The last time...

Sure, when you post what Percent of CO2 is produced by humans, and what Percent is produced by Nature.

Climate Myth...​

Human CO2 is a tiny % of CO2 emissions
“The oceans contain 37,400 billion tons (GT) of suspended carbon, land biomass has 2000-3000 GT. The atpmosphere contains 720 billion tons of CO2 and humans contribute only 6 GT additional load on this balance. The oceans, land and atpmosphere exchange CO2 continuously so the additional load by humans is incredibly small. A small shift in the balance between oceans and air would cause a CO2 much more severe rise than anything we could produce.”

Before the industrial revolution, the CO2 content in the air remained quite steady for thousands of years. Natural CO2 is not static, however. It is generated by natural processes, and absorbed by others.

As you can see in Figure 1, natural land and ocean carbon remains roughly in balance and have done so for a long time – and we know this because we can measure historic levels of CO2 in the atmosphere both directly (in ice cores) and indirectly (through proxies).


Figure 1: Global carbon cycle. Numbers represent flux of carbon dioxide in gigatons (Source: Figure 7.3, IPCC AR4).

But consider what happens when more CO2 is released from outside of the natural carbon cycle – by burning fossil fuels. Although our output of 29 gigatons of CO2 is tiny compared to the 750 gigatons moving through the carbon cycle each year, it adds up because the land and ocean cannot absorb all of the extra CO2.
About 60% of this additional CO2 is absorbed. The rest remains in the atmosphere, and as a consequence, atmospheric CO2 is at its highest level in 15 to 20 million years (Tripati et al. 2009).
(A natural change of 100ppm normally takes 5,000 to 20,000 years. The recent increase of 100ppm has taken just 120 years). [Paragraph updated July 2022, to correct information on % of additional CO2 that is absorbed.]

Human CO2 emissions upset the natural balance of the carbon cycle. Man-made CO2 in the atmosphere has increased by a Third (abu, now 50%) since the pre-industrial era, creating an artificial forcing of global temperatures which is warming the planet. While fossil-fuel derived CO2 is a very small component of the global carbon cycle, the extra CO2 is cumulative because the natural carbon exchange cannot absorb all the additional CO2.

The level of atmospheric CO2 is building up, the additional CO2 is being produced by burning fossil fuels, and that build up is accelerating.

Trash Moderator MisterBananaPeale was 100% Answered/STUFFED by me, so he had to leave a funny instead of a Thanks.
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You are confused Moon Bat, and kinda stupid.

The level it is at now is not "crazy high" by any stretch of the imagination.

What is crazy high is when it was 5000 PPM and plant and animal life had the biggest growth spurt in the history of the earth.

What we have now is nothing. All it does is fuel Environmental Wacko stupidity.
The last time CO2 hit 400 PPM (Pliocene) sea level was 40'-80' higher.
We're just waiting for the Lag in Ocean Temp to catch up.

Once you get significantly above that, your in full melt mode.
No Ice Polls... 230' Higher Sea Level.
I'm waiting for you to announce that you will share all your climate alternative facts with a scientific organization so they can change their view on AGW.
I’ll take “How to keep a fool in suspense” for 50, Alex.
Also, “How to make an idiot post a thumbs-down” for 150.
When can we expect that to happen?
As soon as you show some form of deductive reasoning skills and/or critical, logic-based thought.
IOW, never.
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Sure, when you post what percent of CO2 is produced by humans, and what percent is produced by nature.

Simple question, it only requires, a one sentence answer. . . :deal:

What percent of the CO2 in today's atmosphere is produced the humans' industry, autos, jets, and other activity, and what percent is due to nature. . . ????


Trash Moderator MisterBananaPeale was 100% Answered/STUFFED by me, so he had to leave a funny instead of a Thanks.

Simple question, it only requires, a one sentence answer. . . :deal:

What percent of the CO2 in today's atmosphere is produced the humans' industry, autos, jets, and other activity, and what percent is due to nature. . . ????


Roughly 50% of the CO2 in today's atmosphere was produced by humans. Since the Industrial Revolution, humans have produced significantly more CO2 than that amount because much of it gets absorbed by the oceans. The original level in the atmosphere prior to the industrial combustion of fossil fuels was 280 ppm.

My question "What do you mean produced by nature?" would include wondering whether or not you would include CO2 coming out of solution from our warming oceans, CO2 absorbed by the planet's flora, CO2 produced by faunal respiration, CO2 released by volcanism, CO2 sequestered by molluscs and corals, CO2 released by coral and shells being dissolved by acidifying ocean water, etc, etc, etc. Is it NOT a simple question and if you actually want an answer, you need to clarify what you're asking.
Simple question, it only requires, a one sentence answer. . . :deal:

What percent of the CO2 in today's atmosphere is produced the humans' industry, autos, jets, and other activity, and what percent is due to nature. . . ????


you can do any further math you want.

