The Least Informed Administration in History

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
Given the administration's vast access to information on everyone and everything in this country you have to wonder how often they will use the "we learned about it from the press" excuse. So here is a Justice Dept undersecretary claiming that Justice only learned about the missing emails from reading about them in the newspaper.
You would think since Justice supposedly had an investigation on the ground they would have determined that the emails were missing long before the press found out.
So was the investigation a total sham, or are we dealing with the most incompetent corrupt administration in history?\
ustice Department officials didn't learn until June that the Internal Revenue Service had lost two years' worth of emails that could shed light on the agency's treatment of conservative groups, a top Justice official said.

Deputy Attorney General James Cole told a congressional panel Thursday that the agency learned from press accounts in June that the IRS had lost the emails. The Justice Department announced more than a year earlier, in May 2013, that it was investigating the alleged IRS targeting of conservative groups, after an inspector general found tea-party groups faced unusual scrutiny and lengthy delays as they sought tax-exempt status.

Republicans said the disclosure supports their claim that the Justice Department hasn't been aggressive in pursuing its investigation of the matter.
Well according to the fuck in the WH he knows nothing about anything.

Hell. He knows where the golf course is and his wife and kids know where Spain and China are but he doesn't seem to know whats going on in his own administration.

But then he really doesn't care.
The only thing more disappointing about the Obama administration is the extent to which the nations media has been co-opted into being the publicist for such a left wing radical.

Obama is still elevated amoungst the faithful and looked upon like a Nelson Mandela figure. The constitution, the wisdom of our forefathers all replaced by one mans attempt to remake America.
We need a firing squad to be on duty in the congressional hearings room.
Given the administration's vast access to information on everyone and everything in this country you have to wonder how often they will use the "we learned about it from the press" excuse. So here is a Justice Dept undersecretary claiming that Justice only learned about the missing emails from reading about them in the newspaper.
You would think since Justice supposedly had an investigation on the ground they would have determined that the emails were missing long before the press found out.
So was the investigation a total sham, or are we dealing with the most incompetent corrupt administration in history?\
ustice Department officials didn't learn until June that the Internal Revenue Service had lost two years' worth of emails that could shed light on the agency's treatment of conservative groups, a top Justice official said.

Deputy Attorney General James Cole told a congressional panel Thursday that the agency learned from press accounts in June that the IRS had lost the emails. The Justice Department announced more than a year earlier, in May 2013, that it was investigating the alleged IRS targeting of conservative groups, after an inspector general found tea-party groups faced unusual scrutiny and lengthy delays as they sought tax-exempt status.

Republicans said the disclosure supports their claim that the Justice Department hasn't been aggressive in pursuing its investigation of the matter.

The presidency of Ronald Reagan in the United States was marked by multiple scandals, resulting in the investigation, indictment, or conviction of over 138 administration officials, the largest number for any US president.

1 Iran-Contra Affair
2 Department of Housing and Urban Development grant rigging
3 Lobbying scandal
4 EPA scandals
5 Inslaw Affair
6 Savings & loan crisis
7 Debategate

Reagan administration scandals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We need a firing squad to be on duty in the congressional hearings room.

You know with all the consideration given our representative republic it is a shame our fore fathers did not write into the constitution a restore point. Clearly some of them knew that the possibility of corruption existed in such an open society such as the one they had in mind.

Now it seems that nothing less than the voters revolting (say refusing to pay taxes IN MASS) do we get the atttention of congress.

The WH must be getting it's info from FOX since it's the only News Outlet reporting on the scandals:cuckoo::cuckoo:
The Obama WH is full of lying POSs :eek:
Every day is a learning experience for these a-holes. That's what you get when you elect a former community activist with 100 days experience as a senator.
The worst part is they will continue to tell whoppers like this because the press is refusing to call them on it.
Every day is a learning experience for these a-holes. That's what you get when you elect a former community activist with 100 days experience as a senator.

At least Clinton had executive experience as a Governor as did Bush!
Obama... had no experience in hiring,administration,etc... total novice!

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