The last two republican presidents the worst in American history. Pitiful, just pitiful.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Remember when everyone became so angry at George Bush once they discovered we had been lied into Iraq?
Then he let bin Laden go and shut down the CIA division that was tasked with finding bin Laden.
Then Bush and the Republicans led the country and the world into the worst economic collapse since the depression.
George Bush is so despised that heā€™s afraid to leave the country and go overseas because heā€™s afraid heā€™ll be arrested for war crimes.

Next was President Barack Obama who led the country out of the great recession and took down bin Laden. Both of which Republicans tried to take credit for.

And now we have President Trump. A ConMan who doesnā€™t pay his workers. Whoā€™s foundation was shut down because it was discovered to be a criminal organization. An unindicted co-conspirator in multiple felonies.
A man who is isolated America from all his friends. Who is working to bring down the government. Who seems to have closer ties to Russia, Vladimir Putin, and North Korea then he does to the American people. Who is an enemy of the US Constitution. And who is calling people who are doing their constitutionally mandated job as public servants traitors.

If Trump doesnā€™t destroy the US government and Republicans donā€™t make this an authoritarian plutocracy, Trump will have the same problem leaving the country that George W. Bush has. He might be arrested.

My question is will this country manage to stay a democracy after what Trump and the Republicans are doing to it?
Trumpā€™s win confirms that America is in decline. It also confirmed that thereā€™s a strong movement to withdraw into our shells and protect what we have at the sacrifice of high goals and ideals.

That said, Iā€™m sure I could find a couple Presidentā€™s that were worse than Dubya and this fat fucking retard we have now.
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Remember when everyone became so angry at George Bush once they discovered we had been lied into Iraq?
Then he let bin Laden go and shut down the CIA division that was tasked with finding bin Laden.
Then Bush and the Republicans led the country and the world into the worst economic collapse since the depression.
George Bush is so despised that heā€™s afraid to leave the country and go overseas because heā€™s afraid heā€™ll be arrested for war crimes.

Next was President Barack Obama who led the country out of the great recession and took down bin Laden. Both of which Republicans tried to take credit for.

And now we have President Trump. A ConMan who doesnā€™t pay his workers. Whoā€™s foundation was shut down because it was discovered to be a criminal organization. An unindicted co-conspirator in multiple felonies.
A man who is isolated America from all his friends. Who is working to bring down the government. Who seems to have closer ties to Russia, Vladimir Putin, and North Korea then he does to the American people. Who is an enemy of the US Constitution. And who is calling people who are doing their constitutionally mandated job as public servants traitors.

If Trump doesnā€™t destroy the US government and Republicans donā€™t make this an authoritarian plutocracy, Trump will have the same problem leaving the country that George W. Bush has. He might be arrested.

My question is will this country manage to stay a democracy after what Trump and the Republicans are doing to it?

My question is will this country manage to stay a democracy after what Trump and the Republicans are doing to it?

Yes, as much a democracy as it's ever been.

and thanks for putting it in Humor.
I call shenanigans.

Obabble and Clinton were not Republicans.
Trumpā€™s win confirms that America is in decline. It also confirmed that thereā€™s a strong movement to withdraw into our shells and protect what we have at the sacrifice of high goals and ideals.

That said, Imm sure I could find a couple Presidentā€™s that were worse than Dubya and this fat fucking retard we have now.

Ears and that Jew hater Carter
Trumpā€™s win confirms that America is in decline. It also confirmed that thereā€™s a strong movement to withdraw into our shells and protect what we have at the sacrifice of high goals and ideals.

That said, Imm sure I could find a couple Presidentā€™s that were worse than Dubya and this fat fucking retard we have now.

