The last time...

Considering there is no way to currently charge a battery as fast as filling a gas tank, and putting a charging station at every street parking spot would take much longer than the 2035 deadline it's basically saying only certain people will have cars, and thus freedom of movement without using government provided transport.

ICE vehicles are freedom of assembly, of travel, and of choice to move where you want, when you want. THAT is what you leftist fucks want to get rid of.

HAHAHAHAHAHAaaaa.... yeah, that's what the founders meant. Good grief, dude, give us a fucking break. Have you made the same argument about speed limits? About CAFE mileage standards? About seat belts?

Forcing a shift away from ICE vehicles is not a violation of anyone's freedoms. And do keep in mind no one is granted the freedom to make choices that take the freedoms of others away. You do not have a right to harm the world everyone else lives in.
HAHAHAHAHAHAaaaa.... yeah, that's what the founders meant. Good grief, dude, give us a fucking break. Have you made the same argument about speed limits? About CAFE mileage standards? About seat belts?

Forcing a shift away from ICE vehicles is not a violation of anyone's freedoms. And do keep in mind no one is granted the freedom to make choices that take the freedoms of others away. You do not have a right to harm the world everyone else lives in.

CAFE standards are trying to do the same thing, just through the back door.

It's a violation of the freedoms we find inherent in this country. Nice of you to use the word "force" you fascist fucktard.

Speed limits and seat belts don't remove the option from people. Nice argument dipshit.

The "harm" you reference is the usual potential unmeasurable harm authoritarian AGW idiots like you use to scare people into giving up their standard of living and their freedoms.

You first, fuckwit.
CAFE standards are trying to do the same thing, just through the back door.
CAFE standards are an effort by the government to conserve a finite resource used by everyone.
It's a violation of the freedoms we find inherent in this country. Nice of you to use the word "force" you fascist fucktard.
You have yet to name a Constitutionally protected freedom. You tried Freedom to Assemble and/or Freedom to Travel and if I can keep myself from laughing out loud, we can discuss those, but you seem to have moved on.
Speed limits and seat belts don't remove the option from people. Nice argument dipshit.
Neither does forcing you to switch from an ICE vehicle to an EV. Complete failure, dude.
The "harm" you reference is the usual potential unmeasurable harm authoritarian AGW idiots like you use to scare people into giving up their standard of living and their freedoms.

You first, fuckwit.
Me first at what? It is you that claimed "The agreement [Paris Climate Accords] sets targets, to get to those targets the proles have to accept less freedom, a depressed standard of living, and more government" and that that it is a "trojan horse for socialism or worse". But you have failed to demonstrate any protected freedom impacted by global warming mitigation measures or how such measures would advance socialism or worse.

If you'd like to discuss the harms that global warming has already caused and will cause in an unchecked future, I'd be happy to oblige.
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CAFE standards are an effort by the government to conserve a finite resource used by everyone.

You have yet to name a Constitutionally protected freedom. You tried Freedom to Assemble and/or Freedom to Travel and if I can keep myself from laughing out loud, we can discuss those, but you seem to have moved on.

Neither does forcing to you switch from an ICE vehicle to an EV. Complete failure, dude.

Me first at what? It is you that claimed "The agreement [Paris Climate Accords] sets targets, to get to those targets the proles have to accept less freedom, a depressed standard of living, and more government" and that that it is a "trojan horse for socialism or worse". But you have failed to demonstrate any protected freedom impacted by global warming mitigation measures or how such measures would advance socialism or worse.

If you'd like to discuss the harms that global warming has already caused and will cause in an unchecked future, I'd be happy to oblige.

CAFE standards are a shadow ban designed to go around the free market by forcing the manufacturers ignore demand.

Again with the word force, because of made up reasons. Fascist gonna Fascist.

Go live in a hole and embrace your luddite carbon free lifestyle.

