The last time...

The way you are planning it? Fuck yes.

CO2 levels are constantly changing, maybe if we raise them enough we can miss the next ice age, which would fuck us up far more than a few inches of ocean level increase.
What is causing the current rapid change marty?

The next Ice Age is a reason to push CO2 levels higher now?
I disagree. By making it a partisan issue, the fossil fuel industry has tapped into the bitter hatred conservatives hold in heaping handfuls. By pointing this out and by demonstrating the blatant dishonesty, greed, closed-mindedness, ignorance and utter lack of compassion displayed by the conservative stance, the left wing will gain votes in democracies.

Most folks see how elite liberal actors, TEE VEE news show hosts and newscasters, liberal billionaires & politicians live, and then, see their lip-service, and tend not to take the whole thing very seriously at all. . .

This girl's antics? Probably produce more CO2 than nearly everyone on this board.


The whole topic is a lark, that no one with any sense, takes the folks shilling it, very seriously at all.
Burning carbon fuckup. have that way with words that only a social education can provide.
Have you seen Exxon's 1970's study regarding it?
no, in your own words why don't you tell us all about it? and don't leave anything out...[in the 1970's we were too busy fighting off the next ice age caused by industrial pollution supposedly created by Exxon]
Are you still trying to protect petroleum profits with your denial?
I haven't even mentioned them, [only you have] but what does it matter? if climate change isn't about the money then the profits have no need for protection.
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Most folks see how elite liberal actors, TEE VEE news show hosts and newscasters, liberal billionaires & politicians live, and then, see their lip-service, and tend not to take the whole thing very seriously at all. . .

This girl's antics? Probably produce more CO2 than nearly everyone on this board.
View attachment 778029
View attachment 778033

The whole topic is a lark, that no one with any sense, takes the folks shilling it, very seriously at all.
Can you post the past 5 years of profits by Exxon?
You're posting like a blithering idiot again. Have a nice day contributing to the CO2 levels, chump.
I'm waiting for you to announce that you will share all your climate alternative facts with a scientific organization so they can change their view on AGW.

When can we expect that to happen?
Our climate had CO2 levels this high.

What Earth was like last time CO2 levels were so crazily high

And here I thought the QOP only wanted to return to the 1920's
You are confused Moon Bat, and kinda stupid.

The level it is at now is not "crazy high" by any stretch of the imagination.

What is crazy high is when it was 5000 PPM and plant and animal life had the biggest growth spurt in the history of the earth.

What we have now is nothing. All it does is fuel Environmental Wacko stupidity.
You are confused Moon Bat, and kinda stupid.

The level it is at now is not "crazy high" by any stretch of the imagination.

What is crazy high is when it was 5000 PPM and plant and animal life had the biggest growth spurt in the history of the earth.

What we have now is nothing. All it does is fuel Environmental Wacko stupidity.
So, 500 million years ago?

Does you christian god even put the earth that old?
Sure, when you post what percent of CO2 is produced by humans, and what percent is produced by nature.
Prior to the Industrial Revolution, CO2 was effectively stable for well over a million years, being produced and consumed and sequestered and released at equivalent rates. So, what do you mean "produced by nature"?
For sure, but she is intended as a defense shield when arguments like these arise...point out any defect no matter how obvious and you are attacking her...much like "tax cuts are racist" [any valid argument for tax cuts means you are attacking people of color] just keep reminding the CC crowd of how much smarter she is than the rest of them.

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