Ears and that Jew hater Carter
No those are way higher. We are still paying for Dubyaā€™s pride and your fat fucking idiot is plagued by that along with a sick animosity towards the majority of the country. The very people he is supposed to consider himself as working for.
I put this in humor because every time I start talking about Trump I start laughing. I wonder who could be so stupid that they would take this moronic pansy seriously?
Trump is just so nasty. Just a really nasty person. And Republicans see him as a role model for their children. I donā€™t get it. I really donā€™t.
The anti Ferengi you elected for two terms was the most extremist President in our history. He was smart in his agendas. He had charisma. In everything else he was terrible. Removing the constitution bit by bit with no one doing a thing about it is the sad thing. The longer we let this go on the worse the pain will be when it gets here. In no time in our history are we more dependent on government checks and benefits and pensions from other sources all backed up by a stock market that if ever collapses will bring it all down this time.
Remember when everyone became so angry at George Bush once they discovered we had been lied into Iraq?
Then he let bin Laden go and shut down the CIA division that was tasked with finding bin Laden.
Then Bush and the Republicans led the country and the world into the worst economic collapse since the depression.
George Bush is so despised that heā€™s afraid to leave the country and go overseas because heā€™s afraid heā€™ll be arrested for war crimes.

Next was President Barack Obama who led the country out of the great recession and took down bin Laden. Both of which Republicans tried to take credit for.

And now we have President Trump. A ConMan who doesnā€™t pay his workers. Whoā€™s foundation was shut down because it was discovered to be a criminal organization. An unindicted co-conspirator in multiple felonies.
A man who is isolated America from all his friends. Who is working to bring down the government. Who seems to have closer ties to Russia, Vladimir Putin, and North Korea then he does to the American people. Who is an enemy of the US Constitution. And who is calling people who are doing their constitutionally mandated job as public servants traitors.

If Trump doesnā€™t destroy the US government and Republicans donā€™t make this an authoritarian plutocracy, Trump will have the same problem leaving the country that George W. Bush has. He might be arrested.

My question is will this country manage to stay a democracy after what Trump and the Republicans are doing to it?
History is recording one of they greatest economic times in American history, a president with great judges, trade deals, close to a end to an invasion! Walls going up..
real history
And worse yet the low life chicken shit republicans in congress and those morons who voted for him are afraid to raise their voices against the vile scumbag in our WH......
I put this in humor because every time I start talking about Trump I start laughing. I wonder who could be so stupid that they would take this moronic pansy seriously?
Trump is just so nasty. Just a really nasty person. And Republicans see him as a role model for their children. I donā€™t get it. I really donā€™t.

I put this in humor because every time I start talking about Trump I start laughing.

What a coincidence....

every time you start talking about Trump,

I start laughing.
Remember when everyone became so angry at George Bush once they discovered we had been lied into Iraq?
Then he let bin Laden go and shut down the CIA division that was tasked with finding bin Laden.
Then Bush and the Republicans led the country and the world into the worst economic collapse since the depression.
George Bush is so despised that heā€™s afraid to leave the country and go overseas because heā€™s afraid heā€™ll be arrested for war crimes.

Next was President Barack Obama who led the country out of the great recession and took down bin Laden. Both of which Republicans tried to take credit for.

And now we have President Trump. A ConMan who doesnā€™t pay his workers. Whoā€™s foundation was shut down because it was discovered to be a criminal organization. An unindicted co-conspirator in multiple felonies.
A man who is isolated America from all his friends. Who is working to bring down the government. Who seems to have closer ties to Russia, Vladimir Putin, and North Korea then he does to the American people. Who is an enemy of the US Constitution. And who is calling people who are doing their constitutionally mandated job as public servants traitors.

If Trump doesnā€™t destroy the US government and Republicans donā€™t make this an authoritarian plutocracy, Trump will have the same problem leaving the country that George W. Bush has. He might be arrested.

My question is will this country manage to stay a democracy after what Trump and the Republicans are doing to it?
History is recording one of they greatest economic times in American history, a president with great judges, trade deals, close to a end to an invasion! Walls going up..
real history
wait till the pos is out of the wh to see how history records him maybe you'll give him a parade while he's in jail
And worse yet the low life chicken shit republicans in congress and those morons who voted for him are afraid to raise their voices against the vile scumbag in our WH......
What do you disapprove of??

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