All of which can be explained away as normal variations in our weather patterns.
CAFE standards are a shadow ban designed to go around the free market by forcing the manufacturers ignore demand.
You can buy yourself a street-legal car right now with over a thousand horsepower ICE. You can get a 4 wheel drive vehicle that will damn near go up a straight wall and will not fit in any residental garage in the country. I don't know what demand you think is being ignored. And, of course, you seem to by trying to ignore the demand for non-emitting vehicles. No one is yet buying EVs because they have no ICE alternatives. Yet people are buying them, by the thousands.
Again with the word force, because of made up reasons. Fascist gonna Fascist.
The reasons are not made up. They are based on an enormous amount of valid science.
Go live in a hole and embrace your luddite carbon free lifestyle.
I find it amusing that someone doing their best to stop technological progress would invoke Luddism as an insult.
All of which can be explained away as normal variations in our weather patterns.
No, it cannot.
You can buy yourself a street-legal car right now with over a thousand horsepower ICE. You can get a 4 wheel drive vehicle that will damn near go up a straight wall and will not fit in any residental garage in the country. I don't know what demand you think is being ignored. And, of course, you seem to by trying to ignore the demand for non-emitting vehicles. No one is yet buying EVs because they have no ICE alternatives. Yet people are buying them, by the thousands.

The reasons are not made up. They are based on an enormous amount of valid science.

I find it amusing that someone doing their best to stop technological progress would invoke Luddism as an insult.

No, it cannot.

And manufacturers will stop making them as CAFE standards force them to. Bye bye free market.

"science" tainted with marxism.

What progress? To meet your so called goals most people will have to give up their technology. Only the rich and pampered will be able to keep it.
Our climate had CO2 levels this high.

What Earth was like last time CO2 levels were so crazily high

And here I thought the QOP only wanted to return to the 1920's
The man made global warming malarkey keeps morphing, I think it's now upto, "Speed of co2 increase".

You can worry about levels of co2, the speed of it etc.. I ain't bothered, it's still very low. There's no universal law to decide what level it can or can't be and how quickly it gets there or doesn't.

Just read up on the earth's co2 levels over the hundreds of millions of years, what animals were about and how high sea levels were. Once alarmists do this, but if they're still anxious, they should practice what they preach, stop producing co2, stop creating demand by buying products that caused co2 to be released when manufactured.

But hey, jump onto the co2 social bandwagon and preach to others -

People have things more on their personal purview that are more difficult to deal with and that they are avoiding and generally that the way they avoid them is by adopting pseudo moralistic stances on large scale social issues that it makes them look good to your friends and neighbours

- Jordan Peterson
The man made global warming malarkey keeps morphing, I think it's now upto, "Speed of co2 increase".

You can worry about levels of co2, the speed of it etc.. I ain't bothered, it's still very low. There's no universal law to decide what level it can or can't be and how quickly it gets there or doesn't.

Just read up on the earth's co2 levels over the hundreds of millions of years, what animals were about and how high sea levels were. Once alarmists do this, but if they're still anxious, they should practice what they preach, stop producing co2, stop creating demand by buying products that caused co2 to be released when manufactured.

But hey, jump onto the co2 social bandwagon and preach to others -

People have things more on their personal purview that are more difficult to deal with and that they are avoiding and generally that the way they avoid them is by adopting pseudo moralistic stances on large scale social issues that it makes them look good to your friends and neighbours

- Jordan Peterson
Still no scientific organization which backs the denialism position of do nothing.
LOL, not that old, but old enough to realize the AGW thing is a Trojan horse for socialism or worse.
Socialism created AGW instead of humans burning oil?

Again, don't speak with anyone under 35 about your political stance on it.
So, you're all for killing them, by banning DDT?

Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy?
I'm not going to support a product that further harms the environment when better alternatives are available.

Just like transitioning from dirty planet choking oil to clean sources.
Mankind is not the primary driver of climate change, buffoon. It’s been happening long before we were burning fossil fuels and will continue long after we’ve stopped.
Okay fuckup, what is the driver of our current warming?
Socialism has an excuse to get its way because of AGW, or the belief in it by people like you.
AGW causes socialism?

What about national socialism? Does it cause that too?

Hilarious marty
There is no single driver.
It's the natural climate cycle that's been happening forever, dipshit.
No driver of CO2 levels to a 3 million year high?


And one wonders why no scientific organization backs your idiotic denial view.

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