Question in point: Who else would the Evangelicals support?

Great question but they certainly are NOT supporting the teachings of Jesus & the gospel by supporting the politics of greed, hate, and deception.

Politics should be free from religion & vice versa.

Maybe evangelicals should just stick to supporting Jesus?
--------------------------- who ever EVANGELICALS support is their business and their business alone Caddo [in this Secular and Free Nation] .

Yes; politics in the US should be free from religion (secular) but as we all know a certain demographic that claims to be religious has perverted secular politics in the US.

To be fair, who should the Evangelicals have picked? I couldn’t in good conscience vote for Trump or Clinton. When you choices are evil or evil the choices are limited.

Even with that attitude, to allow the greater evil is plain silly.
And yet, given all the GOP choices, that's exactly what CRCs chose.
Who else of all those GOP candidates in 2016, you mean? Remember that it's those people who had all those choices.....and chose fat donnie.
--------------------------------------- all the other choices were terrible choices when compared to the American TRUMP Bode .
And tell us what was terrible about each and every one of them.
----------------------------------------------- TRUMP is an American in comparison to all the others . Especially the 'mexican' jebito bush' who was the worse / worst of them all Bode .

Donald Trump is an American original, the real deal, totally 100% authentic and people can see it.

You might not like Americans, but Trump is just not ashamed in any way about his American heritage or the fact that he is a Billionaire.
We know that CRCs aren't ashamed. They don't feel shame. It ties in with the sociopathic behavior.
----------------------- and YES , 'whats her name' is pretty silly in her 'grab em by the puzzy' and her repeating of the same silly insult and in repeating her silly insult ALL THE TIME . Its funny OldLdy .
The Last Temptation - The Atlantic - Pocket

One of the most extraordinary things about our current politics—really, one of the most extraordinary developments of recent political history—is the loyal adherence of religious conservatives to Donald Trump. The president won four-fifths of the votes of white evangelical Christians. This was a higher level of support than either Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush, an outspoken evangelical himself, ever received.

Trump’s background and beliefs could hardly be more incompatible with traditional Christian models of life and leadership. Trump’s past political stances (he once supported the right to partial-birth abortion), his character (he has bragged about sexually assaulting women), and even his language (he introduced the words pussy and shithole into presidential discourse) would more naturally lead religious conservatives toward exorcism than alliance. This is a man who has cruelly publicized his infidelities, made disturbing sexual comments about his elder daughter, and boasted about the size of his penis on the debate stage. His lawyer reportedly arranged a $130,000 payment to a porn star to dissuade her from disclosing an alleged affair. Yet religious conservatives who once blanched at PG-13 public standards now yawn at such NC-17 maneuvers. We are a long way from The Book of Virtues.

In January, following reports that Trump had referred to Haiti and African nations as “shithole countries,” Pastor Robert Jeffress came quickly to his defense. “Apart from the vocabulary attributed to him,” Jeffress wrote, “President Trump is right on target in his sentiment.” After reports emerged that Trump’s lawyer paid hush money to the porn star Stormy Daniels to cover up their alleged sexual encounter, Graham vouched for Trump’s “concern for Christian values.” Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, argued that Trump should be given a “mulligan” for his past infidelity. One can only imagine the explosion of outrage if President Barack Obama had been credibly accused of similar offenses.

The moral convictions of many evangelical leaders have become a function of their partisan identification. This is not mere gullibility; it is utter corruption. Blinded by political tribalism and hatred for their political opponents, these leaders can’t see how they are undermining the causes to which they once dedicated their lives. Little remains of a distinctly Christian public witness.


The GOP, the party that claimed Jesus for themselves & for a nation, have now ultimately defiled Christianity & Jesus, relegating their claimed 'savior' to nothing more than a political tool in their efforts to attain & retain political power.

And Jesus said to the evangelicals, "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

The same people who whine that Christians support politicians that the whiners do not like would scream bloody murder and poop themselves if the same Christians demanded that every politician be vetted by the church before receiving any support from the Christians.

It is amusing to see non-Christians trying to tell Christians for whom they should vote.

Did you bother reading the article? It says much more about those that claim to be Christian in America, and how these people have used the concepts of 'religion' and 'Christianity' to manipulate & use others for political gain.
That is about as shameful as it gets, IMO. 'Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing' certainly comes to mind.

I see those as well as those who use Christianity as a weapon against people of faith. God is bigger than politics.

They're called dominionists. The Christian version of ISIS.

Under Trump, Christian nationalists are playing to win

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