"....Although our output of 29 gigatons of CO2 is tiny compared to the 750 gigatons moving through the carbon cycle each year, it adds up because the land and ocean cannot absorb all of the extra CO2.
About 60% of this additional CO2 is absorbed. The rest remains in the atmosphere.."

Roughly 50% of the CO2 in today's atmosphere was produced by humans.

Interesting, just five years ago, I saw estimates of between 5 to 3 percent. Holy shit, it sure did jump. Then? All sources to try to find that figure? Just sort of got scrubbed from the internets. . .



Interesting, just five years ago, I saw estimates of between 5 to 3 percent. Holy shit, it sure did jump. Then? All sources to try to find that figure? Just sort of got scrubbed from the internets. . .
I have no idea what estimates you're talking about. Here is a link showing the growth of atmospheric CO2 since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Evaluation both by isotopic analysis (which can distinguish CO2 produced from the combustion of fossil fuel) and simple bookkeeping (tallying up how much coal and oil have been burned and calculating how much CO2 that would produce) both show that virtually every molecule of increase you see here is due to human activity. These data have not changed since such record keeping began and so I simply do not believe five years ago, ANY source would have said 3-5%. In 2018, atmospheric levels were at ~408 ppm. At that point, humans were responsible for 31.4% of the CO2 in the atmosphere.


Sure, when you post what percent of CO2 is produced by humans, and what percent is produced by nature.
Sure, prior to the industrial revolution CO2 in our atmosphere was around 280ppm. It currently stands at about 422ppm.

It’s funny watching these MMGW wingnuts flail about, trying to justify mandating their dogma upon those who aren’t afraid of the temperature rising by minuscule amounts over decades.
It’s funny watching these MMGW wingnuts flail about, trying to justify mandating their dogma upon those who aren’t afraid of the temperature rising by minuscule amounts over decades.
Who is it you see flailing?
HAHAHAHAHAHAaaaa.... yeah, that's what the founders meant. Good grief, dude, give us a fucking break. Have you made the same argument about speed limits? About CAFE mileage standards? About seat belts?

Forcing a shift away from ICE vehicles is not a violation of anyone's freedoms. And do keep in mind no one is granted the freedom to make choices that take the freedoms of others away. You do not have a right to harm the world everyone else lives in.

About CAFE mileage standards?

CAFE standards........rules worth dying for.

Forcing a shift away from ICE vehicles is not a violation of anyone's freedoms.

I've discovered the flaw in your claim.
I have no idea what estimates you're talking about.
All of the stuff, that you and Abu, constantly post, comes out of the IPCC. This is a political body, pushing a global government agenda. This is funded by NGOs, and billionaire foundations, the same goons that lied to us, primarily about the, "pandemic," which, most of that, is now being seen for what it is, garbage.


". . . No matter which set of data you use, the IPCC data shows that manmade CO2 output levels are ~3%. How do you figure this out? The 2001 data shows the total amount of CO2 going into the atmosphere (119 + 88 + 6.3 = 213.3) and the human portion as 6.3. Divide 6.3 by 213.3 and you get 2.95%.

The 2007 data shows the total amount of CO2 going into the atmosphere (29 + 439 + 332 = 800) and the human portion as 29. Divide 29 by 800 and you get 3.63%.

Manmade CO2: 3% of 3% of 0.1%

So here’s the bottom line. According to the IPCC’s own data, manmade CO2 output levels are 3% of 3% of 0.1% of the total Earth’s atmosphere. That’s 0.000009%! That’s 9 millionths.

CO2 is measured in ppm (parts per million) because it is such a tiny and insignificant gas, yet somehow, the propaganda has been so successful that is has sprouted into what some state is a US$1.5 trillion industry.. . ."


Manmade CO2: A Massive Diversion

". . . The idea that manmade CO2 output levels is a big problem, in the scheme of all of Earth’s eco problems, is a giant hoax. It diverts environmentalists’ attention away from the true issues that need addressing. Does it make any logical sense to spend so much money, energy and attention on 0.000009% of CO2, when there are very palpable, tangible and dangerous threats to our environment?

What about geoengineering, the aerial chemtrail spraying of barium, aluminum and strontium all over us, and the flora and fauna of the Earth? What about the release of synthetic self-aware fibers that cause Morgellons’ Disease, in line with the NWO synthetic agenda? What about unstoppable environmental genetic pollution caused by the release of GMOs?

What about the contamination of waterways with industrial chemicals, pesticides like glyphosate and atrazine, poisons like dioxin and DDT, heavy metals and pharmaceutical residues? Why are people wasting their energy on 3% of 3% of 0.1% when we have real MASSIVE ENVIRONMENTAL issues facing us as a species?

Respected theoretical physicist Freeman Dyson said:

“The possibly harmful climatic effects of carbon dioxide have been greatly exaggerated … the benefits clearly outweigh the possible damage.”


Source: Peer-Reviewed research

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